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Answer all questions fully and concisely.

1. What is your current employment situation?
Self-employed as media personality.
Live-in bodyguard. Literally.
2. What was your family like growing up?
Quite pleasant, actually. Thanks to my supportive family, I was to socialize with a lot of people and learn how to express myself.
Fun, challenging. They were all about 'tough love'. Things hurt, but learning to overcome pain while shutting the hell up so no one thinks you're weak is important.
3. Have you ever had to do something in your employment that you were morally opposed to? If so, did you do so anyways?
My first sex scene on camera, because I share this body with my other. I got over it.
I had to put up with Nat gettin' laid on cam. Until I enjoyed it... heh.
4. Do you have any current romantic attachments? If so, how did you meet them?
None right now, sorry.
There was a pretty rad guy on Titan that I was penpals with until about eight months ago. Didn't work out. Killed himself. Gave up on life after he hit twelve decades. Sorta... sucked.
Oooh, you poor dear! Why didn't you tell me?!
You were there.
5. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? If so, explain what the illness was and how you recovered.
I have difficulty sleeping and often feel restless. I received a biomod to make it easier to cope with a bad sleep schedule, so it's quite moot.
Can't sleep. Who cares? Nat does the sleeping, since I'm too important to stick on idle.
6. If life were a play, what role are you playing now? What role would you like to play?
I'm probably something uninteresting like the girlfriend of the male lead's main male foil. But if could, I'd be the heroine, of course!
I kick ass. Dunno about what-ifs or vidtropes. All the people that kick ass in those get killed, or turn out to be Exsurgents.
7. Free Association (please say the first word that comes into your head when hearing these phrases)
Fall: Sad, Dicks
Anarchy: Reactionary, Advantageous
Titan: Monster, Dicks
Earth: Wasteland, Death Trap
Corporation: Income, Payday
Pain: Avoidable, Alive
Prayer: Subjective, Gun Maintenance
Mother: Kind, Dinnerbell
Hate: Unfortunate, Unavoidable
Sex: Amazing, Amazing
8. Have you ever served as a member of any polity's armed forces or a mercenary group? If yes, have you ever been in combat as a member of that organization?
I did model a uniform for a few private military contractors. Does that count?
I don't like a uniform that isn't a tank or a space fighter.
9. Have you ever killed? If yes, explain the circumstances of your first kill.
I only fight in self-defense.
Some synth punk tried to kidnap Nat, so we switched over and I cut his head open with a stashed vibrosword. After that...
9a. If you have, have you ever caused permanent death? How does that make you feel?
I don't think I could ever do that unless there was good cause to.
...I held onto his stack for a few days before turning it over to the local cops. Turns out he was a cybercriminal who'd do ransoms, breaking people's 'souls' or whatever into vapors and sending them piece by piece. I'm pretty sure he's dead now, even if "I" didn't kill him.
10. Please answer this question quickly, without taking time to think it over. What are you most afraid of?
Becoming a monster.
Becoming a puppet and losing my voice in the world.
11. How do you spend your free time when not at work?
Socializing, bar running. Amateur theater is a nice place to meet potential talents.
I do sculpture. Origami's my specialty. It's relaxing. Ever see an L1 fold a thousand paper cranes in less than an hour? I can do that.
12. Have you ever become violent with someone you care about? If yes, explain.
I've had a few roles in the past where I've had to become someone like that. It's strange, because I've never really been that way, but I have a good outside perspective.
I had to slap Nat while she was panicking before a show a while ago and was threatening to run away. My bread and butter. So I took control of the left arm and struck us right across the face. Never had to again.
13. What is the name of your firstborn child? (If they have none, what would be the first name of their firstborn? Does the name have significance?)
Sven, or Siri. I'd like a Scandinavian name, something modern but wistfully post-Baltic. There's so few of them left in Sol except for crazed Exhuman Viking revivalists, and it's a shame.
Junior. All purpose, functional, and I'll never forget it. Changing your name costs like 500 Credits, so it wouldn't be a huge deal.
14. Do you believe the phrase, "The ends justify the means."? Why or Why not?
We shouldn't make the necessary the enemy of the good. Even bad things can have upsides in the long term if we consider their implications.
I'll answer with a question. Do you believe in standing against death with a gun in your hand, or with a finger up your ass?
15. Do you have any personal experience with the Fall? If so, explain what they were.
None. I was too far out when it happened.
I can kill people with my mind, and I don't know why. You tell me if I had an experience with the Fall.
16. Have you ever attempted to bypass computer security? If so, when was that and what type of security?
It's just like people. Security programs have weaknesses, cognitive patterns, quirks. You read them and strike, carefully.
With a gun?
17. Have you or one of your forks ever been exposed to the Exsurgent virus (incl. Watts-Macleod)?
I unfortunately have Watts-Macleod, but my mental issues were largely confined to insomnia and my abilities are stable and difficult to notice.
Nat doesn't have the guts to be a full-on Async. I'm disappointed, but she doesn't really NEED to melt brains when I can do it for her.
18. Do you possess any strongly held beliefs (a religion, strong opposition to a cause, or strong support of a cause perhaps)? What are these beliefs?
Identities and bodies can be shared. Those who do so can be so much stronger.
I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt Nat, or kill me. Oh, and the gun is good, the penis is evil (awesome), go out and kill, etc...
19. Do you have any technical experience with the use of nuclear or antimatter demolitions charges?
Of course not!
I can learn if you need me to.
20. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
Fol- HEY!
... maybe I should't answer this question?
Whatever the hell you need.