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You thought yourself oppressed once. How much blood did it take before you were willing to call it even? -Behemoth

As utopia a place as the old Commonwealth was, it was not without its problems. Transhumanism was not always used for good. As much as it reinforced the egalitarianism of the commonwealth it could equally reinforce the inequality. Genetically engineered slaves and servants, people engineered to reinforce long outmoded views of human culture, all were produced and suffered in the per-Nemesis world. Many of these attempts ran into serious opposition both the Commonwealth and slaves. Revolts, sometimes engineered by the Commonwealth itself became common and sometimes bloody. Many human populations disliked the former slave transhumans, who were often signficantly psychologically altered from the human norm.

Meantime most freed slave disliked other populations, or found it psychologically difficult to be around them.

To settle this dispute, LOGOS reconditioned the old settlements on the near earth asteroid 433 Eros to serve as a home for the various populations. There it was hoped they could develop in peace.

This experiment worked better than anyone could have hoped. Isolated and self supporting, the 433 managed to survive the worst of Nemesis and the Solar Wars, and emerged from the long night as one of the most powerful independent states in the system.

Now however, cracks are starting to grow. The materials seeded on 433 Eros by the commonwealth are starting to break down. 433 must look outward for more supplies, but such outward expeditions are hampered by a thousand years of paranoia and the psychological quirks of the inhabitants. This is not helped by geography. 433 Eros is now a fast moving body, looping far around the system and passing most major habitations at one point or another.

433 Eros

433 Eros is mostly hollow and mined out, reshaped into a huge O'neil cylinder. Most internal material has been mined out onto the surface to serve as additional armour, and large fortifications have been built into the docking sections. Inside it is a mass of city and bubbles of parkland, built on a number of levels and sublevels. Much of the city is automated and it includes many old commonwealth systems, rebuilt and remodeled by its inhabitants over the years.

Nemesis's passage tore Eros off its orbit and it now swings eccentrically around the solar system, passing close to most bodies. The 433's fleet ranges ahead of its passage, making sure that nothing threatens their roving home.


Rank, Major Polis Adds an additional 250 Military Points, 300 Military Support, 25 Wealth and 25 Construction Rate but suffers -1 to Growth Potential.
National Advantage: Rank 0
National Disadvantages: Rank 3, Pariah, Eccentric Orbit, Pick One
Economy: Rank 2 (95 Wealth)
Infrastructure: Rank 3 (115 Construction)
Growth Potential Rank 1-1: (x6 infrastructure)
Military Size Rank 4 (870)
Military Support Rank 4 (1075)
Military Quality Rank 3 (5 points) Above Average
Super Weapons, Rank 0 Nope!
Espionage: Rank 2 (Normal)
Technology: Rank 2 (8 points) Superior


Security Forces 60 points Internal to 433 Eros, these are light forces who act to fight only if the asteroid is penetrated by hostile forces.

Heavy Infantry regiment (3) (10 regiments)
Defense 2, Attack 1
Light Armour Regiment (3) (10 regiments)
Defense 1, Attack 1, mobility 1

The Combined Fleet

Capital Ships

Cruising Vessels

10 heavy cruisers 104 points.

Salsedra class (Heavy Cruiser 12 points) (2 vessels)Salsedra, Sathena

Firepower 2
Air Defense 2
Torpedoes 2
Defenses 1
Stealth 1
Speed 2
Mobile Suit Complement 1
Jamming 1

Mirinax class (Heavy Cruiser 10 points) (2 vessels) Mirinax Vasendrix

Firepower 1
Air Defense 1
Torpedoes 1
Defenses 2
Stealth 1
Speed 2
Mobile Suit Complement 1
Jamming 1

Hespthia class (Heavy Cruiser 10 points) (2 vessels) Hespthia Retono

Firepower 2
Air Defense 1
Torpedoes 1
Defenses 2
Stealth 1
Speed 2
Mobile Suit Complement 1
Jamming 1

Telthi Class (Heavy Cruiser 10 points) (2 vessels) Telthi Voxina

Air Defense 3
Defenses 2
Speed 2
Mobile Suit Complement 1
Electronics 2
Survey Equipment 2

Shivo Class (Heavy Cruiser 10 points)(2 vessels) Agger Errows

Air Defense
Torpedoes 3
Defenses 2
Stealth 2
Speed 2
Mobile Suit Complement 0
Electronics 1

12 Light Cruisers 96 points)

Ventis Class (Light Cruiser 8 points) 3 vessels, Ventis, Tisphone, Altris

Firepower 1
Air Defense 1
Torpedoes 2
Defenses 1
Stealth 1
Speed 2

Fasenthi Class(Light Cruiser 8 points) 2 vessels, Fasenthi, Logthis

Firepower 1
Air Defense 2
Torpedoes 1
Defenses 1
Stealth 1
Speed 2

Raspond Class (Light Cruiser 8 points) Raspond, Muganami

Firepower 2
Air Defense 1
Torpedoes 1
Defenses 1
Stealth 1
Speed 2

Ashleigh class (Light Cruiser 8 points) Ashleigh, Beriliz , Hilia

Firepower 0
Air Defense 1
Torpedoes 2
Defenses 0
Stealth 2
Speed 3

Torrent Class(Light Cruiser 8 points) Torrent, Cormorant

Firepower 0
Long Range Missiles 3
Defenses 1
Stealth 1
Speed 2

Attack Craft

Hunter Killer Squadrons 6 points 10 squadrons (60 points)

Firepower (Torpedoes) 2
Speed 3
Defenses (Stealth 1)

Escort Squadron 6 points 10 squadrons (60 points)

Firepower (Anti Aircraft) 2
Speed 2
Defenses (Armour) 1
Electronics (Jammers) 1

Attack Ship Squadrons (60 points)

Firepower (Generalist) 2
Speed 3
Defenses (Stealth) 1