Saska Iphit Audamiar

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Revision as of 16:59, 8 October 2016 by Ral (talk | contribs) (Levelup Bonus: Read Auras +1)
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Species: Kobold
Subspecies: Rafaelan
Allegiance: Idealist

Player: Ralson

Background: Immigrated from Rafaela as a hatchling. What little memory she has of the old lands only helped her appreciate what the Kabilae have built here, and what they're capable of. She developed a strong sense of genuine patriotism which years of exposure to economic and racial tension has failed to quash. She joined the coast watch at an early age, where she learned to fly ultralights. She joined the navy as soon as she was old enough to serve, and developed a reputation as an impetuous and talented pilot. Under threat of war with the two great human nations, her discipline problems failed to derail her aviation career, until now.

Defining Characteristics
-Sweeping horns, jade scales, and a crest of backswept orange feathers
-Always drinking tea or coffee; yellowed teeth and nervous energy
-Upbeat fatalism: "Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll die in space."

Personal: I can do anything if I work together with my friends.
Grand: Preserve the light of our civilization at any cost.

Personal: Go farther, faster, higher.
Grand: Inspire all kabilae to unite under one flag.


Physique 4
Senses 8
Intellect 6
Aether 3

Adrenaline 4
Focus 8
Willpower 6
Core Ether 3


Alertness 5
Athleticism 3
Physical Conditioning 1
Mental Conditioning 2
Intuition 5
Stealth 3

Firearms 6
Tactics 1
Weapon Systems 5
Combat Reflexes 3
Melee 1
Unarmed 2

Problem Solving 1
Rocketry: Theory 1

Social Circle: Military 3
Social Circle: Clan Iphit 3
Conversation 6
One-Liners 3
Leadership 1
Graces 3
Deception 2
Quick Uptake 1

Drive 1
Electrotech 2
Mechanic 3
Aerospace Piloting 6
Rocketry: Practice 1

(A)Ether Channel 5
Read Auras 2

Dreams 1


Second Sight (Anja/Aspex) Cost: 1 Ether - committed, Action: Free Action, Range: 0, Duration: Until Cancelled, Spell Type: Transmutation Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Ritual Skill 1 Description - This spell modifies the user's eyes to allow them to see Ether out to visual ranges. Interpreting what they see sometimes requires the Read Auras skill. This spell applies a -2 concealment penalty to mundane Sense rolls as the flows of ether obscure normal sight, but allows the watcher to add the Aura ratings of those around them as a bonus to detection. Second Sight can see living beings through inanimate objects inside of 25m so long as they have Core Ether or a positive Aura value, but it cannot see through living objects like trees and other vegetation.

Evil Eye

Ward (Auroshell / Halo) Use - Cost: 2 Ether - committed, Action: one standard attack, Range: 0, Duration: Until cancelled, Spell Type: Transmutation Required: Magi / Sorcerer, Spellcraft Skill 2 Description - This spell allows the character to reinforce their aura with an effect that provides DR against any one type of attack (Physical, Energy, or Ether). The caster commits 2 points of Ether and gains 2 points of DR, coverage 10, for every point of their current Aura. If they gain additional Aura while the spell remains active, they gain additional DR. If they lose or expend Aura, the DR decreases. This effect lasts until the character's Aura drops to zero, or the caster consciously ends the spell. Witchfire attacks (and its derivatives) cannot harm someone protected by a Ward of any sort. As a Standard action the caster may roll Aether + Spellcraft against a DC of 10 + Aura strength to change the Ward's protection from one type of attack to another. Failure means the Ward collapses. A character cannot benefit from multiple Ward-type spells at the same time


Racial Traits
Skittish - Once per combat, spend 2 Adrenaline on Adrenal Surge instead of 1

Personal Traits

Minor Addiction: Your character has an addiction to some minor vice, like coffee, weed, or cigarettes. This addiction generally causes you no problems, but once per session you may elect to take a -1 penalty to all rolls for a scene due to either partaking, or failing to partake, in your vice. Gain 1 CP if you actually have to make an important roll while under this penalty.

Quiet Patriotism: Your character has great faith in their nation and the national good. They believe in its causes and institutions, and overlook its flaws and failings. This patriotism is a source of strength, and provides you with a bonus +1 to an exploit pool of your choice (chosen at the start of the session). You lose this +1 for the rest of the session if at any time you voice or show doubts in the rightness of your nation and its institutions.

(tentative)Cool Customer:(fatalistic) Your character doesn't get too worked up about most failure, and does not suffer the first -1 edge penalty for repeating a failed action, so long as they did not spend any Exploits when attempting the previous action, or re-attempting that same action. So long as your character has not spent any Exploits in a round, they also gain a +10 resistance to minor vibes inflicted in that round. They're just too cool to be affected.

Character Points: 74
Character Points Spent: 70