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*'''Subfighter (Bisai Harpoon)''': Safe Speed 200/1800 land/air (160/1440), Max Speed 250/2500 land/air (200/2000), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 10
*'''Subfighter (Bisai Harpoon)''': Safe Speed 200/1800 land/air (160/1440), Max Speed 250/2500 land/air (200/2000), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5
: Subfighters are a common sight, fusion powered fighter aircraft which have modified engines and reinforced hulls capable of sustaining underwater operation. Sacrificing reaction mass for MHD drive and with far heavier hulls and structure than hybrid fighters, subfighters have poor high-altitude performance and cannot function in space. A typical subfighter like the Bisai Harpoon or Poly Technologies J-140 are armed with a blue-green laser, equipped with lidar systems, and have dual-mode MHD/fusion-jet torpedoes. These subfighters have advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls, multitask systems which reduce all multiple action penalties by 1, and active signature cancellation which adds +2 to the difficulty of detection rolls or guided missile attacks.
: Subfighters are a common sight, fusion powered fighter aircraft which have modified engines and reinforced hulls capable of sustaining underwater operation. Sacrificing reaction mass for MHD drive and with far heavier hulls and structure than equivalent-mass hybrid fighters, subfighters have poor high-altitude performance and cannot function in space. A typical subfighter like the Bisai Harpoon or Poly Technologies J-140 are armed with a blue-green laser, equipped with lidar systems, and have dual-mode MHD/fusion-jet torpedoes. These subfighters have advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls, multitask systems which reduce all multiple action penalties by 1, and active signature cancellation which adds +2 to the difficulty of detection rolls or guided missile attacks.
: '''Blue-Green Laser''': Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [10], Range 1,000 (Range 200 in water), Rate 20, Magazine (inf), AP (5)
: '''Blue-Green Laser''': Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [10], Range 1,000 (Range 200 in water), Rate 20, Magazine (inf), AP (5)
: '''Supercavitating Torpedoes''': Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 24L [16], Range 5,000 (Range 1,000 in water), Rate 6, Magazine 4, AP(4), AA, Guided  
: '''Supercavitating Torpedoes''': Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 24L [16], Range 5,000 (Range 1,000 in water), Rate 6, Magazine 4, AP(4), AA, Guided  

Revision as of 14:49, 28 February 2011

Special Rules

Vehicle armor is used for both bashing/lethal damage. The value in parentheses is the increase in soak of the passengers and crew for the purposes of disabling/etc shots. Vehicles also do not take any ping damage from attacks without damage adds.

Wheeled and Tracked


  • Personal Transit (Segway Personal Transporter): Safe Speed 10 (8), Max Speed 20 (16), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 4 (+0), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 2, -4 x 4, Wrecked
Still illegal in Britain. Personal transit systems like this carry one person at a moderate speed, whether standing or sitting, and are usable indoors. With their light mass and compactness, they can also be easily carried. Unfortunately, they provide very little protection against bullets.
  • Motorcycle (Davidson-Wheeler American Cycle): Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 300 (240), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-1, Armor 4 (+0), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
Wheeled motorcycles are still used by enthusiasts of various stripes, and modern engines have given them much greater power/weight ratios and improved durability against everyday stresses. Given the incredible top speeds a motorcycle is capable of, an enthusiast is encouraged to shell out for high-end protective gear as well.
  • Sedan (Mashindano Sentry): Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 4, Armor 6 (+3), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
Even in the year 2150, wheeled transportation has not yet become entirely outdated. Cars might be tougher and lighter and more reliable, and they might use electric motors and superconducting storage rings rather than combustion engines, but they're still recognizably cars.
  • Cargo Vehicle (Concurso MH-1 Hauler): Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver -1, Passengers 2, Armor 8 (+4), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 10, Wrecked
Cargo vehicles such as the MH-1 are a ubiquitious sight, transporting goods and raw materials of every form from point A to point B.


  • APC (ClinTech Morris APC): Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver +0, Passengers 14, Armor 20 (+12), HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Wrecked
APCs generally carry only light weaponry, as most of their cargo space is taken up by the ability to carry an entire squad of soldiers. An APC is armed with the weapons listed below, as well as targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls..
Medium Laser Cannon: Accuracy +2, Damage 12L [10], Range 1,000, Rate 3, Magazine 300, AP (3)
Pintle Coilgun MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L [7], Range 600, Rate 80/10, Magazine 1200, Burst (8), AP (2)
  • Armored Truck (Mashindano Kuchuka Bronto): Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 150 (120), Maneuver -3, Passengers 2, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 12, -1 x 10, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
Designed for carrying cargo through potentially dangerous zones, an armored truck such as the Bronto provides significant protection for its driver as well as having light self-defense armament, listed below. Some vehicles may eschew armament.
Coilgun MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L [7], Range 600, Rate 80/10, Magazine 1200, Burst (8), AP (2)
  • Tank (ClinTech Ostner AFV): Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 100 (80), Maneuver -2, Passengers 0, Armor 25 (+20), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 15, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Disabled
Even in the 22nd century, the tank is still a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Heavily armed and armored, a tank bristles with various weapons, listed below. Typically, a tank has a crew of 4-1 commander, 1 driver, and 2 gunners, one of whom aims the main gun and the other who manages the tank's antipersonnel laser and smart missile rack. In addition to its other systems, it possesses targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls.
Light Rapid-Fire Laser: Accuracy +2, Damage 10L [8], Rate 20, Magazine 2000, AP (3)
Heavy Railgun: Accuracy +2, Dmg 25L [20], Range 1,500, Rate 1, Magazine 100, AP(7), AV(3)
Smart Missile Rack: Accuracy +2, Dmg 12L [6], Range 2,500, Rate 1, Magazine 20, AA, Exp(3), Guided



  • Skimmer (Shendai AirFoil): Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver +1, Passengers 3, Armor 6 (+3), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
Standard skimmers are often marketed towards upper-middle class families, possessing reliable but not particularly high-power hover drives that require little maintenance and have high safety margins.
  • Sports Skimmer (Banji Zephyr): Safe Speed 200 (160, Max Speed 420 (340), Maneuver +3, Passengers 1, Armor 6 (+3), HLs -0 x 5, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
A high-priced toy of the rich and speed-addicted, high-speed hovercars like the Banji Zephyr are capable of extremely high speeds and transit on any relatively flat surface (including water). However, to get this speed they are extremely lightweight and fragile designs.
  • Luxury Skimmer (Reed Rosen Brougham): Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 5, Armor 10 (+6), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 5, Wrecked
Designed to seat up to six people, a luxury skimmer provides amenities, excellent handling, good ground speed, and most importantly sufficient armor to protect its inhabitants from small arms fire, allowing them to travel in security.
  • Hovercycle (Reed Rosen Tsunami): Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 350 (280), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0-1, Armor 4 (+0), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked
Hovercycles are considered dangerous, fast, and a symbol of rebellious types with far more money than sense
  • Biotech Hovercycle (Orgotek Hummingbird): Safe Speed 200 (160), Max Speed 300 (240), Maneuver +2, Passengers 0-1, Armor 4 (+0), HLs -0 x 2, -1 x 4, -2 x 4, -4 x 2, Wrecked, Biotech (Tolerance 2)
A biotech hovercycle like the Hummingbird is extremely fast and nimble, but provides poor protection and passenger capacity. If formatted to a Psion, the hovercycle gains +3 to Maneuver, responding to the rider at the speed of thought.


  • Assault Skimmer (Bisai Assault Skimmer): Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +2, Passengers 4, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 12, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 10, Wrecked
An assault skimmer is a fast attack vehicle with relatively light armaments, designed for fast attack and quick reaction rather than sustained slugging power. Assault skimmers are armed with a single light laser and often have a crew of 2-one driver and one gunner, plus 4 passengers. Furthermore it possesses targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls. If needed, an assault skimmer can be operated by a single crewman, and the laser can be slaved to an AI with an effective Perception + Gunnery total of 5.
Light Laser Cannon: Accuracy +2, Damage 10L [8], Range 750, Rate 5, Magazine 1000, AP (3)
The ClinTech Warden hover LAV, shown here in the standard configuration of the People's Liberation Army.
  • LAV (ClinTech Warden LAV): Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +2, Passengers 6, Armor 20 (+12), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Wrecked
Hover LAVs are more heavily armed and armored than assault skimmers, and carry more passengers as well. They also have a crew of two in normal operation. Skimmer LAVs are generally only used by militaries, unlike the assault skimmer which sees at least some police use. It is armed with the weapons listed below, and possesses targeting systems which add an additional +2 to all Awareness and attack rolls.
Medium Laser Cannon: Accuracy +2, Damage 12L [10], Range 1,000, Rate 3, Magazine 300, AP (3)
60mm Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +0, Dmg 10L [7] or as grenade, Range 100, Rate 15, Magazine 100, Exp(1)
Flechette/Buckshot: Dmg 15L, Rng 50
HEAP: Dmg 12L [6], AP(3)
Incendiary: Dmg 15L, Area(6), Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, doing 7L/turn until put out)
Chemical: Dmg None, Area(6), Gas Payload (choose any airborne toxin to deploy)



  • Pilot Trainer (Banji Musasabi):Safe Speed 600 (480), Max Speed 1000 (800), Maneuver +3, Passengers 1, Armor 8 (+5), HLs -0 x 4, -1 x 6, -2 x 6, -4 x 4, Eject!
A common pilot trainer and aerobatics performer example, these craft generally still use standard hypercombustion engines rather than fusion turbines due to cost and size constraints.
  • Suborbital Aircraft (Banji Cirrus): Safe Speed 800 (640), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Maneuver -3, Passengers 200, Armor 10 (+5), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -3 x 10, -4 x 10, Crashed
More advanced lightweight airframe and wing designs, combined with fusion turbines becoming cheap and commonplace for high-end air travel, have allowed suborbitals to become commonplace passenger aircraft.
  • Supersonic Aircraft (L-B Ionoliner): Safe Speed 800 (640), Max Speed 2500 (2000), Maneuver -3, Passengers 250, Armor 10 (+5), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 10, -3 x 10, -4 x 10, Crashed
Hyperfusion has made supersonic airliners cheap and practical. Less expensive than comparable suborbitals, it's still possible to get from one place to another in a handful of hours at most via supersonic flight.


  • Subfighter (Bisai Harpoon): Safe Speed 200/1800 land/air (160/1440), Max Speed 250/2500 land/air (200/2000), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5
Subfighters are a common sight, fusion powered fighter aircraft which have modified engines and reinforced hulls capable of sustaining underwater operation. Sacrificing reaction mass for MHD drive and with far heavier hulls and structure than equivalent-mass hybrid fighters, subfighters have poor high-altitude performance and cannot function in space. A typical subfighter like the Bisai Harpoon or Poly Technologies J-140 are armed with a blue-green laser, equipped with lidar systems, and have dual-mode MHD/fusion-jet torpedoes. These subfighters have advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls, multitask systems which reduce all multiple action penalties by 1, and active signature cancellation which adds +2 to the difficulty of detection rolls or guided missile attacks.
Blue-Green Laser: Accuracy +2, Damage 15L [10], Range 1,000 (Range 200 in water), Rate 20, Magazine (inf), AP (5)
Supercavitating Torpedoes: Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 24L [16], Range 5,000 (Range 1,000 in water), Rate 6, Magazine 4, AP(4), AA, Guided
  • Transport VTOL (ClinTech Black Cat Military Transport): Safe Speed 800 (640), Max Speed 1500 (1200), Maneuver +1, Passengers 40, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 15, -2 x 15, -4 x 15
A heavily armored armed transport, a VTOL such as this is powered by high-end fusion turbines to allow it incredible maneuverability and speed for its size. These VTOLs have immense TWRs and can carry dozens of tons of cargo in specially designed pods above and beyond their own internal cargo/troop bay. Transport VTOLs are equipped with active signature cancellation, adding +1 to the difficulty of any enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. A typical transport VTOL is armed with the weapons listed below:
Medium Rapid-Fire Laser: Accuracy +2, Damage 12L [10], Range 1,000, Rate 20, Magazine (inf), AP (3)
Twin Missile Pods: Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], Rate 25 (per pod), Magazine 25 (per pod), AP(4), AA, Guided
  • Attack VTOL (Bisai Wasp): Safe Speed 400 (320), Max Speed 700 (560), Maneuver +3, Passengers 0, Armor 18 (+12), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 5, -2 x 5, -4 x 10
Inexpensive attack craft, attack VTOLs are more heavily armed and have superior durability to their transport brethren despite their much smaller size. Attack VTOLs are equipped with active signature cancellation, adding +1 to the difficulty of any enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. These deadly weapons possess the armaments listed below:
Medium Rapid-Fire Laser: Accuracy +2, Damage 12L [10], Range 1,000, Rate 20, Magazine (inf), AP (3)
Smart Missiles: Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], Rate 12, Magazine 12, AP(4), AA, Guided
Rocket Pods: Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L [8], Range 500, Rate 20/2, Magazine 20, AP(2), AV (1), Exp (3), Burst (10)



  • Hybrid Shuttle (L-B Comet): Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 6G, Maneuver +1, Passengers 150, Armor 12 (+6), HLs -0 x 15, -1 x 15, -2 x 15, -4 x 15, Crashed
A standard hybrid atmospheric/spaceflight-capable civilian shuttle, hybrid shuttles can either carry scores of passengers or massive loads of cargo cheaply and economically. Their immense TWR and high-durability airframes allow them surprising maneuverability for such large craft.


An E-15 in the colors of the 15th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the United African Nations.
  • Hybrid Fighter (Bakuhatsu E-15 Fighter): Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 10G, Maneuver +5, Passengers 0, Armor 12 (+8), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5, Eject!
Hybrid fighters have multi-mode airbreathing and reaction-mass consuming fusion jets, allowing them to translate from atmospheric to space flight with little difficulty, and typically have a crew of 2, one pilot and one weapons officer. Hybrid fighters are equipped with active signature cancellation, adding +3 to the difficulty of any enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +3 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. An AI manages the PD Laser, with a defensive pool of 10 after factoring in the vehicle's sensors, and 12 after factoring in the PD Laser's accuracy.
Heavy Tactical Laser: Accuracy +3, Dmg 16L [12], Range 10,000, Rate 2, Magazine 50, AP(3)
H-K Missiles: Accuracy +0, Dmg 24L [16], Range 30,000, Rate 6, Magazine 6, AP(6), AA, Guided
Point Defense Laser: Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)
  • Hybrid Biofighter (Orgotek Locust C): Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 12G, Maneuver +4, Passengers 0, Armor 12 (+8), HLs -0 x 10, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 5, Eject!, Bioware (Tolerance 4)
Used by the Legions and Orgotek, hybrid biofighters are some of the deadliest fighter craft in existence, bristling with weapons and defensive systems. When formatted to a Psion user, they gain an additional +2 to Maneuver and weapon accuracy, above and beyond their standard bonuses. Equipped with active signature cancellation which increases the difficulty of enemy guided ordinance attacks and awareness rolls by +2 against the biofighter, and advanced sensors which add +3 to the pilot's Awareness and +2 to his Gunnery rolls, a biofighter additionally has biocomputers which manage its PD lasers, with defensive pools of 12.
Twin Light Tactical Lasers: Accuracy +2, Damage 12L [10], Range 10,000, Rate 3/weapon, Magazine 300/weapon
Heavy Tactical Laser: Accuracy +3, Dmg 16L [12], Range 10,000, Rate 2, Magazine 50, AP(3)
H-K Missiles: Accuracy +0, Dmg 24L [16], Range 30,000, Rate 8, Magazine 8, AP(6), AA, Guided
Twin Point Defense Lasers: Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)
  • Hybrid Transport (Bakuhatsu GT-03 Trey): Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 7G, Maneuver +2, Passengers 20, Armor 15 (+10), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 10, -2 x 10, -4 x 10, Eject!
A general-purpose transport craft example, these transports are armed with light self-defense weaponry to protect their cargo from Aberrant attacks, enemies, or other unforeseen complications. Hybrid Transports are equipped with advanced sensors which add +2 to the pilot's Awareness and Gunnery rolls. AIs manage the PD Lasers, with a defensive pool of 9 after factoring in the vehicle's sensors, and 11 after factoring in the PD Laser's accuracy. Each laser has its own independent AI.
Twin Light Tactical Laser: Accuracy +2, Damage 12L [10], Range 10,000, Rate 3, Magazine 300
Twin Point Defense Lasers: Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)
  • Assault Transport (L-B MEL): Safe Speed 1500 (1200), Max Speed 15000 (12000), Acceleration 7G, Maneuver +2, Passengers 0, Armor 20 (+15), HLs -0 x 20, -1 x 20, -2 x 20, -4 x 20, Eject!
Two hundred tons of heavy metal, a military assault transport is typically used when air superiority is not guaranteed but cargo still needs to be dropped. With plentiful self-defensive capability and cargo capacity, several of these transports have been converted into gunships. Assault Transports are equipped with ECM systems which add +2 to the difficulty of enemy awareness rolls to detect the fighter or enemy attack rolls involving guided ordinance, and advanced sensors which add +3 to the pilot and gunners' Awareness and Gunnery rolls. AIs manage the PD lasers, with a defensive pool of 12 after everything has been factored in.
Heavy Tactical Laser: Accuracy +3, Dmg 16L [12], Range 10,000, Rate 2, Magazine 50, AP(3)
Twin Point Defense Lasers: Accuracy +2, Dmg 10L, Range 300, Rate 150, Magazine (inf), PD (can "parry" attacks)

The gunship variant adds these additional weapons which fire from the sides, and increases its armor to 22. The gunship variant has no cargo capacity, however.

Medium Tank Railgun: Accuracy +2, Dmg 20L [20], Range 2,500, Rate 1, Magazine 100, AP(7), AV(3)
Rotary Assault Cannon: Accuracy +1, Dmg 20L [12], Range 1,000, Rate 320/8, Magazine 4000, Burst (40)
60mm Gyrojet: Accuracy +0, Dmg 10L [7] or as grenade, Range 1,000, Rate 15, Magazine 100, Exp(1)
Flechette/Buckshot: Dmg 15L, Rng 50
HEAP: Dmg 12L [6], AP(3)
Incendiary: Dmg 15L, Area(6), Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, doing 7L/turn until put out)
Chemical: Dmg None, Area(6), Gas Payload (choose any airborne toxin to deploy)


Vacuum Assault and Reconnaissance Gear is the standard "giant robot", coming in both inorganic and organic varieties. Giant mecha cyborgs or ambulatory tin cans, they bring a lot of firepower and armor, and a skilled pilot in one is easily a match for most proper Aberrants, and hordes of sub-Aberrants. VARGs use their pilot's Dexterity + Piloting + Handling to determine dodge pools and replace the pilot's strength with their own.

  • New Weapon: Plasma Blade
A Plasma Blade is designed for VARG use, and requires a connection to a fusion reactor to run. Essentially a very short range plasma gun, the radiated heat from the blade itself will incinerate most humans nearby, while the blade can cut through tank armor with little difficulty. Any unshielded user (unshielded as in not in a vehicle or a VARG) takes 15L damage an action being within a meter of the blade, and if actually wielding it, reduces his soak in half.
Plasma Blade: Damage Str + 9L [5], Mass 190

Scout VARGs

  • Spirit Warrior: Strength 8 [7], Handling +4, Max Speed 120 (~140 km/h), Armor 14, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 4/-2 x 4/-4 x 2/Disabled
A 3-meter tall scout VARG, the Spirit Warrior is fast and nimble although extremely vulnerable to most weapons. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +5d to all awareness and attack rolls, and stealth systems add +3 difficulty to spot the VARG. It possesses the weapons listed below.
Light Autolaser: Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 10L [5], AP(1), Rate 40, Magazine (inf)
Missile Pod: Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], AP(4), Rate 4, Magazine 4
  • Fire Eagle: Strength 8 [7], Handling +3, Max Speed 140 (~170 km/h), Armor 15, HLs -0 x 5/-1 x 5/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
The Fire Eagle is a nimble and inexpensive light attack and scouting VARG. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +2d to all awareness rolls and attack rolls. It is armed with the listed weapons.
Light Autolaser: Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 10L [5], AP(1), Rate 40, Magazine (inf)
60mm Grenade Launcher: Accuracy +0, Dmg 10L [7] or as grenade, Range 100, Rate 15, Magazine 100, Exp(1)
Flechette/Buckshot: Dmg 15L, Rng 50
HEAP: Dmg 12L [6], AP(3)
Incendiary: Dmg 15L, Area(6), Incendiary (successful attack sets target on fire, doing 7L/turn until put out)
Chemical: Dmg None, Area(6), Gas Payload (choose any airborne toxin to deploy)
  • Weasel: Strength 10 [8], Handling +5, Max Speed 160 (~200 km/h), Armor 15, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 5/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
The "Weasel" is a light scout BioVARG (Tolerance 4), which mounts weapons hardpoints and has extremely high speed and maneuverability. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 2, while advanced sensors add +5d to all attack and awareness rolls. Stealth baffles add +3 difficulty to spot the BioVARG in action. It also possesses a psionic targeting and tracking system.
Psionic Targeter: When used in conjunction with a support BioVARG, a Psionic Targeter allows the support BioVARG to ignore all range penalties.
2 Weapons Hardpoints: 2 Light/Heavy Weapons.

Assault VARGs

  • Flame Cloud: Strength 10 [10], Handling +2, Max Speed 60(~70 km/h), Armor 18, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-4 x 6/Disabled
The Flame Cloud is a Pacific Rim general combat VARG design with heavy armament and armor. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It is armed with the weapons listed below.
Particle Cannon: Accuracy +1, Range 1,000, Damage 15L [15], AP(5), Rate 1, Magazine (inf)
Missile Pod: Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], AP(4), Rate 14, Magazine 14
Light Autolaser: Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 10L [5], AP(1), Rate 40, Magazine (inf)
Ion Whip: Accuracy +0, Damage Strength + 5L (+5d EMP)
  • Hellfire: Strength 14 [15], Handling +0, Max Speed 60 (~70 km/h), Armor 20, HLs -0 x 12/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
The largest assault VARG built to date, the Hellfire bristles with energy weapons. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 2, and advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. Armed exclusively with energy weapons, the Hellfire can lay down a withering barrage of fire for indefinite periods.
Twin Heavy Plasma Cannons: Accuracy +0, Range 800, Damage 25L [16], AP(6), Rate 1 (per gun), Magazine (inf)
Twin Light Lasers: Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 10L [5], AP(1), Rate 40 (per gun), Magazine (inf)
Lightning Field: As Immolate, but deals [6] 10L damage to all touching the VARG instead.
  • Pulsar: Strength 12 [12], Handling +2, Max Speed 75 (~90 km/h), Armor 18, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-4 x 6/Disabled
Built by ClinTech for the Federated States, the Pulsar is a state of the art assault VARG. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It is armed with the weapons listed below.
Particle Cannon: Accuracy +1, Range 1,000, Damage 15L [15], AP(5), Rate 1, Magazine (inf)
Missile Pod: Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], AP(4), Rate 10, Magazine 10
Plasma Cannon: Accuracy +0, Dmg 15L [12], Range 30, Rate 5/1, Magazine 50, Burst (5)
Anti-Infantry Mount: Mounts an infantry-scale weapon (typically heavy coilgun) and fires with a dice pool of 8d including sensor bonus.
  • Silverfish: Strength 14 [12], Handling +3, Max Speed 75 (~90 km/h), Armor 20, HLs -0 x 12/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-4 x 6/Disabled, Tolerance 3
The most common BioVARG, the silverfish is a good general purpose combatant. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 3, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. The Pulsar has 6 hardpoint and may mount weapons as listed below:
6 Weapons Hardpoints: 6 Heavy/Light Weapons, or 1 Support weapon and 2 Heavy/Light Weapons.

Support VARGs

  • Dragon: Strength 10 [10], Handling +2, Max Speed 60 (~70 km/h), Armor 16, HLs -0 x 10/-1 x 6/-2 x 6/-4 x 6/Disabled
The Dragon is a fire-support VARG bristling with smart missiles, with minimal non-missile armament. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 1, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It is armed with the weapons listed below. As a special ability, it may count firing two missiles (one from each pod) as one attack.
Twin Missile Pods: Accuracy +0, Range 2,000, Damage 20L [15], AP(4), Rate 25 (per pod), Magazine 25 (per pod)
Light Laser: Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 10L [5], AP(1), Rate 40 (per gun), Magazine (inf)
Twin Medium Coilguns: Accuracy +0, Range 600, Dmg 9L [4], Rate 30 (per gun), Magazine 300 (per gun)
  • Kraken: Strength 15 [20], Handling +3, Max Speed 80 (~100 km/h), Armor 25, HLs -0 x 15/-1 x 10/-2 x 5/-4 x 5/Disabled
The Kraken is the largest BioVARG in existence, merely three meters tall but much wider than any other VARG, such that it has to use six legs to maintain its ground speed. The Kraken requires three pilots, and is Tolerance 3 (per pilot). One of the pilots controls basic movement and evasion, while another controls its two support weapons, and a third controls its four weapons banks. Multitask systems reduce multiple action penalties by 3, while advanced sensors add +3d to all attack and awareness rolls. It has 6 weapons hardpoints, which can carry the weapons combinations listed below.
Twin Support Weapon Hardpoints: 2 Support Weapons
4 Weapons Hardpoints: 4 Heavy or Light weapons.


The use of UAVs and UGVs has increased dramatically with the development of Adaptive Intelligence systems. Ranging from small utility vehicles to lethal strike craft, drones are common in any environment where using humans is highly dangerous or not cost effective.

  • Recon Bot (Banji Arachnid): Safe Speed 10 (8), Max Speed 20 (16), Maneuver +4, AI Pool 4 (+3 Stealth), Armor 4, HLs -0 x 1, -1 x 1, -4 x 3, Wrecked
One of the smallest drones manufactured, this light and fast spiderbot is a phenomenal infiltration and recon tool. Extremely quiet, the spiderbot can walk on ceilings, walls, and even soft mud.
  • Ground Utility Crawler (ClinTech Mule): Safe Speed 40 (32), Max Speed 60 (48), Maneuver +2, AI Pool 4, Armor 7, HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 3, -4 x 4, Wrecked
A simple and effective cargo hauler and utility vehicle, the Mule is designed to be remote piloted for special situations. While it is built for rough terrain operations, it is not heavily armored or designed for weapon usage. It includes a heavy lift manipulator arm for self loading, and similar models are common in the private sector.
  • Ground Tactical Crawler (ClinTech Wolfhound): Safe Speed 50 (40), Max Speed 80 (64), Maneuver +3, AI Pool 5 (+1 Rapport & Tracking), Armor 10, HLs -0 x 4, -1 x 4, -4 x 4, Wrecked
Using their popular Mule design as a basis, ClinTech developed a mini-tank that set the standard in the field. The AI is designed for patrol and close support, and rapidly follows commands. The unit includes a manipulator arm, and common modifications can include riot control and bomb disposal designs.
Coilgun MG: Accuracy +1, Dmg 10L [7], Range 600, Rate 80/10, Magazine 1200, Burst (8), AP (2)
  • Recon Flyer (Bisai Moth): Safe Speed 100 (80), Max Speed 200 (160), Maneuver +2, AI Pool 4 (+2 Perception), Armor 7, HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 3, -4 x 4, Wrecked
Combining high agility and endurance for wide area recon, these are by far the most common flying drone in use. Most large facilities that desire security have a flock of these or a similar drone available.
  • Attack Flyer (Banji Dust Devil): Safe Speed 150 (120), Max Speed 250 (200), Maneuver +3, AI Pool 5, Armor 7, HLs -0 x 3, -1 x 3, -4 x 4, Wrecked
The standard hunter-killer drone uses laser weaponry to save on weight. Generally, flocks of these drones are used to supplement infantry attacks or provide lightning fast lethal response.
Light Autolaser: Accuracy +2, Range 500, Damage 10L [5], AP(1), Rate 40, Magazine (inf)


Some people customize and hot-rod their vehicles, boosting their performance beyond a "stock" variant of such a unit. Some enhancements are listed below. A vehicle so enhanced is a Device (in Trinity terms), gaining 2 points of enhancement per dot in the background.

  • Additional Armor: The vehicle gains +2 armor per point of this enhancement. A vehicle may not more than double its initial soak, or for civilian vehicles, may not increase it by more than +8.
  • Reinforced Internal Structure: The vehicle gains 5 -0 HLs. A vehicle may not more than double its total Health Levels in such a fashion.
  • Additional Speed (Ground): The vehicle gains +4 (~5 km/h) to safe speed and +8 (~10 km/h) to max speed. Vehicles may not more than double their speed.
  • Additional Speed (Air/Space): The vehicle increases acceleration by +0.5 G, and adds +80 (100 km/h) to safe speed and +240 (300 km/h) to max speed. A vehicle may not more than double its speed.
  • Additional Strength (VARG): A VARG gains +2[1] strength. A VARG may not gain more than +10[5] strength in this way, or double its strength/strength add, whichever is lower. Note that VARG strength ignores any automatic successes for accuracy when attacking in melee, so a VARG with 12[10] strength rolls 12d + Brawl for brawl attacks, for example.
  • Improved Sensors: A vehicle gives its crew +1d to Awareness rolls. This may not be bought more than twice.
  • Improved Targeting: A vehicle's weapons all gain +1 accuracy. This can be bought no more than twice.
  • Improved Handling: The vehicle gains +1 handling. A vehicle may not more than double its initial handling rating, or reduce its handling penalty to 0.
  • Weapons Hardpoint: The vehicle may mount 1 additional light weapon. This may not be bought more than twice.