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[[Heaven's Wake]]

==The Dynamics of State==
=Nation Creation=

[[Category: Heaven's Wake]]

Draft is bought in units of manpower, each manpower point costing the equilivant of 1000 people. In normal conditions, Draft costs one wealth unit under 1% of population, 5 wealth under 5% and 10 wealth under 10%. Above 10% each unit costs 100 wealth.

[[Heaven's Wake]]
===Civil Order & Popular Support===
This is a measure of the willingness of a population to support your policies and the general contentment in society.
0-25: This ranges from outright rebellion to significant disgruntlement such as national strikes to mere dissatisfaction at the upper end of the scale. Draft costs an additional 50% to 25%
25-50: This ranges from broad but civilized unpopularity, to contended indifference.
50-75:  Your held in warm regard and generally supported. Draft is reduced by 25-50%
75-100: Your people are in a nationalist or idealistic fevour, parades and rallies are held in support of you. You can easily whip up support for what may of seemed previously unpopular campaigns, as the population is eagerily sympathetic to propaganda and media campaigns. Draft is reduced 50% to 75%
[[Unit Types]]
===The Leadership===
Every nation has a person or group of people in control, they are in some ways, the personification of your control, the enablement of your directives. They can take several forms but have two major roles to play in Heaven’s Wake. They are a unit, that exists and that can be targeted and they are a unit which can be used to benefit military, domestic or foreign issues.
The list of fields is below and you may take a total of 2 points of ability for free and another point for the cost of a negative in a field.
+Demagogue: The leadership has a vibrant speechwriting staff and an excellent orator. They can direct the argument with the appearance of conviction, understanding and sway people to their point of view.
+Diplomat: The leadership is apt at the art of diplomacy, carefully navigating the pitfalls of foreign policy. This generally results in a greater understanding of foreign nations and an ability to exercise considerably more influence than the norm.
+Media Savvy: The leadership may not have the best speechwriters, or the most skilled orator’s, but they are apt at spinning the situation to their advantage, ultizing the media to direct their message, they are less able than Demagogues to sway opinion on major issues, but are vastly more able to keep afloat In the day to day business of the nation.
+Strategically Aware: The Leadership is experienced, and/or talented in military affairs, they can influence and direct major strategy positively as well as count on the support of the military politically due to their probably extensive links with the establishment.
+Domestic Champion: The Leadership is well loved or feared at home, known to be proponents of a strong domestic agenda, this allows for greater interjection in affairs (such as strengthening the economy) and greater action to appease the populace and counter foreign agenda’s.
The leadership also gains X free points in military hardware, as leaders often need protection against terrorism and madmen.
===Energy Resources===
Energy resources are the materials or environments consumed or employed in powerplants to produce energy. They range from radiological resources, such as uranium, throrium etc, to non-Radiologicals hydrocarbons to environmental, wind solar etc. <br>
Radiological Extraction: 5 Units extraction / 1 NP <br>
Non-Radiological Extraction: 5 Units extraction / 1 NP
===Industrial Resources===
Industrial resources are all those consumed in conjunction with energy to produce materials. <br>
Raw Material Extraction: 10 extraction / 1 NP <br>
Organics Extraction: 10 extraction / 1 NP <br>
Rare Materials: 10 extraction / 1 NP <br>
Energy is produced by powerplants, which require one unit of energy extraction to produce 1 energy. This is also dependant on your Tier, with higher Tier powerplants producing more power.
Nuclear Reactor:<br>
Bleh bleh bleh <br>
Input: 1 radiological<br>
Output: 1 Energy<br>
Breeder Reactor: <br>
Bleh bleh bleh<br>
Input: 3 Radiologicals<br>
Output: 2 Energy, 2 Radiological<br>
Wind/Solar/Etc Turbine: <br>
Bleh bleh bleh
Population: 1 Population Unit (100,000) / 5 Organics<br>
Industry represents manufacturing, including complex high-tech manufacturing and more mundane heavy industry.
Industry: 1 Industrial Unit / 1 Energy, 1 Raw Material<br>
Domestic Industry: This is used to produce goods for the home market, keeping people content and productive.
Military Industry: This represents the factories assigned to producing armamets for the military, from ammunition to attack
Export Industry: This represents the industry used to produce goods for foreign markets, which produces wealth.
Industry as a total is assigned to each of these three areas, the amount assigned to each can be changed every quarter, though changing goods from foreign or domestic to military, incurs a retooling cost.
For example,
Industrial Output: 20D/50M/30E
===Posthuman Resources===
A-Gates: 1 A-Gate / 5 NP <br>
T-Gates: 1 T-Gate / 5 NP<br>
Diplomatic Action Points: 2 SP (starts with 6, max of 15) <br>
Civil Order & Support: 1 point per 150 population (starts with 40, may not exceed 75) <br>
Military: 100 IP / 1 NP

Latest revision as of 07:35, 26 December 2012

Heaven's Wake

Nation Creation

Heaven's Wake