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The Map:


Ra, Supreme System Lord and founder the Goa'uld golden age, has been slain – killed as his mothership exploded around him. His death has thrown the Goa'uld empire into turmoil as the rest of the system lords vie for a slice of the power vacuum. Beneath them, emerging human civilisations and lesser Goa'uld lords redouble their efforts to expand their realms. In the places beyond the galactic disk, darker powers look on hungrily.

Power Creation

Choose a power type.

Empire Types



A Stargate civilisation has recently come upon stargate technology and relies on them for any interaction beyond their homeworld. Such powers have relatively limited ability to affect the galaxy at large but are also extremely difficult to infiltrate or find initially. It is likely the stargate itself is a secret to the general populace and also likely that the gate is underground in a bunker somewhere.

Stargate civilisations start with Hidden, Irised, and Lucky. Even if the "iris" is breached, only infantry can actually make the assault thereafter unless something drastic (sending in a bomb to nuke the sheltering mountain into an open crater) is done beforehand. With no space experience they obviously can't take some traits like Superheavy Construction, Nebula Charts, Enhanced Vessels and so on. They have the most limited amount of resources and technology, starting at level 10 by default and gaining only 5 from Enhanced Tech.

Early Starfaring

Early Starfaring nations can reach space and have access to hyperdrives though they are by no means obligated to use them. Their understanding of the stargate has also expanded beyond the purely empirical. Some powers emphasize stargate exploration while others put more emphasis on flying around in space.

You start with Hidden and Irised. With no space experience they obviously can't take some traits like Superheavy Construction, Nebula, Enhanced Vessels and so on. They have limited resources and technology, starting at level 20 by default.

Established Starfaring

Established Starfaring powers are able to project power into regional space via hyperdrive and can fend off localised Goa'uld threat.

These powers cannot have an Iris without repercussions but may buy Hidden as a trait. They have a default technology rating of 30.

Minor Goa'uld

Minor Goa'uld domains are roughly equivalent to the Established Starfaring civilisation in capability – they have the usual Goa'uld disadvantages in technology and dysfunction but have greater numbers.

Minor Goa'uld holds cannot operate an Iris without repercussion and are not Hidden either. They have a default technology rating of 30.

System Lord

As the leaders of the Goa'uld Empire, system lords tend to have the best technology – they have a default technology rating of 30, Superior Tech (and are unable to take it again).

Big Bad

Big Bads are a limited access power category of galactic superpowers – the current Goa'uld frontrunner Cybele, and Silence's Vampire Aliens.

r those that feel that a Minor Goa’uld or Established Starfaring Nation just aren’t bad enough for them and wish to be a looming overlord of evil ready to destroy anything. This is a restricted class available only on request by a player that can convince a Mod that they will use it responsibly. A Player with this option is expected to drive forward plots and generally work for the good of the SD. A Big Bad starts off with 300 resource points and 12-18 systems. Starting Tech Lev 40. They have only Orbital Yards and do not need to build Ground-based Yards. 1 Free Capital Mothership/Dreadnought 1 Free Trait linked to your story idea. Units and Tech can be stolen from you (with Mod/Your approval) and a System Lords ranks are easy to infiltrate. Can form no PERMENANT alliances and no one really trusts your temporary ones.



Humans are physically inferior to Jaffa and tend to be on the receiving end of the stick initially as they are not rulers of vast interstellar empires. Their main advantage is that they are not dysfunctional.


Goa'uld lead empires consisting of humans and Jaffa, and are the dominant race in the galaxy. They come across as evil to most other civilisations and are constantly at each other's throats. They are able to infiltrate or extract information using symbiotes under the right circumstances. Due to the emphasis on looking divine rather than effectiveness, Goa'uld technology behaves in the field as if it were 5 levels lower.


Free Jaffa enclaves are rare but do exist – generally in secret. Jaffa can infiltrate the ranks of Goa'uld and form large populations of physically powerful people with a strong warrior tradition. As an artificial culture with limited sources of technology however, they start off with the Goa'uld disadvantage in that regard, though they can overcome it gradually. Moreover, they are dependent on a source of symbiotes, necessitating raids, smuggling, or some other trickery.

Other Aliens

Now and again you get some other sort of alien. Various traits, but try to avoid this if you can.


3 trait points free additional traits are bought with negative traits. Traits must be clearly defined with exactly what the advantage or disadvantage is. Feel free to chose other traits these are suggestions. 

Positive Traits: Pick your own, subject to Mod approval.
Suggested/Common Traits:
Heavy Defence: Your Fixed Defences are more powerful then the norm across the Galaxy Unit for Unit.
Super-Heavy Construction (2TP): You have the knowledge to build Dreadnoughts and Capital Motherships.
Stargate Assault Experts: You are experts at attacking Stargates and have the equipment to back it up. Gain access to Stargate Assault Vehicle(Air)
Efficient Industry – Add 20 IP to your monthly produced IP.
Elite Training : You have some of the best ground troops going. Gain access to Elite Guard and Spec Forces.
Supported: You are provided support by a powerful patron of some kind, and can expect additional help if times get tough.

Ancient/Asgard/Goa’uld Warship: Gain 1 Ancient/Asgard/Goa’uld Heavy Warship (Dreadnought/Capital Mothership Class) 

Asgard Protected Planets Treaty (Non-Goa'uld)– Gain Limited Asgard protection from Goa’uld up to tech lev 30.
Ancient Ruins/Goa’uld Ruins – Chance of finding abandoned vessels/vehicles
Exceptional Ruler – Your ruler is a very powerful figure and can be played as such, bonus to Mod rulings if your leader wants to do something special
Lucky – Your just plain lucky. Bonus to chances of finding valuable things on planets/escaping captures.
Determined (Non-Goa’uld only) – Your people are courageous in the face of adversity and will not panic in the face of danger, ever.
Battle Hardened – You troops are just that good. Bonus to badass rating.
Tough/Fast/Over gunned Vessels – You ships are simply tougher/faster or mount more firepower then the norm.
Ashraks (Goa’uld) – You have a number of these expert assassins at your command. May Assassinate NPC leaders without any problem however may only be used 2 times a year
Ancient/Asgard Defences (Non-Goa’uld)- Your planet has an Ancient defence mechanism that can be used once to repel an attack destroying the attacking fleet.
Fanatic Population (Goa’uld: Requires United As One) – If your homeworld is invaded temporarily double your Infantry numbers as the populous rises up to protect their God.
Nebula chart – A nearby Nebula has been charted by you and provides an excellent hiding and ambush location. Your ships may lose any enemy pursuit/hide successfully within your space. Or Anywhere.
United as One – Your people are behind you and little will shake their faith.

Negative Traits: Pick your own, subject to Mod approval.

Light Defence: Your Fixed Defences are less powerful then the norm across the Galaxy Unit for Unit. 

No Heavy Construction (-2TP): You can’t build Motherships or Heavy Motherships.
Disfavoured(Non-Goa’uld only) : Ancient beings, Asgard and the like tend to dislike you and won't back you or pull you out of trouble.
Stargate Assault Morons: You are horrible at attacking Stargates and have no equipment to back you up. Lose access to Stargate Assault Vehicle(Ground)
Red Tape Industry : Deduct 20 IP to your monthly produced IP.
Responsible: You are responsible to someone else rather than being independent, and if you fail to much there will be penalties.
Poor Training : You have some of the worst ground troops going. Lose access to Stargate Assault Troops.
Poor Tech Labs – Advancement to new tech plateau’s is harder.
Rogue Ancient/Asgard/Goa’uld Warship : 1 Ancient/Asgard/Goa’uld Heavy Warship is prowling you territory and it’s holding a grudge (Dreadnought/Capital Mothership Class)
Goa’uld Playground(Non-Goa'uld)– Become a regular target of Goa’uld raids, you can’t establish trade routes.
No Ruins – Chance of finding abandoned vessels/vehicles on your planet is zero.
Terrible Ruler – Your ruler is a very ineffectual figure and can be played as such, minus to Mod rulings if your leader wants to do something special
UnLucky – Your just plain unlucky. Minus to chances of finding valuable things on planets/escaping captures.
Cowardly (Non-Goa’uld) – Your people are simply cowards that cringe in the face of adversity and will panic in the face of danger.
Paper Pushers– You troops are just that bad. Minus to badass rating.
Backstabber (Goa'uld)- You have a particularly smart and dangerous underling that wants your throne and knows how to get it.
Weak/Slow/Under gunned Vessels – You ships are simply weaker/slower or mount less firepower then the norm.
Tok’ra (Goa’uld) – You have a number of these expert infiltrators hiding in your realm. They may disrupt your plans at the worst moments and steal your ships.
Dangerous Experiment (Non-Goa’uld)- Your planet has the results of an old Goa’uld Genetic experiment roaming around. They will attack your people occasionally and can not be destroyed.
Heretic Population (Goa’uld) – If your homeworld is invaded temporarily double you enemies Infantry numbers as the populous rises up to throw down their God.
Bad Navigator –Nearby Space has always baffled your people and provides an excellent example of what not to do in a starship when trying to get around. Your ships find it hard to lose any enemy pursuit/hide successfully within your space. Or anywhere.
Factitious – Your people are ready to crucify you for the slightest mistake. Step lightly.

Resource Points
Each player starts with a number of resource points depending on what kind of faction they are.
Big Bads = 300 SP
Established Nation = 120 SP
Independant Nation = 100 SP
Starfaring Nation = 80 SP
Stargate Bound = 60 SP
Secret Stargate Bound = 50 SP

Starting Military
Starting budget is 20x your Industrial Production that you purchased with your SP via Industrial production.

Each month you get your number of resource points in new builds. You may also build new industry once every twelve months at a cost of 1 new IP per 10 resource points spent on building new industry.

Industrial Production can be stockpiled for use later.

Additional Bases/Planets
Successful capturing or construction of a planet/Offworld base adds 10 Industry to your total once a Mod confirms that you have been successful. Again this claiming is done via Story Posts not numbers and figures.

1 ship route = 20 Industrial Production per month
1 stargate route = 10 Industrial production per month

Routes can be stargate or ship based, however ship routes carry more and can be raided, causing the Player to lose the routes income. Stargate routes can’t be raided by take up stargate time, meaning less use for other things and they also bring less income. This must be mentioned IC from time to time.

General Tech Guide- Names are a guide to power level not a fixed goal.
Lev 100- Ancient
Lev 90- Asgard
Lev 80

< Max Present tech limit.

Lev 70- Tollan
Lev 60
Lev 50
Lev 40- Major Goa’uld
Lev 30- Minor Goa’uld
Lev 20- Starfaring
Lev 10- Earth
Lev 0-1 Primitive

Stealing/Salvaging Tech
You can gain in technology level in game, but this is driven by story, not by points, there may be a resource cost involved but it is mostly a matter of story line.



Constructing any "building" as far as the game is concerned,

Ships require a Shipyard to construct them.
Ground-based Yards takes 6 game months to build and costs 20 IP. These Yards don’t require anything extra but can only build Gunships and Escorts.

Orbital Yards take 8 game months to build and cost 40 IP. These Yards require the player to have 2 Ground-based yards per Orbital Yard but can build ships of any size.

Fighters and Bombers along with Ground units don’t require a specialised building to create.



Planetary Superweapon
Although generally much more effective when found rather than built, you can build one of these if you like. This category includes things like grand cannons or shields – it should be carefully noted to the GM what it consists of. Can be hidden or cheapened to cover only a single cone of approach, in which case it will be ineffective in stopping a landing.

Planetary Defense Network
A network of satellites and/or surface weapons pointed spacewards that can be expected to deter casual raids and at least hold up a moderately determined attack. Can be successively stacked with somewhat diminishing returns for heavier and more credible defenses. After the second layer or so, some significant battlestations can be expected to be in orbit.

A tripwire system to inform you of things dropping into orbit over your Goa'uld's favourite harem world or whatever. Can be successively stacked with diminishing returns.

Stargate Defences
Only buildable for stargates that are not already protected by an Iris. These are specialised defensive emplacements and arrangements that guard a stargate. Can be successively stacked with quickly diminishing returns.



Heavy Cruiser


Gunship Fighter

Infantry - Cost 2 IP- Build 4 month
Armour - Cost 6 IP- Build 4 month
Artillery – Cost 4 IP- Build 4 month (Specify anti-ground or anti air)
Close Support Aircraft - Cost 8 IP - Build 4 month
Air Superiority Fighters - cost 8 IP - Build 4 months
Stargate Assault Vehicle (Air) - Cost 10 IP - Build 4 month. (Stargate Assault Expert only)
Stargate Assault Vehicle (Ground) - Cost 10 IP - Build 4 month

Units below are taken from Infantry corps when you build 1 remove 1 Infantry from your OOB.
Stargate Assault Troops - Cost 10 IP- Build 4 month

Goa’uld/Jaffa Only
Elite Guard - Cost 15 IP- Build 5 month (Elite Training only)

Non-Goa’uld Only
Special Forces - Cost 15 IP - Build 5 month (Elite Training only)