Talk:Lost Ground Forces

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[Size=4]Mages[/Size] [b]Rhianoor[/b] (Archmage; +1 All-Seeing Eye, +1 Seer, +1 Mage Sight, +1 Fear and Wonder, +1 Counterspells) (30pp; 1/1/1) [b]Cuselis[/b] (Exalim/Master) (0.8pp; 0.2/0.2/0.2) [b]Melana[/b] (Adept) (0.3pp; 0.1/0.1/0.1) (7 levels)

[b]???[/b] (Oracle; +2 Warrior Skills, +1 Battlemage, +1 Invincible!, +1 Fastcast, +2 Mage in the Shell, +1 Countermage, +1 Seer, +1 Mage Sight) (55pp; 5/5/5)

[b]???[/b] (Archmage; +1 Warrior Skills, +1 Puppetmaster, +2 Multicast, +1 Shapeshifter, +1 Additional Training) (30pp; 1/1/1) (21 levels) [b]???[/b] (Archmage; +1 Seer, +1 Shapeshifter, +1 Ghosts and Shadows, +1 Puppetmaster, +1 Covert Skills) (15pp; 1/1/1) (17 levels) (+2 Infiltration, +2 Exfiltration, +1 Spycatcher) [b]???[/b] (Archmage; +1 Seer, +1 Necromancer) (15pp; 1/1/1) (17 levels) [b]???[/b] (Archmage; +2 Enemy of All Who Live, +2 Storm Born) (25pp; 1/1/1) [b]???[/b] (Archmage; +1 Dreamwalker, +1 The All-Seeing Eye, +1 Mage Sight, +1 Seer) (10pp; 1/1/1) [b]???[/b] (Archmage; +1 Seer, +1 Fear and Wonder, +1 Puppetmaster) (20pp; 1/1/1) [b]???[/b] (Archmage; +2 Warrior Skills, +1 Battlemage, +1 Engine of Destruction, +1 Seer) (10pp; 1/1/1) [b]???[/b] (Archmage) (5pp; 1/1/1) [b]???[/b] (Archmage; +2 Storm Born)

--10 x Atlantean Master (Master; +1 Countermage, +1 Fear and Wonder, +1 Ghosts and Shadows, +1 Mage Sight) (40pp; 2/2/2) --20 x Atlantean Adept (Adept; +1 Countermage, +1 Fear and Wonder, +1 Ghosts and Shadows) (24pp; 2/2/2)

--19 x Archmage (Archmage) (100pp) --4 x Diamid Otome+ (Master; +2 Warrior Skills, +1 Battlemage, +1 Engine of Destruction) --25 x Diamid Otome (Adept; +2 Warrior Skills, +1 Battlemage) --5 x Artificers (Expert Specialist) (5pp) --5 x Artificers (Expert Specialist) (5pp) --5 x Artificers (Expert Specialist) (5pp) --43 x Mage (Adept; +1 Battlemage) (108pp; 18/18/18) --75 x Mage Officer (Disciple; +1 Warrior Skills, +1 Battlemage) --600 x Non-Commissioned Mage Sr. (Disciple; +1 Warrior Skills, +1 Battlemage, +1 Additional Training) (160pp; 20/20/20) reserve --1750 x Non-Commissioned Mage Jr. (Postulant; +1 Warrior Skill, +1 Additional Training) (18pp; 6/6/6) reserve

[Size=4]Agents[/Size] --100 x Anbu "Shie" (Spy/Adept; +1 Covert Skills; +2 Infiltration, +1 Exfiltration) (Mental 3, Movement 2, Creation 1) (60pp; 10/10/10) --1000 x Anbu Counterintelligence (Spy/Postulant; +1 Covert Skills; +1 Spy Catchers) (Mental 1) (8pp; 4/4/4) --60000 x Anbu Internal Security (Secret Police; +1 Spy Catchers, +1 Loyal) (90pp; 6/0/0) --100000 x Informers (Informers) (5pp; 1/0/0) --500 x Archaelogists (Archaeologists) (25pp; 5/0/0) --Diplomat I (Diplomat; +2 Demagogue) (15pp 1/0/0) --Diplomat II (Diplomat; +2 Peacekeeper, +1 Treatymaker, +1 Doubletalk) (25pp; 1/0/0)

[u]Agent Deployment[/u] [i]Keyway[/i] 20 Anbu "Shie" – Lolianthe – Information Gathering: Military [i]Myrkliea[/i] 10 ANBU "Shie" – Achaea – Information Gathering: Military 10 ANBU "Shie" – Samothrace – Information Gathering: Military 10 ANBU "Shie" – Limnos – Information Gathering: Military 20 ANBU "Shie" – Achaean Ikaria - Subterfuge [i]Sceptre[/i] 10 ANBU "Shie" – Sunsphere – Information Gathering: Politics Diplomat I (Diplomat; +2 Demagogue) Diplomat II (Diplomat; +2 Peacekeeper, +1 Treatymaker, +1 Doubletalk) [i]Itriasca[/i] 10 ANBU "Shie" – Na-Speza – Information Gathering: General 10 ANBU "Shie" – FZC – Information Gathering: General [i]Lost Ground[/i] 1000 Anbu Counterintelligence – Alter Empire – Counterintelligence 100000 Informers – Alter Empire – Counterintelligence 500 Archaeologists – Alter Empire – Digging 40PP of Prospectors (???)