Sphere talk:Longshots

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Revision as of 18:37, 23 February 2010 by MJ12 Commando (talk | contribs)
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Artifact Accident (++applications, +dust, -morale)

After the incident at Ebon Plateau and the subsequent silencing of the scientists by your marines, the population never quite trusted the government as much. On the other hand, the discoveries made were pretty impressive, and you didn't even get invaded by transdimensional aliens. A win in your book.

Homo Superior (++Transgene, +Military, -morale)

Some on the Rim really, really pushed nascent genetic technology to its limits creating truly freakish beings of various design. To compensate for their relatively less sophisticated exowomb technology and smaller R&D base, shortcuts were often taken which ended in various undesirable side effects ranging from common and severe physical birth defects to severe mental disorders. Such actions often led to brutal military crackdowns of protests and difficulties with societal integration.

Non-Perpetuating Aristocracy of Talent (+Military, +Morale, +PIP, -Transgene)

According to Strauss-Kaserism, transgenic enhancement will create a self-perpetuating aristocracy of talent that would last forever. Well, you showed them, didn't you?

Drone farming (+applications, +PIP)

If you grind the drone hive enough eventually you might get something really cool!

Mechanics Dump

B) Historical Events 1

Quiet (+60 pop)
Digging (+100 PIP)
Crisis (+1250 stockpiles)
Nationalism (+morale)
Military Action (+1250 military)
Artefact Find (+100 dust)
Improvements (+20 transgene)
Extra Fabs (+100 fabbers)

C) Historical Events 2

As B.

D) Historical Events 3

As B.