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==The Netherborne==
Far below the warmth of the surface, countless beasts and hordes of foul creatures contest for survival in the twilight of the under dark. Sometimes the beasts win and keep the hordes in check. Other times the Ruk-Tai and their prodigious numbers triumph. The Ruk-Tai have not just obtained victory in Highfall. They have bent the beasts to their will, and in their lust for power, turned them against the the surface's barbarians. A vicious, bloody cycle thus emerged in wind-swept Thule; the denizens of the under dark spilling forth every decade to ravage the land until the hardy surface dwellers managed to repulse them.
*Netherborne - 20 Points
** Nightmare Fuel
The balance, however, was tipped towards the Ruk-Tai's favor with every excursion. Not every Ruk-Tai met their end at the hands of the barbarians. Instead some ventured forth to fully explore their new world. Many perished in the harsh environment but the decades saw many more thrive. They entered competition with the surface dwellers, and for the most part, were exterminated where ever they were found. This diversion though meant that less and less barbarians were around to meet the inevitable horde that always came for the surface. They slowly began to take hold of the surrounding areas and push the barbarians back at a slow but steady rate.
** Etheric Metabolism
** Resistance
The emissaries of the Alfar put an end to this.
The Empire never managed to truly conquer the northern territory, but it did manage to form alliances were it could. The barbarians were thus reinforced with small detachments of civilized soldiers and modern weaponry that put short work to the underground threat. They easily massacred the bewildered Ruk-Tai before pushing them back into the isolated depths. Surface dwellers once again dominated the frozen surface of Thule. The depths though were a far different story. In their haste the Alfar-Barbarian forces pushed their savage enemies into a number of places that were simply too difficult to dislodge them from such as treacherous underdarks and unexplored wilds. There the Ruk-Tai fiercely defended themselves by constructing a series of fortifications that the Alfar-Barbarians lacked the manpower and will to remove. Instead the allied Midgar turned to the construction of their own fortifications on the fertile, terraced hill domains.
A balance seemed to have been finally reached.
Then the Emperor was killed.
The alliance between the barbarians and the Alfar quickly faltered. They tried to do their best to fill the gaps with a number of stopgap measures: the employment of mercenaries, the forced re-settling of people, and even the enslavement of captured Ruk-Tai. The construction schedule was still not met, and before long, a wholly different breed of Ruk-Tai managed to capture the fortifications one by one. These Ruk-Tai employed asymmetric tactics completely different from before which quickly bled the hapless garrisons into oblivion. These new Ruk-Tai were reinforced by their captured brethren who brought a wealth of obtained information, and before long, once again dominated the area.
When the necromancers came to Thule, they found an area unlike any they had seen before. The Ruk-Tai had assimilated a number of practices of the Alfar and barbarians, and as a result, were maintaining towns and keeps. The more powerful Ruk-Tai kept Midgar, Uruk, Devgar, and even Alfar as slaves to be mocked and ridiculed while simultaneously mining them for any and all knowledge that could be useful. As a result a nobility had emerged from the sophisticated guerrillas of the past. It embraced the surface dweller's customs and excesses while simultaneously playing up their own superiority. As a result they took to calling their lands "Highfall" in direct mockery of the Alfar's use of the term "highborne".
Naturally they came into conflict with the necromancers and naturally were nearly pushed to the brink of annihilation in short order. The spoiled aristocracy of that age were in no shape to fight the monstrous magics of the seasoned sorcerers. They surrendered when possible, and when that wasn't possible, perished while begging for their lives. The common Ruk-Tai were cut down in droves but ultimately Highfall remained relatively intact as a vassal state of the necro-lords. The liberal aristocracy died off and more conservative Ruk-Tai took their place. They implemented a number of reforms that saw the construction of great stockades for beasts in most of their territory like during the days of old while also making as many concession to their oppressors as possible.


Revision as of 19:00, 3 October 2009

Politics and Religion
Capital: Highfall
Religion: Soreism
Government: Theocratic Stratocracy
Leader: Tyrant-Brother Settasea
Population and Economy
Population: Netherborne
Languages: Netherborne, Netherborne Creole
Food Production: 13/12
Tax Revenue: 1750 Gold
Mana Output: 2425 Mana
Books Output: 60 Books
Beast Output: 150 Beasts
Goblinpower: 13 Common Draft
1 Noble Draft

The Netherborne

  • Netherborne - 20 Points
    • Nightmare Fuel
    • Etheric Metabolism
    • Resistance


Domains of Highfall


Military of Highfall