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System Info
World Name: N/A
Map ID:
Surface Gravity: N/A
Climate: N/A
Atmosphere: N/A
Population: N/A
Population Breakdown: 100% Minkowskan
Capital: Gagarin
Theta Dust:


  • Concept: Drone-shagging religious spacenoid engineers.
  • Faction: League



Yama is a large rocky planet massing nine Earths. It has an excess of high-mass elements and is a prime source of fissile material. Rrobotic mining operations dot the surface.


Yami is a small watery planet massing one-third Earth. Microbial life is present, along with remains of more complex forms.


Naraka masses a mere 0.05 Jupiters and contains a high proportion of water vapour. It is orbited by the helium-mining colony O'neill.

Heaven's Stair

Minkowski's primary asteroid belt, also known as 'Changcheng' or simply 'the Belt' lies between Naraka and Xibalba. The majority of the Minkowskan population lives here, in the major colony complexes Gagarin and Tereshkova.


Xibalba masses 2 Jupiters and contains a high proportion of methane.


Diyu masses 0.5 Jupiters and is almost exclusively hydrogen and helium based. It is orbited by the helium-mining colony Einstein.


Minkowskans are very much changed from their original form, having rewritten their DNA to match their new environment.


Minkowskan security officer without overlayer, in some dreadful gravitated place.

Minkowskans at first glance are short, slim humans, being engineered for small stature and to deposit little fat. Their only particularly obvious alteration is their hand-like feet.

Feet aside, the most radical changes to Minkowskan physiology are invisible. Their musculature is optimised for twitch rather than sustained force, and their skeleton is designed along similar lines, with significant cartilage and limited calcium. The circulatory system is likewise rebiased to compensate for the lack of gravity. Minkowskans never suffer from space adaption syndrome, being naturally adapted to zero-gravity from birth, however they are vulnerable to their own array of issues on planets and gravitated structures.

Minkowskan skin ranges in tone from pale brown to pitch black. Mechanically, it is thick and reduced in elasticity to prevent bloat under vacuum. It is resistant to high-energy radiation and can rapidly switch between glossy reflective and matte radiative modes to optimise heat control in space. Furthermore when exposed to vacuum their skin wrinkles into tiny ridges and folds to maximise radiation area. The price paid for this density and complexity of machinery is reduced sensation - over much of the skin, Minkowskan nerve sensitivity is reduced from the baseline norm. It also impedes hearing slightly due to thickness of the eardrum. In compensation, Minkowskans have enhanced visual acuity and incredible ability to operate in extremes of light, aided by a tapetum lucidum and a secondary eyelid that protects against vacuum and intense light. They also possess a superhuman sense of smell to help police air quality, and a highly-advanced kinaesthetic sense.

Said vacuum adaptions are of course useless without the ability to survive the lack of air. For this reasons Minkowskans have engineered the ability to 'shut down' their lungs, preventing transport across the alveolar membranes and halting the loss of blood oxygen normal lungs suffer when exposed to vacuum. Their blood itself is extensively redesigned with many times the oxygen capacity of baselines, and the ability to exchange oxygen with a special gland below the liver which stores it chemically. With these enhancements a well-prepared Minkowskan can survive in vacuum for half an hour or more before suffering from significant medical problems.

Outside of space, in temperature-controlled, zero-gravity environments, hair and sweat cause more problems than they solve. Minkowskans posess neither, and typically lose excess heat by the somewhat less elegant method of panting.

The most fundamental, but also most invisible change to Minkowskan physiology is the alterations to the human genetic system. Minkowskan DNA is multiply-redundant and the replication systems contain extensive error checking. These modifications have made Minkowskans all but immune to the deleterious effect of the radiation that soaks their system, at the cost of slowed growth - wounds take longer to heal, and gestation and aging proceed at approximately 3/4 the baseline rate.


Minkowskans think differently. They would say better.

Some Minkowskan intelligence structures are significantly enlarged and changed from the baseline. Apart from superior kinaesthetic sense and orientation, Minkowskan mechanical and spatial reasoning is dramatically improved and also broadened - the Minkowskan brain can comprehend and analyse inhuman distances and geometries with (relative) ease. However such optimisation has its drawbacks - while never suffering from agora- or claustrophobia, many Minkowskans find two-dimensional environments psychologically oppressive.

Continuous life in a hostile environment, where single mistakes could injure dozens or hundreds, has given rise to the half-natural half-nurtured ability to rapidly internalise routines and precautions. Minkowskans are inherently conscientious and conservative, and it is this ability as much as their spatial intellect that has given them their engineering tradition and made their society so resistant to outside influences. The obvious downside is however in effect - Minkowskans are xenophobic, intolerant, and often overly hostile to new ideas.

More controversially for some observers, the neural structures that give rise to spirituality have also been enhanced. It is almost unheard of to find an atheist Minkowskan - those who do leave the Cavorite faith join another religion.

Minkowskans Abroad

Minkowskans experiencing protracted gravity can suffer an array of medical issues, including muscle fatigue, skeletal deformation, unreliable balance and cardiovascular problems. Due to obstruction from the religious establishment and a lack of the enormous research infrastructure of the Core, progress on developing easy countermeasures to these problems has been slow.

Beyond the physiological issues are the psychological issues of never learning to deal with pervasive gravity. Many Minkowskans never learn to walk, although it is mandatory for members of the military. More important to many Minkowskans is the spiritual aspect, that compels them to undertake frequent rituals to cleanse and shield their soul while exposed to the influence of the Adversary.

Popular ways to make stays in gravity more enjoyable include light exoskeletons, mobile furniture, and swimming.




Primary Industry

Mining, whaling.

Secondary Industry

Hydroponics, shipbuilding, heavy propulsion & weaponry, advanced materials, electronics, nanotechnology, medical supplies & equipment, drone byproducts.

Tertiary Industry

Medical services.

Quaternary Industry

Research & development.


Minkowskan culture is undergoing a liberal explosion (by local standards) as the stresses of the War fade and collide with new social issues.


Minkowskan English

As it was from the start a strongly multinational colony, English was the natural choice for Minkowski. The government embraced this, and Minkowskan children - natural or artificial - were educated in a modified version of the Standard English form devised in the 2030s for international education. This was however done with the understanding that language is mutable, and over time the form, both taught and used, has been modified by the cultures the colonists derived from and live in.

Minkowskan English also has a complete and directly compatible signed form, which every native is fluent in.


Zero-gravity life places harsh restrictions on conventional foods. Free liquids and very small objects are impractical, as is anything that crumbles. Most Minkowskan food comes in bitesize chunks impaled on skewers or chained together, to be eaten by hand or foot (gloves substitute for utensils). Common foodstuffs are meatballs covered with dissolving sealant and filled with flavoured sauce, modified derivatives of potatoes and tomatoes, and sweet or savoury doughnuts. Indian spices are common flavourings, but for the most part it is hard to relate elements of cuisine directly to an Earth ancestor.

Artistic presentation of meals comes in the ordering and arrangement of the balls in their chain network or on their skewers. Minkowskan edible sculpture is its most famous cultural export, and any ethnic restaurant will have a dramatic mandala of floating food in the window to catch the eye of customers.


Cosmetically altered Minkowskan modelling a retro fashion.

The stereotype of Minkowskans is that they wear spacesuits all the time, and it is certainly true that every Minkowskan will own at least one, but day-to-day clothing is far more varied and practical. Even hard vacuum does not always require a spacesuit. If a short trip across a void is needed, getting changed at either end may take more time than the spacewalk itself, and the exposure would be easily within the physical tolerances of any healthy Minkowskan. The restrictions imposed by cramped zero-g life are that clothing be close-fitting and appropriately modest from every angle, but within these constraints a wide variety of fashions have emerged at different points in time and space. Of course, the possible silhouettes are sharply limited, so spacesuits and casual clothing alike are typically personalised with dramatic colours and patterns.

Native jewellery follows similar principles. Necklaces and bangles are shunned, but rings, chokers and anything else that sticks closely to the body are common. Piercings have never been in fashion but are far from unheard of. What shocks many outsiders is the sheer quantity of gold, platinum and other decorative metals an overenthusiastic Mink might cover themselves with, thanks to the weightless environment and cheap cost of raw materials. Such an approach is not without its problems, however. Accidental collisions arising from an uncontrollably large jewellery momentum are a stock trope of Minkowskan romantic comedies.

Minkowskans are naturally hairless, but they are not totally impervious to the influence of external standards of beauty, which typically prizes the beauty of hair. Throughout history wigs (and hats) have moved in and out of fashion as baldness is deemed attractive or unsightly. Currently they are in, and the palette of permissible colours and styles is very broad.


Minkowski Transcendentalism

Gravity is the destructive influence of the Adversary, only by abandoning it can we ascend to Heaven.

Heterodox Sects

Art and Literature


Minkowski is formally a theocracy. The power of appointment of most public officials lies with the Council of Apogees. However, below the level of the cabinet they typically act as a rubber stamp for the suggestions of relevant bureaucrats.

