People of the PACT Arm

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Lord Lee Dorington

"Euro reinforcements? We might have to postpone tea..."

The genius Londener admiral who secured most of ZOCU's naval victories in the ZOCU War. Died with his steed, the first-run Pallada-class battleship Boadacea, at the climax of the Battle of Aldebaran in September 2187. It is widely believed that, had Dorington survived, the Combined Militia would have retained the initiative and kept the EUSF from concentrating the resources to attack in sufficient strength to defeat the ZCM's numerically-inferior forces.

Saffron Kimmel

One of the war's most controversial figures, Saffron Kimmel is primary remembered for her loss at the Battle of Haraway's World. Ancillary reasons to remember her are the decimation of the ZOCU fleets, the destruction of the the Harawayan Pallada-class battleship Landing by massed fire from multiple Core battleship divisions, and the loss of the war.

Prior to the chaotic close-quarters fight over Haraway, Kimmel was a highly skilled manager; before the war she built the Harawayan aerospace arm up from a handful of craft to one of the most powerful in ZOCU. Unfortunately, she was not the genius tactician needed at the battle of Haraway. Despite the intellectual advantages afforded her by her Yellow Harawayan caste template, convoluted Harawayan command and control systems and simple lack of brilliance or experience as a fleet commander on that scale doomed Kimmel's efforts.

It's rumoured Kimmel survived the destruction of the Landing and still lives somewhere on the rim.

Marshal Leona Malki

Haraway's ground commander

Admiral Reiko Tenmo

Haraway's Surface Naval commander

Field Marshal George Grossman

A war hero in New Mercia and a war criminal in the Core, Grossman started the civil war as a corps commander and earned accolades for holding the Sterling Pass against superior rebel forces. At a point where New Mercia was suffering defeats across the entire theatre of war, Grossman delivered victories, and as a result, was made the overall commander of the New Mercian military.

Controversially, he is believed to be responsible for authorising the use of bioweapons on the Fuller Plateau, although officially New Mercia continues to insist that the so called 'Mercian Zombie Plague' outbreak that eventually led to the depopulation of two arcologies was the result of the destruction of a lab studying posthuman biotech. Certainly, he is on record as authorising a deployment of nuclear weapons in order to contain the outbreak, and as a result, is wanted for trial by the EU. He emerged with his domestic reputation mostly unscathed after the succession of bloody meatgrinders that characterised the last few years of the war, and continues to serve as the Chief of Military Operations.

Admiral Isley Yellowstone

OC Mercian Royal Starfleet


Ichijo Fujita

"Yare, yare..."

Born in early 2140s Japan to a second-string Zaibatsu family, Ichijo is the eldest son and heir of wealthy and long-lived industrialist Nobuo Fujita. He was immediately sent away to the Japanese colony at Horizon to ensure his survival, and upon turning 18 in the midst of the Breakdown was enrolled in the Horizonic Space Defense Force Academy. At the age of 22 he was commissioned as a JSDF flight officer seconded to the HSDF and began a distinguished career, seeing humanitarian and peacekeeping service along the frontiers of the Pacific Arm.

He was serving as captain of the carrier Hiryu when the ZOCU War began, and soon after the Battle of Kanon found himself promoted to replace losses and assigned to the Anchorage Project as commander of the mobile suit test wing, developing and eventually piloting into combat one of the first KS87 mobile suits into battle over Choson.

Somethingsomethingsomething about becoming a task force or fleet vice commander by war's end and leading an attack on Hampshiran stealth ships refuelling somewhere in the UNSO backcountry comes later.

Anton Zweiker

Ruthless and calculating, Anton Zweiker led his reform minded faction to prominence within the EU's military command structure and the Deep Space Fleet to its final crushing victory over Haraway's World. Responsible for the famed "Rose Knights" regiment being kept on as a permanent unit in the post-war demobilizations.

Sarah Ashmore

As a senior division commander in the Deep Space Fleet, Sarah Ashmore commanded the force dispatched to repulse Lord Dorington's raid on Aldebaran. She received considerable accolades for her success, but ultimately was passed over for the coveted position of DSF Commander in Chief. Ashmore continued to serve as a division commander throughout the war, eventually leading the fleet's vanguard at the Battle of Haraway.

As of 2193, Ashmore was reassigned to command the newly formed Silesian Navy.

Aurélien Bounaparte Meckligner

A graduate of École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr and the EUM Naval School Meckligner made his repuation in the heyday of the Deep Space Fleet- as a junior officer onboard many ships participating in anti-drone operations and later commanding a Drake in such operations before taking up a post in Outremonde's Home Fleet. Chief-of-Staff of the Space Fleet in 2176-2181 where he was responsible for building up a significant stockpile of strategic supplies. Retired in 2182 after eight months as Minister of Defence but not before beginning the "15-Year Plan" to modernize the Space Fleet. Meckligner would remain retired until 2184 when "new" blood was deemed required to takeover Outremonde's Deep Space Fleet component (as CinC of the Space Fleet) in early 2186. At the age of eighty-five Meckligner commanded Outremonde's ships at the battle of Haraway and participated in the relief of Albion. He served as military-attaché for the Federal Republic from in 2192 and 2193 before returning back to his post as Commander-in-chief of the Space Fleet. Outremonde's senior naval commander has faced criticisms because of his highly negative remarks on the Treaty of Sirus, made in private but subsequently leaked.


The largest influence on the aces produced during the ZOCU War was undoubtedly the weapon they piloted: the mobile suit. The Core lacked a comparable weapon until the very end of the war and moreover had much lower levels of transgenic augmentation among their military forces. As a result, the individual achievements of Core aces generally did not figure within ZOCU. On average, the most successful ZOCU aces were those who transferred early to a Hoplite variant, were heavily augmented, fought extensively during the early days on the EU Arm where the quality of their enemies was generally inferior, and hailed from worlds willing to keep their best pilots on the field as much as possible.



ZOCU's #1 Ace.

Y. G. Kruger

The highest-ranked Transbaalan ace and the 2nd highest overall. One of the first volunteers for the Cape Project that created ZOCU alephs, he was primarily active along the PACT arm. He flew virtually every ZOCU mobile suit design in service, with his distinctive brilliant red customized Sarissa Orgia (originally the 3rd prototype) being his weapon of choice both during and after the war. He currently heads ZOCU's Advanced Combat School, though rumors are that he is being considered for a more prestigious position.

Kuroko Reizei

Called Jewel Eye, the highest ranked Kanonian ace and 4th highest overall. Rather than a custom colour scheme, she piloted mobile suits with a custom many-coloured eyepiece which became distinguishable to enemies at close range. Among the few military personnel of note on either side to be seriously indicted for war crimes, she was ruled unfit to stand trial and quickly thrown away in a mental institute.

Amadeus Searrs Saioji

The White Prince of Kanon made his name during the Kanon campaign as both an excellent commander and pilot, operating the numerous types of machines available to the defence forces. At the end of the year, he was transferred to orbital duties and quickly promoted to a command, though he continued piloting to the end of the war. He was among the forces drawn from throughout the alliance to fight at the decisive Battle of Haraway and was killed in action there in a white-and-gold Sarissa.

He is the genetic half brother of Kaguya Altena Saioji

Jasmine Raz

Haraway's famous Blue Devil, Major (Later Colonel) Jasmine Raz is the World's top scorer and the Fifth Rank Scorer in ZOCU. Jasmine joined the Harawayian aerospace force initially as a test pilot, then went on to fly pretty much all frames used by Haraway during the war, before finally settling down in a modified Sarissa-H in mid 2188, leading the famous Blue Devil squadron from 2186 onwards, initially flying Hoplites before converting over into Haraway's premier all Sarissa unit.

Jasmine survived a confrontation with a Doppelsöldner during the battle of Haraway, scoring the only confirmed kills against the much feared EU orbital frames by Harawayian a pilot.

After the War, Jasmine was promoted to Commodore and took over the mobile suit wing tasked with air defence of the Capital and Landing Island. She is married to superstar pop singer turned politician Emma Lan, though she prefers to stay out of politics.

Emmanuel Isley Churchman

God-fearing Legionaire specialist hailing from Ophen. Shot down and injured seven times through the war. Is a major ace both in the starways of the PACT arm and on the ground at Kanon, Choson, and Suzumiya. Presently still serving and highly decorated in the Ophen system militia. Infamous for entering battle with a cowbow hat rather than regulation helmet.

Astra Lyeti Leizen-Eld

Eleventh highest scoring ace of ZOCU and the number one cosmic soldier of the United States of Atlantis. Flight name: Crystalised Silver. Veteran of the 16th Mobile and the Battle of Londenium where she was among the first Hoplite test pilots outside Kanon. Went missing in action at Haraway but persistent rumors have surfaced that she has been spotted recently on Heaven's Shore with known members of the Zodiac Elite Retaliatory Order.

Murie MacRisa

The Blazing Star from Londenium. Baseline.


Damien Hatchet

The Man from Albion, the EU's #1 mecha ace. He emerged from the tenements of Albion to become one of the pilots of the ill-fated Lambert frame, but distinguished himself in that role nevertheless, even supposedly managing to down a Sarissa in the 2188 New Mercia ambush. Since the introduction of the Leopold and higher-performance machines he has never looked back, and is aggressive in demanding from command the best tools possible to use in combat.

Years of fame as a war hero has done little to restrain his coarse manner or ego, and although he is more than capable of delivering a script to a press conference the EU still prefers to keep him at arms length from the press. Scattered allegations remain about crimes committed during the Battle of Haraway, but have little traction due to the lack of clear evidence and the frosty relations between ZOCU and the EU.

Enrique Rodriguez

PACT's very own Wedge Antilles. Born on Diego in 2166 and a graduate of the local military academy. Trained on Mustangs, he later flew Hellcats and even, for a short time, a KS87 mobile suit. Later became first Phantom pilot and first Phantom ace. Currently performing his sixth consecutive year of War Bond tours. Known to mock Emmanuel Churchman by wearing a comically large sombrero during all press conferences.

Paul Lebekin

Commander of the 791st squadron based on the EUS Loire, which was lost at the battle of Londenium. One of the few pilots from Outremonde to participate in early military operations Lebekin is credited with one confirmed kill before being forced to eject from his damaged fighter early in the battle. Recovered by a rescue boat from the EUS Belfort. Lebekin severed with distinction in various posts until being earmarked to test-pilot Lamberts with the 63rd Test Battallion. Piloted a Ge-03 Leopold, based off of the Belfort, in the campaign preceding the Battle of Haraway where he piloted one of the Union's new Leopold Margrave. Lebekin was accredited with five confirmed kills and three mission-kills at the campaigns end, with some debate over a number of possibles lacking clear visual evidence for (but which informally is accredited to Lebekin anyways). Unlike other aces Lebekin transferred to Fleet Command and was earmarked for the Deep Space Fleet force assigned to Outremonde along with the aging Belfort at wars-end.