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The Norca's destruction and assimilation of the former South American drug cartels, and the Norca "going legitimate", left South America stable and united, and a leading powerhouse in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Like many of the poorer nations during the Aberrant War, it was hit relatively lightly by the infrastructural damage of the war due to lacking the high-tech, easily Nova-subvertible infrastructure and often relying primarily on cheaper last-generation technology. This allowed it, like Africa, to later make a fair recovery. South America has forgotten the previous image of the drug lord and now sees them as much more noble creatures, like how 1920s gangsters were viewed in many Hollywood films-criminals, but criminals one can respect. If Proxy Del Fuego is intentionally encouraging it, or if the whitewashing is just human nature, remains to be seen.
The Norca's destruction and assimilation of the former South American drug cartels, and the Norca "going legitimate", left South America stable and united, and a leading powerhouse in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Like many of the poorer nations during the Aberrant War, it was hit relatively lightly by the infrastructural damage of the war due to lacking the high-tech, easily Nova-subvertible infrastructure and often relying primarily on cheaper last-generation technology. This allowed it, like Africa, to later make a fair recovery. South America has forgotten the previous image of the drug lord and now sees them as much more noble creatures, like how 1920s gangsters were viewed in many Hollywood films-criminals, but criminals one can respect. If Proxy Del Fuego is intentionally encouraging it, or if the whitewashing is just human nature, remains to be seen.
==Space Pirates==
==Outer System Insurgents==
The official moniker "Outer System Insurgents" applies to a half-dozen or more smaller groups with similar anti-authoritarian, pro-space-habitation views, as opposed to the idea that space should be controlled and monitored. Hostile to the government and corporate presence in space, these groups, with names such as the "Trojan Splittists", "Void Chasers", and "Freedmen" are allies of each other but not a strictly united front due to differences in their idea of what "free space" should be.
The "Space Pirate" movement has hijacked the image of the dashing swashbuckler for their individualist, anti-authoritarian views, based on the plethora of resources in space and the advances in automated manufacturing meaning that individualist enclaves are now a viable alternative to state-controlled power. Citing ancient UN agreements about the status of space as free territory rather than the government-and-corporate dominated environment it is now, embracing alternative lifestyles such as transhumanism and neonatal genetic modification, and demanding that they be allowed to consider themselves independent rather than people slaving under the sovereignty an Earth government in perpetuity. Militant freedom fighters, their standard form of protest often involves the boarding and seizing of merchant ships and the ransoming of their crew. The pirates may have a handful of military vessels, but generally use converted fast civilian craft to undertake their operations.
The "Space Pirate" movement has hijacked the image of the dashing swashbuckler for their individualist, anti-authoritarian views, based on the plethora of resources in space and the advances in automated manufacturing meaning that individualist enclaves are now a viable alternative to state-controlled power. Citing ancient UN agreements about the status of space as free territory rather than the government-and-corporate dominated environment it is now, embracing alternative lifestyles such as transhumanism and neonatal genetic modification, and demanding that they be allowed to consider themselves independent rather than people slaving under the sovereignty an Earth government in perpetuity. Militant freedom fighters, their standard form of protest often involves the boarding and seizing of merchant ships and the ransoming of their crew. The pirates may have a handful of military vessels, but generally use converted fast civilian craft to undertake their operations.

Revision as of 22:37, 21 February 2011

The current state of the world has drastically changed since the departure of the ISV Unity and the six score years since then and its return. Major historical events have fundamentally changed the geopolitical spectrum, and the technological paradigm has changed.


The Aberrant War

The Aberrant War started formally in the 2050s, after several Taint-maddened Novas caused significant damage to the world and fought against nations, each other, causing incredible amounts of collateral damage in the meantime. In 2059, the nations which signed the Zurich Accord repealed it, stripping fundamental human rights from Novas and making it fully legal under UN law to declare war against them, which was done so in 2061. This was an unprecedented maneuver in UN history, the declaration of war against an entire race, although the declaration stood up against all legal challenges pressed against it and has done so for decades.

The Aberrant War was a horrific affair, with millions of civilians and soldiers dying from the godlike might or stranger powers of the Aberrants, cities being destroyed, and once-great nations being humbled and shattered.

The Zurich Repeal

(displaying excerpt)
"...given the horrific actions perpetrated by the majority of these "Aberrants" and their capacity to wreak havoc on the Earth on a grand scale, and recent studies by Project Utopia's Triton division which demonstrate that this onset of violent insanity is extremely common in all Novas, we, the United Nations, formally repeal the Zurich Accords, retracting the statement that Novas benefit from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Men and women may be free to do what they wish, but those with the power of nuclear arsenals must accept that their power must be controlled, for the good of all nations and all peoples..."

Earth Strike Ultimatum

The Chinese Earth Strike Ultimatum was declared in 2067, giving all Novas 72 hours to surrender, leave Earth, or die, as the Chinese military was willing and capable of the destruction of any amount of land up to and including the viability of Earth's biosphere to eliminate the threat to her sovereignty. The demonstration of the Chinese will to inflict this involved the elimination of a group of aberrants known as "The Liberators", who had taken over Bahrain. Chinese fusion warheads scoured Bahrain clean, baseline and aberrant alike, boiling the sea... ...as such, there is no longer an island of Bahrain, merely the Bahrain memorial. This demonstration of power eventually led to the exodus of the Aberrants...


Federated States of America

A Nova known as Jeffery Wycoff used biomanipulative powers to create a horrific blight across the American midwest, destroying a significant proportion of the world's arable land and causing the deaths of millions. As a result, the United States federal government was forced to undertake emergency powers, instituting martial law across North America. After the Aberrant War, the former United States was left in shambles, and coveting its almost entirely intact neighbor, annexed Canada. Canada was far healthier economically and politically but the US military was, at that time, one of the largest and most advanced ones on Earth. The combined territories are now known as the Federated States of America, a republic with a civilian government that is heavily influenced although not controlled by its military and corporate "advisors"...


The People's Republic of China is the world's sole superpower, a powerful nation which survived the Aberrant Wars essentially untouched. One of the primary impetuses of space exploration, a research and development powerhouse, and hosting the Ministry of Psionic Affairs, Chinese influence in every area of life cannot be underestimated. The People's Liberation Army is the largest and most potent military fighting force in the world, controlling the majority of the Orbital Monitoring and Elimination Network (OMEN) jointly with the FSA, with the largest spacefleet, and controlling shares in most of the Leviathan Jumpships constructed as of 2150.

The European Union

The European Union suffered greatly during the Aberrant War, losing several cities and millions of citizens during it, as well as many of its member nations' capitols. The Esperanza incident in 2120, though, was the straw that broke the camel's back, destroying Paris, one of the EU's largest fully-intact cities, and further crippling the EU's efforts to rebuild to its former glories. The birthplace of western civilization, the European Union is still an excellent tourist spot, as many historical sites and monuments survived the Aberrant War intact, given their extremely low strategic value...

The Middle East

Increasing incidents of aberrant instability in the Middle East set off the powder keg which was Israel and its neighbors in the late 2040s, causing a nuclear war that was followed by the destructive total war between fanatical and insane aberrants. This has left the Middle East largely wasteland, shattering the cradle of many modern religions. Holy cities and priceless holy sites are now little more than graveyards, silent testimonies to the horrors of the Aberrant War. Radiation levels near the cities of Jerusalem and Mecca are still dangerously high, and due to the tragic use of the highly-dirty and long-lived "Salt Bombs" against those cities in the 2040s are unlikely to be safe for indefinite human habitation until the year 2350...


After the Aberrant War, Africa was ironically left in a position to do relatively well, although the civil wars and complete collapse of the colonial borders during the Aberrant War had caused significant chaos. But although they had fallen, most nations had fallen far further and left them on a mostly equal footing. Rapid industrialization, a change from the endless parade of tinpot dictators, and a plethora of natural resources had allowed them to become a new rising star, and the influence and assistance of the Upeo in the Psion age was sufficient to further increase their international standing.

Their exodus has, of course, hit the continent hard, but with secondhand expertise on the nature of psionic teleportation, the nations of Africa have become critical contributors to Leviathan design and construction.

South America

The Norca's destruction and assimilation of the former South American drug cartels, and the Norca "going legitimate", left South America stable and united, and a leading powerhouse in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Like many of the poorer nations during the Aberrant War, it was hit relatively lightly by the infrastructural damage of the war due to lacking the high-tech, easily Nova-subvertible infrastructure and often relying primarily on cheaper last-generation technology. This allowed it, like Africa, to later make a fair recovery. South America has forgotten the previous image of the drug lord and now sees them as much more noble creatures, like how 1920s gangsters were viewed in many Hollywood films-criminals, but criminals one can respect. If Proxy Del Fuego is intentionally encouraging it, or if the whitewashing is just human nature, remains to be seen.

Outer System Insurgents

The official moniker "Outer System Insurgents" applies to a half-dozen or more smaller groups with similar anti-authoritarian, pro-space-habitation views, as opposed to the idea that space should be controlled and monitored. Hostile to the government and corporate presence in space, these groups, with names such as the "Trojan Splittists", "Void Chasers", and "Freedmen" are allies of each other but not a strictly united front due to differences in their idea of what "free space" should be.

The "Space Pirate" movement has hijacked the image of the dashing swashbuckler for their individualist, anti-authoritarian views, based on the plethora of resources in space and the advances in automated manufacturing meaning that individualist enclaves are now a viable alternative to state-controlled power. Citing ancient UN agreements about the status of space as free territory rather than the government-and-corporate dominated environment it is now, embracing alternative lifestyles such as transhumanism and neonatal genetic modification, and demanding that they be allowed to consider themselves independent rather than people slaving under the sovereignty an Earth government in perpetuity. Militant freedom fighters, their standard form of protest often involves the boarding and seizing of merchant ships and the ransoming of their crew. The pirates may have a handful of military vessels, but generally use converted fast civilian craft to undertake their operations.


Strike Force Psion, Season 6

Good news, fans! The popular OpNet series Strike Force Psion has been renewed for yet another season across the world, bringing you more adventures of your favorite members of the Psi Orders and their epic adventures in space dealing with the Qin, Chromatics, and the Aberrants. Remember, Strike Force Psion is based on a true story and has actual Psions advising its scriptwriters and artists, bringing unparalleled authenticity.

Will Strike Force Psion be able to defeat the Dark Matter Witches of Lorentz and return home? Or will fraying tempers and personal tensions doom them to dying alone, rather than triumphing together? Will they be able to undo the brainwashing and mutation of the poor girls that Lorentz kidnapped for her terrible plans, or will they have no other choice but to kill the innocent? Watch the sixth season of Strike Force Psion and find out!

The Aeon Trinity


Administration, Exploration, and Diplomacy
If you've ever wanted to step foot on new worlds and meet new people, or simply help people see past their differences and find their inner similarities, Neptune provides opportunities for idealists such as you to do their part in helping society grow past petty bickering into a grand, united whole. From exploring new worlds to understanding alien species to working closely with the Psionic Orders and shaping public opinion, Neptune can provide you a posting in almost any field you wish. Applicants to Neptune Division should be well-motivated and idealistic, and should have previous experience (or at least certification) in the area they seek employment in.


Research And Technology
Since its founding, Triton has brought to you many of the advancements which have increased the human lifespan and bettered the human condition. From its earliest discovery of a cancer vaccine and the cure for AIDS in 2014, Triton has provided many of the great leaps in biomedical technology, making the human race better by leaps and bounds. Triton trains many of the finest scientists and engineers in cutting-edge technology. For more than a century, Triton has been a trusted name in the sciences, and we do our best to live up to our reputation.

Any graduate of a certified college program in a field of scientific engineering may apply to Triton for additional training or a career. Do you want to allow the human race to step ever forward? If so, choose to become a member of Triton today. Latent Psions or currently active ones should note Triton's close partnership with many Psi orders, and how one may be able to join one of many joint projects. There is no reason why an Aesculpian, Norca, or Orgotek employee needs to retire from their order to work with Aeon Triton.


Special Operations
Do YOU think you have what it takes to become a member of Project Proteus? Let me tell you, you probably don't. If you've got enough determination and skills to make us think otherwise, come to an Aeon recruitment center today, ask about joining Project Proteus, and show us that you've got the right stuff to become one of us. As a member of Proteus, you will be on the front lines, defending humankind from internal and external threats, from alien invasions to Aberrant cultists, living a life of excitement, duty, and wonder.

To be accepted into Proteus training, you must possess:

A Morgan-Atherholt Trauma Function Test of 70+ (acceptable Morgan-Atherholt TFTs are those administered by any Triton facility or the Legions. Any tester from a national military must retest [all retest costs are covered]).
No augmentation allergies, or a combined physical aptitude test result of 84+ (any Triton facility can test for augmentation allergies).
Creativity, intelligence, and a love of learning.
A sense of duty to humanity as a whole.
A willingness to spend years isolated from Earth in an extrasolar colony.
A willingness to make hard decisions and take responsibility for them.
No mental illnesses, physical disabilities, or social anxieties which cannot be permanently treated via hypnotherapy, pharmaceutical, or surgical means.

Note that Latent or already practicing Psis of particularly high power may waive some or all requirements. These requirements are the bare minimum-applicants are encouraged to have additional expertise before application, such as in translation, cultural sensitivity, law, investigation, or other similar fields. A full list can be found on the Aeon Trinity OpNet Node.