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Exhack (talk | contribs)
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Exhack (talk | contribs)
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:The character can photosynthesize. This may, but does not always, turn the character a shade of green-a Nova's physiology can adapt melanin to photosynthesize if it has to. With sufficient water, a photosynthetic character doubles all intervals for starvation.  
:The character can photosynthesize. This may, but does not always, turn the character a shade of green-a Nova's physiology can adapt melanin to photosynthesize if it has to. With sufficient water, a photosynthetic character doubles all intervals for starvation.  
'''Chromatophores [2]'''
:This augmentation adds rapid color-changing and pattern-matching ability to the character, giving her +2d to all stealth rolls as long as she is either essentially naked or wearing clothing/equipment which can also blend into the surroundings. Chromatophores can be purchased twice to add a further +1d to all stealth rolls (due to faster and more precise color-matching) and the ability to display fast-moving patterns, turning the character into a living video screen.  
:This augmentation adds rapid color-changing and pattern-matching ability to the character, giving her +2d to all stealth rolls as long as she is either essentially naked or wearing clothing/equipment which can also blend into the surroundings. Chromatophores can be purchased twice to add a further +1d to all stealth rolls (due to faster and more precise color-matching) and the ability to display fast-moving patterns, turning the character into a living video screen.  

Revision as of 14:56, 20 October 2011

Vital Statistics

Alias: Aileen Ferguson
Player: Exhack
Allegiance: Independant
Concept: Goddess of the Midsummer
Eruption: Dangerous Situation
Nature: Expert/Charmer
Virtue: Regain WP when you make a particularly impressive showing with an ability or teach your chosen skill to someone.
Vice: Spend WP to tell someone something they don't want to hear, regain WP if you don't tell them something they don't want to hear and not doing so has potential negative consequences to you.
Quantum: 4

  • Quantum Pool: 40

Willpower: 7


• [ ]x8 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x6 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x2 Injured: -2
• [ ]x1 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x1 Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead



Light Mastery

  • Bashing Blast: Attack: d9, Range: 90m, Damage: d25 + [8]B, AP: 5, Duration: Action, RoF: 9
  • Lethal Blast: Attack: d9, Range: 90m, Damage: d20 + [8]L, AP: 5, Duration: Action, RoF: 9
  • Soak Shield: +10L/10B Soak
  • Propel: Combat Speed: 60m/action, Travel Speed: 450 km/h
  • Enhance/Diminish: d8, Range: 90m, Area: 90m, Increases or diminishes light in area by 25% for every success rolled.
  • Imprison: Attack: d8, Range: 90m, Inflicts a clinch with a Might rating equal to twice the number of successes.


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 4A/20L/22B

w/4A/6L/8B (Natural Soak)
w/10L/10B (Quantum Powers)
w/4L/4B (Equipment and Body Modifications)


Physical (3)

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4 (Agile)

Athletics 5
Drive 5
Legerdemain 5

Stamina: 4 (Enduring)

Endurance 3
Resistance 3

Social (7)

Charisma: 5 (Charming)

Etiquette 5
Performance (Singing) 5
Performance (Dancing) 5
Performance (Bass Guitar) 5
Mega Charisma [1] (Natural Agitator)

Manipulation: 5 (Sly)

Subterfuge 5

Appearance: 5 (Radiant)

Style 5 (Disguises +3)
Mega Appearance [1] (Xenophile, Almost Live)

Mental (5)

Wits: 3

Cooking 3 (Pastry +3)
Rapport 3
Biz 5

Intelligence: 3

Linguistics 5 (Formal English, Formal Irish, Formal French, Formal Latin, Scottish, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, German)

Perception: 3


Light Mastery [5] - (Generating and manipulating light itself, as well as inexplicable hard and semi-hard light constructs.)

Strengths: Extra Technique [1]
Blast/Lethal Blast - (Fires raking beams of golden light at the target. The bashing version is comparable to an active denial weapon, firing a microwave beam that agonizes and repulses the target.)
Soak Shield - (Glimmering wings of light that wrap around Aine's body, drawing in to protect from attacks.)
Propel - (Wings of light, leaving behind glowing afterimages in the air.)
Enhance/Diminish - (Steal the light from the eyes of others or blind them in an overwhelming glow.)
Imprison - (Manifest chains or spears of light that bind or pin targets to surfaces.)



Aileen Ferguson was an Irish linguistics major studying in London during the Golden Era of the Nova Age, working part-time in her French stepfather's bakery to make a living. Although she wanted to make a career, she secretly wanted to be a singer and harbored a deep desire to become recognized.

Unwilling to risk her future prospects by abandoning her major for a simple passtime, she resorted to performing in the seedy nightclubs of the East End. Her voice and looks eventually captivated one particularly dangerous admirer, a known Nova serial killer who stalked her for many months before attempting to seize her for himself. An attempted kidnapping went sour and she found herself falling thirty floors into a neon billboard, but emerged from the wreckage alive- and bearing wings of light across her back. Having just had a close encounter with death and just finished her degree, she's reevaluated her life and decided to pursue her dreams.


  • Success will require coping with a full ensemble of extremely particular personalities.


Node 2
Cipher 3
Resources 3
Eufiber 2
Contacts 2


Permanent Points: 0
Temporary Points: 0


Body Modifications

Pointed Ears - (They're cute; only three centimeters longer than usual and end in a point.)

The character can photosynthesize. This may, but does not always, turn the character a shade of green-a Nova's physiology can adapt melanin to photosynthesize if it has to. With sufficient water, a photosynthetic character doubles all intervals for starvation.


This augmentation adds rapid color-changing and pattern-matching ability to the character, giving her +2d to all stealth rolls as long as she is either essentially naked or wearing clothing/equipment which can also blend into the surroundings. Chromatophores can be purchased twice to add a further +1d to all stealth rolls (due to faster and more precise color-matching) and the ability to display fast-moving patterns, turning the character into a living video screen.


Allows the character to selectively emit light, allowing for the use of bioluminescence for countershading (reducing stealth difficulties by 1 in brightly-lit areas) and communication by projected light patterns.

Enchanting Feature - (Unnaturally brilliant, striking blue eyes.)

The character adds +1 automatic success to all Appearance rolls-and 2 automatic successes to any attempts to track the character. Looking unique may sometimes be more trouble than it's worth.

Vital Organ Shielding

+2 -0 HLs, +4 -2 HLs


Bonus Points

15 +9 BP

  • Willpower 7 [8]
  • Backgrounds [5]
  • Bodymods [7]
  • Noncombattant [+7]
  • Enemy [+2]
  • Linguistics 5 [4]

Nova Points

45 NP

  • Quantum 4 [15]
  • Elemental Mastery 5 [15]
  • Abilities [5]
  • Attributes [5]
  • Mega Attributes [4]
  • Enhancements [1]

Body Modifications

21 from BP

  • Pointed Ears [0]
  • Photosynthetic [2]
  • Chromatophores 2 [8]
  • Enchanting Feature [2]
  • Bioluminescence [3]
  • Vital Organ Shielding 2 [6]



Total 4 XP

  • Session 1, Welcome to N! Channel: [+4]


Spent 0 XP, Unspent 4 XP


  • Elemental Mastery
    • Precision [10]
    • Extra Technique: Animation [3]
    • Extra Technique: Shaping [3]
  • Bodymorph (Light) [9] -> [7] -> [14] -> [21] -> [28]
    • Density Decrease 5
    • Teleport 3+
    • Holo 3+
  • Mega Attributes
    • Mega Dexterity [6] (Catfooted) -> Mega Dexterity 2 [5]
    • Mega Stamina [6] (Tireless) -> Mega Stamina 2 [5]
    • Adaptation [5]
    • Blood and Tears [5]
    • Mega Charisma 2 [5] -> Mega Charisma 3 [10]
    • Pedagogue [5]
    • Soothe [5]
    • Mega Manipulation [6] (The Voice)
    • Mega Appearance 2 [5]
    • Immaculate [5]
    • Mega Perception 1 [6] (Sensory Organ: Seeing Hair) -> Mega Perception 2 [5]
    • Electromagnetic Vision [5]
  • Abilities
    • Interrogation 1 [3] -> Interrogation 2 [2] -> Interrogation 3 [4] -> Interrogation 4 [6] -> Interrogation 5 [8]
    • Streetwise 1 [3] -> Streetwise 2 [2] -> Streewise 3 [4]
    • Instruction 1 [3] -> Instruction 2 [2] -> Instruction 3 [4] -> Instruction 4 [6] -> Instruction 5 [8]
    • Command 1 [3] -> Command 2 -> [2] -> Command 3 [4]
    • Medication 1 [3] -> Medication 2 [2] -> Medication 3 [4]
    • Stealth 1 [3] -> Stealth 2 [2] -> Stealth 3 [4]
    • Science (Optics) 1 [3] -> Science (Optics) 2 [2] -> Science (Optics) 3 [4]
    • Firearms 1 [3] -> Firearms 2 [2] -> Firearms 3 [4]