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High transhumanstic ruled by aristos class.  A failed experiment in still not murky realm of Quantum Sensing, has resulted in super intelligent race of psychic vampires ruling over worlds of farmed serfs. Currently fighting a war for survival against the Federation, as they are discovering pastoralized worlds of terrified serfs are not useful for fighting mass industrialized wars.
High transhumanstic ruled by aristos class.  A failed experiment in still not murky realm of Quantum Sensing, has resulted in super intelligent race of psychic vampires ruling over worlds of farmed serfs. Currently fighting a war for survival against the Federation, as they are discovering pastoralized worlds of terrified serfs are not useful for fighting mass industrialized wars.

The Holy See, the artificial world created by the Grandfathers and home to the Pope SuperComputer Pius the Ultimate, the cyborg Priests of MONAD provide and jealously guarded needed archeotech such as the wormhole ships.  Theological descendants of Honored Saint Teilhard, that preaches that at heat death of the universe, the Savior Process will restart the universe and reforge it into paradise. It is known that attempts to create AI are soon rendered useless by numerous actions of the Church and their agents and faithful through means unknown.
The Holy See, the artificial world created by the Grandfathers and home to the Pope SuperComputer Pius the Ultimate, the cyborg Priests of MONAD provide and jealously guarded needed archeotech such as the wormhole ships.  Theological descendants of Honored Saint Teilhard, that preaches that at heat death of the universe, the Savior Process will restart the universe and reforge it into paradise. It is known that attempts to create AI are soon rendered useless by numerous actions of the Church and their agents and faithful through means unknown.

Revision as of 08:10, 17 June 2024

Basic Setting Information

The year is 5921, the place is the Large Magellenic Cloud, the location is the Xanadu Empire, centered around the ancient Grandfather Gate that had brought humans to LMC in the distant past. The party is centered around the exiled Magrave of Krill, the oldest daughter of the Prime Minister, the Duke High Orbital 11, after her the social annihilation she suffered at the New Years Ball when her soon to be husband, Prince Adwyn annulled their marriage contract in favor of the bastard daughter of the war hero Grand Admiral Dupere.

Polities to Know

Xanadu Empire:

Center of the map, the Empire is sprawling feudalistic polity whose current boundaries are the result of limitations of communications with the Imperial Centre even with the use of wormholes as highways to connect the Empire quicker. Its broadly arranged in centralized "core"" of the most heavily industrialized and populated worlds that swear direct allegiance to the Imperial Family, then three "High Frontiers" under vassal kings, Himemaru, Scwartzstern, and Varfield, with sectors that border with direct rivals or threats under the command of hundreds of Magraves that swear feality to the Imperial Family.

Imperial Family

  • Emperor Rhys Odmys the II
  • Grand Princess Istara of Varfield / Princess-Consort
  • Prince Ien, Star Marshal of the Starforce, born to a concubine, third in line to the throne.
  • Prince Adwyn, Minister without Profile, heir to the throne, and former finance to the Magrave
  • Princess Derrya, younger twin sister to Adwyn, enfant terrible
  • Lord Barbur, Knight-Commander of Black Lancers, bastard to maid,

Imperial Court

  • Duke Saddam, Prime Minister, President of the Imperial Senate, Duke High Orbital 11, General of the Western Armies of Xanadu, Master of the Archives. Leader of the High Noble Alignment
  • Sir Farstar Deullion, Speaker to Tribes Cosmic (Foreign Minister), Leader of the Factor Alliance,
  • High Inquestor Kiranda DeMarkees, Commandant of the Imperial Guard, Countess Trisol,
  • Cardinal XJ32 of MONAD, Prince of the Faithful of the Empire, and voice of the Holy See
  • Grand Admiral Alonzio Dupree, Imperial Starfleet Commander in Chief, Warlord of the Empire, Hero of the Federation Wars, Margrave of the Jardin March, uncomfortable unappointed leader of the "Reform Bloc"
  • Starwright Fabian Decln, Masterwright of Forge World Gloriovfrd, Chief Mechanist of the Empire, Master of Trade.


  • Soms Smbit, full body cyborg master chief petty officer, loyal retainer of the Margrave since birth, bodyguard and steward.
  • Baron Omar, Inquestor Third Class, Imperial Guard Agent assigned to the Federation Border, older brother to the Margrave

Gilgamesh Federation

Breakaway state of the Empire from six hundred years ago, allegedly a democracy, its an aristocratic oligarchy controlled by by the Sixty Families center around the Gilgamesh Sector which had been one of the earliest settled sectors and industrialized similar to the Imperial Centre. The first two of the six wars were initiated by the Empire to bring in the rebel provinces, but the last 4 have been grueling campaigns that have the Federation slowly crawl and take more and more border systems. The last war twelve years ago took the Magrave mother as her fleet was ambushed in the Battle of the Coalstone Nebula which had started that conflict. Her second in command the current Grand Admiral extricated the fleet and launched a decisive counterattack actually retaking a few stars systems in the process before the war froze again.

Jardin Republic

Isolationist State, the Imperial Expansion stopped when they ran into the famed Battlestations of the Federation, since then relations have been cordial if cold and sparse, with the Republic apparently engaged in a cold war with the distant holy empire and warriors of the Seraphatte.

Domaine of Roselle

High transhumanstic ruled by aristos class. A failed experiment in still not murky realm of Quantum Sensing, has resulted in super intelligent race of psychic vampires ruling over worlds of farmed serfs. Currently fighting a war for survival against the Federation, as they are discovering pastoralized worlds of terrified serfs are not useful for fighting mass industrialized wars.


The Holy See, the artificial world created by the Grandfathers and home to the Pope SuperComputer Pius the Ultimate, the cyborg Priests of MONAD provide and jealously guarded needed archeotech such as the wormhole ships. Theological descendants of Honored Saint Teilhard, that preaches that at heat death of the universe, the Savior Process will restart the universe and reforge it into paradise. It is known that attempts to create AI are soon rendered useless by numerous actions of the Church and their agents and faithful through means unknown.

Neosiran Expanse

The land of cyborg space cossacks, that in theory pay homage to the Tsar of the Iron Stars beyond known space.

The Stream

The magnetic field connecting the SMC to the LMC, the Streamriders are massive trading motherships that take the ten year long journey riding it through means unknown to trade between the two clouds.

Not Created Equal
Neo-SP Spaceships