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Shu Inazagi is Ninja- an assassin from the Meji Restoration period whom was thrown into the future en route to his target by unknown forces. Arriving nearly a hundred and fifty years later, his target had since died of old age, and almost everyone he knew was lost to the sands of time.
[[File:Shu and Tashi.jpg| thumb| Shu and (Young) Tashi]]
== Status Panel ==
:<b>Arete:</b> 5
:<b>Willpower:</b>, 7/7
:<b>Quintessence:</b> 3/3
:<b>Initiative:</b> +7
:<b>Tass:</b> 8 drams (distilled dreams), 2 drams (Sake of Regrets)
:<b>Experience:</b> 1/307
:<b>Languages:</b> Japanese, English, Mandarin
:<b>Spheres:</b> Time 5/Life 3/ Entropy 3/ Mind 2/ Prime 2/Corr 1
[[Routes To Akasha]]

Trained in the Euthanatos Tradition, Shu plays the architypical noble assassin, although he is not without his share of secrets and shames. Out of time, he struggles to adapt to the modern world- but has also discovered that while a change in times has brought many changes to the world at large, his particular skillset is still extremely relevant. Rejoining the modern traditions, Shu seeks to identify the reason- and the cause- for his trip forward in time. He can never go back, but if there is any way to atone for his failures, he will seek it out.
=== Active Rotes ===
A survivor by nature, he was raised by a famous assassin after the death of his family by slavers. Unused to the company of others, Shu knows that he can only truly rely on himself. It was during a mission under his master that Shu awoke, and became more than a simple assassin. A betrayal by an unknown party brought then young sleeper a hair's breadth away from death. Making contact with his avatar, the spirit of a powerful Shogunate warlord, Shu discovered a purpose that had previously been missing from his life. Duty forged him into a powerful weapon, and honour guided that weapon to strike he final blow.
Cast into the modern world, Shu struggles to reaffirm his sense of duty and justice with the realities of his current existence, and his now ancient failure. vowing not to fail again, Shu works to survive each day and advance his interests. He seeks the identity of his betrayer, and too follows his Avatar's shadowy goals- goals which are yet unknown to him.

=== Rotes ===

Shu has successfully made his first step into the new world. Escaping the Technocracy with the aid of a like minded group (Kana, Team Japan), he has suffered a significant shock to his system, which has put him off his game. While still suffering from anachronism, Shu has taken the night to meditate on the current succession of events, and derive his next course of action from them. He has remembered that just because he's been zapped into the future does not negate the meaning of the old traditions, particularly his study of the ninja arts. Renewed in his conviction, Shu's current goals are to continue the work of the Euthanatos, advance his understanding of the martial arts (particularly Ki [magic]), and gather the materials needed to survive in this new world, as he is currently, in effect, penniless.
Time Slipping Kata +1 Action<br>

=== Health Tracker ===

Shu has discovered that <i>everything</i> goes faster in the future, and decided that his largest priority is to train his ability to <i>get out of the way</i> until he is no longer as at risk from CRAZY FLYING ONI DOOMCHARIOTS. Unfortunately, this means he'll have to put off the advanced training in the Ki arts he had been planning on.
'''Healthy -0 <----'''
::Bruised -0
Luckily, he has been shopping with the party, and now has modern clothing, including the means to conceal his swords in public. He is also looking into procuring less visible armament, but still won't be enticed by firearms.
:::Hurt -1
::::Injured -1
:::::Wounded -2
::::::Mauled -2


1. Multiple actions. Always reserve a dodge when in combat.<br>
2. <b>Ten Thousand Weapons</b> and <b>Weapon Art</b> add +1 die to Lethal weapons and reduce difficulty by 1. You can also use your other maneuvers with your favoured weapons.

== Basic Stats ==
== Basic Stats ==

:<b>Name:</b> Shu Izanagi
:<b>Name:</b> IZANAGI Shu
:<b>Age:</b> 33 (Subjectively)
:<b>Player:</b> Kerrus
:<b>Player:</b> Kerrus
:<b>Nature:</b> Survivor
:<b>Nature:</b> Visionary (Dancing through your head are truly wondrous sights -- worlds without name and fantasies beyond number. You can see these strange possibilities and elucidate them, opening the doors for others to live in a better, different world. Regain Willpower whenever you're able to convince others to believe in your dreams and follow the course of action outlined by your vision of the future)
:<b>Essence:</b> Pattern
:<b>Essence:</b> Questing
:<b>Demeanor:</b> Penitent (I was sent here to end great evil. But I was too late, and there is much evil here. My duty is far from over)
:<b>Demeanor:</b> Crackerjack (Whatever it is you do, you're the best, and people can't help but be impressed. Regain Willpower whenever you pull off an impressive stunt in the face of incredible odds)
:<b>Tradition:</b> Euthanatos
:<b>Languages:</b> Japanese, English, Mandarin
:<b>Concept:</b> Assassin from the Past (Meji Restoration/1860s)
:<b>Tradition:</b> Akashic
:<b>Concept:</b> TIME NINJA/Edo Era loose cultivator
:<b>Chantry:</b> Lake Taiho
:<b>Killcount:</b> 5x Victor, 1x HITmark, 1x Hellhound, 2x Technocrats, 1x Stealth Boomer, Motherfucking Entropy 6 Archmage!

:<b>Arete:</b> 3
:<b>Willpower:</b> 6/6
:<b>Quintessence:</b> 3/3
:<b>Experience:</b> 3/15


Incognito: Silver Pocket Watch, Jade Dice.
=== Paradigm ===

NinjaMcNinja: Katana and Wakizashi.

:<b>Active Effects:</b>
All things seek the perfection of enlightenment, and one can feel and manipulate the quintessential energy that represents this state of being, the Qi all things are made of to achieve various effects. By bringing the mind and body to its limits, one can open the door for enlightenment through martial arts and mental focus. By honing the mind and opening the inner eye, one can actually see the flows of Qi through the world, and in time see past the world. All things are only an illusion that hides the true self, the unity of mind body and spirit, the truth that all things are connected. You are you- but you are also me, and by recognizing this I can become you and gain a greater understanding of the universe. While we are many, we are also one, all journeying on the same path, spiraling towards enlightenment. Qi has many facets, for it is an energy of life and idea, shape and being. Through emotions one understands that the world we see is shuttered by the barriers we put up to prevent our awakening, and only by removing these barriers can we truly grow into maturity.
Defensive Charm Effect (Time 2 Entropy 1)
:Duration: 4 succs (end of current story/ 1 month)
:Effect: 4 Succs (Automatic defensive action AND immediate counter to any attack)

== Attributes ==
== Attributes ==

=== Physical ===
=== Physical ===
:<b>Strength:</b> 3
:<b>Strength:</b> 4 (Spec: Tough Grip)
:<b>Dexterity:</b> 4
:<b>Dexterity:</b> 4 (Spec: Lightning Reflexes)
:<b>Stamina:</b> 4 (Spec: Tirelessness)
:<b>Stamina:</b> 4 (Spec: Unkillable)

=== Social ===
=== Social ===
Line 64: Line 74:
== Talents ==
== Talents ==

:<b>Alertness:</b> 3
:<b>Alertness:</b> 4 (Eyes in the back of your head)
:<b>Athletics:</b> 2
:<b>Athletics:</b> 5 (Parkour/Ninja Roof Jumping)
:<b>Awareness:</b> 2
:<b>Awareness:</b> 4 (Auras)
:<b>Dodge:</b> 5 (Specialty: Sidestep)
:<b>Dodge:</b> 4 (Specialty: Sidestep)
:<b>Instruction:</b> 1
:<b>Persuasion:</b> 1
:<b>Subterfuge:</b> 3
:<b>Subterfuge:</b> 3
:<b>Streetwise:</b> 1

== Skills ==
== Skills ==

:<b>Meditation:</b> 2
:<b>Archery:</b> 2<br>
:<b>Melee:</b> 5 (Bladed Weapons)
:<b>Crafts:</b> 1<br>
:<b>Stealth:</b> 3
:<b>Do:</b> 5 [Dharmamukti, Dhyana, Jivahasta, Shastamarga, Sunyakaya] (Bladed)<br>
::<b>Maneuvers:</b> Jou Chuan (Soft Fist), Plum Flower Blossom, Ten Thousand Weapons, Weapon Art<br>
:<b>Meditation:</b> 3
:<b>Melee:</b> 5 (Bladed)
:<b>Security:</b> 1
:<b>Stealth:</b> 3 (So 10d, 3 stealth, 3 arcane, 4 dex)
:<b>Survival:</b> 1
:<b>Survival:</b> 1

Line 80: Line 98:

:<b>Investigation:</b> 3
:<b>Investigation:</b> 3
:<b>Medicine:</b> 2
:<b>Medicine:</b> 3
:<b>Linguistics:</b> 2 (English, Mandarin)

== Backgrounds ==
== Backgrounds ==

:<b>Ally:</b> 1 [[Rui Sato]]
:<b>Ally:</b> 1 [[Li Shenshung]]
:<b>Ally:</b> 1 [[Li Xia]]
:<b>Ally:</b> 1 [[Laurence Wong]]
:<b>Ally:</b> 1 [[Tashi Goshawk]]
:<b>Ally:</b> 2 [[Claidmell]]
:<b>Avatar:</b> 3
:<b>Avatar:</b> 3
:<b>Mentor:</b> 1 (Nakazawa Takumi)
:<b>Arcane:</b> 3
:<b>Arcane:</b> 3
:<b>Node:</b> 2 (Kobyashi Bunker)

== Spheres ==
== Spheres ==

:<b>Corr</b> 1
:<b>Entropy:</b> 3
:<b>Entropy:</b> 3
:<b>Time:</b> 3
:<b>Life:</b> 3
:<b>Mind:</b> 2
:<b>Prime:</b> 2
:<b>Time:</b> 5 (Martial Techniques)

== Gear ==

=== Rotes ===
<b>X-5R Revolver (2)</b><br>
:8 rounds
:6 damage
:Specialty ammo, chambers spin to fire selected ammo
<b>Hypermed Injector (1)</b>
:Unknown drug cocktails inside of them (Healing/self-boosting effect)
:Self Enhancing

The Ninja Strikes Surely: A ninja does not strike blindly, rather, he strikes with the sure knowledge of how to properly hit the target, and the confidence that he will. Directing a measure of his ki into his chosen weapon, he accelerates its movement to be just fast enough to catch his enemy off guard. Even when enemies see the blade coming, they are often surprised by the quickness of it.  
<b>Zetsunai no Tachi - Sword of Life Ending</b><br>
:Difficulty 5, Str+5 damage.  On a hit attackers rolls WP against difficulty of target's Stamina and steals sux x 1 in HP. HP lost this way is taken after any normal damage, and is aggravated.

:Time 1: Lower the difficulty to hit with one per success
<b>Totsuka no Tsurugi</b><br>
:Finally purified of its DARK FATE.

<b>Supernatural Bone Bow (KJ Weapon)</b><br>
:<i>Weapon of Nami, a KJ enforcer who suffered an abrupt case of spontaneous cerebral explosions. Powerful dark magic, and too difficult for Shu to even draw yet.</i><br>
:Strength 6 to wield, +2 difficulty to hit at Strength 4. <br>
:Normal Arrows do Strength+2L, Bone Arrows do Str+4L, and get +3 dice to seek out living targets<br>

Sense the Twisted Ki: Unnatural Ki leave eddies and whorls in the local chi- a taint that, to a western sleeper, might appear as the smell of brimstone. Trained in the ninja arts, Shu can reach out with his Ki and feel for these imperfections, even if his physical senses cannot detect its source.
<b>Black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14</b>
:At the time the fastest production bike in the world.
:Arete 4 Talisman with Dsci 4 rote to open a gate to the near umbra at 88 mph
:Coincidental in cities at night (especially when being chased by cops)
:Otherwise vulgar
:4d of Vehicle Armor (Slightly Bulletproof)
:Umbral GPS, 5dice int+cosmology autonav
:TEMPEST shielding, protecting it against Spirit fuckery

:Entropy 2: The mage knows when something out of place in the environment is there.
== Merits & Flaws ==
:<b>Ambidextrous</b> (1 point Merit)
:You can perform tasks with your offhand at no penalty- such as wielding two weapons :D

:<b>Distorted Image</b> (1 point flaw) (Images, reflections and the like of Shu depict him as though he were his namesake- specifically, the God Izanagi wielding the white spear "Amenonuhoko")

Unbreak the Stagnant Flow: An application of Feng Shui'i, Shu allows directs his Ki to accumulate in little edies that siphon off to little stagnant pools within the circulatory system. These pools accumulate good luck that would otherwise be flowing through his body, resulting in periods of bad luck as he fills these pools with luck infused Ki. When in a situation where he needs good luck, and needs it now, he can unbreak the stagnant flow, resulting in a brief period of good luck as his Ki flows realign themselves. This ability is more commonly used to direct the external Chi'i, and is known to western learned Euthanatoi as the rote 'Balance the Scales' (Traditions Book Euthanatos, pg 67)
== XP Record ==
220 XP Unrecorded.<br>
16th May: 5 XP<br>
19th May: 6 XP<br>
8th July: 5 XP<br>
18th July: 3 XP? Dunno<br>
24th October: 3 xp<br>
28th October 2013: 8 xp (Koby died, :sad:)<br>
more XP I didn't record<br>
15th June 2014: 6 xp<br>
4th July 2014: 10 xp<br>
THE RETURN April 2020: 25 xp

:Entropy 2
== Lessons Learned ==

July 8 2013 - Brotherhood<br>
July 18 2013 - Be prepared/have lots of options<br>
October 24 2013 - Resolve. Have no indecision when you decide to strike. (Strike decisively at the right moment)<br>
October 28 2013 - Shu reaffirms his lesson that the bonds between friends are more important than any individual mastery. Though it cost Kobyashi his life, he could not have had a more worthy end, standing with his friends, supporting them, and not giving up hope, even in the face of despair.<br>
March 27 2014 -  be bold. Always planning, sneaking, acting only when your chances seem the best blinds you to the freedom of just acting, of being decisive. You don't need to abandon one road to take the other- both have their merits, their strengths, and weaknesses. Today, at least, being bold won.<br>
May 15th 2014 - Believe in a future of learning, of teaching and study and traveling many different paths to enlightenment. A future where people don't have to die to one man's hubris. Akasha is about knowledge and learning, ultimately about achieving oneness and wholeness of self, unifying oneself even in the face of the falsities of reality. That is the future he needs to pursue.

The First Strike Never Misses: A ninja relies on stealth and subterfuge, and more importantly, on the inexperience of his enemy. Even if an enemy has encountered the ninja before, he can never be sure of how the ninja will strike- and this is the advantage that an adherent of ninjuitsu possesses. By focusing his Ki, the ninja can strike a blow that has a much greater chance of connecting.  
June 8th 2014. NEVER EVER EVER PISS CATHY OFF. She is an incredibly potent and dangerous combatant only limited by her lack of self confidence and situational awareness. In her, Shu sees himself, and recognizes that everyone has trouble believing in themselves, of maintaining that confidence. Friendship, brotherhood, these are necessary aspects to moving forward on the road of enlightenment, yes, but ultimately they act as support for the self, and only with self confidence to act and stand tall, is one truly at their most capable.

:Entropy 3: The Mage adds one success to the attack roll for each success rolled, but may only do so for the first attack he makes in a scene.
July 4th 2014. Live life. Shu won the day because of the bonds he forged, because though he was bent and breaking under the pressure, he chose to live life and go out there, to make friends and forge allies, rather than be trapped in the past, or have eyes only for the future.

== XP Expenditure Record ==

Every Weakness Has a Source: The art of shiatsu is one of the first thing any Ninja is taught. But pressure points do more than just affect the living- the inanimate too has it's own convergences of power- of ki. Patterns of structure, every object has a weak point. By infusing a sliver of ki in a pinpoint strike, the Ninja can cause the object to breakdown- to erode or shatter.
:12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST) 2014
:3 XP (Linguistics: English) Mon, March 3rd, 10:00 (EST)
:10 XP (Prime 1) Thurs, March 12th, 12:35 (EST)
:3 xp (Do 1)
:2 xp (Do 2)
:10 xp (Life 1)
:24 xp (Arete 4)
:7 xp (Life 2)
:3 xp (Do 3)
:11 xp (Str 4)
:1 xp (Lingustics 2)
:3 xp (Awareness 3)
:3 xp (Pursuasion 1)
:3 xp (Security 1)
:10 xp (Mind 1)
:6 xp (Do 4)
:6 xp (Alertness 4)
:4 xp (Athletics 3)
:3 xp (Streetwise 1)
:24 xp (Life 3)
:6 xp (Awareness 4)
:6 xp (Athletics 4)
:8 xp (Prime to 2)
:3 xp (Archer to 1)
:3 xp (Background - Ally [Kobayashi] to 1)
:2 xp (Archery to 2)
:3 xp (Instruction to 1)
:8 xp (Athletics to 5)
:7 xp (Mind 2)
:12 xp (4 dots of ally)
:2 xp (Medicine to 3)
:4 xp (Meditation to 3) 3/18/2013
:24 xp (Time to 4) 5/19/2013
:8 xp (Buying Corr 1) 5/15/2014
:32 xp (Arete 5) 7/13/2014
:28 xp (Time 4 to 5) 4/4/2020
:3 xp (Ally: Tashi Goshawk, Apprentice) 4/4/2020
:6 xp (Ally: Claidmell. Now a super cool Tattoo) 4/4/2020
:8 xp (Do 4 to 5. Weapon Art) 4/4/2020

Entropy 1: The mage inflicts one extra level of health damage for each success. This still requires a mundane combat roll.

== Combat Notes ==

The Center Cannot Hold: An application of chance, the Ninja invokes his Ki and infuses it into his foci (typically the components of a game of chance) in brief burst. Rolling the dice or dealing the cards, the ki disrupts the local energy flows, causing an effect similar to removing the bottommost card from a house of cards- a domino effect of local chaos.
'''Ten Thousand Weapons'''

:Entropy 3:
Any object you hold, throw, or spit with violent intent does your Do (4) in dice of bashing damage. If the object was normally capable of doing that much damage, the damage becomes lethal. If the object does lethal damage, it does an extra die of it. Conjunctional with entropy+forces.

== Other ==

:<b>Gear:</b> Two swords, clothes on his back, foci, bag of two hundred year old ninja holstic medicines?
'''Jou Chuan (Soft Fist)'''

:<b>Paradigm:</b> Assassin trained from birth to destroy a particular lineage. Trained in the use of 'death's art', a collection of powers and abilities focused on making it easier to kill or subdue someone. Death's Art is your traditional ninja secret art from a stylistic point of view. More Nabari no Ou or Ninja Scroll than Naruto, however.
You can redirect an unarmed or melee attack to another assailant or even return it to the attacker. Roll a Dexterity + Do (Difficutly 7) versus the target's attack roll. If you succeed, you can injure a nearby enemy, including the original attacker, doing damage equal to the attacker's str+weapon dice, and adding any extra successes beyond what was necessary to accomplish the maneuver. Alternatively, you can use this to disarm the opponent, in which case the weapon is automatically ready to use next turn.

:Powers are primarily focused on the self- enhancing self into a better instrument of death. Typically uses Entropy/Time to glimpse into the future to determine enemy course of action. Melee focused- death god powers typically require a close contact with the victim. (Not a shooty character)

:Typically views the world through the concept that people and things have a certain definable essence, and that to invoke Death's Art, one must invoke those essences- basically praying to the objects for the... right? Permission, maybe, to end them or use them to end someone. So like, he'd invoke the name of his sword, the lineage of it, its forger, and the like. He'd invoke the spirit of being sharp and true striking and stuff, and this would give him power.
'''Plum Flower Blossom '''

:Conversely, he wouldn't be able to really do stuff that he can't attribute to Death's Art- summoning a fireball out of <i>thin air</i> wouldn't be within his paradigm, because it's completely outside his view of how the world works. You can't invoke the spirit of fire and burning unless you have something to burn- to him, 'air', as we know it, isn't a substance. He might be able to light something on fire, but again, it would definitely have to be melee (and that assumes he even has points in Prime :p)
Rolling Dexterity + Do (Difficulty 6), the character may jump double his jumping distance or bounce from one object to another (roof hopping), for one turn, plus an additional turn for every two successes. If one of these leaps is an attack,it is penalized as if it were an extra action, and has its difficulty increased by 1, but addes +2 damage die.

== Merits & Flaws ==

:<b>Ambidextrous</b> (1 point Merit)
'''Weapon Art'''
:You can perform tasks with your offhand at no penalty- such as wielding two weapons :D

:<b>Anachronism</b> (2 Point Flaw) (2 point penalty when dealing with stuff outside his cultural knowledge. Lightbulbs? fine. Computers? less so)
Gain the <b>Well Trained</b> benefit with 1 weapon per level of Do. This allows the use of Do techniques with that weapon, and reduces difficulties to use it by 1. Additionally, if a favoured weapon does bashing damage, you may deal lethal damage with it instead.
:<b>Distorted Image</b> (1 point flaw) (Images of your character do not appear... as your character. This manifests, for example, by images of your character depicting its shadow making rude gestures, or even your character appearing as a dragon or a shapeless horror. This is not so much of a problem to people who know what your character is as it is that the mall security cameras are showing Shiva the Destroyer in Housewares, Aisle 6.) [Manifests as Shu's shadow always holding a pair of drawn swords and swinging them around, regardless of what Shu is actually doing in the image]

== XP Record ==

12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST)
[[Category: Kerrus]]

Latest revision as of 17:32, 9 May 2020

Shu and (Young) Tashi

Status Panel

Arete: 5
Willpower:, 7/7
Quintessence: 3/3
Initiative: +7
Tass: 8 drams (distilled dreams), 2 drams (Sake of Regrets)
Experience: 1/307
Languages: Japanese, English, Mandarin
Spheres: Time 5/Life 3/ Entropy 3/ Mind 2/ Prime 2/Corr 1

Routes To Akasha

Active Rotes


Time Slipping Kata +1 Action

Health Tracker

Healthy -0 <----

Bruised -0
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2


1. Multiple actions. Always reserve a dodge when in combat.
2. Ten Thousand Weapons and Weapon Art add +1 die to Lethal weapons and reduce difficulty by 1. You can also use your other maneuvers with your favoured weapons.

Basic Stats

Age: 33 (Subjectively)
Player: Kerrus
Nature: Visionary (Dancing through your head are truly wondrous sights -- worlds without name and fantasies beyond number. You can see these strange possibilities and elucidate them, opening the doors for others to live in a better, different world. Regain Willpower whenever you're able to convince others to believe in your dreams and follow the course of action outlined by your vision of the future)
Essence: Questing
Demeanor: Crackerjack (Whatever it is you do, you're the best, and people can't help but be impressed. Regain Willpower whenever you pull off an impressive stunt in the face of incredible odds)
Languages: Japanese, English, Mandarin
Tradition: Akashic
Concept: TIME NINJA/Edo Era loose cultivator
Chantry: Lake Taiho
Killcount: 5x Victor, 1x HITmark, 1x Hellhound, 2x Technocrats, 1x Stealth Boomer, Motherfucking Entropy 6 Archmage!


All things seek the perfection of enlightenment, and one can feel and manipulate the quintessential energy that represents this state of being, the Qi all things are made of to achieve various effects. By bringing the mind and body to its limits, one can open the door for enlightenment through martial arts and mental focus. By honing the mind and opening the inner eye, one can actually see the flows of Qi through the world, and in time see past the world. All things are only an illusion that hides the true self, the unity of mind body and spirit, the truth that all things are connected. You are you- but you are also me, and by recognizing this I can become you and gain a greater understanding of the universe. While we are many, we are also one, all journeying on the same path, spiraling towards enlightenment. Qi has many facets, for it is an energy of life and idea, shape and being. Through emotions one understands that the world we see is shuttered by the barriers we put up to prevent our awakening, and only by removing these barriers can we truly grow into maturity.



Strength: 4 (Spec: Tough Grip)
Dexterity: 4 (Spec: Lightning Reflexes)
Stamina: 4 (Spec: Unkillable)


Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2


Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3


Alertness: 4 (Eyes in the back of your head)
Athletics: 5 (Parkour/Ninja Roof Jumping)
Awareness: 4 (Auras)
Dodge: 4 (Specialty: Sidestep)
Instruction: 1
Persuasion: 1
Subterfuge: 3
Streetwise: 1


Archery: 2
Crafts: 1
Do: 5 [Dharmamukti, Dhyana, Jivahasta, Shastamarga, Sunyakaya] (Bladed)
Maneuvers: Jou Chuan (Soft Fist), Plum Flower Blossom, Ten Thousand Weapons, Weapon Art
Meditation: 3
Melee: 5 (Bladed)
Security: 1
Stealth: 3 (So 10d, 3 stealth, 3 arcane, 4 dex)
Survival: 1


Investigation: 3
Medicine: 3
Linguistics: 2 (English, Mandarin)


Ally: 1 Rui Sato
Ally: 1 Li Shenshung
Ally: 1 Li Xia
Ally: 1 Laurence Wong
Ally: 1 Tashi Goshawk
Ally: 2 Claidmell
Avatar: 3
Arcane: 3
Node: 2 (Kobyashi Bunker)


Corr 1
Entropy: 3
Life: 3
Mind: 2
Prime: 2
Time: 5 (Martial Techniques)


X-5R Revolver (2)

8 rounds
6 damage
Specialty ammo, chambers spin to fire selected ammo

Hypermed Injector (1)

Unknown drug cocktails inside of them (Healing/self-boosting effect)
Self Enhancing

Zetsunai no Tachi - Sword of Life Ending

Difficulty 5, Str+5 damage. On a hit attackers rolls WP against difficulty of target's Stamina and steals sux x 1 in HP. HP lost this way is taken after any normal damage, and is aggravated.

Totsuka no Tsurugi

Finally purified of its DARK FATE.

Supernatural Bone Bow (KJ Weapon)

Weapon of Nami, a KJ enforcer who suffered an abrupt case of spontaneous cerebral explosions. Powerful dark magic, and too difficult for Shu to even draw yet.
Strength 6 to wield, +2 difficulty to hit at Strength 4.
Normal Arrows do Strength+2L, Bone Arrows do Str+4L, and get +3 dice to seek out living targets

Black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

At the time the fastest production bike in the world.
Arete 4 Talisman with Dsci 4 rote to open a gate to the near umbra at 88 mph
Coincidental in cities at night (especially when being chased by cops)
Otherwise vulgar
4d of Vehicle Armor (Slightly Bulletproof)
Umbral GPS, 5dice int+cosmology autonav
TEMPEST shielding, protecting it against Spirit fuckery

Merits & Flaws

Ambidextrous (1 point Merit)
You can perform tasks with your offhand at no penalty- such as wielding two weapons :D
Distorted Image (1 point flaw) (Images, reflections and the like of Shu depict him as though he were his namesake- specifically, the God Izanagi wielding the white spear "Amenonuhoko")

XP Record

220 XP Unrecorded.
16th May: 5 XP
19th May: 6 XP
8th July: 5 XP
18th July: 3 XP? Dunno
24th October: 3 xp
28th October 2013: 8 xp (Koby died, :sad:)
more XP I didn't record
15th June 2014: 6 xp
4th July 2014: 10 xp
THE RETURN April 2020: 25 xp

Lessons Learned

July 8 2013 - Brotherhood
July 18 2013 - Be prepared/have lots of options
October 24 2013 - Resolve. Have no indecision when you decide to strike. (Strike decisively at the right moment)
October 28 2013 - Shu reaffirms his lesson that the bonds between friends are more important than any individual mastery. Though it cost Kobyashi his life, he could not have had a more worthy end, standing with his friends, supporting them, and not giving up hope, even in the face of despair.
March 27 2014 - be bold. Always planning, sneaking, acting only when your chances seem the best blinds you to the freedom of just acting, of being decisive. You don't need to abandon one road to take the other- both have their merits, their strengths, and weaknesses. Today, at least, being bold won.
May 15th 2014 - Believe in a future of learning, of teaching and study and traveling many different paths to enlightenment. A future where people don't have to die to one man's hubris. Akasha is about knowledge and learning, ultimately about achieving oneness and wholeness of self, unifying oneself even in the face of the falsities of reality. That is the future he needs to pursue. June

June 8th 2014. NEVER EVER EVER PISS CATHY OFF. She is an incredibly potent and dangerous combatant only limited by her lack of self confidence and situational awareness. In her, Shu sees himself, and recognizes that everyone has trouble believing in themselves, of maintaining that confidence. Friendship, brotherhood, these are necessary aspects to moving forward on the road of enlightenment, yes, but ultimately they act as support for the self, and only with self confidence to act and stand tall, is one truly at their most capable.

July 4th 2014. Live life. Shu won the day because of the bonds he forged, because though he was bent and breaking under the pressure, he chose to live life and go out there, to make friends and forge allies, rather than be trapped in the past, or have eyes only for the future.

XP Expenditure Record

12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST) 2014
3 XP (Linguistics: English) Mon, March 3rd, 10:00 (EST)
10 XP (Prime 1) Thurs, March 12th, 12:35 (EST)
3 xp (Do 1)
2 xp (Do 2)
10 xp (Life 1)
24 xp (Arete 4)
7 xp (Life 2)
3 xp (Do 3)
11 xp (Str 4)
1 xp (Lingustics 2)
3 xp (Awareness 3)
3 xp (Pursuasion 1)
3 xp (Security 1)
10 xp (Mind 1)
6 xp (Do 4)
6 xp (Alertness 4)
4 xp (Athletics 3)
3 xp (Streetwise 1)
24 xp (Life 3)
6 xp (Awareness 4)
6 xp (Athletics 4)
8 xp (Prime to 2)
3 xp (Archer to 1)
3 xp (Background - Ally [Kobayashi] to 1)
2 xp (Archery to 2)
3 xp (Instruction to 1)
8 xp (Athletics to 5)
7 xp (Mind 2)
12 xp (4 dots of ally)
2 xp (Medicine to 3)
4 xp (Meditation to 3) 3/18/2013
24 xp (Time to 4) 5/19/2013
8 xp (Buying Corr 1) 5/15/2014
32 xp (Arete 5) 7/13/2014
28 xp (Time 4 to 5) 4/4/2020
3 xp (Ally: Tashi Goshawk, Apprentice) 4/4/2020
6 xp (Ally: Claidmell. Now a super cool Tattoo) 4/4/2020
8 xp (Do 4 to 5. Weapon Art) 4/4/2020

Combat Notes

Ten Thousand Weapons

Any object you hold, throw, or spit with violent intent does your Do (4) in dice of bashing damage. If the object was normally capable of doing that much damage, the damage becomes lethal. If the object does lethal damage, it does an extra die of it. Conjunctional with entropy+forces.

Jou Chuan (Soft Fist)

You can redirect an unarmed or melee attack to another assailant or even return it to the attacker. Roll a Dexterity + Do (Difficutly 7) versus the target's attack roll. If you succeed, you can injure a nearby enemy, including the original attacker, doing damage equal to the attacker's str+weapon dice, and adding any extra successes beyond what was necessary to accomplish the maneuver. Alternatively, you can use this to disarm the opponent, in which case the weapon is automatically ready to use next turn.

Plum Flower Blossom

Rolling Dexterity + Do (Difficulty 6), the character may jump double his jumping distance or bounce from one object to another (roof hopping), for one turn, plus an additional turn for every two successes. If one of these leaps is an attack,it is penalized as if it were an extra action, and has its difficulty increased by 1, but addes +2 damage die.

Weapon Art

Gain the Well Trained benefit with 1 weapon per level of Do. This allows the use of Do techniques with that weapon, and reduces difficulties to use it by 1. Additionally, if a favoured weapon does bashing damage, you may deal lethal damage with it instead.