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'''Justice''' <br>
'''Justice''' <br>
You aren't doing this because the stars tell you so; the preaching of the temple is secondary to your own sense of justice. Those guys invaded everybody, oppress everybody, and massacre innocents of all races by the thousands. Such evil may answer to the stars, but first it shall answer to you. <br>
You aren't doing this because the stars tell you so; the preaching of the temple is secondary to your own sense of justice. Those guys invaded everybody, oppress everybody, and massacre innocents of all races by the thousands. Such evil may answer to the stars, but first it shall answer to you. <br>

Latest revision as of 22:20, 16 September 2009


Everyone has a reason to be on crusade. Motivation is important since it affects performance in different situations, especially when you need everyone to break their limits in desperate action. It will also affect how other factions view yours. A player may take a separate "surface" motivation if they wish, in the WW style of "Nature" and "Demeanor" but this is not necessary.

You are entirely mercenary, crusading because somebody is paying you silver, or hope to become rich through loot and booty. While some of the higher horsed crusaders may look down upon your greed, but you would argue that you have your head screwed on straight.

You have no personal stake in this whole crusading business but your king or feudal lord seems to and he ordered you to come. So here you are, in your capacity, hopefully as a loyal and valuable vassal rather than a coerced conscript or sacrificial pawn in some grander political scheme.

You are genuinely pious. You are here because the stars are right. They call for you to defeat the forces of evil and you gladly accept the holy mission that heaven has seen fit to lay upon your shoulders. This can apply for any religion, not just the celestial faith. Your strength is in your conviction, but your stubborn adherence to dogma makes you hard to get along with.

You fight for your racial or national diaspora. You were driven from your homes (or maybe had valuable relics stolen) and are here to recover and liberate it. You know that your fellow crusaders may well have their eyes on what they see as up for grabs (or even theirs to begin with) and the time may come when you must defend your ancestral possessions from former comrades. For now though, you'll have to cross that bridge when you get to it.

You are here because the Anathema took something important from you, be it comrade, country, or catgirl. It can't be replaced so you're here to kill them and nurse your hatred over a bath of blood and ichor. Your companion is wrath.

The crusade is a strange place to be looking for your blind, crippled kid sister (or the cure for her terminal illness), but many a ship has sailed for less. If what you seek exists, there is no stronger motivation than love.

A legend shall be born here of you and your band. Let the bards sing of your exploits and let your deeds be eternally written, twinkling bright in the night sky.

You are destined for greatness. Armies, loyalty, and territory; you will seize them all by the keenness of your mind and the strength of your mailed fist. The crusade is an excellent time to carve out your own realm, be it an unbridled flash of lightning upon the earth or a dynasty to last a thousand years.

Your goal is self-betterment, whether to perfect the sword or upraise your sorcery beyond equal. This could be achieved so humbly as by defeating worthy opponents in this long struggle or a bold attempt to unlock secrets or artifacts best left alone.

Dynasty (elves, half-eves, and humans only)
Through confounding interlocked lineages, mass death of the main line due to invasion, and judicious interpretation of inheritance law, you have claim to the throne of the Aislenbyrg empire, a loose, spread out, but very large network of feudal loyalties. You must rally your influence and solidify your claims against your enemies.

You've sinned, but the priestess told you that everything will be square if you just sail on over and fight in the name of heaven. You trade the burden of guilt for that of holy war, which is heavy but at least straightforward. Although you carry a bit of a black mark, hope shines within.

You aren't doing this because the stars tell you so; the preaching of the temple is secondary to your own sense of justice. Those guys invaded everybody, oppress everybody, and massacre innocents of all races by the thousands. Such evil may answer to the stars, but first it shall answer to you.
