Nefertan Slang

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As with any isolated sociopolitical entity, Nefertans have developed a rich collection of cultural slang, heavily influenced by their location in the Sphere, as well as their distance from the Core. Often seeing themselves as 'the last great survivors', their slang often includes terminology for survival, stupid ideas, and pet-names for their neighbors.

Slang Terminology 101

Azer: Fighter Pilot
Brick: Mobile Armour
Harutubbie: Harawayan primarily, used to a lesser extent to refer to ZOCU as a whole.
Ooh Ooh Ahh Ahh: Spacenoids with hands for feet. Derogatory.
Sandhead: Person with extremely bad luck.
Skyblind: Idiot
Slag: Defecatory curse term referring to the ruination of usable material- often to the detriment of the early colonists.
Thunderthighs: High gravity worlder. Typically female.
Twinkleheads: Magnates primarily, used to a lesser extent to refer to high level transhumans.