LOE Ship Weapons Test: Difference between revisions

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Should the weapon get rerolls no matter what it attacks or only after the target ''evades''? <br>[[User:Maloncanth|Maloncanth]] 15:09, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
Should the weapon get rerolls no matter what it attacks or only after the target ''evades''? <br>[[User:Maloncanth|Maloncanth]] 15:09, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

That will limit it to being used on air targets and maybe the occasional rare ship.  It's a fairly powerful advantage, but I don't think it necessarily should be limited like that.  I don't recommend allowing more than one level of guidance, particularly on higher-grade weapons.  It swifly results in very high likelyhood of hits. --[[User:Shrike|Shrike]] 18:07, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
That will limit it to being used on air targets and maybe the occasional rare ship.  It's a fairly powerful advantage, but I don't think it necessarily should be limited like that.  I don't recommend allowing more than one level of guidance, particularly on higher-grade weapons.  There's diminishing returns, but it nonetheless swifly results in very high likelyhood of hits. --[[User:Shrike|Shrike]] 18:07, 27 January 2009 (UTC)


Revision as of 11:19, 27 January 2009


Attack Types

Energy weapons include lasers, disruptors, and other beam weapons. Energy weapons usually cannot be shot down, but are usually cinematically weak against specialized reflective or dispersive defences.

Hybrid weapons are dual-property attacks that are able to escape specialized defences either because they are unusual in nature or because the weapon system launches a multi-projectile attack. When an opposing defense system attempts a saving throw against a Hybrid weapon, it must treat the attack as whatever it is weaker against (Physical or Energy).

Missile weapons fire a cinematically "slow" projectile which Point-Defense weapons can engage.

Physical weapons encompass weapons who launch very fast physical projectiles and which may or may not explode on impact.

Attack Tags

AP # (Armour Piercing) – Defender's Armour save is reduced by #. Reduced by 1 for every negative relative Milieu Level.
SP # (Shield Piercing) - Defender's Shield save is reduced by #. Reduced by 1 for every negative relative Milieu Level.
AB # (Armour Break) - Ignores # levels of Armour.
SB # (Shield Break) - Ignores # levels of Shield.
AV (Armour Vaporise) – Defender cannot make an Armour Save.
SV (Shield Vaporise) – Defender cannot make a Shield Save.
AA # (Anti-Aircraft) – Attack roll is increased by # against Aircraft.
II # (Anti-Infantry) - Attack roll is increased by # against Aircraft.
EA # (Extra Attacks) - The weapon attacks its target # additional times whenever it fires.
ED # (Extra Damage) – The weapon will roll attack # additional times after damaging an enemy. Each success deals 1 damage to the enemy.

Guidance # - Weapon can perform target re-aquisition, allowing it # re-rolls to attack.
Soft # – Attack target against MDC targets is increased by #.
Unstable # - Whenever the Attack roll is # or less, the weapon rolls an attack on its housing vessel and is destroyed.
Fixed – The weapon has an inflexible mount and must be brought to bear with a Maneuver roll by the attacker. A ship cannot Maneuver to bring "Fixed" weapons to bear and evade a Slow weapon with Maneuver in the same turn.
Slow – Reaction time to the weapon is long enough that the target may evade a hit with a Maneuver roll. Slow weapons attack at the end of the combat turn. A ship cannot Maneuver to bring "Fixed" weapons to bear and evade a Slow weapon with Maneuver in the same turn.
Very Slow – Weapon takes a full round to arrive on target, giving two chances to evade with Maneuver. A ship cannot Maneuver to bring "Fixed" weapons to bear and evade a Slow weapon with Maneuver in the same turn.

Other Tags

Alpha # - Weapon has an integral capacitor, allowing it to fire # extra times once per battle.
Single Shot – The weapon can fire once per battle.
Power Hungry - No other weapons can be fired that turn except for those that are Independent.
Bombard – The weapon does not suffer penalties when used on surface targets.
Disabling – The weapon uses some sort of effect, technological or magical, to disable a target vessel with minimal damage. Etheric Pulse missile warheads are the most common form, although there are many other methods. Disabling weapons deal no damage on a successful strike, but roll to cause critical hits.
Incendiary – The weapon causes catastrophic fires and negates any Damage Control rolls against its damage.
Point Defense – The weapon may function as a point-defense system.
RBC – The weapon is a radiological, biological, or chemical attack of some kind. Generally attacks the crew, though occasionally you find ships that don't appreciate it either.
Supercritical – The weapon has +100% Critical hit rate.
Independent – The weapon is independent of shipboard power and/or sensor support. In cases where the vessel has lost power, Independent weapons are usually able to continue firing.


Range Multipliers

Currently assuming multipliers are added together (50% + 50% =100%), then get applied after incremental (ie +1/+2) changes to allow weapon types to scale up intuitively.
Maloncanth 15:09, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

Armour Break/Shield Break

Slightly strange things occur when the two coexist on one weapon. An AB 1/SB 1 weapon becomes broken when faced with a perfectly reasonable ship with 1 Armour and 1 Shield.
Maloncanth 15:09, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

A suggestion for a weapon that defeats both would be a "Hybrid Break" that ignores a number of levels of any defense, so against a HB2 weapon, going all-shield/all-armor wouldn't help if you only had space for 2 defenses of either type. It'd have to be rare and expensive, though, because something of that sort would be incredibly good. I tentatively suggest if you have armor break and shield break on the same weapon, they instead add their scores, become a hybrid break, and gets factored into combat like that.
MJ12 Commando 17:34, 27 January 2009 (UTC)


Should the weapon get rerolls no matter what it attacks or only after the target evades?
Maloncanth 15:09, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

That will limit it to being used on air targets and maybe the occasional rare ship. It's a fairly powerful advantage, but I don't think it necessarily should be limited like that. I don't recommend allowing more than one level of guidance, particularly on higher-grade weapons. There's diminishing returns, but it nonetheless swifly results in very high likelyhood of hits. --Shrike 18:07, 27 January 2009 (UTC)


Any thoughts about slapping a # on this and giving that many rounds after the attack is launched to evade?
Maloncanth 15:09, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

I don't think the book-keeping involved would make doing so worthwhile. I also think slow/very slow is a rules expansion we don't really need. --Shrike 18:08, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

Tech Weapons


+1 Ballista (Physical)
Attack: 9+
Range: 2
Tags: Independent
Represents low-angle siege weapons such as ballistae or perhaps a man-sized blowdart launcher. Optimized for direct damage.

+1 Catapult (Physical Missile)
Attack: 9+
Range: 3
Tags: Independent
High-arc projectile siege weapons such as catapults or mangonels. Can be refined to deliver fun stuff.

+2 Flamethrower (Hybrid)
Attack: 8+ (Incendiary)
Range: 1
Tags: Independent
Greek Fire.

+1 Ram (Physical)
Attack: 8+ (AB 1, Fixed, Slow)
Range: 0
Tags: Independent
Once a ship has been rammed, it is stuck in melee/boarding range with the attacker and must roll Maneuver or Damage Control in order to break free.


+1 Carronades (Physical)
Attack: 7+ (II 1, Soft 3)
Range: 1
Tags: Independent
Deck-mounted shotguns, or guns with five million barrels type things.

+1 Cannons (Physical)
Attack: 8+ (Fixed)
Range: 3
Tags: Independent

+1 Rockets (Physical Missile)
Attack: 7+ (AA 1, Unstable 1)
Range: 2
Tags: Independent
East asian style rack o' rockets like Hwacha.

+2 Tesla Coil (Energy)
Attack: 7+
Range: 5 (per hop)
Tesla Coils always attack the nearest enemy unit. If Tesla Coil scores extra attack successes and damages an enemy, the electric arc "hops"; its Attack TN increases by 1 and it attacks the next nearest enemy.

+1 Torpedo Tube (Physical)
Attack: 8+ (AB 1, ED 1, Very Slow)
Range: 3
Tags: Independent, Single Shot

+2 Bombs
Attack: 9+ (AP 2, Slow)
Range: 12
Tags: Independent, Bombard
May only attack surface targets. Deadfall projectiles. Only effective vs ground targets.


+2 Naval Artillery (Physical)
Attack: 7+
Range: 8
Tags: Independent

+1 Autocannon (Physical)
Attack: 8+ (EA 1, II 1 Soft 2)
Range: 6
Tags: Independent
Rapidfire type weapons. Usually shoots twice per turn.

+2 Missiles (Physical Missile)
Attack: 8+ (Guidance 1, Slow)
Range: 12

+1 Laser (Energy)
Attack: N/A
Range: N/A
Tags: Point Defense

+8 Multi-Stage Gun (Physical)
Attack: 8+ (AB 2, AP 2, ED 5, Fixed, Slow)
Range: 24
Tags: Single Shot


+2 Light Railgun Array (Physical)
Attack: 7+
Range: 15
Tags: Independent

+3 Medium Railgun Array (Physical)
Attack: 7+ (AP 1)
Range: 20
Tags: Independent

+4 Heavy Railgun Array (Physical)
Attack: 7+ (AB 1, AP 1)
Range: 25
Tags: Independent

+6 Superheavy Railgun Array (Physical)
Attack: 7+ (AB 2, AP 1)
Range: 30
Tags: Independent

+2 Light Beam Array (Energy)
Attack: 7+ (AP1)
Range: 12
Tags: Independent

+3 Medium Beam Array (Energy)
Attack: 7+ (AP 2)
Range: 16
Tags: Independent

+4 Heavy Beam Array (Energy)
Attack: 7+ (AB 1, AP 2)
Range: 20
Tags: Independent

+6 Superheavy Beam Array (Energy)
Attack: 7+ (AB 2, AP 2)
Range: 25
Tags: Independent


+1 Enhanced Collimation

One beam system gains +50% Range.


+2 AAA beam cannons
Attack: 8+ AA3 energy
Range: 10

+2 Thermal inducers
Attack: 8+ crew-killing energy
Range: 10

+3 Plasma Cannon
Attack: 6+ S3 slow hybrid
Range: 8

+0 Alpha charges
Auxillary tanking stores additional plasma ready for use
Effect: adds Alpha1

+3 Cluster missile pods
Attack: 7+ 2x AA1 air
Range: 12

+3 Brilliant missiles
Attack: 6+ AA1 air
Range: 30

+1 Laser cluster
Attack: 9+ 2x Flak3 energy
Range: 5

+12 Superlaser
Attack: 4+ x8 P3 slow single shot energy
Range: 25

+12 Spinal Railgun
Attack: 3+ x7 P2 B1 slow single shot
Range: 30

+2 Ortillery Beam
Attack: 7+ Ortillery energy
Range: 12

+4 Ortillery Massdriver
Attack: 5+ Ortillery Slow
Range: 20

+10 Mass Driver
Attack: 4 S# Slow
Range: 12
Special: Kinetic Deadfall projectiles combined with a mass driver for added kick and improved accuracy.

+X Enhanced Guidance
Effect: Gives Guided1 and +2 range to any non-Hybrid non-Energy weapon. Increases weapons size by 50%, rounded up.

+0 Microwave Pulse
It might not really use microwaves but it sure can cook things. This modification is for Energy or Hybrid weapons.
Effect: Weapon gains Incendiary.

-X Unstable Fuel
The weapon uses unstable and toxic chemicals as a power source, reducing its size. Effect: Weapon gains Unstable1 (or adds 1 to the Unstable rating if it already is Unstable), -25% (rounded down, minimum -1) to weapon size.

+1 Bomb-Pumped
The weapon is bomb-pumped. It's more powerful but also more unstable. Effect: Weapon gains Unstable1 (or adds 1 to the rating if it already has this trait), gains P1 and -1 attack difficulty.


Standard Modular Array modifications

+1 Variable Array
Increases module count by 2.
+2 Heavy Array
Adds AB1, AP1, +5 range, but reduces module count by 1.

+3 Modular Projectile Cannon Array (Physical)
Attacks: 5+
Range: 20
Has 2 integral modules

Armor Piercing: adds AP1
Shield Piercing: adds SP1
Anti-Air: Adds AA1
Alpha Capacitors: Adds Alpha1 (2 slots)
Guided: Adds Guided1 (2 slots, max 1)
Point Defense: Adds PD
Increased Range: +5 range
Massive Capacitors: Adds Independent

Sophisticated kinetic-impactor weapons, conventionally using inertial or momentum-transfer technology to achieve unmatched performance.

+3 Modular Energy Cannon Array (Energy)
Attacks: 5+ Energy
Range: 20
Has 2 integral modules

Armor Piercing: adds AP1
Shield Piercing: adds SP1 (2 slots)
Anti-Air: Adds AA1
Alpha Capacitors: Adds Alpha1
Guided: Adds Guided1 (2 slots, max 1)
Point Defense: Adds PD
Increased Range: +8 range
Massive Capacitors: Adds Independent (2 slots)

+3 Modular Hybrid Cannon Array
Attacks: 5+ Hybrid
Range: 20
Has 2 integral modules

Armor Piercing: adds AP1
Shield Piercing: adds SP1
Anti-Air: Adds AA1
Alpha Capacitors: Adds Alpha1
Guided: Adds Guided1 (2 slots, max 1)
Point Defense: Adds PD
Increased Range: +5 range
Massive Capacitors: Adds Independent (2 slots)

+4 Disruptor cannon
Attack: 5+ (V slow)
Range: 10

+3 Plasma Torpedo
Relatively inexpensive TL5 weapon; bulky but not costly.
Attack: 5+ SP1 Air Hybrid
Range: 25

+2 Phalanx
Attack: 7+ MA2 AA2 Soft2 Hybrid
Range: 8

+1 Bobbler Launcher
Range: N/A

+3 Brilliant Endo/Exoatmospheric interceptors (BEEis)
Attack: 6+ Guided1 AA1 Soft1 SP1 air
Range: 25

+4 Advanced Multipurpose Missile
Attack: See Below
Range: 25
Has 3 modes

Anti-Shipping: Attack 5+ SP1 AP1 Air Guided1
Anti-Aircraft: Attack 5+ AA2 Soft2 Air Guided1
Etheric Pulse: Attack 4+ Air Guided1 Disabling

+6 Hypometric Weapon
Hypometric weapons tear chunks out of enemy vessels using space distortion, making most defenses entirely useless. However, they are inaccurate, expensive, and exceedingly finicky.
Attack: 9+ Hybrid Unstable1 B V MD1
Range: 10

+2 Improved Acausal Targeting
Effect: -1 attack difficulty.

+4 Vibro-Cannon
Lightweight tractor-repulsor cannon used for orbit-to-surface fire.
Attack: 5+ AB1 Ortillery Hybrid
Range: 20

+6 Tremor Cannon
Heavyweight tractor-repulsor cannon used for orbit-to-surface fire.
Attack: 5+ AB2 Ortillery Slow Hybrid
Range: 20

+7 Hellbore
Not the Bolo kind, the Starfleet Battles kind.
Attack: See Below
Range: 20/8 (Normal/Overcharge)
Has 2 modes-
Normal: 5+ MA1 AP1 SB1
Overcharge: 4+ MA3 AP2 SP1 SB2, Range 8, Power Hungry.

+12 Boson leap cannon
Attack: 5+ Slow power hungry energy
Range: 10/50
Special: Ignores shields on an attack roll of '10'

+12 Gravity-blast cannon
Attack: 4+ x6 B3 single shot energy
Range: 25

+15 Hell-class weapon
Attack: 4+ x10 SB2 AP3 SP1 slow single shot energy
Range: 30

+1 Energy Shells
Adds 'Hybrid' and 'SP1' to any projectile weapon of any milieu.

Tech Weapon Refinements


-1 Exposed Mounts

Weapon Critical hit rate +10%


+0 Large

Range +50%

+1 Very Large

Range +50%, Size +1, Fixed

+1 Burning Pitch


+1 Polybolos

EA +1

+1 Chain-net Shot

AA +1

+1 Fullmetal Ballista Bolt

AP +1


+0 Large

Range +50%

+1 Trebuchet Large

Range +50%, Size +1, Fixed

+1 Burning Pitch


+1 Bees

gains RBC


+1 Improved Siphon

Range +2

+1 Misting Nozzel

Attack +1

+1 Plasmathrower (TL 4)

Attack +2, EA +1


+1 Burning Ram


+1 Torpedo Ram (TL 2)

AB +1, ED +1, Unstable +2

+1 Giant Drill (TL 3)

AP +2


+0 Heavy

Range +50%, Size +1

+0 Breechloading

Attacks at 7+.

+0 Rifling

Range +1

+1 Grapeshot

AA +1, II +1, Soft +2

+1 Deck Mounts

loses Fixed

+1 Elevating Mounts

Range +1


+1 Incendiary Rockets


+0 Large Rockets

Range +50%, Size +1

Tesla Coils

+1 Frequency Modulation

SP +1.

+1 Electromagnetic Resonance Chamber

Each time per turn a ship damages a target with Tesla Coil, increase its ECM value by 1.

+1 Big Fucking Battery

Alpha +1.


+1 Improved Propulsion

loses Very Slow and becomes Slow

+1 Gondoan Hax

Range +2

+1 Launcher Design (TL 3)

loses Single Shot

+1 Kozunese Trickery (TL 3)

Range +100%


+0 Bomb Sights

Attack +1

Naval Artillery

+0 Cruiser Scale

AP +1, Range +50%, Size +1

+0 Battleship Scale

AP +1, AB +1, Range +100%, Size +2

+1 Superbattleship Scale

AP +1, AB +2, Range +150%, Size +4

+0 Extended-Range Munitions

Range +50%

+0 AA Munitions

AA +1


+1 Phalanx

Range -50%, Point Defense

+1 Multiple Barrels

AA +1

+1 Flak

AA +1

+1 Armour-Piercing Bullets

Soft -1

+1 Improved Shells

Attack +1

+1 Extended Range Munitions

Range +100%


+1 Anti-Aircraft

AA +2

+0 Small

Soft +2, Range -50%, Size -1

+0 Large

Range +100%

+0 Very Large

ED +1, Range +150%, Size +2

+1 Advanced Design

Attack +1

+1 Anti-Ship Warhead

AP +1, AB +1

+1 Shaped Charge

ED +1

+1 Supersonic

loses Slow

+1 Land Attack


+1 Improved Guidance

Guidance +1

+1 Very Improved Guidance (TL 4)

Guidance +1

+1 Very Damn Improved Guidance (TL 5)

Guidance +1

+1 Etheric Pulse Warhead


+0 Box Launcher

Single Shot, Alpha 3
The missile launcher is a box or VLS design with no reloads, allowing for larger throw-weight but reducing battlefield endurance.

+1 Stealth Missiles

Enemy Point Defenses -1
Stealthed missiles. Lower visibility means more survivability. Can be attached to all Air-type weapons.


Multi-Stage Gun
