Battle of the Yellow Star (Imperial Stars)

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Battle of the Yellow Star
Part of the Great War
Location Sea of Yellow Star
Result Complete Allied Victory
Transilabrat Communion
House Walmas
Yashiman Shogunate
Commanders and Leaders
Yares Abdurakhman-Avtobachi † Amemori Sosuke †
Karl Walmas
Units Involved
2nd Banner Fleet 1st Fleet
Casualties & Losses
? thousands ? thousands
? arahant battleships ? arahant battleships
? pre-arahant battleships ? pre-arahant battleships
[x] escorts [x] escorts

The Battle of the Yellow Star was a major space engagement of the Great War, fought on [insert date], which saw an allied force of Asadal-Covasnan and House Walmas ships attack the Yashiman 1st Fleet anchored at the Sea of Yellow Star. Under the command of Admiral Yares Abdurakhman-Avtobachi and Prince Karl Walmas, the combined forces of the Transilibrat Communion and House Walmas together successfully scuttled or captured every Yashiman battleship present in the star system before any could escape. The catastrophic losses galvanized widespread revolts in Yashima, which soon led to the collapse of the Shogunate and the restoration of Imperial rule.

It is one of the single most decisive space battles of the Great War, possibly the only battle where the majority of a beaten fleet's battleline was comprehensively destroyed in a single engagement.



