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Vampire 2020

In ten years, two Princes and then none. The tyrannical Prince Wallace, who called sixteen bloodhunts in six months, cut down by his former ally Victor Syrenno. Syrenno himself forced to step down pending the election of a new Prince… Now, enter a coterie of neonates, or more seasoned kindred, assembled for a job. Boons and rewards promised and signed. And then the job goes badly- somebody fucked up, intelligence was bad, and now the coterie is left holding the bag. But hey, there’s another job to make up for your botches in a city trembling on the brink of a power struggle.

Kindred of Note


Prince Victor Syrenno. Formally the Seneschal of Prince Wallace. Lead the coup that unseated him and reigned as Prince for nearly a year before he lost the support of the Elders of the City and was forced to into abdication and exile. “I do not commit this foul act out of personal ambition but loyalty to the city.”

Bruce Hutton, Brujah, 7th Generation. Childe of Theodore the Armenian. Immigrated to the City from England in 1851. Sire of Mac Bishop. Publicly volunteered his childe for the Important Mission.


The Toreador Clan has had a strong hold over the Easy City since it’s founding. While Wallace Markham was not it’s first Prince he was the longest serving one; his wild actions in the last year of his reign caused much harm to the Toreador Clan and Prince Syrenno’s coup unseated the Clan of the Rose from it’s lofty position. In the post-Syrenno environment Marissa took up the mantle of Toreador Primogen, dividing the clan between Wallace’s brood and the other Toreador.

Prince Wallace Markham. Toreador. Deposed and Killed by Victor Syrenno. 7th Generation.

Marissa, Primogen of the Toreador. Childe of Elsa Linden.

THE CITY, East Coast of the US.

North-side area
Commercial Downtown
Museum of Mechanical Science
Ballard Institute of the Arts
Burlesque (Cosplay Bar)
City central PD and law courts
The Eastside dock district
Greene Shipyard
Naval Station Ames
Rumored site of a illegal Fight club ran by the russian mob.
Gotham Yacht Club
Old town. A Mix of old buildings and new business/commercial office buildings and sites. Brownstone buildings, plus gothic art deco.
The Confessional Nightclub (on the edge of the dock district)
Endron International Tower (South of the old town district)
Leonas Tower (a gothic style office skyscraper built in the 1980's. Features alternating sections with no windows). One of the primary Elysium's.
Old Church University, established 1880. (One of the campus' is the site of the Tremere Chantry)
Blackgate Asylum
West's Books, run by an eccentric lady who hosts Egyptian revival ceremonies every weekend.
Industrial District (West, and north)
Old canning factory
JB's Meat Packers
Blood Alley (slaughterhouse row)
United Carbide chemical plant
Southside ghetto/depressed
'The Project', seven blocks of never fully completed midrise apartments built in a failed attempt at 80s urban renewal. Surrounded by a 10' high brick wall.
Iron Hills Penitentiary, built just before WWI and shows every year.

The Subway

Six or Seven stations built in the 1920's and in use until at least the 1960s. Lack of funding saw the eventual abandonment of one station after another until by the 70's none were in use.

The Burroughs of East City

Bludhaven. Originating as a whaling and smuggling port in the 1700’s Bludhaven’s fortunes rose and fell over the decades but was ultimately eclipsed economically by The City. After the great depression it was eventually incorporated into it as a burrough. Roughly half an hour north, up the coast, from city center Bludhaven features a scattering of decaying buildings and old brownstone tenements.
And old coastal USAF Radar site. Concrete brutalism at its finest. Closed since the 70’s.
Lower East Crestfield. Anarch Country. Bordering the city on the south Lower East Crestfield has merged completely with the Southside Ghetto over the years. The “Project” marks the rough dividing line between the formal territory of the Praxis of East City and ‘unclaimed’ territory. Various Anarch groups have existed over the years facing Sabbat incursions from the south and Wallace’s more benign harassment from the north.



  • Vampire 20th Edition. Revised books are compatible.
  • By default it is assumed that the characters are members of the Camarilla (or if playing a clan normally outside of it, on the job to get in).
  • Consider why your character as included in the job. What reward did they ask for? What were they promised?
  • Example Character Sheet


Mac Bishop. WhiteStar. Brujah.

  • Desc: Apparently Healthy caucasion male in his late 20's/early thirties, with short black hair and brown eyes. Usually dressed in nondescript and practical clothes.
  • Bio: Former US Army Tracked Vehicle Repairer (91H), went survivalist after mustering out before being embraced by his sire Bruce Hutton who was in need of hands on technical skills from the modern day. When he proved to not be susceptible to blood bonding this caused a minor falling out, leaving Bishop to set up a fly by night PI business to get by, eventually culminating in Hutton volunteering him to the local Camerilla for a high risk mission. Bishop privately suspects it was a plot to tie up loose ends without his Sire getting his hands dirty but can't prove it. Yet.

James Rathmore. Oseng. Salubri.

  • Desc: Tall, skinny, man of apparent Caucasian/Northern European origin and hard to determine age. Short cropped brown hair and matching eyes, typically dressed in neat business casual clothing.
  • Bio: A doctor whose personality, philosophy, and skills as a healer attracted the attention of his sire, Fiona. Like his sire, whose last name he has taken/been awarded with in his current identity, he claims to be part of the Toreador clan. He came to the city a couple of years ago, along with his sire, to help settle a private but significant debt or favor his lineage owes. That favor was one of the reasons he was called upon to assist with the job. His sire is currently in another city attending to other business but plans to return later in the year.

OP-Dude OmegaPaladin. Toreador.

Alice Mae White Silence. Toreador. Singer. Gun Moll

Jez (legally Amber Zeiss). Shrike. Toreador.