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Pacific Arm Colonization Treaty
System Info
Star Name: Hale (G6V)
World Name: Oceania
Surface Gravity: 1.1 G
Climate: Temperate, Oceanic
Atmosphere: Standard Breathable
Other Bodies:
Population: 54 Million
Population Breakdown: 100% Baseline Human
Capital: Pacifica
Other Settlements: New Sydney, New Auckland, Port Victoria, Mentwerk
Resource Index: 1370 CIP
820 PIP
2270 Wealth
Precursor Activity Index: 260 Dust
Military Index: 17500 Military
1 Morale
5 Logistics
5 Infiltration
2 Security
60 Doctrines



Archetype: Oceanic Paradise World of Wealth and Espionage
Head of State: Prime Minister Roger Dalton
Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Political Alignment: PACT

About Oceania

"Oceania, our blue and pure world."

Oceania is an aquatic garden world jointly colonized by lesser players Australia and New Zealand several years after the formal completion of the Corrigedor and Horizon colonies. It rose to prominence as a financial power due to significant aid from both its parent countries and other NorPac members, leading to the formation of a prosperous archipelago state.


The world they were accorded by agreement with the other PACT members was a pristine ocean world, not unlike Corrigedor, with a few major differences. Although very biocompatible, the local ecology was concentrated in coastal kelp forests and coral reefs, with very little active plant life on the surface besides primitive evergreens and ferns. The seas were rich with edible fish and other sea life, and the local biosphere was robust enough to support a large population following even the destructive exploitation of the oceans that occurred on Earth.

Rather large by the standards of a Core colony near the frontier, it represented a major investment by both Australia and New Zealand, and was founded as a sort of rushed venture by both nations to get their populations into space following the forays into space their allies in the northern hemisphere were making. Because the biosphere is effectively pristine, the primary concern of the colonial government and their parent nations was to maintain a sustainable ecology that would support a steady chain of immigration. Even though it might have been easier to mass-exploit the world for resources, there was no incentive to do so when the Earth would greatly outstrip the production of any colony world. As a consequence, most technological development on Oceania was in regards to developing a clean and effective civilian infrastructure. Power supply, waste sanitation and industry are nearly a non-factor on the planet's overall ecology, and most mining goes on the barren and uninhabited center of the planet's only continent.

Oceania represented one of the major banking centers of the PACT's expanse territories during the later half of the 22nd century, and went to great efforts to display this by bankrolling infrastructure development on poorer but more industrialized worlds like São Galvão. Like most frontier colonies, it remained militarily inactive during the Eridanus campaign, sending token forces to mutual assets on frontier worlds and financing rebuilding where the there was an opportunity to make significant returns on such investments.

Attitudes changed somewhat during the ZOCU war, with the rather transgene-negative Australian government and pro-NorPac New Zealand governments encouraging Oceania to invest forces in the conflict in order to prevent 'ZOCU liberation' from breaching colonies like Tensai, which represented the major gatehouses between Oceania and the war. To this end, the Australia-New Zealand-Oceania Space Corps, or ANZOSC, mobilized its significant rear-area contingent and was a strong contributor of NorPac SSG forces during the war. Because of the need to maintain secrecy during the conflict, ASP operations are often not public knowledge and rarely acknowledged.


Oceania is effectively a joint client state of Australia and New Zealand, with its own parliament and effective control over its legislative, executive and judicial processes. As a consequence, it has a degree of independence from both of its Earth-based parent states, but is still under the reigns of the Australian and New Zealand governments, who contribute significant amounts of capital and technology to the defense and promotion of the colony, and manage immigration from Earth-based non-PACT states.

The Oceanian military is effectively a component of the joint Australian and New Zealand space forces, of which it comprises roughly one half of their active forces. The joint ANZOSC is an integral component of the traditionally sea-based powers' contributions to NorPac, providing disciplined front-line shock troops and a legitimately competent space fleet. A matter of pride is the ASP (Advanced Surface Pathfinder) Units contributed to NorPac's Special Service Groups who assisted PACT fleets and ground forces by ensuring the flow of accurate intelligence to allied forces.

Both Australia and New Zealand have intelligence branches active in Oceania, and Oceania's homegrown intelligence agency is a premier force that combines skilled agent-provocateurs and infiltrators with a potent spy network that keeps the local and parent governments aware of threats to its various investments and interests throughout the Expanse.


Oceanian culture and society is a combination of the English-derived cultures of Australia and New Zealand with pseudo-revivalist islander/coastal culture of many of the colonists the world attracted, including the rural maritime provinces and states of the North Atlantic, NorPac Asian members Korea and Japan, who had strong relationships with the sea, as well as immigrants from Pacific Rim states that were unaffiliated and took on citizenship with a NorPac nation or colony before arriving. Agreements brokered with India allowed an influx of immigrants from the choked and polluted Indian subcontinent in exchange for some of the ecological technologies that had allowed the Earth-locked power to maintain its ruined environment, giving the colony one of the largest pan-Indian populations outside of the Earth and the failed Indian Arm.

Some populations even came from traditional ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philipines, although many more settled on the closer and more ethnically homogeneous Corrigedor. Although the predominant culture is derived from Australian and New Zealand culture, Oceania has a distinctly cosmopolitan flair with large semi-integrated ethnic communities from other national blocs.

The Oceanian policy on transgenes mimic the early and current policies of Australia on human enhancement and artificial reproductive technologies. Just as Australia was one of the first modern nations to impose an initial ban on artificial sperm derived from female stem cells and later oppose non-corrective transgenics, Australia and its child state have imposed a long-term moratorium on transgene human enhancements, immigration by the enhanced and even some forms of medical biotechnology. Transgenes are not openly reviled or attacked by Oceanian immigration policies, but face longer waiting periods and more intensive personnel and genetic screenings to prevent the possible admittance of Exhuman insurgents or ZOCU sympathizers or the dissemination of genes that might damage long-term population fertility rates. In particular, some elements of the government on both ends of the catapult lanes are terrified of the power of Transgene and Exhuman to develop biological weapons that might despoil the planet and remove the A-NZ alliance's best bet at a continued presence in space.

The Oceanian state is still far from repressive, but post-Breakdown and ZOCU War policies have led it to take a proactive stance on conservation, including the pristine environment it manages and the pure genes of the majority of its population. Arguably somewhat repressive and dogmatic regardless, it had succeeded in diverting the grand majority non-baseline migration to more bio-progressive colonies in the PACT Arm and abroad.

Major Settlements

The capital of Oceania and the site of its orbital elevator, Pacifica, was named in honor of the PACT and the ocean that its signatories share, while the Australian city of New Sydney and the New Zealander city of New Auckland are major centers of population on-world. Because of a significant influx of assorted immigrants from a number of Earth-based coastal and island nations, the makeup of smaller cities on Oceania is rather varied, including Pacific Rim, coastal North American, Korean and even Japanese settlers from Earth, and even other colonies. Although environmentally regulated, its tax policy was loose enough to attract a number of corporations who have invested significant capital into the local infrastructure and economy.

Oceanian cities are wealthy, and their design reflects this, with rounded towers and shells made of molded white laminates and polarized glass windows creating a stark and clean aesthetic. Many build on reclaimed land, float their structures on the water or use the islands as anchors and build futuristic canal cities in the archipelagos. Houseboats are an extremely popular concept among many, and some fishing villages have settled on a nomadic lifestyle by employing the concept on a large scale, feasible through advanced navigational technologies and the widespread adoption of space-grade materials such as foamed metals to form the interior of large hulls.


The Australian, New Zealand & Oceanian Space Corps is the joint multinational military force consisting volunteers from both Earth and the Oceania colony. Each member is generally considered to be an equal partner in the agreement, with Oceania providing one half of their active forces and its two parent nations contributing significant technological advancements purchased from other Core bloc nations and logistics support in maintaining a continued military presence in space.

This unusual relationship is caused by a variety of factors. The Australian and New Zealand Royal Navies are tied up watching over their oceanic borders in case of a major conflict in the Pacific, and Oceania is generally recognized to have surpassed both its parent states in regards to economic, military and population growth. Inheriting Australia's prestige as a naval power and demilitarized industries, Oceania is a big importer of arms and makes extensive purchases and financing in the arms sectors of other PACT states, although its policy of 'quality over quantity' has led to a general disdain for bargain equipment that might led to long-term casualties. With its smaller military, every soldier is effectively a major investment for the three nations, and large scale casualties could be costly to corps integrity.

ANZOSC is a largely land-based power, but generally follows the 'carrier-centric' fleet ideology of other North Pacific PACT members like Japan and the Americas. Until the advent of the Mobile Suit, most of their vessels carried large contingents of ANZO SAS (Special Aerospace Service) soldiers in combat skins and battlesuits who would be hot-dropped onto the battlefield by assault shuttles or lead post-battle boarding parties.

Post-ZOCU policy has scaled back the deployment of old-style EU/PACT myomer combat skins in favor of hardened light exoskeletons that use a combination of microscale servomechanics and myomers, and pushed the core of ANZOSC infantry into 'stormtrooper' and 'shock troop' roles, and scaled up the usage of advanced battlesuits.


Ship Listings, Corps Listings, Etc...


Mawashi/Bombardier CM9a "Bushwhacker" Combat Hardsuit

The CM9a "Bushwhacker" is an early post-war defensive design used by the Oceanian military, effectively a hardened remake of the overpriced M2170 combat skin by the Oceanian branches of Canadian-based defense companies Mawashi PC and Bombardier Aerospace. It features a number of the cost and mass reduction techniques popularized in PACT with a distributed power system, but uses a double layer redundant system to improve reliability in spite of the increased power draw, and has a denser myomer layer reinforced with magnetically-driven miniaturized servomechanics for stability and strength. Upper layer myomer fibers are also woven with a depleted uranium mesh that is difficult to penetrate with bladed weapons and light munitions.

This is where the resemblance to earlier combat skins end. Although based on the traditional 'combat skin' design, it has definitely earned the title of 'hardsuit', featuring non-Newtonian fluid layers interspersed with laminate discs which mount additional moulded laminate plating, creating a contoured and actuated armored body shape with few gaps, that can be fitted to a person's body type by shifting around no more than 18 variably-sized external plates. The torso, spine and neck are strongly reinforced with support struts that direct shock away from the vulnerable areas of the body, and the layered myomer structure is able to brace broken limbs and administer artificial endorphins to keep wounded soldiers moving. Infantry platoons in Bushwhacker Hardsuits can withstand continued barrage with most infantry-portable weapons, and defensive formations with laminate riot shields can resist rioters with even military surplus weapons.

In addition, the 'Bushwhacker' comes standard with a 5 foot laminate riot shield, polarized laminate helmet and has the hooks and plugs for standard PACT modular armor systems. Costs put it at roughly three Bushwhackers for a five M12 Combat Skins, but the design's performance have earned it a favorable place in the Oceanian armory.

Mawashi/Bombardier CM3s "Ghost Bear" Stealth Combat Skin

ANZOSC's first contract to Mawashi/Bombardier during the ZOCU War was the development of an optical camouflage cloak for their ASP/SSG units abroad, but MPC/BA made a counteroffer. Advanced in materials science allowed the corporation to retrofit existing M12 purchased from Cosby Myomer Research with a non-reflective polymer coating laced with thousands of metamaterial microfibers that give it 87% effective optical camouflage. Integral upgrades to the Combat Skin's processor suite and a 'lotus leaf' coating allows it to compensate for rain and dust, and remain clean and dry in most weather conditions. Thick mud can hamper effectiveness and strong acids or alkaline substances have been known to ruin the surface.

The stealth technology also has a limited ability to hide infrared emissions, and myomer bundles in the foot can suppress the sounds of footsteps, allowing black ops 'ranger' units to slip through enemy territory unnoticed. Although ordered during the war, the CM3 was only completed late in 2188, shortly before the end of the war.


History Path

Total Values (Starting)

550 PIP, 1100 CIP, 1900 Wealth, 200 Dust, 540 Population, 17500 Military, 20 Doctrines, 5 Logistics, 1 Morale, 5 Infiltration, 2 Security, 10% Secrets, +50% Secret Project Cost, 200 Applications, - Debt, 51 SP

Total Values (SP Spent)

550 PIP, 1100 CIP, 1900 Wealth, 260 Dust, 540 Population, 17500 Military, 60 Doctrines, 5 Logistics, 1 Morale, 5 Infiltration, 2 Security, 10% Secrets, +50% Secret Project Cost, 400 Applications, -Debt

[20 SP]: 200 Applications
[20 SP]: 40 Doctrine Points
[5 SP]: 60 Dust
[6 SP]: 12 Tech Indexes
Total Values (Final)

820 PIP, 1370 CIP, 2270 Wealth, 260 Dust, 540 Population, 17500 Military, 60 Doctrines, 5 Logistics, 1 Morale, 5 Infiltration, 2 Security, 10% Secrets, +50% Secret Project Cost, 400 Applications, -Debt

[540 Population]: 270 Wealth
[540 Population]: 270 CIP
[540 Population]: 270 PIP
Exploration Era
Exp-1) World Type, Garden World
Exp-5) Garden World, Cash Crop (+ 200 Wealth, + 100 PIP)
Exp-6) Precursor Relics, None (+100 PIP, +10 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5, may not spend SP on Dust)
Exp-7) Feral Drones, None (+ 60 population, + 100 Wealth)
Exp-8) Posthuman Footsteps, Untouched (+20 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5)
Exp-9) Location, Routed (+ 10 SP)
Colonization Era
Col-1) Axis Of Colonization, PACT Arm (+ 5,000 military, + 100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 Dust, go to Col-2)
Col-2) PACT Colonization Authority, Second Stage (+ 120 Population, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
Col-2B) PACT Transgenic Relations, Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
Col-2C) PACT Colonial Economics, Liberal Market Capitalism (+ 200 CIP, + 100 PIP, + 300 Wealth, + 60 Population)
Col-2D) PACT actions during the Eridanus Campaign, Not My Problem (+ 60 Population, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
Col-7A) Local Affairs, Political Crisis (+ 100 Wealth, go to Col-7D)
Col-7B) Political Crisis, Resolved To Everyone's Satisfaction (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 PIP)
Breakdown Era
Break-1) Economic Upsets, Reaganomics (+ 100 Wealth, - Debt)
Break-2) Broken PACT, Connection Never Dropped! (Go to Break-2B)
Break-2B) Catapulted PACT Policies, Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
War Era and Aftermath
War-1) Choose Your Side, Sign The PACT (+ 200 CIP, +200 Wealth, +10,000 military, Go to War-2) *Must be PACT arm
War-2A) PACT World Politics, Corporate State (+ 200 Wealth, + 100 application)
War-2B) PACT World Economics, Ignore the War (+ 200 wealth, + 120 pop, - logistics)
War-2C) PACT World Military, Rangers Lead The Way! (+++ Infiltration, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines)
X1) Covert Abilities, Licensed to Kill (++ Infiltration, ++ Security, 10% secrets, + 50% secret project cost)
Current Era
Cur-1) The Business of Government, Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + 100 application (common), + 100 Wealth, + 1 SP)
Chaotic Events
Hippies Under The Bed (+ 60 Pop, - 2,500 military)


Global Technology Level: 20

  • Shipbuilding: +2 [22]
  • Aircraft: +5 [25]
  • Electronics: +5 [25]
  • Beam/Pulse Weapons: +5 [25]
  • Shields: +5 [25]
  • Stealth: +8 [28]
  • Transgenics: -5 [15]
  • Ground: +8 [28]
  • Civilian Tech: +12 [32]
  • Cyberware: + 3 [23]

[Garden World] Civilian Tech +3
[Corporate State] Civilian Tech +3
[Ignore the War] Civilian Tech +5
[Rangers Lead The Way] Ground +5

[3 Index Points] Stealth +3
[3 Index Points] Ground +3
[3 Index Points] Cyberware +3
[3 Index Points] Civilian Tech +3


  • Shipbuilding VI
  • Aerospace Construction III
  • Mecha Construction II
  • Ground Construction III
  • Naval Armor VI
  • Aerospace Armor VI
  • Ground Armor VI
  • Naval Propulsion IV
  • Aerospace Propulsion V
  • Naval Shields I
  • Craft Shields I
  • Railgun Fundamentals
    • All deployments
  • Particle Weapon Fundamentals
    • Naval and Aerospace deployment
  • Synchronous Fundamentals
    • No deployments
  • Belted Armor
  • Depleted Uranium Armor
  • Laminate Armor
  • Scattering Fields
  • Flash Fields
  • Fusion Drives
  • Fusion Powerplants
  • Delta Jump Drives