Glint (Aberrant:Exile)

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Vital Statistics

Alias: Zurine Ibarra
Player: Exhack
Allegiance: Eden Nova
Concept: Causality Violation Sniper
Eruption: Second Generation Nova
Nature Jester/Expert
Virtue: Regain WP when you lighten a mood or ease a tense situation.
Vice: Spend WP to resist showing your expertise off in a valid situation. Regain WP if doing so is taking an unreasonable risk.
Quantum: 2

  • Quantum Pool: 45

Willpower: 7


• [ ]x5 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x5 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x10 Injured: -2
• [ ]x15 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x1 Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead



Quantum Attacks


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 2A/9L/14B

w/2A/6L/8B (Natural Soak)
w/0L/0B (Quantum Powers)
w/3L/6B (Equipment and Body Modifications)


Physical (7)

Strength: 4

Brawl 5
Melee 5 (Pistol Whip +1)
Mega Strength [2] (Demolition, Quantum Leap)

Dexterity: 10

Athletics 5
Firearms 6 (Rifles +2, Pistols +2)
Drive 5
Martial Arts 5
Mega Dexterity [3] (Weapon Master, Gifted, Paragon, Strider)

Stamina: 4

Endurance 5
Resistance 5
Mega Stamina [2] (Adaptation)

Social (3)

Charisma: 4

Etiquette 3

Manipulation: 3

Subterfuge 3

Appearance: 3

Style 4
Intimidate 4
Enticing Mega Appearance [2] (Two Face)

Mental (5)

Wits: 5

Tactics 4
Mega Wits [3] (Multitasking, Quickness [3])

Intelligence: 3

Survival 3

Perception: 5

Awareness 5
Investigation 5
Mega Perception [3] (Ultraperipheral Vision, Zoom and Enhance)


7 +15 Backgrounds

Attunement 5
Node 5
Resources 5
Influence [Eden Novas] 3
Cipher 4


Claws [5] - (Causality recursion attacks that warp space to place the target's weakpoints into the line of fire.)

Extras: Kinetic Transfer, Homing, Reduced Quantum Cost
Strengths: Armor Piercing 5 (AP 15)

Luck [5] - (Causality violation field.)

Arsenal [4] - (Pocket dimension that holds infinite possibilities. For killing.)

Extras: Bottomless, Reflexive

Teleport [3] - (Compresses distances between herself and targets by shunting the extra space into pocket dimension.)



Permanent Points: 0
Temporary Points: 0


Body Modifications

Rangefinder - (Eyes incredibly acute and capable of great depth perception.)

Vital Organ Shielding [6] - (2nd Generation physiology well-adapted to stresses caused by Quantum forces.)

+6 -2 HLs, +12 -4 HLs


Crash Suit

Chameleon Polymer, Vacuum Capability
Soak 6B/3L, Penalty -0, Mass 3, Destruction 18

Very Heavy Pistol [13] - (L-K Mjolnir)

Overpressured, Cooling Jacket, Gyrostabilizer, ECS
Acc +3, Dmg 12L, Range 60, RoF 2, Magazine 10, AP 1, Conceal O, Mass 3.75, Min Str. 4 (3 with stock)
Multiplex: Accuracy +2, Dmg(-3), Dmg Add +[2].
Explosive: +2 damage, AP (+1)

Coil Rifle [6] - (Banji 02 Hornet)

Overcharged, Cooling Jacket, Gyrostabilizer, ECS
Acc + 4, Dmg 12L, Range 200, RoF 60, Magazine 60, AP:4, Conceal O, Mass 6, Min Str. 3
Multiplex: Accuracy +2, Dmg(-3), Dmg Add +[2].
Explosive: +2 damage, AP (+1)

Bonus Points

15 BP

  • Willpower 7 [8]
  • Firearms Prodigy [3]
  • Lucky [3]
  • Second Generation Nova [1]

Nova Points

60 NP

  • Quantum 2 [5]
  • Claws 5 [5]
  • Claws: Kinetic Transfer, Homing [4]
  • Claws: Armor Piercing 5 [5]
  • Luck 5 [5]
  • Arsenal 4 [8]
  • Arsenal: Bottomless Reserves, Reflexive [4]
  • Abilities [6]
  • Attributes [6]
  • Backgrounds [3]
  • Teleport 3 [6]
  • Body Modifications [3]

Body Modifications

24 from NP

  • Rangefinder [4]
  • Vital Organ Shielding 6 [12]


130 XP

  • Mega Dexterity 3 [21]
  • Mega Perception 3 [21]
  • Mega Wits 3 [21]
  • Mega Stamina 2 [11]
  • Mega Strength 2 [11]
  • Mega Appearance 2 [11]
  • Inhuman Dexterity [6]
  • Gifted Dexterity [5]
  • Dexterity Paragon [5]
  • Dexterity 10 [18]
  • Strider [5]
  • Quickness 3 [15]
  • Zoom and Enhance [5]
  • Firearms: Pistols [2]
  • Firearms: Rifles 2 [2]
  • Melee: Pistol Whip [1]