Aberrant 2.0 Rules Alterations

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  • Margin of Failure: The Margin of Failure (MoF) is the number of additional successes needed for a failed roll to succeed. If a character rolls no successes on a difficulty +0 roll, the MoF is 1. If a character rolls 3 successes on a difficulty +4 roll, the MoF is 2.
  • Botches: A character botches a roll if it fails with a margin of failure higher than the character's Ability or Quantum Power rating in that roll + 1 and the character rolls at least one '1'. Count each '1' rolled as +1 to the margin of failure. Therefore, if a character has an ability rating of 1, he botches with an adjusted MoF of 3 or greater, while a character with an ability rating of 5 will only botch rolls if his adjusted MoF is 6 or higher. Mega-Attributes do not inherently reduce the chance of botching, but do reduce the chance of failed rolls.
  • Botching Rolls without an Ability: Some rolls may not have an ability or Quantum power governing them (i.e. Node detection, certain Enhancements which require a roll of their associated attribute and only that attribute, so on). In that case, a character botches if he rolls no successes and at least one 1.


  • Bonus Cap: A character may gain bonus dice from various sources, such as Mega-Attribute Enhancements or body modifications. Although powerful, at some point your character has to do things for himself. No amount of Mega-Attribute enhancements or cybernetic/biological modification can turn a Charisma 1 boor into a social dynamo. A character is limited to a maximum of (Attribute + 2) bonus dice from any number of sources. Heavy augmentation can make the incompetent competent and the masters superhuman, but cannot take an incompetent and elevate him to heroic ability.
  • Circumstantial/Equipment Bonuses: A character may be able to get circumstantial or equipment bonuses from various sources. For example, a perfectly tailored dress by a famous fashion designer may add bonus dice to Style, a master-crafted set of tools may add bonuses to Engineering or Art rolls, and so on. These bonuses generally should not exceed more than +5d, or grant more than 1 bonus success on a roll. Bonus successes granted by circumstantial or equipment bonuses only apply if the roll is not failed. Finally, equipment bonuses should not increase a character's dice pool by more than 50% (rounded down). As an example, even the most incredible rifle can't help a Dexterity 1 Firearms 0 neophyte hit a target. Accuracy bonuses from weapons count as equipment bonuses. Exceptions exist for equipment bonuses which come from the system actually doing part of the task for you, such as automated vehicles-no matter how bad the person controlling the vehicle is, they can receive the full bonus of such tools.



A character can safely fall (Stamina - 1) * 2 meters without taking damage. Past that, falling damage is 1d/2 meters (round down) for the first 20 meters and then 1d/5 meters past that, up to 40d pre-soak damage from a fall (at ~170m). Fall damage is lethal if the damage equals or exceeds the character's (Stamina + Athletics). So a character with Stamina 5 and Athletics 5 considers fall damage lethal only from falls of 20 meters or more, but an old granny with Stamina 1 and Athletics 0 considers all fall damage lethal. A character may attempt to reduce damage from a fall via a proper landing, rolling (Dexterity + Athletics), reducing fall damage by 1 die per success. Soft ground, trees, and other circumstances can reduce this damage further-normal people can survive terminal velocity falls as long as they hit snowy forests and the like.


Soft Radiation such as alpha and beta radiation tends to deal bashing or lethal damage as they cannot penetrate deep into skin, causing superficial burns. Typically soft radiation deals damage over intervals of minutes, hours, or even days, rather than dealing damage per action, although extremely strong alpha or beta emitters may cause such damage. Hard radiation has much higher penetration and its damage is often nigh-impossible to heal without significant amounts of medical corrective aid. Hard radiation's damage is aggravated at high levels, causing permanent damage which baselines cannot heal without extensive medical aid. Hard radiation does anywhere from 1-10A damage, over intervals from hours/days (spending time in an improperly shielded spacecraft) to turns (reactor core, criticality incidents). Most radiation damage is unsoakable without proper equipment, although relatively limited soft radiation may be resisted by those of high constitution or with the use of anti-radiation drugs (successful resistance rolls may halve damage or double the interval between taking damage, depending on ST discretion).

Adaptability renders a character mostly immune to radiation, and a character with Mega-Stamina 4 is similarly immune to most reasonable quantities of soft (but not hard) radiation.


Electrical damage is typically bashing, although very high levels may be lethal due to causing severe burns. Electrical damage can be soaked by stamina but ignores uninsulated armor (insulated, grounded armor can render one mostly immune to mundane electrical damage). Electrical sources can lock muscles in place, rendering them extremely dangerous. Security features like electrical fences are typically designed to avoid this problem. To move locked muscles requires a Stamina + Resistance roll, difficulty equal to +1 for every 4 dice of damage the source does rounded up (+1 for a wall socket, +3 for a junction box).

Damage Effect Source Examples
2B/turn exposed wire, other trivial source
4B/turn wall socket, other minor source
6B/turn toaster in bathtub
8B/turn electrical fence, other major source
10L [3]/turn junction box
12L [4]/turn main line, third rail


Fire damage can be bashing, for low temperature fires that cause surface wounds, lethal, for higher temperature fires that cause more severe burns, or aggravated, for fires caused by white phosphorus that don't get put out even inside the body. Note that fire is soaked as lethal damage regardless of damage type-the damage type of the fire only changes what type of damage is marked on a character's health track. Un-fireproofed armor provides little protection against fire, but insulated full-body armor provides normal soak. Damage is generally per turn of exposure.

Damage Effect Source Examples
1B lighter, torch
2B campfire
4B bonfire
5L vehicle fire
7L conflagration
Damage is Lethal high temperature flames (napalm, oxyhydrogen fires, etc)
Damage is Aggravated caustic element (WP, chlorine trifluoride)
Halved Soak sticky fuel (napalm, WP)
Damage x 2 victim engulfed in flames

Temperature Extremes

A character takes damage in extremes of temperature if they have insufficient Stamina + Endurance to tough out extreme hot or cold. A human can endure without issue temperature extremes from 40 C to -20 C without worry before factoring in Stamina. Each point of Stamina or Endurance increases the maximum and minimum temperature the character can endure by 1, and each point of Mega-Stamina increases the maximum and minimum temperatures a character can endure by 5 (so a character with Stamina 5, Endurance 5, and Mega-Stamina 2 can endure temperatures of up to 60 C or down to -40 C without any issue, if not without discomfort). The Adaptability enhancement gives a Nova effectively infinite resistance to extremes of temperature. The penalties for more extreme environments than a character can tolerate are below: Note that these effects are cumulative-a character in difficult conditions, for example, also suffers all effects of a character in marginal conditions.

Marginal Conditions are outside of the character's tolerable range. Characters in these environments simply heal much more slowly-all damage is healed as if it was 1 level worse (-0 HLs heal at the speed of -1 HLs, etc).
Marginally Hostile Conditions are outside of a character's tolerable range by +/- 5C. At this point, all Endurance rolls are at +1 difficulty, and characters heal at half speed. Characters in these environments must roll Stamina + Endurance at normal difficulty (before any difficulty increases are factored in) every 12 hours or take 1 level of bashing damage.
Hostile Conditions are outside of a character's tolerable range by +/- 8C. Characters heal damage as if it was another level worse (-0 HLs heal at the speed of -2 HLs), the intervals of all endurance rolls are halved (so a roll made once an hour is made once every 30 minutes instead), and all Endurance rolls have their difficulty increased by +1 (total +2).
Dangerous Conditions are outside of a character's tolerable range by +/- 10C. The (already halved) intervals of all endurance rolls are quartered (to 1/8th normal intervals), and characters heal at 1/4th the speed. The damage from failing the endurance roll to resist the environment is now lethal. All Endurance rolls have their difficulty increased by +2 (total +4).
Extremely Dangerous Conditions are outside of a character's tolerable range by +/-15C. The intervals of all endurance rolls are halved yet again (to 1/16th normal intervals), and characters heal at 1/8th the speed. All Endurance rolls are at another +2 difficulty (total +6). The damage caused from failed environmental endurance rolls is doubled.

Conditions past this have no rules because they are generally harsh enough that even brief exposure can be life-threatening.


A character can survive vacuum for a brief period without severe damage if they make sure to take actions to prevent immediate injury. Characters who grew up in a colony on an airless world (such as the Moon), in space, or have a dot of a space-related skill (such as Microgravity Ops or Helmsman) are assumed to know how to minimize damage from vacuum. Such characters may survive exposure to vacuum for 5 rounds per dot of Stamina without harm before starting to suffocate.

Characters who do not know to immediately empty their lungs, avoid embolisms, and protect their eyes take damage from vacuum immediately. Sudden decompression deals 4 unsoakable lethal health levels, while more gradual decompression deals 1. Otherwise, they survive vacuum identically to characters who know how to survive vacuum exposure with minimal injury.

Physical Actions


A character may lift a certain amount normally, given his Str + Might. Each dot of Strength + Might adds 30 kg to a character's lifting capacity per dot (so a character with Str + Might 1 can lift 30 kg, while one with 2 can lift 60, and one with 3 can lift 90 up to Str + Might 10 which allows the lifting of 300kg). Lifting weights above your lifting capacity requires a Willpower + Might roll, with each success adding +1 to that total for the purposes of lifting and carrying objects.

A character with Mega-Strength multiplies the character's "normal" lifting capacity by 10/100/250/500/1000 per dot at M-Str 1-5 respectively. Mega-Strength scores beyond 5 multiply lifting capacity by an additional 10 per dot.

Example: A character with Strength 4, Might 2, and Mega-Strength 2 has a mundane lifting capacity of 180 kg, which is multiplied by 100 for a total of 18,000 kg.


Unencumbered: A character is unencumbered if he carries up to 5 kg per dot of Str + Might. This has no negative effects. Generally this state requires a character to travel extremely light.

Light Encumbrance: Light Encumbrance occurs when the character is carrying more than that, up to 10 kg per dot of Str + Might (so a character with Strength + Might 4 can carry up to 40 kg at light encumbrance). A lightly encumbered character merely adds +1 difficulty for all rolls involving long-term physical endurance and reduces her Dexterity by 1 for the purposes of movement. The dexterity penalty may not reduce Walking speeds to lower than 3 m/round.

Moderate Encumbrance: A character is moderately encumbered if he carries up to 15 kg per dot of Str + Might, adding +1 difficulty to all physical actions involving movement or endurance, and subtracts 1 from Strength and Dexterity for effective movement speeds. The dexterity penalty may not reduce Walking speeds to lower than 3 m/round.

Heavy Encumbrance: Characters carrying 20 kg per dot of Str + Might (or fully half of their lifting capacity) are heavily encumbered, and suffer +2 difficulty to all physical actions involving movement or endurance, -2 to strength and dexterity for movement, and +1 difficulty to all other physical actions. The dexterity penalty may not reduce Walking speeds to lower than 3 m/s. Heavily encumbered characters may not run or sprint.

Encumbrance Beyond This: Each additional 5 kg per dot of Str + Might that the character carries adds another +1 difficulty to all actions and -1 to Dexterity for movement. A character may be reduced to Dexterity and Strength 0 for movement purposes, which means the character is overburdened to the point that he can barely crawl. A character may not attempt to carry more than his lifting capacity.

Mega-Strength and Encumbrance: Each dot of Mega-Strength multiplies the character's encumbrance thresholds by the same amount it multiplies the character's lifting thresholds. So a character with Strength + Might 4 and Mega-Strength 1 is unencumbered with 200 kg of stuff, lightly encumbered with 400 kg of stuff, moderately encumbered with 600 kg of equipment, and so on.


  • Walking: Walking speed for a character is now (Strength + Dexterity) meters/round before any bonuses are factored in. Most people can swim at their Walking speed.
  • Running: Running speed for a character is now (5 + [Dexterity * 2] + Strength) meters/round. In broken terrain, most people's top speed is their running speed.
  • Sprinting: Sprinting speed for a character is now (5 + [Athletics] + [Dexterity * 3] + [Strength]) meters/round. Sprinting characters may not take any actions during the turn except defensive maneuvers, and are at +1 difficulty to all defensive maneuvers they do take.
  • Jumping: Jumping is a (Strength + Athletics) roll, giving the character a 0.5 meter vertical jump or 2m horizontal leap per success. This is assuming a modicum of technique for jumps in less cinematic games, parkour wall-rebounds and such. People with low Athletics in particularly gritty games should have their jump heights and distances halved. Each dot of Mega-Strength adds 5 automatic successes to this roll, giving an additional 2.5 meters of height or 10m of horizontal distance per dot, and additionally jumping distances and heights are multiplied by (Mega-Strength + 1).


  • Vehicles: Vehicles now have altered stats, as listed in the expansion. There are no longer armor adds for vehicles, which should be noted. Note that vehicles do not take "ping" damage from attacks that lack damage adds. You can trash a car with bare hands, but you better be Charles Atlas or a Nova before you try it.
  • Weapons: Weapons have errata and a few new additions. Both vehicle and weapon errata are listed in the expansion.
  • Resources: The resources background has been expanded.


New Backgrounds

New Background: Sanctum

The Sanctum background gives the character in question some sort of safehouse, hidden base, or similar. The background's rating gives the Sanctum an effective Cipher rating, adding to the difficulty of finding it, and also allows for ever more unrealistic Sancta from safehouses in the middle of a major city at low ratings to strange extradimensional realms at higher ones. The background gives a number of points equal to its (rating + 2) to be spent on Size, Inhabitants, Defenses, and Accessibility.
  • Size: Size is the size and scope of your Sanctum. Size 0 is a small town house, while Size 1 is a mansion, Size 2 is a tiny island (maybe a square kilometer), and Size 3 is a larger (but still small) island approximately ten times the size. Larger sanctums give more space for experiments, guests, and inhabitants, increasing their numbers. Increasing Size beyond 3 increases size by a factor of ten per increase.
  • Inhabitants: At Inhabitants 0, your Sanctum has maybe a butler or two. Inhabitants 1 grants you competent workers and guards, Inhabitants 2 gets you more seasoned personnel, and at Inhabitants 3 you get particularly elite personnel, equal to experts in their field or special forces ninjas or whatever. Inhabitants 4+ grants you inhuman personnel, allowing you to give them an effective Enhancements rating (chosen with the Sanctum, cannot be changed later) equal to (Inhabitants - 3). Space elves, green-skinned amazons, whatever you want.
  • Defenses: Defenses 0 means you have a burglar alarm, and Defenses 1 gets you reinforced doors, windows, and locks. The more points in Defenses, the more traps and other protective methods you get, from minefields to automated sentry guns to laser traps and poison gas rooms.
  • Accessibility: Accessibility 0 means you actually have to get there by normal means. Increasing Accessibility reduces the difficulty of getting to the Sanctum from anywhere in the galaxy.


Revised Background: Mentor

The Mentor background gives you a teacher, who will allow you to purchase certain attributes, abilities, or powers at a XP discount. On the other hand, a Mentor often will require you to learn other things that you don't want to. You have to learn to sweep the floor very well and proper etiquette before your martial arts sifu teaches you how to punch better, so on and so forth. For every block of 30 XP spent on attributes, abilities, or powers the Mentor is willing to teach, a Mentor gives a discount equal to their Mentor rating. So for example if a character buys Charisma 4 (12 XP), Manipulation 3 (8 XP) and Mental Blast 3 (10 XP) from a mentor of rating 3, the character saves 3 XP on costs (assuming the mentor teaches all three items). If the character spent 30 XP on raising Strength, which the Mentor does not teach, they would get no XP savings. Generally, the more expensive the desired power learned the more additional "stuff" needs to be learned, and higher level mentors are often more demanding than lower level ones. A mentor should generally teach three powers, backgrounds, attributes, or abilities per dot.

Revised Background: Follower

The Follower background gives you loyal retainers, armed soldiers, lab techs, or various other forms of personnel. In general, each dot of Followers gives you some level of loyal people who are willing to do things for you. Followers come in one of three flavors-Physical, Mental, and Social, which provides their intended competence. In other areas they tend to be incapable of significant assistance (although they should be able to handle themselves in that area). You can, in fact, mix and match. Unlike Allies, Followers are always on-call and as long as they get their paychecks and a modicum of respect, will follow the character without hesitation as long as the task is reasonable. Folowers come with their own equipment and pay, and are not an active drain on the Nova's finances.
There are four types of Follower:
Admirers: The weakest and most incapable form of follower, people who are in your fan club are generally not particularly useful although some of them might be cute. Their dice pools tend to be somewhere around 3d-they don't tend to have any worthwhile specialties outside of doing everyday work. Generally attributes are 2s, with perhaps one or two at 3 and possibly one or two at 1. Although they aren't particularly useful for most purposes, you can trust them to do everyday things like mow the lawn or wash your clothes or clean your mansion.
Regulars: These people want to make a career out of the field in question. Reservist soldiers, college students majoring in a field, door-to-door salesmen, whatever they are, their attributes tend to be a mix of 2s and 3s in their primary role and their dice pools are generally 5d in that role. A regular is worth 5 admirers.
Specialists: Specialists have made a living out of their job and do quite well. With a 7d dice pool in their purview and an average Attribute rating of 3 in their primary role (physical, mental, or social), they are competent in their field and useful for those purposes. A specialist is worth 10 admirers.
Experts: The most capable form of follower is the Expert, who takes many forms. Experts tend to have a host of attributes at 3 and 4 and a host of abilities as well, throwing 9d dice pools at problems in their purview (attribute 4, ability 4, specialty 1). Whether experienced engineers and scientists, special forces commandos, or professional hostage negotiators, they are assumed to have an Attribute rating of 4 in their role when it matters. An expert is worth 25 admirers.
Followers *: Your character has a handful of loyal followers. By default, this provides a character 50 Admirers or any combination of experts, specialists, and regulars that can be afforded.
Followers **: Your character has more authority and influence, and has 200 loyal admirers, or whatever combination of superior followers that sums up to the same equivalence.
Followers ***: Your character has a large fan club, business, mercenary group, or anything of a similar nature, providing a thousand loyal admirers or a lesser number of superior followers.
Followers ****: Your character can claim much larger influence and fame, possessing loyal followers summing up to 2,500 loyal admirers or a lesser number of superior employees.
Followers *****: Your character has a massive legion of followers, equivalent to 10,000 loyal admirers.

Quantum Backgrounds

Revised Background: Node

The Node background gives 1 mental disorder per level above 2, due to the size and mass of the brain tumor that is the M-R node, rather than Taint, which is just degradation of the Nova's noetic template. Taint Resistance mitigates this, by increasing the efficiency of the brain such that it no longer needs the space which is taken up by the Node. Node 1 and 2 do not strictly have any negative consequences, but may cause minor personality changes and quirks.

Revised Background: Dormancy

Dormancy now reduces aberrations, not just Taint--each dot of Dormancy suppresses one aberration the Nova possesses when the nova is dormed down. It takes one combat round (3 seconds) to dorm up or down. Dormant Novas retain their additional health levels and the use of any body modifications they possess, are considered to have a Quantum of 1, and are considered to have a permanent Taint rating of 0 or (current rating - Dormancy), whichever is higher. Characters may purchase non-HL increasing body modifications that are only active when dormed up if they have Dormancy 4 or 5, as some body modifications are obvious and difficult to hide.

Revised Background: Eufiber

Made of a complex living polymer, eufiber is a wondrous material with many desirable physical properties, but shows its true nature when allowed to bond to a nova in symbiosis. Although all Eufiber grants armor protection and quantum storage, high level Eufiber colonies can improve physical attributes, increase a character's physical appeal, and even provide environmental protection. All Eufiber is polymorphic and color-shifting, which allows a character to emulate almost any form of clothing with it on a successful Wits + Style roll, and can do so without reducing freedom of movement or penalizing the Nova's physical actions. The bonuses from each dot are cumulative: Three dot Eufiber has the powers of two dot and one dot Eufiber as well. Eufiber, however, requires the Nova to feed it quantum points, or it loses its ability to provide its bonuses, requiring 2 quantum points per day per dot in the background. Unfed Eufiber provides no bonuses and reverts to whatever appearance it was originally purchased in, until it is fed.
Eufiber *: The nova has a minimally capable (or a synthetic) Eufiber colony which is barely capable of transformation. The colony provides (3 + rating) points of soak with no penalty and stores up to (2 * rating) quantum points beyond the Nova's normal storage ability that may be used for any purpose. Eufiber also instinctively uses its stored quantum energies to reinforce its structure, allowing it to pay 1 stored Quantum point to negate 1 health level of post-soak damage, up to its maximum storage capacity. Eufiber clothing also provides limited active temperature regulation and wicks sweat, adding +(rating) to a Nova's Endurance.
Eufiber **: The nova possesses a reasonably capable Eufiber colony that has more transformative ability, allowing her to create flattering fashions that perfectly frame her body shape and flatter her figure. More practically, two-dot Eufiber provides improved shape-alteration that allow for more options. At this level, the character gains +(Eufiber rating) to all Style rolls from her Eufiber, and may use it to create practical extensions to her clothing such as gliding wings, parachutes, bungee cord, and other tools as long as they are simple systems with no moving parts and can be mostly made of cloth.
Eufiber ***: At this rating, the eufiber can act like a powered exoskeleton, using its stored quantum energies to harden load-bearing structures in its frame and the carbon nanotubes in its matrix to emulate muscle. With this ability, it also can create hardened tools and even grasping tendrils. Three-dot Eufiber adds +2 to Strength while worn and also allows a character to use it to provide any simple tools with no moving parts, or improve his hand to hand combat ability, turning unarmed damage lethal and adding an additional (rating - 1)L to unarmed damage. At this rating, the character can create muscular tendrils from his Eufiber, with a Strength equal to the dot rating of the Eufiber minus one for each meter the tendrils are extended. Strength 0 tendrils may lift only 1 kilogram.
Eufiber ****: The nova has an intelligent and powerful colony that can use its stored quantum energies to emulate most biology. Four-dot Eufiber adds +1 to Stamina while worn by constantly stimulating peak physical performance, and also acts as a powerful filtration membrance and recycling system. Four-dot Eufiber can recycle water, extract oxygen from the ocean (or act as a rebreather), and protect from exposure to most chemical weapons or diseases (the exceptions primarily being anti-Nova weapons such as Eclipsidol and Mox, and engineered diseases).
Eufiber *****: The nova has bonded both body and mind with the pinnacle of Eufiber colonies, a refinement of everything that has come before. The Nova's Eufiber provides her an additional +1 to Dexterity and Stamina. Finally, the eufiber is intelligent enough to alert the Nova of potential dangers and act as a massive compound eye, adding +2 to all Awareness rolls.


Resources and costs have been somewhat expanded. Note that Resources beyond 5 tend to be extremely rare and are extremely difficult to gain without being an active influence on a global scale. STs should restrict resources scores above 5 to characters with high levels of Influence, Backing, Followers, and Allies, and characters should generally not allowed resource backgrounds above 5 (or at most, 6) at character generation.

Resources *: $400 a week in income, roughly $100/week in spending money and $500 in cash reserves. Roughly $10,000 in total assets. You have a tiny apartment you rent and maybe a beaten-up old car.
Resources **: $1000 a week in income, roughly $250/week in spending money and $5,000 in cash reserves. Roughly $400,000 in total assets. You have an apartment you're probably paying a mortgage on or are renting, a decent car, and a few luxuries. Solidly middle class.
Resources ***: $5,000 a week in income, roughly $1,000/week in spending money and $50,000 in cash reserves. Roughly $1.5 million in total assets. A nice house, a decent car, and a fair amount of savings. Upper-midde class.
Resources ****: $10,000 a week in income, roughly $3,000/week in spending money and $500,000 in cash reserves. Roughly $5 million in total assets. Now we're talking, a million+ dollar home, luxury cars, possibly a vacation home or two, you're living the high life.
Resources *****: $200,000 a week in income, roughly $30,000/week in spending money, and $5 million in cash reserves. Roughly $30-50 million in total assets. A mansion with its own service staff and guards, multiple properties scattered throughout the world, maybe even a private jet, Resources 5 makes you a solid multimillionaire.
Resources ***** *: roughly $4 million a week in income, roughly $300,000/week in spending money, and $50 million in cash reserves. Roughly $1 billion in total assets. At this point you're one of the richest 1% or so of people in the world, with a billion+ dollars in assets scattered worldwide and in various fields. Very few things are out of reach for you.
Resources ***** **: roughly $80 million a week in income, roughly $10 million/week in "spending money", and $1 billion in cash reserves. Roughly $50 billion in total assets. At this point you're probably one of the top 100 richest people in the world, or you've conquered a small country and are running its government. At this point you are a global player, like it or not.
Resources ***** ***: roughly $200 million a week in income, roughly $50 million/week in "spending money", and $20 billion in cash reserves. Roughly $500 billion in total assets. You control the GDP of a small country, and presumably by extension a small country as well, or an unbelievably large company with fingers in dozens of fields that gets attacked by anti-trust legislation all the time.
Resources ***** ****: roughly $2 billion a week in income, roughly $150 million/week in "spending money", and $200 billion in cash reserves. Your total assets are effectively irrelevant as you control the GDP of a sizable developed country. You probably have your own government bureaucracy which represents your interests at the UN.
Resources ***** *****: roughly $50 billion a week in income, roughly $500 million/week in "spending money", and $2 trillion in cash reserves. Total assets at this point are equivalent to a large nation. You control the GDP and assets of a major world power.

Resources beyond this level are virtually impossible to achieve without major socioeconomic engineering (or taking over the entire world)-the US has only approximately Resources ***** ***** * after all.


The Cost of an item represents the resource level at which purchasing an item is a trivial expenditure, one that can be undertaken more or less at any time without straining your budget. Purchasing items above your Resources level is done as the core book.