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The nanoforge is the most critical component of the industry of all civilized powers. Used by small groups of artisans, they allow the various civilized nations to produce the highly complex systems necessary to supply the prodigious consumption of an interstellar empire with the goods it needs. Hordes of artisans across many planets slave away day and night to construct the machinery of civilization. These artisans generally learn family crafts in an area, and these components are assembled by unskilled labor-either slaves or industrial automata. Equipment tends to be personal, with its own quirks, and rare is an item which is identical to another.
The nanoforge is the most critical component of the industry of all civilized powers. Used by small groups of artisans, they allow the various civilized nations to produce the highly complex systems necessary to supply the prodigious consumption of an interstellar empire with the goods it needs. Hordes of artisans across many planets slave away day and night to construct the machinery of civilization. These artisans generally learn family crafts in an area, and these components are assembled into fully fledged products by unskilled labor-either slaves or industrial automata. Equipment tends to be personal, with its own quirks, and rare is an item which is identical to another.

For all society's advances, post-scarcity is a holy grail. Nanofabrication is capable of producing complex circuitry and electronics at low cost, but has not brought the cost of "dumb" matter down enough that it has allowed technical development via small groups of artisans, rather than large factories. Only the gods, with the limitless energy and matter creation abilities provided by the godhead, can call themselves post-scarcity in any meaningful way.
For all society's advances, post-scarcity is a holy grail. Nanofabrication is capable of producing complex circuitry and electronics at low cost, but has not brought the cost of "dumb" matter down enough that it has allowed technical development via small groups of artisans, rather than large factories. Only the gods, with the limitless energy and matter creation abilities provided by the godhead, can call themselves post-scarcity in any meaningful way.

Latest revision as of 00:10, 13 October 2010


Technology in Transcendence is highly advanced but holds vaguely fantastical attributes. Rather than sleek utilitarianism, some amount of impracticality is accepted for cool things. Weapons are often etched with designs and blessings, power armor is often embossed and engraved with the tales of its previous victories, and so on. Heroism and aesthetics matter just as much as utility value.

For all that, the equipment is relatively practical. There are recognizable guns, which shoot various things like mini-missiles, slugs, lasers, plasma bullets, or so on. Armor is clearly utilitarian outside of its decorative frills and engraving, with sloped ceramic and alloy plates designed to deflect fire away from vitals, and ropy packs of myomer musculature which carry the armor and the wearer. And yes, before you ask, there are tanks and fighter jets. They might look silly but they exist.

Tactics and strategy should be this weird mishmash of modern and primitive as well, due to the two drastically separate influences being "sci-fi" and "myth".


The miracles of man and reason are not as pronounced as the miracles of gods, but impressive nonetheless.

Materials Science

Materials science in the civilized powers has become strong enough to support incredible feats of construction. Megascrapers kilometers high. Multi-kilometer long ships capable of landing on even high-gravity planets without snapping under their own mass. The armor and weapons used by soldiers, which can resist sustained fire from various sources before failing. Most modern materials are impregnated with active electronics and self-healing to some extent due to nanotechnology, allowing them to survive decades or centuries without replacement, and easing the difficulties of repairs.

Furthermore, structural integrity fields, an offshoot of force field technology, are commonly used in situations where high toughness is necessary, allowing them to suffer much greater stresses before failing. These integrity fields are common, used in almost any situation, from skyscraper construction to civilian and military vehicles to even high-end cybernetic enhancements.

Power Generation

Most "clean" power is provided by either fusion reactors or conversion reactor systems. The former are cheaper, more reliable, and more compact, while the latter are more efficient at generating power for large vessels. Large vessels often possess huge conversion reactors in which any waste material is fed into to produce the power necessary for their power-hungry shields, drives, and weapons arrays.

Reactionless Systems

Reactionless systems such as force fields and inertial drives are another critical system in use by all civilized powers. Energy fields are used to protect everything from soldiers to warships, and the reactionless inertial drive systems are used in everything from weapons systems (to alter projectile trajectories as to better hit targets) to entertainment (inertial flight packs are an interesting novelty and wealthy diversion) to sailing (all ships are equipped with a reactionless drive).


The nanoforge is the most critical component of the industry of all civilized powers. Used by small groups of artisans, they allow the various civilized nations to produce the highly complex systems necessary to supply the prodigious consumption of an interstellar empire with the goods it needs. Hordes of artisans across many planets slave away day and night to construct the machinery of civilization. These artisans generally learn family crafts in an area, and these components are assembled into fully fledged products by unskilled labor-either slaves or industrial automata. Equipment tends to be personal, with its own quirks, and rare is an item which is identical to another.

For all society's advances, post-scarcity is a holy grail. Nanofabrication is capable of producing complex circuitry and electronics at low cost, but has not brought the cost of "dumb" matter down enough that it has allowed technical development via small groups of artisans, rather than large factories. Only the gods, with the limitless energy and matter creation abilities provided by the godhead, can call themselves post-scarcity in any meaningful way.

Genetic Engineering

Genetically engineered plants and animals are not just common, but a fact of life. Anything grown in farms, whether orbital or landbound, is genetically modified for far faster maturation, superior nutrition, and adaptability to any conceivable environment. This has caused regrettable loss of genetic diversity over time, but the benefits of these modified plants and animals are immense. In a more martial sense, households and kingdoms often have genetically enhanced guard animals, such as dogs and wolves, with greater intellect, superior speed, strength, agility, and durability, and reduced rejection tendencies towards cybernetic implants.



Guns. The occasional laser spear. Power swords. Melee weapons exist and are often used in combat. Soldiers generally either have bayonets on their rifles or carry a secondary melee weapon such as a force blade or vibroknife for close combat.

Most slug firearms use electromagnetic, or in advanced (read: divine) cases, gravitic force to accelerate armor penetrating projectiles to extreme velocity. These slugs are generally forged out of various materials, from the cheapest militia levies using steel shot, to the highly explosive compressed phlogiston slugs that elite Spartans favor, to the nanotoxin-tipped bolts Kosalan snipers use to eliminate foes, emulating Rudra and his arrows of disease. Smart ammunition systems generally shape and build these slugs on the fly, and therefore slug firearms generally possess multiple firing modes, allowing them to fire small, single bullets or much larger, lower-velocity shells that act as grenades or missiles.

Laser or particle beam firearms also exist alongside slug weapons. Primitive versions only fire straight beams, but more advanced ones can fire beams that can curve around obstacles and hit targets behind cover. Such vectored beam weapons are often found built into melee weapons such as spears and greatswords, as they can much more easily be aimed by sight and thought rather than hand movements.

Finally, plasma weapons fire bolts of high-temperature plasma at extremely high velocity, causing immense damage. Although powerful and capable of doing massive damage, plasma weapons are expensive and relatively rare as common-issue weapons. The chosen of the Kosalan goddess Shiva use these weapons heavily. Artifact-forged plasma weapons can overcharge the plasma bolt, allowing an infantry rifle to empty its entire battery charge in one catastrophic blast.

Edged melee weapons generally use disruption fields to neutralize integrated armor forcefields and weaken engineered materials, and have hyperdense or vibrating edges to cleave through them. Blunt melee weapons generally work off of the "impact hammer" principle, using their mass and disruption fields to temporarily disrupt a shield and then firing a heavy projectile or plasma jet point-blank. These weapons are unwieldy and difficult to use, but extremely devastating in skilled hands. Disruption fields cancel each other out, so you can parry a melee weapon with another.

There are also energy melee weapons like force blades and laser swords, because what's space opera without laser swords?


Most armor in Transcendence is semi-powered and interfaces with the wearer, enhancing strength, speed, and endurance while providing onboard medical attention and datalinking ability. Armor has roughly won the battle in protection against ranged weapons, but is significantly more vulnerable to melee attacks. While ranged fire can suppress an enemy and inflict some degree of casualties, without a multitude of heavy weapons, significant casualties cannot be inflicted outside of melee combat due to armor toughness.

Heavy armor often masses as much as the man inside or more, most of its prodigious weight accounted for in its heavy ceramic and alloy plating that covers the majority of the body. Although massive, the power-assist on heavy armor allows heavy infantry to move nearly as quickly as light or medium-armored soldiers, although their combat endurance is decreased due to limited battery life. Although self-recharging like most powered systems in Transcendence, the limited trickle of the armor's internal generator is rarely enough to keep up with the power demands of the shield systems or power-assist. Of course, those blessed by a connection to the godhead can power it with the limitless energy of that dimension...

Some soldiers eschew heavy armor, preferring to use light, unrestraining ballistic weave and force fields, peppering enemies with long-range fire and using superior mobility to disengage. These lightly armored skirmisher armies are stealthier and highly maneuverable, but fall quickly to heavy infantry. These armors are woven ballistic weave over skintight muscle and thin skeletal members, looking like quilted layers of fabric over skintight bodysuits but in reality just as advanced as any heavy armor suit.

Those who desire somewhat more protection than light armor without the bulk of heavy armor attach ablative plates to critical areas and reinforce the shielding. This type of armor, not fully powered plate but not merely ballistic muscle suit is considered medium armor. Medium armor is the most common type of body armor in use, a happy compromise between protection, weight, battlefield endurance, and logistical requirements.

There are those who are crazy enough to eschew armor almost entirely as well, relying only on worn forcefield harnesses or even subdermal field generators, as well as their own personal augmentations, as they attack in a battle-fury, such as the berserkers of Midgard.

Quality of Life


Although cybernetics are the method which gods are made, mortals imitate the gods as well. Prometheus might have been tortured for letting the secret of melding man with machine out, but once it was revealed to the human race, these imitations of the gifts of the gods spread widely through the various empires. Many soldiers, scholars, and others invest heavily in such blessings like reflex boosts, hardened skeletons, exocortices, and enhanced musculature, and the most arrogant often invest in eidetic memory records so their heroism can be more easily woven into tales after their death or retirement.

Genetic engineering is far more common, and the average citizen of any polity is far healthier and fitter than a 20th century human. The gods are far too busy to control their population to this degree, and with thousands of conflicts from petty to extreme, there is little if any impetus to enforce significant restriction on the arts of altering the clay of flesh. Flesh-sculptors are one part doctor, one part artist, and the best are sought after by the rich, the famous, and the vain. Excessive alteration to one's self beyond human body plans is frowned upon though, as the tale of Arachne, who modified herself into something spiderlike and inhuman to be better at weaving code than the goddess Athena--and was punished by having her genetics locked in that form for her hubris, shows.


The healthier people of this golden age live for very long, but biological immortality is, although possible, exceptionally rare. People are socialized to believe death is something only gods can conquer, and therefore those who seek immortality are often ostracized and looked down upon. Those afraid of death are afraid of what the afterlife might bring, rather than being more than willing to pass on peacefully and leave their position in life open to those who should rightfully succeed him or her. Only a handful of immortals are respected, having been granted immortality in return to service to the divine or great heroism or other righteous tasks.

Nevertheless, people are immensely long lived. Citizens of the empires may live for multiple centuries and it is only the long-lived stability of the nations which makes death by old age common.


One thing that the transhuman technology in the civilized or semi-civilized polities cannot do is resurrect the dead. The briefly dead may be resuscitated via complex machines and rebuilt, but the dead cannot be brought back to life without literal divine intervention. Only magic can affect those passed on to the Underworld.

Servant Races

Most people generally use either robots or genetically-modified creatures as servants as well. Dependent on the attitudes of the power in question to biological slavery and the prestige of owning living things, the balance between the two generally changes.


Nonsentient, nonhumanoid robots are commonly used in menial tasks of various form, from sweeping floors to military roles. Guardian robots defend homes, medical robots provide emergency medical aid, cookbots exist to prepare meals, and so on.

As humanoid robots are cheaper than genetically engineered servants in the long term, they are commonly used by the well-off but not wealthy, and can often be inherited across generations rather than having to be replaced every 40 or 50 years. Humanoid robots are used for any task a genejack may be, but are considered less prestigious. A humanoid robot can be built to be the equal of any mortal, and are used for various tasks.

Free machines also exist, those who have been gifted with enough money or a doting enough patron to buy themselves out of slavery. Many of these machines participate as citizens but there are those who have become resentful abolitionists.


As opposed to the broad spectrum of enhancement a normal mortal has, a genejack is generally designed to focus their ability on one specific area of competence. Genejacks are not engineered to be the equals of the mortals, and although long-lived are far more vulnerable to cancerous mutations, requiring occasional genetic service to survive without degradation. This ironically makes them more valuable-their high expense and the prestige of owning something so expensive to maintain is as much of their value as their utility, which is at most somewhat superior to that of a humanoid machine.

Rumors exist of barbarian or pirate genejack tribes, combat replicas gone rogue who have altered themselves to not need genetic fixes and can reproduce, but most reputable citizens dismiss them. Many heroes, though, know that these tribes are very real and very dangerous.


Sentient AI is possible and created, often to serve as a slave to the wealthy. Although slaves to start, in several empires sentient AIs can buy themselves free and their children are also free, creating a population of free sentient machines which often leave to their own planets, planets uninhabitable by mortal men and near-impossible to terraform where they can self-determine without the prejudices or fears of those with flesh.

Computers themselves are compact, fast, and extremely powerful, hooked up to various local networks. Even a sort of interstellar internet exists, mediated by the Axis Mundi, but if you wish to connect to someone in another empire, it generally must be done in person or via light-speed communications methods unless you can convince someone with access to the Axis Mundi on the other side to let your message through.

Transportation and Vehicles

Most starfaring is done by ships, large vessels with crews in the hundreds plying the black oceans of space. Planetary transportation is provided by a variety of methods, from railway to aircraft to flying hovercars which use antigravity engines, dependent on the wealth of the planet. Railways are cheap and common for bulk goods, but the wealthiest can easily afford antigravity "spinners" to carry them, and often go for extremely ornate variants which show off their excessive wealth.

Some very wealthy and very bored even have personal palanquins, spider-legged walkers which save them the effort of walking anywhere.


Avatars are large combat robots, generally humanoid in frame design, used as strike craft by warships and planetary defense forces, as well as maintaining a ground defense role. Ranging from 5 (for the smallest "warstriders") to 20 meters tall and equipped with various heavy weapons, avatars are capable of dealing with a wide variety of foe in a wide variety of environment. These colossi are common frontline attack units, superior to the more expendable and cheaper unmanned attack drones deployed alongside.


The stars are not exactly a friendly place, full of horrible creatures such as the mind-control capable sirens, mighty star kraken, rogue asteroids, robot goblin hives, and other kinds of creatures, not to mention pirates. All ships, even civilian trade vessels, are armed and shielded due to this. Heavy kinetic cannon, plasma torpedo launchers, lasers and missiles come standard with any vessel, and most traders do well to either learn the arts of combat, or find minions who are trained for it.

Starfaring vessels are exceptionally durable things and as such, boarding actions and point-blank engagements are not uncommon due to the difficulty in destroying them.

Drive Technologies

All ships have reactionless "maneuvering" drives which they use in atmosphere or when maneuvering in tight confines, due to their lack of impact on the environment and high potential impulses, which they combine with powerful reaction-based transit drives. The former drive has higher peak acceleration but is less capable of sustaining this acceleration over time and more expensive to repair, making reaction drives superior for transit purposes both practically and expense-wise.

The standard faster than light drive is a finicky system which allows a ship to translate into a hyperspace dimension where distances are compressed--distances of lightyears may be covered within hours and so forth. Due to the odd nature of hyperspace, neither realspace drive system is capable of providing thrust and therefore a ship must accelerate to its desired velocity before attempting to jump out, lest it be caught by a faster vessel. Additionally, the hyperspace translation is impossible to permanently maintain. Ships must occasionally drop out of hyperspace every so often or face drive destabilization, which has claimed many an overconfident or overeager sailor.


All ships are capable combatants, but warships remove most of their cargo holds, using the space freed up to mount heavier armaments. Honeycombed racks of fighter drones, heavy banks of particle beams or kinetic cannon, rotary missile launchers, and more tend to support a warship's sizable marine complement (sometimes teleporter deployed, sometimes using boarding shuttles), and they are defended with potent point defense, powerful ECM and shield generators, thick armor, and multiple redundant systems. Warships have equivalent transit speeds to non-warships but their oversized maneuver drives give them incredible agility in combat, with the most advanced small corvettes often having nearly as much agility as strike avatars.

Some warships are designed as a support vessel, these carriers carrying racks and racks of Avatars and unmanned support drones. Others are designed primarily to fight in hyperspace, with minimal guided weaponry and heavy banks of assault cannon and energy beams. Warships possess large marine complements and extensive internal defense systems.


Space pirates generally wait in ambush near areas where ships are likely to translate out in the middle of their journey, close to debris which masks their sensor signature, especially when seeing through hyperspace and into realspace is extremely difficult and only electronic warfare vessels are capable of reliably detecting stealthed pirates. As hyperspace routes can generally be mapped with realspace vectors, it is possible to put a drive disruptor along a route and reap the spoils as ships are forced to drop out and negotiate the disruption sphere in realspace. To counteract this, critical merchant vessels often operate either in convoy or with warship escort.

Underworld Gates

The underworld is by its very nature, connected to every planet and every person. With some luck and a spirit guide, those who wish for risky but fast transportation can use the underworld as a method to get anywhere. Those who seek to use this method of transport must follow (often poorly-marked) paths, or be lost in the simulated reality forever. It is, therefore, a journey only the very brave or very desperate attempt, and even those do not often seek to use this travel method.

However, when it works, it can work quite wonderfully.


A very, very few people entirely unrelated to the gods manage to tap into some of the power of their faction's Axis Mundi by training, discipline, and sheer force of will. They may be called gurus, or magicians, or oracles, but these enlightened are capable of minor miracles. Their lives are more blessed than the mean, and they gain the same effects tapping the godhead gives to the gods, to a lesser degree. If they did not have the framework gifts, the godhead builds them into the Enlightened, nodules of exotic elements coalescing in bone and brain.

No god, not even those of knowledge, can explain why this phenomenon happens. Is it them choosing to harness the power-or is the power choosing them?