Talk:Aberrant 2.0 Quantum and Mega-Attributes

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New Enhancements

Physical Enhancements

Social Enhancements

  • Blinding Beauty/Absolute Terror (M-App, requires Mega-Appearance 6+, Quantum 6+): A Nova with this Enhancement is capable of using their inhumanly beautiful or terrifying appearances to stay the hands of even the most hardened baselines (and even other Posthumans). By spending 1 Quantum for a round of combat, the Nova applies a fear-based (for Absolute Terror) or distraction-based (for Blinding Beauty) Dif penalty equal to [Mega Appearance] against any targets who fail a Willpower test at a Difficulty of (1 +[Mega Appearance] +Appearance/2). It may be repurchased once at Mega Appearance 8+, Quantum 8+ and again M-App 10, Q10. When repurchasing, the Nova may choose to double the penalty to hit, or the difficulty of the Willpower roll.
  • Vertigo (M-App or M-Cha): A Nova with this Enhancement can cause others to feel a profound sense of vertigo, caused by eyes that look like impossibly deep wells or a voice that seems to echo on forever. A Nova with this Enhancement may spend a Quantum when she initiates eye or social contact with someone performing an action, and make a Charisma or Appearance roll, subtracting successes from the target's roll on that action. Against hostile targets, or targets who are idle or standing, the roll is always against their Willpower + Stamina + Wits, causing them to fall over or botched action if they fail the roll. In all cases, the target must be able to hear (M-Cha) or make eye contact (M-App) with the Nova for it to work, and targets which lack the proper senses are naturally immune.

Mental Enhancements