Glories: Operation Burning Spear

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After the great war, the old Intercontinental Alliance has broken up into various squabbling factions, each supported by a contingent of super powerful magic girls known as Glories. A cold war has developed between the various nations, fighting over ideology, resources and simple history and old grievances.

So far, the power of the Glories and the utter destruction that would follow a conflict between them has kept these disputes to the level of diplomacy and competition, rather than actual war. Some however believe it only a matter of time before the Glories are fully unleashed upon the world.

Due to this concern the nations of the former Intercontinental Alliance restrict the technology to build Glories to themselves, jealously guarding the ritual of empowerment to prevent if from falling into the hands of those who might misuse it. The Magical Non Proliferation (MNP) treaty states that the Alliance powers shall help other states in peaceful magical research, but so far, this obligation has been largely disregarded.

Current Situation

five days ago a Empire of West Lotic (EWL) surveillance satellite picked up a massive explosion within the troubled land of Vangra, a major third world country now locked in a state of complete civil war. The explosion, which took place in a remote area near the Amnidmus Mountains was first thought to be the work of a Glory's strategic blast, but analysis by skilled experts including Doctor Mary Koo showed it instead to be a failed Ritual of Empowerment (though intelligence experts noted several differences to the mana signature of a standard Ritual of Empowerment failure.)

Several recon aircraft and special forces teams dispatched by various powers to Vangra failed to report in or return home after overflight near the ritual sight, and the Vangran central government denied all knowledge of the explosion.

Fearftul that a terrorist group such as the Vangran rebels could obtain their own Glory, the great powers have dispatched a multinational team of Glories to the area under World Union mandate to find out what exactly has happened.

Your Glory

You are a member of the multi-national force of Glories deployed to Vangra under a loose World Union mandate. Your mission is to investigate the explosion and the loss of recon aircraft and stop defuse any potential use of the ritual of empowerment by this highly unstable nation.

Your own powers also wish you to investigate the source by which a technologically and economically developing nation like Vangra managed to create a ritual of empowerment. Remember, your primary responsibility is to your home nation, not the rest of the group, so be prepared to betray your friends if you need to... because they'll surely do the same to you.


you have 15 points to build your Glory, each trait has a maximum of 5.


How powerful the magical energies coursing through you are.

Special Powers

Your special abilities not revolving around flying at mach three or hurling energy blasts.


How good you are at using powers for long periods, rolled whenever you do something strenuous.


How good you are at enduring horrors without getting some form of world destroying PTSD