An Incarnating Radius

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A hypothetical fantasy game for 4-6 players, run by Ford Prefect. Note that terminology is currently subject to change and expansion.


The magnificent world of clouds! Lying in the midst of the endless sky, the floating islands of the Archipelago, home to the seven fairy tribes. Sometimes opposed, sometimes allied, the seven tribes all look to the vast floating tower, Avesta. Created by their mythological forebears, the Ahura, Avesta is home to incredible wonders and parties of adventurers are constantly attempting to climb its many, dangerous floors, seeking the riches of the Ahura's lost wealth, magic and technology. The ultimate goal is the White Jade Terrace, said to be the resting place of the Ahura's ultimate treasure.


Based on the Romancing Soul Encounter Simulation Nonlinear Engine (R-SENSE). Players play a member of one of the seven tribes as part of an established adventuring guild, currently exploring the mid-levels of Avesta. There is an emphasis on the ability to fly, which is common to all of the tribes, as well as differentiation between players despite the emphasis on combat.

Yes, you can play a man.

The People

Collectively referred to as fairies, the seven tribes of the Archipelago are diverse but share a number of traits. They universally possess magical abilities, though to what degree depends on the tribe and the individual. They all inherently possess the ability to fly, able to summon up their wings at will. They are all effectively immortal, and when killed by violence they will remain as small flames, and resurrection is quite possible. Fairies can be roughly grouped into two kinds: heavyweights that are generally larger than humans, and lightweights that are generally smaller.


Of all fairies, the Ramdaas are the largest and most physically powerful. Towering over members of even the Afran and Gransa tribes they make for excellent beatsticks. They are a heavyweight tribe and have access to the unique job 'Destroyer'.


The tribe said to be closest to the Ahura, and their society is closest to dominant in the Archipelago. Though they do not have a unique job, they have balanced, strong attributes. They are a heavyweight tribe.


The Limin home island is considered to be the place closest to the land of the dead, and as a result the Limin themselves have cultivated some of the most advanced spiritual talents in the Archipelago, though they have also cultivated something of a dark reputation. They are a lightweight tribe and have access to the unique job 'Necromancer'.


A relatively diminutive tribe, but with a natural inquisitiveness that has lead them to be the leading authority on Ahuran technology. They are a lightweight tribe and have access to the unique job 'Engineer'.


A tribe with a militaristic culture. Kind of obsessed with reaching the White Jade Terrace. Their regimented society has produced excellent, hardy warriors. They are a heavyweight tribe and have access to the unique job 'Lancer'.


A tribe full of mischievous types. They have less expertise than other lightweight tribes in magic and so rely on illusions to augment their combat abilities. They are renowned as the fastest tribe and have the unique job 'Assassin'.


A tribe that possesses some animalistic features. They do not have the same kind of societal organisation as the other tribes but are otherwise very social. They are occasionally derided as primitive. They are a lightweight tribe and have the unique job 'Hunter'.