Talk:Singular Blade of Hope

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Radiant Advancing Torch

Peel 06:48, 2 April 2010 (UTC)

Exasperated by the government ignoring her brilliant ideas, Torch eagerly accepted transfer to Project Razor and the chance to study and uplift the societies of Creation. The branching out into intelligence and ambassadorial work she finds a little superfluous to her interests, but alchemicals are nothing if not adaptable.

Torch appears as a beautiful dull-gold woman in her early thirties.


  • Orichalcum Caste
  • Essence 2



  • Strength 2
  • Intelligence 5
  • Charisma 4


  • Stamina 3
  • Manipulation 3
  • Appearance 4+1


  • Dexterity 3
  • Perception 2
  • Wits 3


  • Martial Arts 4
  • Thrown 3
  • Integrity 3
  • Performance 1
  • Presence 2
  • Craft (air) 2
  • Lore 1
  • Athletics 2
  • Dodge 2
  • Bureaucracy 5
  • Linguistics 2 (autocthonian, old realm, riverspeak)
  • Socialise 2


  • Motivation: Discover new and better ways of managing society.
  • Intimacies:
  • Creation (fascination)
  • Graceful Quicksilver Avatar (admiration)
  • Project Razor (loyalty)
  • Willpower 6
  • Compassion 3
  • Conviction 2
  • Temperance 3
  • Valour 1
  • Clarity 0



  • 5th Intelligence Augmentation
  • 4th Appearance Augmentation
  • Integrated Artefact Transmogrifier
  • Synergy-Promoting Upgrade


  • Perfected Lotus Matrix
  • 5th Charisma Augmentation
  • Interpolative Syntax Emulator
  • Abstract Abacus Implant


  • Hierarchical Dogma Lock
  • The Circle Screams
  • Gear Catches Gear Defence
  • Thousand Wounds Gear Form


  • Artefact 3 (9 pts)
  • Orichalcum Gyroscopic Chakram (3)
  • Orichalcum Trinket of Dignified Conduct (2)
  • Design-Weave Dress (2)
  • Collar of Dawn’s Cleansing Light (1)
  • Seven-Jeweled Peacock Fan (1)
  • Charms 4
  • Class 3 (convert to Backing 3 in Creation?)
  • Eidolon 3

BP Allocation

  • BP: 15
  • +2 attribues (6)
  • +1 charm (1)
  • +1 Martial Arts (2)
  • +1 Craft (Air) (2)
  • +2 Bureaucracy (2)