Esperançan Military Equipment

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Primeira Aterragem class Supercarrier

[[]] Native designed supercarrier and flagship of the EFE, built in the Estaleiro Novo do Titã shipyard.

Primeira Aterragem class Supercarrier
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 21??
Role: Fleet Carrier
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: Forced-Cycle Fusion Drives
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Trans-Phase Shift
Strike Craft: Enough~

Humaitá class Battleship

[[]] Particle weapon heavy battleship class of the EFE.

Humaitá class Battleship
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: Battleship
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Riachuelo class Cruiser

[[]] Mainstay Cruiser of the EFE.

Riachuelo class Heavy Cruiser
Origin: Esperança Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: Heavy Cruiser
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Bahia class Light Carrier

[[]] Standard aerospace carrying vessel of the EFE. Co-designed and produced with Brazil.

Bahia class Light Carrier
Origin: Esperança, Brazil
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2183
Role: Light Carrier
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor
Strike Craft: 20~

Esterro Bellaco class Destroyer

[[]] Basic Destroyer of EFE.

Esterro Bellaco class Destroyer
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: Destroyer
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Avaí class Frigate

[[]] Basic Patrolship of the EFE.

Avaí class Frigate
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: FrigateBattleship
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Aerospace Craft



F-87 Hellcat Condor


F-87 Hellcat Condor Aerospace Fighter
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2187
Role: Multirole Aerospace Fighter
Control System: Linear Frame
Length: ??? meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Hardpoint mounts:
Defensive Systems:

F-88 Peregrine


F-88 Peregrine Aerospace Fighter
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2185
Role: High-speed Intercept Aerospace Fighter
Control System: Linear Frame
Length: ??? meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Hardpoint mounts:
Defensive Systems:

F-90 Vulture


F-90 Vulture Space Fighter
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2190
Role: High-speed Space Fighter
Control System: Linear Frame
Length: ??? meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Hardpoint mounts:
Defensive Systems:

Combat Frames

CF-83 Puma


The first Esperancan Combat Frame used in the war, the Puma was a well balanced design That matched up well with foreign designs.

CF-83 Puma Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2183
Role: General Role Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 11.3 meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Optional Handheld Armament:
Defensive Systems:

ACF-86 Bear


Twin Synchro Beams squares the Neem. Based off of the same frame as the Ocelot.

ACF-86 Black Bear Assault Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: PACT
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: Attack/Fire Support Use Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 13.3 meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament: 2x Synchro Beam Guns
Optional Handheld Armament:
Defensive Systems:

CF-86 Ocelot


Larger Combat frame design released just prior to open war. Larger than, and uses a more efficient power plant than the Puma

CF-86 Ocelot Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2186
Role: General Purpose Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 11.5 meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Optional Handheld Armament:
Defensive Systems:



Esperanca's postwar combat frame design. Features increased size and maneuverability over the Ocelot.

CF-95 Jaguar Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2195
Role: General Purpose Combat Frame
Control System: Panoramic Cockpit with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 11.5 meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Optional Handheld Armament:
Defensive Systems:

Other Equipment

Bigass Particle Gun
Bigass Crew-served Particle Cannon

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