The Magnates: Bad Neighbors

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The Magnate Continuum is an alliance of several powers which have universally embraced radical human augmentation and societal design, with many originating from the scientists who created the Brazilian debacle. Formed during the breakdown as a loose coalition of co-belligerents seeking Theta dust for FTL drives, the relative diplomatic isolation and proximity of the Magnates, as well as two decades of continuous war, have transformed the Continuum from a loose coalition of co-belligerents into a full sociopolitical alliance. Although all the Magnate worlds possess significantly different ideals of what society should be ideal, from the ordered ideal of Dogma to the literal theocracy of the Dawn, they have so far been capable of working past these differences.

Member States

Deltenian Principality

The Deltenian Principality were the literal brains behind much of the Magnate war effort, with a technological and engineering base equivalent to that of the Core, and superior to many ZOCU powers, backed by a powerful industry nearly the equal of many League powers. Although more than a few ethical constraints have been violated by the Principality's unceasing march of progress, few can argue with their results.
Primary Population Origin: ?
Sociopolitical stance: Time-Motion Engineers


Raskian Weirdness! Won the war.
Primary Population Origin: ?
Sociopolitical stance: Managed Society?


The "Doves" of the Magnates, the Hyperboreans believe that they are acting for the good of all humanity by uplifting them and upgrading their biological processes. Hyperborea has been attempting to normalize relations with the rest of the Sphere and has a small, if growing, trade relationship with other Expanse powers as well as many public relations campaigns to improve the image of the Magnates. The average Hyperborean believes that now that the war has been won, the Magnates should begin repairing frayed relationships with others. When questioned about their occupation of a former League world, they point to the improved infrastructure and technological base as a counterargument, as well as the relatively high popular support the power enjoys.
Primary Population Origin: League, previously ?
Sociopolitical stance: We're People Too

The Eternal Dawn

The Eternal Dawn is a rare second-stage colony, created by the losing side of the Adharan schism with the conquest of a Rim colony named Gimlet. Built from a split in the Church of the Imminent Eschaton which turned into a violent religious war, The Dawn share many Adharan traits-the subtle arrogance, the love of the challenge, and cutting-edge biological research. The Dawn are generally dedicated to their construction of a new god and its heavenly host, and are willing to do anything to progress this goal.
Primary Population Origin: Adhara, previously Russo-Brazilian-American
Sociopolitical Stance: Exhumanize

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