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The first product of the Anchorage Project, the XM-9 Rickenbacker was the PACT's initial attempt at a combat frame. The system's prototype first fired in anger on November 27th, 2186, when ZOCU forces from Choson attempted to seize the Anchorage Project facility and prevent PACT from putting the system into service; test pilot Amuro Takahashi managed to destroy five enemy mobile suits in the ensuing melee before the prototype was overcome by enemy fire and destroyed, instantly becoming PACT's first mobile suit ace and first mobile suit casualty.  
The first product of the Anchorage Project, the XM-9 Rickenbacker was the PACT's initial attempt at a combat frame. The system's prototype first fired in anger on November 27th, 2186, when ZOCU forces from Choson attempted to seize the Anchorage Project facility and prevent PACT from putting the system into service; test pilot Amuro Takahashi managed to destroy five enemy mobile suits in the ensuing melee before the prototype was overcome by enemy fire and destroyed, instantly becoming PACT's first mobile suit ace and first mobile suit casualty.  

The first standard-type MS-9A production frames saw combat mere weeks later in January 2187, when the converted mobile suit carrier ''Ryuho'' encountered a Hampshiran raider while enroute to conduct a retaliatory attack on Choson, and saw rapid success there and on other fronts. Later ground-type and space-type models would be introduced in the following years, seeing service with the Jameson's World Defense Force, Japanese Defense Forces, United States Military, and Horizonic Defense Force units operating in the PACT-ZOCU theater.
The first standard-type MS-9A production frames saw combat mere weeks later in January 2187, when the converted mobile suit carrier ''Ryuho'' encountered a Hampshiran raider while enroute to conduct a retaliatory attack on Choson, and saw rapid success there and on other fronts. Later ground-type and space-type models would be introduced in the following years, seeing service with the Commonwealth of Theia Defense Force, Japanese Defense Forces, United States Military, and Horizonic Defense Force units operating in the PACT-ZOCU theater.


Revision as of 15:38, 15 February 2010

European Union

EU Mobile Weapons

Ge-02 Lambert Combat Frame

The Ge-02 Lambert was the first real product of the European Union's crash mobile suit development program, with the first prototype completed in January 2186. An exceptionally primative design that was deemed unsuitable for mass production, only a handful of Lamberts were produced and they saw little actual combat against Zodiac Forces despite having the distinction of being involved in the first battle between combat frames. The real value of the Lambert was the considerable amount of data it provided to the EU's military engineers, information that eventually led to the far more successful Ge-03 Leopold.

In the postwar years a number of Lambert type combat frames have been produced under license on various remote worlds eager to gain access to combat frame technology but unable or unwilling to deal with ZOCU and lacking in technological sophsetication needed to maintain more advanced machines.

Ge-02 Lambert Combat Frame
Origin: Earth
Primary Operator: European Union
Date Of Introduction: 2186
Role: Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 16 Meters
Powerplant: Compact Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters: 4
Apogee Motors: 15
Fixed Armament: N/A
Additional Armament: 1 x GIAT F3 100mm Autocannon
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor

Ge-03C Leopold Main Battle Frame
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Leopold Prototype with Linear Rifle

Throughout the 2160s and 2170s military observers from the European Union watched with some interest as the Zodiac Colonies fielded their first Peltast combat frames on remote frontier battlefields. While these strange humanoid fighting vehicles were a favorite topic of discussion in EU military circles the general consensus was that the Peltast and any future successors to it would remain nothing more than a curiosity of dubious effectiveness against the powerful conventional forces fielded by the Union and the other Terran superpowers. At the outbreak of war with ZOCU in 2185 no real effort had been made on the part of the EU to develop its own combat frame technology.

Although the Peltast proved to be more capable than predicted, it was the superior capabilities of the much more advanced Hoplite model of combat frame that quickly began to alarm European battlefield commanders and staff officers. The highly capable Hoplite was superior to nearly every existing space and ground combat platform in the EU's arsenal and played a major role in nearly every one of the Union's military disasters of the war's first year. Crash upgrade programs for the existing space fighters and armored fighting inventories could serve only to lessen future blows, it was obvious that new weapons were required as quickly as they could possibly be put on the field. Amongst the projects authorized in early 2186 was a program for combat frame development.

The EU began its combat frame program with nothing more than a handful of examples in the form of several captured Zodiac machines and a spattering of stolen technical documents. Simply copying ZOCU designs outright was absolutely out of the question as neither the Union's military or political leadership were willing to suffer such a blow to their state's pride. A completely European machine would have to be developed even if the process would take considerably longer. Engineers from several important defense contractors such as France's GIAT and Germany's Rheinmetall were brought in to tackle the problem and by 2187 had built and tested a mass production prototype, the Ge-02 Lambert.

Nearly everything about the Ge-02 proved to be a disappointment. The Lamberts lackluster performance compared unfavorably even with the decades old Peltast and its lack of power generation limited its armament to an unacceptable degree. Although a number of Lamberts were produced and a few of those even saw limited deployment, it was deemed to be a failure and passed over in favor of new conventional platforms. But the Lambert was a valuable learning experience that paved the way for future success. Using the lessons from their lackluster creation most of the same design team would move on to begin work on what would eventually become the Ge-03 Leopold.

In 2188 the Zodiac Forces archived another spectacular success with the unveiling of the Sarissa, a Hoplite variant of such increased ability that it was initially believed to be a completely new model. Once again there were no available craft capable of matching it in the EU's arsenals and the mere thought that this deadly new machine and its particle rifle might be mass produced caused a considerable amount of worry in the Union's high command. While such fears proved unfounded additional resources were diverted to the combat frame development project and in early 2189 the first prototype of their new model was ready for testing.

The Leopold surpassed all expectations. Fast, agile, and heavily armored it clearly had the makings of a superior machine worthy of Europe's proud military traditions. Although its electromotive linear rifle was certainly inferior to the megaparticle gun used by the Sarissa, in all other respects the Leopold could be considered a comparable machine. Approved for production, the first mass produced Ge-03s had reached the front lines in time to be sent into action with the Zweiker's fleet during the final push onward to victory in the skies above Haraway's World. Their considerable abilities came as an unpleasant shock to many Zodiac pilots who had now long believed that their machines would never be equaled by their European foes.

Following the Armistice the EU has continued production of additional Leopolds in limited numbers. Although the combat frame has still failed to supplant the position of conventional weapons within the EU's arsenal it has through the success of the Leopold won a permanent place alongside them.

Ge-03C Leopold Main Battle Frame
Origin: Earth
Primary Operator: European Union
Date Of Introduction: 2189
Role: Main Battle Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 18 Meters
Powerplant: Compact Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters: 6
Apogee Motors: 20
Fixed Armament: 2.5cm Goalie CIWS (Mounted in Head), 1 x Katzbalger Alpha Edge
Additional Armament: 1 x 10cm Rheinmetall Linear Rifle, 2 x Quarrel AAMs
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor, ERA Plates (Optional)

EU Warships

Drake Class Battleship (Mark VII Refit)

[[Image:|thumb|Drake Mk VII]] The opening of the 22nd century found the European Union in need of a powerful warship capable of operating for extended periods out on the ever expanding borders of its territory. Completed just a year after the first of America's MacArthur Class System Control Ships, the Drake Class Battleship was both a military and technological marvel. Highly versatile in addition to being exceptionally rugged and durable ships for their day, the early Drakes were extremely well suited for nearly any possible extended mission far from the safe ports of Sol and the inner colonies. While the need for a battle fleet was a topic of serious debate in Brussels at the turn of the century, the Drakes proved to be a vital line of defense with the first major battles against rogue drones in the early 2120s.

At the opening of the Zodiac War in 2185, the Drake Class had served as the backbone of the European Fleets for over seventy years. Five major upgrades and decades of successful service including a number of spectacular victories over rogue drone and magnate forces had convinced the Union's Admiralty, wrongly, that their battleships were nearly invincible. The disastrous opening battles of the war, particularly Lord Dorington's stunning rout of several battle divisions under the command of Garun's Admiral Mackenzie, proved just how wrong those notions were. While the exact reasons for the fleet's failures remain a subject of intense debate, it is undeniable that modern Zodiac warships equipped with new mega particle technology proved more than a match for the venerable Drake Mark V.

A number of short term fixes and dubiously effective stopgap upgrades generally grouped together as the Mark VI refit characterized the first wartime attempts and dragging the aging Drake back into top form. It was not until 2188 when the first Mark VII refit was completed that the EU's Admirals could truly be certain they at last had a fighting capital ship capable of going head to head with the Zodiac Fleet. The Mark VII, usually referred to as the War Drake, sacrifices the versatility of its earlier incarnations in exchange for combat power and sheer survivability.

Nearly completely rebuilt, a War Drake is considerably more durable than the proceeding Marks with all manner of damage control and redundant systems keeping it in the fight even when under mega particle fire. While even the Mark VIIs proved unable to match the sheer raw firepower of ZOCU's feared Pallada Class Battleships, they certainly were as well protected. And with the shipyards of Sol and the EU's colonies working around the clock to complete refits on existing Drakes, the number of Mark VIIs available grew quickly.

The deployment of a considerable force of Mark VIIs was one of the crucial factors leading to Admiral Zweiker's final crushing victory in the skies above Haraway's World in 2189. The postwar years have seen all of the remaining older model Drakes converted to the Mark VII standard, and although they are now being joined by new warships of modern design it is likely they will continue to see service well into the next century.

Drake Class Battleship (Mark VII Refit)
Origin: Earth
Primary Operator: EU
Date Of Introduction: 2119 (Class), 2188 (Mark VII)
Role: Battleship
Control System: Bridge
Length: 307 meters (hull)
Empty Mass: 79,300 tons
Loaded Mass: 88,700 tons
Powerplant: 4x BAE Mark 43b Forced-Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 6x Rolls-Royce H58 High-Flow Fusion Rockets
Apogee Motors: 72
FTL Drive: Rolls-Royce MGQ-99 Delta Type
Fixed Armament: 8x Twin 275mm Railcannon Turrets, 4x Twin 140mm Railgun Turrets, 14x 85mm Railgun Turrets, 16x Cluster Missile Launchers, Multiple Laser Cluster Defense Turrets
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor, Scattering Field

Pacific-American Colonization Treaty

PACT Mobile Weapons

The Anchorage Project

After the near-loss of USS Gerald R. Ford over Kanon, the United States Navy was thrown into a panic. After consulting with their European allies and the upper-tier PACT navies of Japan, Australia, and Canada, the Pentagon commissioned a secret development complex on an unmapped world near the Horizon system. Dubbed the 'Anchorage Project' and primarily composed of local Horizonic science personnel along with invited scientists from research centers across PACT space, the facility staff was charged with the responsibility of rushing a mobile suit into PACT military service within a year.

Faced with this deadline and equipped with a massive checkbook, the scientists of Anchorage turned to several outlets to save time. First, all captured enemy MS technology was requisitioned, including a nearly-intact Hoplite torso, waist and arms recovered by PACT forces withdrawing from Kanon. Second, the European Union was bartered with by Japanese diplomats to secure design blueprints and advice from EUSF engineers working on the Gundam Counterattack. Last, the decision was made to utilize components developed for the F-87 and the top-secret YF-84, eliminating the need to develop those parts on-site. Unfortunately, the courier carrying essential xenotech was nearly intercepted by ZOCU forces as it doglegged through unincorporated UNSO space to Horizon (See Flight of the Adelaide for further details), delaying the project for weeks as the courier fled through the Backcountry from harassing enemy forces.

MS-9 Rickenbacker Mobile Suit

The first product of the Anchorage Project, the XM-9 Rickenbacker was the PACT's initial attempt at a combat frame. The system's prototype first fired in anger on November 27th, 2186, when ZOCU forces from Choson attempted to seize the Anchorage Project facility and prevent PACT from putting the system into service; test pilot Amuro Takahashi managed to destroy five enemy mobile suits in the ensuing melee before the prototype was overcome by enemy fire and destroyed, instantly becoming PACT's first mobile suit ace and first mobile suit casualty.

The first standard-type MS-9A production frames saw combat mere weeks later in January 2187, when the converted mobile suit carrier Ryuho encountered a Hampshiran raider while enroute to conduct a retaliatory attack on Choson, and saw rapid success there and on other fronts. Later ground-type and space-type models would be introduced in the following years, seeing service with the Commonwealth of Theia Defense Force, Japanese Defense Forces, United States Military, and Horizonic Defense Force units operating in the PACT-ZOCU theater.


MS-9A Rickenbacker Standard Type
Origin: Horizon
Primary Operator: PACT
Date Of Introduction: January 7th, 2187
Role: General-use Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 18 meters
Weight: 55 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: 2x Forced Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 5
Apogee Motors: 8
Fixed Armament: 1x Fujita M-87 Pulse Particle CIWS (chest mounted), 2x M-101 Plasma Lances (stored in arms, hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: 1x Fujita Industries M-99 Pulse Particle Submachinegun (hand-carried in use), 2x hip-mounted 3-tube missile launchers
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor

MS-9B Rickenbacker Ground Type
Origin: Horizon
Primary Operator: PACT
Date Of Introduction: 2188
Role: Ground-use Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 18 meters
Weight: 60 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: 2x Forced Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 5
Apogee Motors: 4
Fixed Armament: 1x Fujita Industries M-87 Pulse Particle CIWS (chest mounted), 2x M-101 Plasma Lances (stored in arms, hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: 1x Fujita Industries M-99 Pulse Particle Submachinegun (hand-carried in use), 2x hip-mounted 3-tube missile launchers, 1x General Dynamics M-258 120mm Antitank Rifle w/ sabot ammunition
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor
Optional Defensive Systems: Enhanced Composite Armor Package (ground-use only)

MS-9C Rickenbacker Space Type
Origin: Horizon
Primary Operator: PACT
Date Of Introduction: 2188
Role: Space-use Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 18 meters
Weight: 50 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: 2x Forced Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 5
Apogee Motors: 12
Fixed Armament: 1x Fujita Industries M-87 Pulse Particle CIWS (chest mounted), 2x M-101 Plasma Lances (stored in arms, hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: 1x Fujita Industries M-99 Pulse Particle Submachinegun (hand-carried in use), 2x hip-mounted 3-tube missile launchers, 1x LockMartBoeing Aerospace 203mm antiship rocket launcher
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor

Zodiac Outworld Colony Union

ZOCU Mobile Weapons

OMF-04 Peltast Mobile Suit
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Peltast armed with Londenium Metals Mk-11 Railgun

For the worlds of the ZOCU organization, the Breakdown offered an opportunity to seize their national destinies. Unfortunately with the effective termination of significant core world contact, the ZOCU Worlds were forced into nearly total self-reliance. Armed with limited weapons and with no source for replacement or reinforcement it was almost inevitable that civilian vehicles would be pressed into service. Among these were orbital transfer vehicles and manipulation vehicles, the ancestors of modern combat frames. Not terribly efficient, they nonetheless served as stopgaps until ZOCU military industry matured. Out of the 'second' generation of ZOCU weapons, the OMF-04 Peltast was the first frame to be designed and built from conception forward as a combat craft.

Originally produced by Londenium Metals for the local militia, the arrival of the Peltast into service did not come too soon as less than six months after the first companies achieved operational status, the ZOCU world of Nidaros was attacked by forces of the Magnates. The organized clone-soldiers of the Magnates swiftly overwhelmed Nidaros's militia and a rushed relief force from several ZOCU worlds was organized. At the lead were Londenium's Peltasts which led the landing operation in December 2165 and subsequent counterattacks. This and smaller brushfire wars gave the ZOCU Peltast pilots and tacticians solid experience that they put to good use in the '80s.

While rugged and relatively simple to produce, the Peltast was already starting to show its limitations by the early '80s. Its early design was beginning to hold it back and the design austerity that had allowed it to be produced all across the ZOCU worlds was being superseded by almost two decades of technological and industrial improvements. Furthermore, despite the successes scored by Peltast teams in the early 80s, recontact and the looming spectre of conflict with the industrially and technologically powerful core worlds pointed towards the need for replacements. These were to be the OMF-06 Hoplite and the OMF-07 Legionnaire.

The wartime record of the Peltast ultimately spanned more than two decades from the Magnate Wars of the 60s to the ZOCU war of the 80s. Designed as an all-environment craft it saw most of its battles on land, with the majority of its space combat time occurring near the end of its service period. For most of this time the standard load was a Londenium Metals Mk-11 railgun or locally-built weapons, with the more expensive PG-47 particle rifle only entering service in the 80s for units assigned to orbital ops. Despite the Peltast's age, it performed adequately against the EU's aging space fighters and ground vehicles, though PACT aerospace craft proved to be difficult opponents for the relatively underpowered mobile frame.

The introduction of the Hoplite pushed the Peltast into second-line formations as fast the newer frames could be produced. Today, surviving Peltasts have been relegated to home guard forces or sold/provided to third-world Expanse states, making them a reasonably common sight in smaller militaries.

The following specifications are typical for a war-era Peltast.

OMF-04 Peltast Combat Frame
Origin: Londenium
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2165
Role: General Role Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 16.9 meters
Weight: 72.5 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters: 7
Apogee Motors: 16
Fixed Armament: 1x PL3 Plasma Lance (hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: 1x Kojima-Saitama Collective Technologies PG-47 Particle Rifle (arm-mounted in use), 2x 'Hammerhead' Medium Missiles
Defensive Systems: Laminate Armor

OMF-05e4 Sheltron Mobile Suit
OMF-05e4 Sheltron in Ithacan colours

OMF-05e4 Sheltron Combat Frame
Origin: Ithaca
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2181
Role: Fire Support Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 16.9 meters
Weight: 79.6 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters: 5
Apogee Motors: 12
Fixed Armament: 1x Ithaca Arms defense laser
Additional Armament: 2x Mk 11 collimated beam cannons
Defensive Systems: Laminate Armor

OMF-06 Hoplite Mobile Suit
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OMF-06A Hoplite in Kanonian colours

Early skirmishing on and around Kanon, Haraway’s World and New Mercia between 2181 and 2183 demonstrated the creeping strategic inferiority of the Peltasts that had been ZOCU's backbone for fifteen years. While well-suited for their original role, it was clear that in the case of all-out war - which had already begun on New Mercia - the unsophisticated '60s design would not suffice. Plans for a Peltast replacement were duly accelerated and the introduction of the Hoplite to battle in 2185 was instrumental in several ZOCU victories in space. Indeed, if it were not for the heroic efforts of the 16th ZOCU Mobile Volunteer Battalion in getting the full design schematics and prototypes out of Kanonian space in the face of stiff PACT resistance it is quite possible that the EU's attack on the Londenium orbital yards four months later would have been successful, crippling half of ZOCU's entire starship production ability.

The Hoplite entered warzones in first a trickle and then as production ramped up across the ZOCU worlds. By the end of 2185, virtually all production lines had been turned to the Hoplite family and between 2185 and the armistice of 2189, approximately 80% of all ZOCU combat frames built were Hoplite variants. The Alpha model was the definitive production model and saw both production and fighting on all fronts. Other common variants include the Beta superiority/ace model with enhanced apogee motors and tweaked control systems for better aerospace performance and the Gamma 'shell' model which was clad in advanced armor composites, seeing use in both antishipping strikes and ground actions. Many specialized or local variants were also built, such as the Lambda electronic attack model and the Harawayan-built Heras.

The rapid introduction of the Hoplite came as welcome news to ZOCU pilots. Importantly, the control systems and general outfit were quite similar between the Peltast and Hoplites replacing them, ensuring that changeover to the new units was smooth and quick. Superior in performance to the Peltasts, Hoplites allowed ZOCU to effectively control space for the first time in the war. Beyond the improvements to thruster output and armor and the increased agility due to reduced weight, the Hoplites also had substantially improved powerplants. This meant that Hoplites could power high-energy weapons like the standard PG-55 directly from their onboard power grid, as opposed to relying on capacitor 'magazines' like the Peltast was forced to do.

Fighting on the ground and in space across both the Pac-Am and European Arms, the Hoplite was the dependable soldier of ZOCU. Its effectiveness and reliability has ensured it remains in service to the current day. No official replacement has yet been planned, though some forces are slowly shifting to the more powerful Sarissa derivative or upgunning Hoplites with mega particle rifles. Hoplites have also been sold to a number of friendly governments, as they include no cutting-edge ZOCU technology.

OMF-06A Hoplite Alpha Mass Production Model
Origin: Kanon
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2185
Role: General Role Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 16 meters
Weight: 56 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: 2x Forced Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 4
Apogee Motors: 14
Fixed Armament: Kojima R-10 Pulse Laser Array (head mounted), 2x PL6 Plasma Lances (hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: 1x Kojima-Saitama Collective Technologies PG-55 Particle Rifle (hand-carried in use), 4x 'Hammerhead' Medium Missiles
Defensive Systems: Laminate Armor

OMF-07 Legionare Mobile Suit
Legionare in standard production colors

While the Hoplite was a solid performer, its ability to perform anti-shipping strikes in the face of increasingly effective Core anti-air defenses became a concern by early 2187. Even the deployment of the heavily-armored Hoplite Gamma model could not reverse this trend. This made the introduction of the OMF-07 Legionare in June 2187 an unpleasant surprise for Core shipping. Sharing some outward similarities with the old Peltast, the Legionare was nonetheless an entirely new machine designed designed by Londenium Metals for heavy assault.

Thickly armoured in low-mass composites and equipped with a frame-sized flash shield, the Legionare was a tough target for the Core ships’ railguns and pulse cannons, making it popular with pilots and earning it the nickname 'The Tank.' As befitting an assault unit its default armament emphasised anti-ship and anti-armor effectiveness, starting with a LDS-2 assault cannon. This large bazooka-style weapon and the pair of 'Sledge' heavy missiles proved to be effective at antiship strikes. A lightweight particle carbine provides firepower against other mobile units. Unfortunately this Legionare was something of a rushed design and shipboard maintenance crews were forced to replace overworked components after almost every mission. Additionally, while the Legionares were only slightly taller than their stablemates, they were considerably bulkier than Hoplites and as a result some hangars could not handle them properly.

Despite its flaws, the Legionares performed well during the war. A sweeping upgrade in the early '90s solved many of the outstanding maintenance issues, though Legionares still retain their reputation as hangar queens. Few Legionare variants exist, as for most roles it is cheaper and easier to modify a Hoplite instead.

OMF-07 Legionare Combat Frame
Origin: Londenium
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2187
Role: Assault Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 16.9 meters
Weight: 84.8 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: 2x Forced Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 4
Apogee Motors: 12
Fixed Armament: Kojima R-10 Pulse Laser Array (head mounted), 1x PL6 Plasma Lances (hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: 1x LDS-2 Assault Cannon, 1x Kojima-Saitama Collective Technologies PG-59 Particle Carbine, 2x 'Sledge' Heavy Missiles
Defensive Systems: Depleted Uranium Armor, Flash Shield

OMF-09 Sarissa Mobile Suit
Sarissa in standard 'Ace' paint scheme, wielding 'Stonebridge' electromotive shotgun

The introduction of the Hoplite in 2185 spurred Core efforts to fast-track new, more effective craft to the battle. Unfortunately, ZOCU was not resting on its laurels and the introduction of the Sarissa in early 2188 demonstrated that they'd solved various problems with mass-producing compact mega particle weapons. A high-performance unit intended for commanders and aces, the Sarissa is a heavily upgraded derivative of the Hoplite.

In addition to the new mega particle rifle and an electromotive shotgun for close fights, the Sarissa replaced the original fusion drive system of the Hoplite with a compact and powerful Mercurion drive array. This allowed for both better performance and thicker armor, as well as the robust fusion generators required for the Sarissa's array of power-hungry systems. Normally used by aces or squadron leaders, some all-Sarissa formations were organized and sent into battle where they proved to be deadly adversaries for Core pilots who soon learned to fear their tell-tale sprays of energized particles.

Unlike the Hoplites and Legionnaires that saw a great deal of planetside fighting, Sarissas were priority allocated to orbital operations. Their advantages were less pronounced inside atmosphere and there were never enough of them to deploy them groundside in all but the most pressing engagements. No official variants were built during the war, though recently the Alpha model upgrade kit has begun to circulate which primarily consists of a lightweight flash shield retrofit for added protection.

OMF-09 Sarissa Combat Frame
Origin: Kanon
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2188
Role: Ace use Frame
Control System: 360' Panoramic Cockpit w/ Linear Frame
Height: 16.0 meters
Weight: 57.9 tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: 2x Delta-Type Forced Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 2 (Mercurion Drives)
Apogee Motors: 18
Fixed Armament: Kojima R-10 Pulse Laser Array (head mounted), 2x PL7+ Plasma Lances (hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: 1x Kojima-Saitama Collective Technologies MP-1 Mega Particle Rifle (hand-carried in use), 1x 'Stonebridge' 140mm electromotive shotgun (hand-carried in use), 12x MM-3 Swarm Missiles
Defensive Systems: Laminate Armor

OMF-14 Masamune Mobile Suit
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Masamune with stealth system disabled

One of the strategic issues that ZOCU planners were acutely aware of was the varying level of technology and industrial development of the ZOCU worlds. Mindful of this, the Hoplite and Peltast had been designed relatively conservatively with mass production in mind . However, there was always a need for advanced models to conduct special missions. Rarely produced in significant numbers, these combat frames were at the cutting edge of ZOCU science and had technologies and equipment unsuitable or too expensive for main line units. The last of these to achieve production status during the war was the OMF-14 Masamune. A veil of secrecy still surrounds the Masamune and virtually all performance specifications remain secret. However some information has been gleaned from intelligence sources and battle data and a general if incomplete picture has been assembled.

Having entered service sometime in 2189, Masamunes were limited to elite pilots. The Transbaal ace Y.G. Kruger is believed to have recieved the first frame built, with the second going to 'Geist', ZOCU's top-ranked ace. Several more frames were rolled out but the cost and complexity of the Masamunes kept them very rare. This cost was due to the diverse array of cutting-edge technology they carried, the requisite miniaturization to fit and the staggering quantities of theta dust needed for all the systems. This technology came from multiple sources, including a Transbaal-designed fast-scan neural interface system, twin Kanonian mega particle pulse guns and a stealth system reputedly reverse-engineered from a crashed posthuman drone by scientists on Hampshire. The key to making this work however was the SIYAN-supplied power core and propulsion system. Like the stealth system, it is believed to be posthuman-derived. A ZOCU ally, it is believed that SIYAN traded their power system expertise as repayment for technical help in ship design development.

OMF-14 Masamune Combat Frame
Origin: Kanon
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2189
Role: Special Operations Combat Frame
Control System: Neural Interface
Height: 14.0 meters
Weight: 50 tons (estimated)
Powerplant: Unknown
Main Thrusters: Unknown
Apogee Motors: Unknown
Fixed Armament: Kojima R-10 Pulse Laser Array (head mounted), 2x Kojima-Saitama Collective Technologies MP-2 Mega Particle Guns (chest mounted), 4x PL7+ Plasma Lances (hand-carried in use)
Additional Armament: Unknown
Defensive Systems: Stealth System

ZOCU Spacecraft

Spartacus Heavy Cruiser
Spartacus in standard ZOCU fleet paint scheme

One of the earlier warships to emerge from the Expanse, Spartacus heavy cruisers were the cutting edge of technology when the name ship officially entered service in 2162. Some of the largest and by far the most technologically advanced warships to be built outside the Core at the time, the Spartaci were symbols of Londenium military might and industrial power. Designed before the need for transporting combat frames or fighters for space combat was properly recognized, the design and the several Spartaci in service during the Magnate War were modified to carry eight strike craft, replacing much of the ship's internal cargo bays and leading to the now-familiar external fuel spheres.

It originally took about two years to build each Spartacus, though by the early 70s increased automation had cut this down to approximately fifteen months and production continued methodically. By the recontact, all ZOCU major worlds had anywhere from one to three of these cruisers forming the cores of their navies, all built at the Londenium orbital shipyards. Most went through a major SLEP upgrade between 2179 and 2183, with their original heavy railcannons replaced by newly-developed mega particle cannons, a scattering field system added and additional power generation capacity fitted. No further Spartaci were completed after 2178, when the Londenium cruiser yards were shut down for a two-year reconstruction in preparation to commence construction of the newer, larger Palada battleships.

While recently upgraded and carrying exceptionally powerful cannon armament only exceeded by the eventual introduction of the Pallada battleships, overall the Spartaci were past their prime during the ZOCU war and by the armistice in 2189, more than half had been destroyed or rendered unfit for fleet operations. Most of the survivors have been transferred to second-tier navies, though New Mercia maintains a number of modernized hulls in the Royal Fleet, preferring the well-gunned Spartaci over the more generalized Ionias.

Spartacus Heavy Cruiser
Origin: Londenium
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2162
Role: Heavy Cruiser
Control System: Bridge
Length: 264.4 meters
Empty Mass: 44,500 tons
Loaded Mass: 52,700 tons
Powerplant: 5x Closed-Cycle Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 5
Apogee Motors: 52
FTL Drive: Theta Type
Fixed Armament: 3x Triple Mega Particle Cannon Turrets, 18x 80mm AA Railgun Turrets
Defensive Systems: Orbital Steel Armor, Scattering Field
Strike Craft: 8

Concord Cruiser
Concord 3D design model

During the 2170s, ZOCU industrialization proceeded apace as the factories used for arms in the Magnate conflict could be turned instead towards reinvestment. While Londenium had been the only source for domestically-built heavy ships during that period, ZOCU's industrial heart was eventually joined by both Hampshire and Haraway who had steadily expanded their orbital infrastructure. Both of them had constructed a number of smaller warships over the years; their joint project to develop the next ZOCU cruiser was the inevitable and welcome result of their confidence as states. Eventually joined (like almost all ZOCU shipbuilding projects) by all the Zodiac members, the Concord project nonetheless continued to be led by the two originators and reflected this.

Designed from the outset as a combat frame transport, the Concord was consequently the first ZOCU warship to integrate the lessons and the tactics learned during the Magnate war. Carrying the same number of frames as the Spartacus on a hull massing only 2/3rds as much and with large cargo holds, the Concords were to make exemplary expeditionary ships. Their fusion drives were also powerful, giving them a good turn of speed. Unfortunately they were both thinner-skinned and more lightly armed than the Spartacus they were supplanting; the heavy railcannons had proven to be something of a production bottleneck and consequently the Concord designers opted for smaller but more numerous weapons. Two primary variations existed, the Hampshire mark used pulse cannons whereas the Harawayan mark was armed with railguns.

The Concords were built in multiple yards across ZOCU space, making them the most common cruiser during the war. As such they fought in both the EU and Pac-Am arms and became something of a symbol of the war on the ZOCU side. Many of the most famous squadrons and ships of the war were Concords. In the postwar era their sleek lines continue to be a strong visual contrast to the hulking Ionias and slab-sided Nepthys of the late and postwar ZOCU block.

Concord Cruiser
Origin: Hampshire/Haraway
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2179
Role: Cruiser
Control System: Bridge
Length: 289 meters
Empty Mass: 30,300 tons
Loaded Mass: 38,400 tons
Powerplant: 4x Closed-Cycle Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 4
Apogee Motors: 54
FTL Drive: Theta Type
Fixed Armament: 6x Twin Railgun or Pulse Cannon Turrets*, 12x 80mm AA Railgun Turrets
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor, Scattering Field
Strike Craft: 8

  • Later ships and refits often replace the original rail or pulse turrets with mega particle turrets.
Liberty Ship

The re-establishment of regular contact with the Core worlds at the end of the Breakdown brought with it both new challenges and new opportunities. For almost three decades merchant marines throughout the Expanse were limited by what was immune to the Breakdown, in other words mostly various painfully slow freighters dating to the dawn of the 22nd century and a handful of modern theta dust designs operated by naval auxilaries. Individual worlds were forced into self-sufficiency. Eventually however the virus that had infected delta drives was isolated and eliminated and in in 2179, regular travel once again began. This suddenly exposed the near-total lack of proper merchant marine in any of the ZOCU worlds. Luckily, New Mercia had been working on a new model of modular conveyor since the opening of the EU catapult in 2176. Named after the famous Liberty ships of WWII, these ships were specifically designed to be easily built on the ground and then launched into orbit inside a single civilian lift vehicle.

While originally intended for civilian operations, the rapid escalation of tension saw various ZOCU states modifying the original Liberty Ship design to fill the role of stopgap mobile weapon carrier to augment the abilities of the few dedicated warships the ZOCU militias had at the time. To this end the bow habitation section was replaced with an independent command pod/escape ship capable of detaching from the main frame with the docking collars, engineering and primary fuel stores. The command pod was also fitted with various locally-built weapons, though generally these needed to be ejected in order to perform atmospheric landing.

In a combat role, Liberty Ships normally carried four fast-release racks, each of which could hold four frames or fighters. However, due to the distinct lack of support facilities onboard either the racks or the ships themselves, frames were preferred as at least they could rearm themselves. This also tied Liberty Ships closely to bases, though it was not uncommon to see them as part of offensive fleets, paired up with Protons and/or with one or two racks replaced with small hangars and supply pods capable of performing maintenance. SIYAN used this tactic particularly widely, as they had few other warships. It was also not uncommon for Liberty ships to swap roles on a regular basis; a ship launching mecha for patrols one month would be moving supplies the next and transporting dropships the third. They were cheap, fast to build and expendable.

After the war, the need for cheap hulls vanished and many of the surviving Liberty Ships were demilitarized and sold into civilian service, replaced by Samo class logistics ships in a support role. A number of Expanse and Rim governments have since licensed the design to expand their own merchant marines without needing to invest in pricy orbital yards.

ZOCU Liberty Ship
Origin: New Mercia
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2180
Role: Armed Merchantman
Control System: Bridge
Length: 162 meters
Empty Mass: 2,900 tons
Loaded Mass: 3,600 tons
Maximum Jumpable Mass: 14,000 tons
Powerplant: 1x Closed-Cycle Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters: 4
Apogee Motors: 16
FTL Drive: Civilian Delta Type
Fixed Armament: Varies, normally 1x or 2x pulse cannons
Defensive Systems: Radiation Protection Shield

Proton Light Cruiser
Proton 3D design model

During the years before the Recontact, ZOCU had few interstellar-capable escorts, using homogeneous fleets of Spartacus and later Concord cruisers for infrequent tours. The return of regular travel and the increasing threat of military action caused a stark revision of this policy. While several designs were eventually produced such as the Ithacan Ariane destroyer, the ship that essentially came to define an entire generation of warships was the Proton. The name originated from a speech given by Lord Khrushov to the Londenium parliment in 2180 in which he stated they would make a warship 'as common as the Proton rockets of the 20th century'. The monicker stuck in the popular press and the ZOCU Combined Militias eventually bowed to the inevitable and made the name official.

Taking the rotating bin system from the Palada, the Protons originally carried a single team of mobile suits into combat. Lightly-armed with only four railgun turrets to engage hostile warships, the Protons were cheap and fast to build and were not without significant flaws. However it was ideal for its role and the Proton was mass-produced in shipyards across ZOCU space to become the most common warship in the combined ZOCU fleet. The Alpha model came soon, in 2185, as the production kinks of mega-particle weapons were ironed and clearing them for use on second-priority craft.

While ZOCU-designated a light cruiser due to its strike craft complement, the Proton is more properly an aircraft-carrying destroyer and consequently was too light to fall under Sirius treaty restrictions and remains ubiquitous to the current day in a wide variety of different subtypes. The statistics below represent the Delta model, the second-generation Definative Production subtype. It includes the increased hangar capacity of the Beta model (bringing the carried craft up to 6, an understrength squadron) as well as a proper set of anti-air weapons and current-generation shields.

Proton Light Cruiser (Delta Model)
Origin: Londenium
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2183
Role: Escort/Light Carrier
Control System: Bridge
Length: 160.3 meters
Empty Mass: 19,800 tons
Loaded Mass: 22,700 tons
Powerplant: 2x Closed-Cycle Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 2
Apogee Motors: 60
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament: 4x Twin Mega Particle Cannon Turrets, 8x AA Burst Cannon Turrets
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor, Flash Field
Strike Craft: 6

Ionia Heavy Cruiser
Ionia 3D design model

ZOCU's current state of the art cruiser.

Ionia Heavy Cruiser
Origin: Londenium
Primary Operator: ZOCU
Date Of Introduction: 2187
Role: Heavy Cruiser
Control System: Bridge
Length: 228 meters (hull)
Empty Mass: 32,600 tons
Loaded Mass: 36,200 tons
Powerplant: 2x Forced-Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: 2; Mercurion Type
Apogee Motors: 52
FTL Drive: Theta Type
Fixed Armament: 8x Twin Mega Particle Cannon Turrets, Leap Missile System, 8x AA Burst Cannon Turrets, 42x Cluster Missile Launchers, ACLS Warden System
Defensive Systems: Composite Armor, Flash Field
Strike Craft: 14