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'''Admiral Lee Dorrington '''<br>
One of the few classroom-trained ZOCU officers, Dorrington had served as an officer in the EU fleet in the two decades before the Breakdown, eventually being the CO of a local monitor assigned to Londenium.  Consequently he became the nucleus of the Londenium star fleet and was tapped to be the commander of the Nidaros relief force of 2165.

[[Category:The Magnate War]]
'''Rakesh Zhang '''<br>
''' Antonia Savina '''<br>
Unlike in the ZOCU war, where ZOCU held a monopoly on Mobile suit technology until the closing days of the war, the Magnate War saw the use of Peltasts and Peltast variants on all sides of the conflict.
'''Selim Al'Salahadin '''<br>
Recorded as the #1 homegrown Mobile Suit ace of Bilad Al-Rafigayn, and possibly the top scoring ace of the entire League. Served as a Peltast-L pilot for the entirety of the Eid Al-Adha War, and served to train new MS pilots. Was given command of a MS Squadron during The Battle of Finnegan's Folly.
'''Thomas White'''<br>
An Altan Mobile Armour pilot, White flew with distinction throughout the war, serving primarily in a first strike role. Towards the end of the war he piloted the incredibly expensive and still classified 'Super Mobile Armour', <i>Final Dawn.</i> Unfortunately, the <i>Final Dawn</i> was destroyed in the battle of Canaan's Breach, a major engagement between the Altan System Defence Militia, and the Magnate Forces under Admiral Daedalus Canaan.<br>
Heinously expensive prototype (therefore better). A cute girl because that's the rule.
'''Admiral Daedalus Canaan'''<br>
Magnate Admiral renowned for his politcal and strategic acumen, he led several successful raids on the League logistics train during the Magnate War. Later, while League forces were still regrouping during the aftermath of Finnigan's Folley, Canaan led a splinter fleet past the League blockade to invade the League world of Gehenna [Altus], a battle which secured his immortality in history, but also resulted in his death and the destruction of his task force.

Latest revision as of 09:02, 22 September 2011