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Star Kingdom of Jianghu
Sino-Russian Arm
System Info
Star Name: Houyi (G2)
Other Bodies: Chang'e(Moon)
Thousand Shen(Asteroids)
Yù Huáng(Gas Giant)
Yanluo(Kupier Belt/Oort Cloud)
World Name: Jianghu
Surface Gravity: .9 G
Climate: Earthlike
Atmosphere: Nitrogen/Carbon Dioxide/Oxygen/Water Vapor, 100.4 kPa
Population: 91.2 Million
Breakdown: Chinese
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Capital: Lǜlín
Other Major Settlements: Banpo
Alignment: People's Prosperity Sphere
Primary Industry:
Complex Industry:
He3 Deliveries:
Domestic He3:
Delta Dust:
Primary Doctrine:

Astrography & Geography



Thousand Shen

Yù Huáng

Outer System

National Overview

As of January 2195

Empire of Jianghu
Archetype: Free Chinese World
Head of State:
Government: Bureaucratic Monarchy
Political Alignment:Free Chinese World

Government and Military

The Government of the Empire considers itself the future holders of the Mandate of Heaven, and the successors to Imperial China.

The capital of Jianghu is the Imperial city Lǜlín. The emperor heads the government, promulgating all written laws, serving as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and presiding as the chief executive official. The Emperor appoints all government officials who earn a salary of at least 6000 Yuan a month, with the help of advisors who review each nominee. The empress dowager can either be the emperor's actual or symbolic mother, and is in practice more powerful than the emperor, as she can override his decisions. The emperor's executive powers can also be practiced by any official upon whom he bestowed the Staff of Authority(most often the Chancellor). These powers include the right to execute criminals without the imperial court's permission.

The highest officials in the central bureaucracy, who provide advisory, censorial, executive, and judicial roles in governing the kingdom, consist of cabinet members known as the Excellencies, heads of large specialized ministries known as the Nine Ministers, and various metropolitan officials of the capital region. Distinguished salary-ranks are granted to officials in the bureaucracy, nobles of the imperial family, concubines of the harem, and military officers of the armed forces.

Local government divisions, in descending order by size, are the province, commandery, county, and district. Local fiefs of the nobility include the kingdom, which is modeled largely upon the regular commandery, as well as the marquessate, modelled largely upon the regular county. The Empire utilizes an all volunteer military during peacetime. During times of crisis(such as the first few years immediately following the breakdown or in the case of a large scale war), the volunteer military increases in size, and large militias are raised and certain officer titles are revived for temporary use.

Government Structure

Military Structure

The armed forces of the Jianghu Empire are divided into three branches: the Imperial Jiangian Navy(IJN), the Imperial Jiangian Army(IJA), and the Jianghu Merchant Marine(JMM).

Jiangian Imperial Army

Jingian Imperial Navy

The JIN is the main naval force of the Empire of Jianghu, stationed in the Houyi system, with extensive presence in neighboring star-systems. The Jianghu Imperial Navy is administered by the Ministry of the Navy, and controlled by the Chief of Naval Operations at Imperial General Headquarters. In order to combat the numerically superior PLAN, the JIN has devoted large amounts of resources to creating a sophisticated and modern combined arms fleet, utilizing mecha, aerospace craft, and powerful starships.

Subordinate Units

Theater Imperial Tactical Aerospace Naval Squadron

Resource Stockpiles



Food, Raw Materials, Manufactured Goods, Electronics



While the standard official language of Azadestan is like most other human worlds in the Sphere English, almost all of the original colonists spoke Iranian and Arabic to some extent.

Azadestani Transgenic Template

+1 Enhanced Physique(8), +1 Enhanced Socialization(8), Enhanced Reactions(12), Enhanced Intelligence(12), Healthy Specialty, Lvl 3 Looking Good
90% of population.
62 Points


Azadestani food, because of the colony's mostly muslim population, mostly follows Islamic Dietary laws.



[Islam] Green Islam, a merger of Liberal Islamic thought with Shi'a Islam, is the largest religious group on Azadestan.

Art and Literature



Under review.

History Path:

A1:Early National
(+100 CIP)
A2: Dominantly Baseline
(+ 40 transgene)
Now with more Wuxia
A3: Gardenworld
(Au Natural[+60 Pop, +15 SP, -250 Dust, SP that can be spent on any option increased by +5, may not spend SP on dust]) The world they found was a paradise. Unlike many other of man's colony's, their new world was a green lush planet, similar to earth during the time of the dinosaurs, but completely different from their dry arid middle eastern homelands.The planet itself would only need very little terraforming to be habitable for life. Many suspected the Posthumans had something to do with this, but this could never be proven until later.
A8: Population Boom
(+ 120 Pop, -100 Wealth)
The new residents of the new world, a world which they named Bilad Al-Rafigayn settled into their new home, determined to never fall into the trap that had plagued their old homelands. Despite the planet's distance from earth, immigrants kept coming to the planet
B1: Quiet
(+ 100 Wealth, + 60 population, + 2 SP)
(+ 100 Wealth, + 60 population, + 2 SP)
D1:Collapse of the Middle Kingdom
(+60 Population, -200 Theta, Muddle Through[+100 PIP, +2 SP)
However, they were one of the first system affected by the breakdown Virus
J1:Still Free
(+ 2,500 Military, + Logistics, + Morale, + CIS relations, - Chinese Relations)
To hell with the Peeps
J2: Financially Independent
(+100 Wealth, +60 Pop, +100 PIP)
J3:Steel Dragons
(+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
Giant Robots Rule the sky, thrust vectoring style.
L1:Multiparty Democracy
(+ 2,500 Military, + 100 PIP, +20 Transgene )
(++ Secrecy, +75 Applications, 20% Secrets, + 0% secret project cost)
Chaotic:Economic Progression
(+ 100 CIP, -100 PIP)


Global Technology Level: 20
Shipbuilding: +10 [30]
Aircraft: +5 [25]
Electronics: +2 [22]
Missiles: +5 [25]
Stealth: +5 [25]
Transgenics: -2 [18]
[Still Free] +2 Missile Tech [27]
[Financially Independent] +5 Civilian Tech [25]
[Steel Dragons] Mecha +5 [25]
[Garden World] +3 Civilian tech [28]

SP Bonuses:

+3 Mecha Technology [28](2 SP)
+3 Propulsion Technology [23] (2 SP)
+3 Railgun Technology [23] (2 SP)
+3 Shield Technology [23] (2 SP)
+3 Electronics Technology [25] (2 SP)
+3 Transgenics [21] (2 SP)
+3 Missile Technology [30] (2 SP)
+120 PIP (10 SP)
+100 CIP (10 SP)
+60 Application Points (6 SP)
+72 Pop (9 SP)
+2 Transgene Points (2 SP)


792 Population
700 Wealth
920 PIP
820 CIP
0 Delta Dust
30,000 Military
60 Transgene


??? Class Aviation Cruiser



Mobility: 5
Evasion: 6
Armor: 18
Structure: 7
Hits: 36
Space: 160/160
Hangar Space: 24
Available Power: 160/180
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Hull Coefficient: 4
Expansion 6 Cruiser

Internal Components

12 Fusion Reactors(12 Space, +180 Power)
5 Fusion Thrusters(32 space, 80 Power, +5 Mobility, +4.5 Evasion)
2 Jump Drives(2 Space, 8 Power)
4 Belted Armor (16 Space, +8 Armor, +2 Structure, +16 Hits)
2 Flash Field (8 Space, 64 Power, +6 Armor, +1 Evasion)


2 Small Railcannons (10 Spaces, 8 power)
2 Leap Missile Launchers (10 Spaces)
2 Anti-Air Missile Launchers (10 Spaces)
2 Strike Missile Launchers (10 Spaces)
7 Flak Cannons (14 spaces, 0 power)
6 Vulcan Point Defense (12 Spaces)

??? Class Cruiser



Mobility: 5
Evasion: 6
Armor: 22
Structure: 8
Hits: 44
Space: 159/160
Available Power: 178/180
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Hull Coefficient: 4
Expansion 6 Cruiser

Internal Components

12 Fusion Reactors(12 Space, +180 Power)
5 Fusion Thrusters(32 space, 80 Power, +5 Mobility, +4.5 Evasion)
2 Jump Drives(2 Space, 8 Power)
6 Belted Armor (24 Space, +12 Armor, +3 Structure, +24 Hits)
2 Flash Field (8 Space, 64 Power, +6 Armor, +1 Evasion)


7 DP Cannons (28 Space, 14 power)
4 Vulcan Point Defense Guns (8 Space)
3 Small Railcannons (15 Space, 12 Power)
2 Heavy Anti-Ship Missile Launchers (20 Space)
2 Leap Missile Launcher (10 space)

??? Class Aviation Cruiser



Mobility: 5
Evasion: 6
Armor: 18
Structure: 7
Hits: 36
Space: 180/180
Hangar Space: 24
Available Power: 184/195
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Hull Coefficient: 4
Expansion 8 Cruiser

Internal Components

13 Fusion Reactors(13 Space, +195 Power)
5 Fusion Thrusters(32 space, 80 Power, +5 Mobility, +4.5 Evasion)
2 Jump Drives(2 Space, 8 Power)
4 Belted Armor (16 Space, +8 Armor, +2 Structure, +16 Hits)
2 Flash Field (8 Space, 64 Power, +6 Armor, +1 Evasion)


2 Large Railcannons (40 Spaces, 32 Power)
3 Leap Missile Launchers (15 Spaces)
1 Heavy Anti-Ship Missile Launcher (10 Spaces)
5 Flak Cannons (10 spaces)
5 Vulcan Point Defense (10 Spaces)

??? Class Heavy Cruiser



Mobility: 5
Evasion: 6
Armor: 22
Structure: 8
Hits: 44
Hangar Space: 12
Available Power: 200/210
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Hull Coefficient: 4
Expansion 8 Cruiser

Internal Components

14 Fusion Reactors(14 Space, +210 Power)
5 Fusion Thrusters(32 space, 80 Power, +5 Mobility, +4.5 Evasion)
2 Jump Drives(2 Space, 8 Power)
6 Belted Armor (24 Space, +12 Armor, +3 Structure, +24 Hits)
2 Flash Field (8 Space, 64 Power, +6 Armor, +1 Evasion)


4 Medium Railcannons (40 Space, 32 Power)
2 Small Railcannons (10 space, 8 power)
4 DP Cannons (16 Spaces, 8 power)
4 Leap Missile Launchers (20 space)
1 Vulcan Point Defense (2 space)

??? class Light Carrier



Mobility: 5
Evasion: 6
Armor: 10
Structure: 5
Hits: 28
Space: 78/78
Hangar Space: 180
Available Power: 118/118
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Hull Coefficient: 4
Expansion 2/Carrier 6 Light Carrier

Internal Components

8 Fusion Reactors(8 Space, +120 Power)
5 Fusion Thrusters(32 space, 80 Power, +5 Mobility, +4.5 Evasion)
2 Jump Drives(2 Space, 8 Power)
1 Scattering Field(4 space, 32 Power, +4 Armor, -.5 Evasion, +4 AP Protection)
2 Belted Armor(8 Space, +3 Armor, +2 Structure, +8 Hits)


2 Leap Missile Launchers (10 Space)


Passive Stealth (12 spaces)

??? Class Missile Battlecruiser


Mobility: 5
Evasion: 2.5
Armor: 20
Structure: 11
Hits: 104
Space: 320/320
Hangar Space: 20
Available Power: 220/240
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Hull Coefficient: 8
Expansion 6 Battleship

Internal Components

16 Fusion Reactors (16 Space, +240 Power)
2 Jump Drives (5 Space, -20 Power)
5 Fusion Thrusters(100 Space, -200 Power, +5 Mobility, +2.5 Evasion)
6 Belted Armor (48 space, +12 Armor, +3 Structure, +48 Hits)
1 Structural Reinforcement (16 Space, +3 Structure, +16 Hits)


22 Leap Missile Launchers (110 Space)
5 Vulcan Point Defense (10 space)

Aerospace and Mecha

SAHA-HESA AzF/A-01 'Lanner Aerospace Fighter



Speed: 12
Agility: 10
Evasion: 7
Armor: 0
Hits: 4
Component Space: 1/8
Excess Power: 0/4
External Carriage: 0/8

Internal Components

1 Fusion Reactors (1 space, +4 Power)
2 Fusion Thrusters (2 space, -2 power, +2 speed, +1 Agility, + 1 Evasion)
2 Fusion Vernier (2 space, -2 power, +2 Agility, + 1 evasion)

Fixed Equipment

1 Anti-Missile Gatling (2 spaces)

Standard Loadout(Standard)

2 Cluster Missiles (4 Spaces, 0 power, 6 shots)
2 Anti-Air Missiles( 4 spaces, 0 power, 2 shots)

SAHA-HESA AzF/A-02 Laggar Aerospace Fighter



Speed: 14
Agility: 13
Evasion: 9
Armor: 0
Hits: 4
Component Space: 0/12
Excess Power: 0/8
External Carriage: 10/10

Frame Expansion 1

Internal Components:

2 Fusion Reactors (2 space, +8 Power
4 Fusion Thrusters (4 space, -4 power, +4 speed, +2 Agility, + 2 Evasion)
4 Verniers (4 space, -4 power, +4 Agility, +2 Evasion)

Fixed Equipment:

1 Anti-Missile Gatling (2 spaces)

Standard Loadout:

2 Cluster Missiles (4 Spaces, 0 power, 6 shots)
3 Anti-Air Missiles(6 spaces, 0 power, 3 shots)

SAHA-HESA AzF/S-01 Scoops Owl Strike Fighter

Scoops Owl


Speed: 15
Agility: 9
Evasion: 8
Armor: 6
Hits: 4
Component Space: 12/12
Excess Power: 0/8
External Carriage: 10/10

Frame Expansion 1

Internal Components:

2 Fusion Reactors (2 space, +8 Power)
8 Fusion Thrusters (8 space, -8 power, +8 speed, +4 Agility, + 4 Evasion)

Fixed Equipment:

1 Anti-Missile Gatling (2 spaces)

Standard Loadout(Standard):(10 spaces, 0 power)

5 Anti-Air Missiles( 10 spaces, 0 power, 5 shots)

SAHA-HESA AzF/S-02 Pharaoh Owl Strike Fighter

Pharaoh Owl


Speed: 19
Agility: 11
Evasion: 10
Armor: 6
Hits: 4
Component Space: 16/16
Excess Power: 4/16
External Carriage: 10/12

Frame Expansion 2

Internal Components:

4 Fusion Reactors (4 space, +16 Power)
12 Fusion Thrusters (12 space, -12 power, +12 speed, +6 Agility, + 6 Evasion)

Fixed Equipment:

Standard Loadout(Standard):(12 spaces, 0 power)

6 Strike Missiles( 12 spaces, 0 power, 6 shots)

SAHA-HESA AzF/AS-03 Saker Strike/Superiority Fighter



Speed: 16
Agility: 16
Evasion: 12
Armor: 0
Hits: 4
Component Space: 1/16
Excess Power: 0/12
External Carriage: 12/12

Frame Expansion 2

Internal Components:

3 Fusion Reactors (3 space, +12 Power)
6 Fusion Thrusters (6 space, -6 power, +6 speed, +3 Agility, + 3 Evasion)
6 Verniers (6 space, -6 power, +6 Agility, +4 Evasion)

Standard Loadout:

2 External Fusion Reactor(4 spaces, +8 Power)
1 Plasma Gun (6 spaces, -8 Power)
1 Anti-Air Missile (2 spaces, 0 power)

Saipa-Khodro Mechanics AzMS-79 Arsames Combat MS



Speed: 8
Agility: 9.33
Evasion: 7
Armor: 12
Hits: 4
Component Space: 12/12
Excess Power: 0/12
External Carriage: 0/12

Assault Frame x0

Internal Components:

2 Fusion Reactors (2 Space, +8 power)
4 Thrusters (4 space, -4 power, +4 speed, +2 Agility, +2 Evasion)
4 Verniers (4 space, -4 power, +4 Agility, +2 Evasion)
2 Armor (2 space, +2 Armor, -0.66 Agility)

Standard Loadout: 0 Power, 12 Space

1 Autogun[Fixed] (8 Spaces, 0 power)
1 Small Shield (1 space, Block Difficulty 16, Armor 16[hardened])
1 Alpha Edge[Sword] (2 spaces, 0 power)
1 Alpha Edge[Knife] (1 space, 0 power)

Saipa-Khodro Mechanics AzMS-85 Cyrus Combat MS



Speed: 10
Agility: 13
Evasion: 9
Armor: 10
Hits: 4
Component Space: 15/16
Excess Power: 12/12
External Carriage: 0/14

Assault Frame x1

Internal Components:

3 Fusion Reactors (3 Space, +12 power)
6 Thrusters (6 Space, -6 Power, +6 Speed, +3 Agility, +3 Evasion)
6 Verniers (2 Space, -6 power, +6 Agility, +3 Evasion)

Standard Loadout: 0 Power, 13 Spaces

1 Autogun (8 spaces, 0 power)
Anti Missile Gatling(2 spaces)
1 Small Shield (1 space, Block Difficulty 16, Armor 16[hardened])
1 Alpha Edge[sword](2 spaces,0 power)

Saipa-Khodro Mechanics AzMS-87 Saeqah Plasma Assault MS



Speed: 10
Agility: 11
Evasion: 7
Armor: 10
Hits: 4
Component Space: 16/16
Excess Power: 24/24
External Carriage: 10/14

Assault Frame x1

Internal Components:

6 Fusion Reactors(6 Space, 24 Power)
6 Thrusters(6 Space,6 Power +6 Speed, +3 Agility, +3 Evasion)
4 Verniers(4 Space, 4 Power, +4 Agility, +2 Evasion)

Standard Loadout: 14 Power, 10 Spaces

Dual Plasma Gun (10 Spaces, 14 Power, -1 Evasion)
1 Alpha Edge[Pole] (4 Spaces, 0 power)

Saipa-Khodro Mechanics AzMS-90 Eskander Rim Export MS



Speed: 11-1
Agility: 10
Evasion: 9
Armor: 10
Hits: 4
Component Space: 19/20
Excess Power: 20/20
External Carriage: 16/16

Combat Frame x2

Internal Components:

5 Fusion Reactors (5 spaces, +20 Power)
6 Fusion Thrusters (6 spaces, +6 Speed, +3 Agility, +3 Evasion)
4 Fusion Verniers (6 spaces,+4 Agility, +2 Evasion)
4 Armor (4 spaces +4 Armor, -1.2 Agility)

Standard Loadout:(8 power, 10 spaces)

1 Plasma Gun (6 Spaces, 8 Power)
1 Alpha Edge[Sword] (2 spaces, 0 power)
1 Cluster Missiles (2 spaces, 0 power)
2 Anti-Air Missile (4 spaces, 0 power)
1 Medium Shield(2 Spaces, 0 power, -1 speed, Block Difficulty 12, Armor 18[hardened])

Saipa-Khodro Mechanics AzMS-93 Darius Aerospace Superiority MS



Speed: 12
Agility: 16
Evasion: 11
Armor: 10
Hits: 4
Component Space: 20/20
Excess Power: 0/16
External Carriage: 16/16

Assault Frame x2

Internal Components:

4 Fusion Reactors (5 spaces, +16 Power)
8 Fusion Thrusters (8 spaces, +8 Speed, +4 Agility, +4 Evasion)
8 Fusion Verniers (8 spaces,+8 Agility, +4 Evasion)

Standard Loadout: (10 Power, 16 spaces)

1 Plasma Gun (6 spaces, 8power)
2 Fusion Reactors[For Plasma gun](4 spaces, +8 power)
1 Alpha Edge[Sword] (2 spaces, 0 power)
1 Beam Saber {1 space, 2 power)
1 Fission Reactor[for Beam Saber](2 space, 2 power)
Small Shield (1 Space, Block Difficulty 16, Armor 16[hardened[)

Saipa-Khodro Mechanics AzMS-93D Stark Darius Assault/Defense MS

Stark Darius


Speed: 12
Agility: 14
Evasion: 11
Armor: 14
Hits: 4
Component Space: 24/24
Excess Power: 0/16
External Carriage: 18/18

Assault Frame x3

Internal Components:

4 Fusion Reactors (5 spaces, +16 Power)
8 Fusion Thrusters (8 spaces, +8 Speed, +4 Agility, +4 Evasion)
8 Fusion Verniers (8 spaces,+8 Agility, +4 Evasion)
4 Armor (+4 Armor, -1.32 Agility

Standard Loadout: (0 power, 18 spaces)

1 Mecha SMG (4 spaces, 0 power)
6 Strike Missiles (12 spaces, 0 power)
1 Alpha Edge[Knife] (1 Space,0 power)

Saipa-Khodro Mechanics AzMS-95 Xerxes Combat MS



Speed: 13
Agility: 17
Evasion: 12
Armor: 6
Hits: 4
Component Space: 23/24
Excess Power: 28/28
External Carriage: 18/18

Combat Frame x3

Internal Components:

7 Fusion Reactors (7 spaces, +28 Power)
8 Fusion Thrusters (8 spaces, +8 Speed, +4 Agility, +4 Evasion)
8 Fusion Verniers (8 spaces,+8 Agility, +4 Evasion)

Standard Loadout:(12 power, 18 spaces)

1 Antimissile Gatling(0 power, 2 spaces)
1 Plasma Gun (6 Spaces, 8 Power)
2 Plasma Lance(2 Spaces, 4 Power)
2 Cluster Missiles (4 spaces, 0 power)
2 Anti-Air Missiles (4 Spaces, 0 Power)