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Mopeyennui (talk | contribs)
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Mopeyennui (talk | contribs)
Replaced content with "==Stats== Pop:Rank 1; Transhu:Rank 2; Infran:Rank 3 (50, max 10); Growth:Rank 4; Support:Rank 3 (700); Fleet:Rank 1 (200); Diplo:Rank 3; Esp:Rank 3; GenAdv:Rank 0; Unique:Ran..."
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Tetyis IV Adhocracy
Pop:Rank 1; Transhu:Rank 2; Infran:Rank 3 (50, max 10); Growth:Rank 4; Support:Rank 3 (700); Fleet:Rank 1 (200); Diplo:Rank 3; Esp:Rank 3; GenAdv:Rank 0; Unique:Rank 3; Emrgnt:Rank 3; Mag: Rank 0

Stats: Pop:Rank 1; Transhu:Rank 2; Infran:Rank 3 (50, max 10); Growth:Rank 4; Support:Rank 3 (700); Fleet:Rank 1 (200); Diplo:Rank 3; Esp:Rank 2; GenAdv:Rank 1; Unique:Rank 3; Emrgnt:Rank 3; Mag: Rank 0
6xs9 Battleships<br/>
20xs7 Cruisers<br/>
6xs9 Battleships
1xs5 Light Warship squadron<br/>
20xs7 Cruisers
1xs5 Light Warship squadron
A adhocracy made up of hundreds of 'cabals' that control all government functions. Socially made up of three classes, Inner Party, Outer Party and the Masses. The Inner Party is made up of genetic elites, a Outer Party made up of dishonored genetic elites and those with only the limited abilities of the masses. The Masses which are restricted to inferior, yet still superhuman genetic abilities, but makes up 70% of the po
Inner Party (>10%)
The Inner Party is made up of senior or important politicians, senior diplomate, senior and honored military officers and the wives of the above mentioned. Those members who are not rich themselves, (military personell who were given honors) are given a large salary so they can afford the affluency which comes with membership in the Inner Party. Members also are given access to abilities above and beyond those that are genetically coded into their bocies, to distinguish them from mere Outer Party members. Usually members of the Inner Party prefer to have harems, a number of women who are taken care of fully and who's only obligations in life is to take care of their matron, or just follow orders, or to do the same for whomever said matron extends the obligation towards. (For example, a Matron might tell her harem that she desires her harem 'take care' of VIP guests at a party.)
Women in this class mostly will be married, although they can only marry a transwoman without losing status. Those who do so anyway are reduced one classification, from Inner Party to Outer Party, or Outer Party to the Masses. To get around this two women in love will seek out a transwoman with the ability to marry both of them, although this often backfires as the women are seperated. It is considered cheating for a woman to make love to another woman who belongs to a different trasnwoman. Despite how the ruling elites stories based on this, they are fairly common. If both of their families disown them as well, they are reduced in rank twice, and made part of the Masses.
Upward mobility is abailable either by being married to a transwoman or to those who servexd in the military with distinction, no matter the orientation. (This was a concession to keep the Masses happy.) Those who are so elevated will be given retroviral treatments and access to some of the abilities of the elites, with a aural abilities relating to seduction being kept for the transfemales.
Outer Party (20%)
Those in the Outer Party are either genetically like the Elites, or like the Masses - although upgrading is provided for those in the Outer Party who can afford it. This does not include the magical abilities of Inner Party members, and if a member of the Inner Party is lowered in status to the Outer Party her abilities are 'locked', and deprived. Those who choose to take the retrovirals that do not get their abilities unlocked, and may never know about their innate magical abilities.
Mrmbrtd of the Outer Party usually restrict themselves to a small number of wivbes, between one and three. They are broadly considered 'middle' class, and have incomes to match. The Outer Party is mostly involved in ancellery positions to the politicians in the Inner Party.
The Masses (>70%)
The Masses make up the other 60% of the population, and roughly are equivlant to the lower classes. Most of the lesbian population that moved to the Phallogynocracy when the Star Lanes opened back up are part of this group. Physically, the Masses only have the strength, agility, stamina and slightly less physical beauty than the Outer and Inner Party members. Those who are physically like the upper classes, yet for some reason fell socially are considered part of this group, although they are kept track of - both for security reasons and so they can be re-elevated to one of the upper classes. The primary method of upward mobility for the masses is to join the military.
In 2151 a number of transpersons came together to form a loose collection of members to improve their lot by sharing information outside the networks of gatekeepers and psychologists. This was kept secret for obvious reasons. By 2157, three members of this group had become Posthumans, with several dozen more taking the plunge. Three years later, several Posthumans developed a precedure that would restore any transwoman's body to biological normality, preventing testerone from flooding the body outside specific areas and make the person in question fertile. Thanks to the ease of the procedure many took it, however the expense of the procedure was ruinous. By the end of 2174 several transgenic doctors who had aided transpersons had decided to flee to cryocells in the comets utilized by the posthumans. This continued for the next two years.
In 2183 a longshot colonization effort was finally given towards the colonization effort. For the next two years the number of persons taking the procedure would rise. Closer to 2185, the number would spike, as persons took advantage of loansharks to accquire the money for both the procedure and the ticket aboard the longshot colonization ship. any loans would never be paid back, as other funding for the mission was non-existant. A year later, the cost of the ship was paid by the UN, with the loansharks being paid off directly by the UN.
Arriving around the reddish world Tetyis IV, the colonists made haste towards the surface of the planet, and landed in a river delta connected to a major sea. As the people expanded around the large sea, they grew crops they could sell to neighboring worlds that needed supplies for various reasons. This turned out to be a boon for Tetyis, and has remained a large source of income over the centuries. (200 Wealth) Scattered around their world was extensive precursor remains which gave up a large bounty of delta dust. (250 Dust, -50 PIP, +60 pop, +100 Wealth) Various Posthuman relics dotted the world, and provided more of a boon to the colonists. AS the colonists set up, they expended great energies into further disginguishing themselves from baseline humanity with the aide of those doctors who in the 2160's froze themselves.
A number of posthuman guides were utilized in the early years - posthuman oracles helping the young colony to quickly set itself up and expand, being brought online after the 'tests' of the posthuman structures were solved by whatever intrepid souls who discovered them. The tests were never that hard, and it was thought that a single posthuman was left directing these oracles to aid the colonists, although never proven. Her supposed name was Ankh. (+ 100 Theta, + 300 fabers, + 100 Wealth, +100 dust, + 30 Population)
Decades after landing however a political crisis erupted in the colonial capital when a number of politicians tried to seize power from others. This sparked a what is known as the 'first wave' of politicla turmoil, which stretches from 20AC to 44AC. The turmoil was a simple powergrab that going awry, turned out to be a much longer conflict than those hwo planned the conflict ever prepared for. One of those factions in the 'first wave' of political turmoil allowed a large number of transgenic lesbians to settle as long as they voted for the faction involved. (The world was still a democracy at this time.) This angered all but the faction responsable, and caused every other faction to turn on said faction. Despite the faction's large size, thanks in part to the the lesbians allowed to settle and their votes, said faction was gradually forced to loose ground in the governing assembly. This period took place from 41 AC to 190AC, taking place over the longest stretch of the colonies history. This is the source of much of the 'second wave' of political turmoil, as said lesbians began to demand rights and privlidges. Despite this the government has managed to prevent such rabble from gaining much political ground, a source of constant unrest for the colony. During the period, the 'breakdown' happened and the colony found itself adrift, although this was thought to be favorable. During this time, said lesbians were struck by a republishing of the communist manifesto by Marx, and gradually many of that group left the faction that allowed them to come to the colony in favor of the local Communist party. The politicians who won the first 'wave' of turmoil gradually mixed their ideology with communism, creating a adhoc melding of the two ideologies. At this time, scientists locked themselves away in their laboratories and kept distinguishing the colonists with human baselines. As they continued however they began to breed a new template, known as the elites. The elites were distinguished from most of the colonies popualtion by increased beauty as well as other increased abilities across the board. These same scientists also kept working on defensive technologies and helping to build ships enough to keep the military occupied with it's new ships.
After the ZOCU war, which the colony did not take part in, the world opted to continue to claim independance, and it's distance meant that few decided to challange this. The League decided to challange this and make the colony part of the League, partly inspired by the large number of posthuman oracles that dot the surface of Tetyis IV. These were easily fought off however. A few years later a colesance of political power emerged in one of the adhoc 'cabals' that was part of the government at the time. Known as the 'High Cabal', the odd numbered members vote on various things that affect the colony in the largest of ways, with lesser cabals given powers over various things althought at the behest of the High Cabal. Transgenic technologies were also expanded during this period, with various ZOCU copied technological designs making their way into the military. The High Cabal devolved into a near monarchy, with several ruling families passing down membership in the High Cabal down through several 'royal' families, from transfemale mothers to eldest daughters. Recently the lesbian parts of the masses have latched on to a pacifistic theology, via infaction by the Clyde movement. The current date is 240AC.

Revision as of 16:47, 6 August 2012


Pop:Rank 1; Transhu:Rank 2; Infran:Rank 3 (50, max 10); Growth:Rank 4; Support:Rank 3 (700); Fleet:Rank 1 (200); Diplo:Rank 3; Esp:Rank 3; GenAdv:Rank 0; Unique:Rank 3; Emrgnt:Rank 3; Mag: Rank 0


6xs9 Battleships
20xs7 Cruisers
1xs5 Light Warship squadron