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Availability:  Exclusive<br>
Availability:  Exclusive<br>
The Athena System was based on an adjustable frequency free electron laser linked to a set of reflection shields.  This gives superior targeting performance, especially in conjunction with the advanced sensors the Athena mounts.  In the First Space War, Athena systems burned through armored mobile suits in vital areas, and even showed proficiency at destroying hostile cruise missiles.<br>
The Athena System was based on an adjustable frequency free electron laser linked to a set of reflection shields.  This gives superior targeting performance, especially in conjunction with the advanced sensors the Athena mounts.  In the First Space War, Athena systems burned through armored mobile suits in vital areas, and even showed proficiency at destroying hostile cruise missiles.<br>
'''M-772B Pack Howitzer'''<br>
Type: Artillery<br>
Tech: 4<br>
Cost: 15 IP
Upkeep: 3 Supply
+2 Lightweight<br>
+1 Smart Warheads<br>
-1 Mobility (Manpack only)<br>
-1 Armor (Gunshield only)<br>
Base Purchase Price: 15 Wealth<br>
Availability: Open<br>
M-772 Pack Howitzers were common issue for Vietnamese forces in the first Space War. Old designs nearly identical to pre-spaceflight pack howitzers, the M-772s could have stepped out of the 20th century. However, their firepower and ease of transportation made them invaluable to ground skirmishes, giving infantry easily portable, cheap fire support when aerospace craft were grounded and tanks or self-propelled artillery were too far away from the combat zone. The M-772B is a modernized variant, using a magnetic launch system and lightweight composite to allow a platoon of power-armored troopers to easily break it down and carry it without significantly affecting endurance. However, unlike most other artillery systems, the M-772B provides no protection for its gun crew, and cannot move without manpower to carry it.

'''M-18A Ridgway'''<br>
'''M-18A Ridgway'''<br>

Latest revision as of 22:57, 4 October 2008

This is meant to separate the normal designs from the crazy ones. Keep the crazy designs on the talk page. These are not approved as of yet.

Pac-Am Arm Ground Vehicles

JSpecWarDevGru Nexus System
Type: Elite Infantry
Tech: 4
Cost: 25 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 Infantry Protection System
+1 Advanced Individual Munitions System
+1 Tactical Awareness System
+1 Adaptive Camouflage System
-1 High Upkeep
Base Purchase price: 30 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Special: Requires 4 months to train
The Pac-Am Joint Special Warfare Development Group was formed to coordinate special warfare research and training under one command. Development of a training program for special missions infantry began during the war, and only came into its own near the end of the war. A Pac-Am special unit successfully defended an airbase against advanced ZOCU transhuman commandos, even managing to take several prisoners. This operation proved the worth of the program to the government, and the Nexus system has been offered to a number of colony worlds.
The Nexus system views every soldier as a node in a combat network. In addition to providing for concealment and protection, the Nexus system gives the soldier unparalleled situational awareness, and provides the soldier with a variety of weapon options in a compact package. All of this capability does increase the supply needs of the unit

UH-23 Cherokee II [1]
Type: Helicopter Mobilization
Tech: 3
Cost: 80 IP
Upkeep: 10 Supply
DP: 40
+1 Active Countermeasures
+1 Upgrated Engines
Base Purchase price: 80 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Pac-Am states pay 1/2 supply for unmodified Cherokee IIs
The Cherokee helicopter series is one of the most common sights in the Pac-Am arm. Not only is it the main utility helicopter of the Pac-Am military, it has led to a number of successful civilian variants. The latest military variant, the Cherokee II, features active anti-missile systems and EW equipment as opposed to heavy armament, and a improved drivetrain.

M-7B Stuart
Type: IFV
Tech: 3
Cost: 32 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 All-surface protection
+1 Networked Systems
Base Purchase price: 30 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The Stuart is designed to handle troop transport and fire support in areas of considerable enemy presence. This vehicle was specifically built to defeat attacks from all angles, including mines and ambushes. The latest retrofit added networking capability to link up with soldiers and improve command effectiveness.

Type: AAA Battery
Tech: 4
Cost: 25 IP
Upkeep: 3 Supply
+1 Tactical Laser System
+1 Target Acquisition Sensors
+1 Missile Defense Capable
Base Purchase price: 25 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The Athena System was based on an adjustable frequency free electron laser linked to a set of reflection shields. This gives superior targeting performance, especially in conjunction with the advanced sensors the Athena mounts. In the First Space War, Athena systems burned through armored mobile suits in vital areas, and even showed proficiency at destroying hostile cruise missiles.

M-772B Pack Howitzer
Type: Artillery
Tech: 4
Cost: 15 IP Upkeep: 3 Supply +2 Lightweight
+1 Smart Warheads
-1 Mobility (Manpack only)
-1 Armor (Gunshield only)
Base Purchase Price: 15 Wealth
Availability: Open
M-772 Pack Howitzers were common issue for Vietnamese forces in the first Space War. Old designs nearly identical to pre-spaceflight pack howitzers, the M-772s could have stepped out of the 20th century. However, their firepower and ease of transportation made them invaluable to ground skirmishes, giving infantry easily portable, cheap fire support when aerospace craft were grounded and tanks or self-propelled artillery were too far away from the combat zone. The M-772B is a modernized variant, using a magnetic launch system and lightweight composite to allow a platoon of power-armored troopers to easily break it down and carry it without significantly affecting endurance. However, unlike most other artillery systems, the M-772B provides no protection for its gun crew, and cannot move without manpower to carry it.

M-18A Ridgway
Type: Tank
Tech: 3
Cost: 100 IP Upkeep: 10 Supply
+1 Mobility
+1 Networked Systems
+1 14cm Railgun
Base Purchase price: 100 Wealth
Availability: Limited
M-18C Ridgway [2]
Type: Tank
Tech: 4
Cost: 100 IP, 20 Rhenium
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 4 He3
+1 "Sutherland" Rhenium Lift System
+1 Long Range NLOS Missles
+1 Networked Systems
+1 14cm Railgun
-1 Fusion Reactor Required
Base Purchase price: 130 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The Ridgway series was once thought of as a failure. The original Ridgway had been a mediocre tank. It took the technological overhaul of the A series to create a competitive variant, designed for maximum battlefield coordination and domination. The addition of missiles gave a new indirect fire capacity to MBTs. The present C-model is the result of licensing the EU-produced "Sutherland" lift system. The result is an MBT which can outmaneuver light tanks, but requires a He3 reactor. Some of the older versions were upgraded to the new standard, but the majority were sold off to colonies as surplus.

EU Arm Ground Vehicles

Marauder Infantry
Type: Shock Infantry
Tech: 3
Cost: 50 IP
Upkeep: 5 Supply
DP: 4
+1 Laminate Power Armor
+1 Plasma HMG
+1 Jump System
Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Requires 4 months to train
The Marauder suit was a reaction to the battles to take major ZOCU strongholds. The average soldier simply could not survive in such a firepower-rich environment. By using captured powersuits and cargo handling gear, the EU engineers created a heavily armed and armored, yet very mobile soldier. The marauder suit was key to number of victories on the EU front, and remains a crucial part of EU military doctrine.

'Lynx' LAV
Type: Armored Cavalry
Availability: General
Cost: 24 IP
Tech: 3
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 8 cm railgun
+1 Mobility
-1 Armor
Availability: Open
The 'Lynx' is a heavily armed light scout unit that was intended to pack a punch capable of threatening main battle tanks and moving fast enough to be able to engage and disengage at will. To do this, its light armor only provided protection proof against only small arms fire and shell fragments. Having fought on both Novaya Zemlya and Albion, the Lynx proved to be a poor unit in heated engagements, but proper combat tactics mitigated against this by using them as scouts and skirmishers. An unpopular vehicle, it was quickly retired, replaced by more advanced designs, and sold to almost anyone who would buy them. The six-wheeled Lynx has been retired from most militaries, but can still be seen in reserve units and some client state militaries.

Ge-03G Leonid Ground Type[3]
Type: Strider
Availability: General
Cost: 150 IP
Tech: 3
+1 Jumpjets
+1 Automatic Railgun
+1 Composite Armor
Availability: Limited
Although the Leonid project was primarily to build combat-use mobile suits, there were spinoff projects that lead to various other designs, including the Gundam, the New Orenburg Independent Corps Geraint, and the ground-type Leonid. Unlike the base Leonid, the Ground Type was intended as a more affordable machine to be fielded in ground combat, without the need for aerospace combat capacity. Without the need for aerospace engagement, various high-expense components were replaced by cheaper alternatives, including the helium-fusion power core, which was replaced with a significantly cheaper but lower-output deuterium power core. Although much less effective than the Ge-03, the ability to produce more than 2 Ge-03Gs for every standard Ge-03 kept it in production until the end of the war and beyond.

Type: Tank
Tech: 4
Cost: 100 IP, 40 Rhenium, 20 β-Titanium Upkeep: 10 Supply, 4 He3
+1 "Sutherland" Rhenium Lift System
+1 16cm Rhenium MBK
+1 β-Titanium sloped armor
+1 Quality over Quantity
-1 Fusion Reactor Required
Base Purchase price: 200 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
Crusader M-Type
Type: Tank
Tech: 3
Cost: 100 IP Upkeep: 10 Supply, 4 He3
+1 Mobility
+1 16cm standard MBK
+1 Sloped armor
Base Purchase price: 100 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The EU combined some of the finest armament manufacturers in the world, but they were unprepared for the mecha deployed by ZOCU. The Crusader is a product of multiple arms manufacturers, who produced a surprisingly coordinated effort. The Crusader contains a 16cm Rhenium MBK, one of the finest tank cannons in the human Sphere; the Sutherland lift system, which requires the use of a fusion reactor; and the tough armor associated with mobile gun forts. The result was a tank of legendary reputation. Generally, a unit of Crusaders were a threat to anything that ZOCU could put on the battlefield. They were so expensive that they were reserved for most elite units. The Crusader M model was developed to relieve the problem of of supporting such an elite unit. It dispensed with many of the most revolutionary features of the Crusader, and used less advanced technology. The result was a vehicle half the cost of the original.

Type: Mobile Gun Fort
Tech: 4
Cost: 40 IP, 8 Rhenium, 8 β-Titanium
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 4 He3
+1 25 cm Rhenium MBKs
+1 Long-Range Targeting
+1 β-Titanium sloped armor
+1 AA Missiles
- 1 Increased Helium Usage
Base Purchase price: 75 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The EU built the first of these mammoth vehicles to fight against ZOCU Land battleships and atmosphere-capable vessels. They were successful beyond their wildest expectations - All known ZOCU land battleships were destroyed, and the design was given up. Even Carthage-class cruisers learned to respect the Sabertooth, with it's capitol-ship grade artillery and excellent defenses. The increase in He3 consumption is a small price to pay for such power

Sino-Russian Arm Ground Vehicles

Standard 2186 Unit[5]
Type: General Infantry
Tech: 3
Cost: 4 IP
Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 QZ-86 Battle Rifle
+1 Loyalty and Discipline
Base Purchase price: 2 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Requires 3 months to train
With war looming on the horizon, the Chinese and Russian militaries pooled their resources to created a standard infantry training and equipment program. Known as Standard 2186, this program was used throughout the war, and continues in use to this day among Sino-Russian and Rim states.
The basic gear of this unit is designed for reliability and cost-effectiveness. While not as flashy many other units, the QZ-86 is deadly effective under nearly all conditions. The training regimen is renowned for it brutality and focus on discipline. the emphasis on loyalty to commanding officers makes this training popular with states with domestic unrest.

Type: APC
Tech: 3
Cost: 16 IP
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 2
+1 Hover Mobility
+1 Armor
Base Purchase price: 15 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Sino-Russian States pay 1/2 Supply for unmodified WZ-514s
The PLA has long known that superior numbers can offer advantages over advanced technology. The WZ-514 is a hover-mobile APC that can outperform its cost in IFVs, and has become the focus of the PLA's mechanized infantry doctrine. The chaingun turret effective in providing fire support to against enemy infantry, while the ability to cross water at led to a number of impressive tactical maneuvers. The WZ-514 found its way into Russian hands, and is manufacturer both legally and illegally there.

Shanghai Gun
Type: Artillery Battery[7]
Tech: 3
Cost: 20 IP
Upkeep: 3 Supply
+1 Rapid-fire autoloader
+1 Long Range +1 Mobility
-1 Unarmored Base Purchase price: 18 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Sino-Russian States pay 1/2 Supply for unmodified Shanghai Guns
There was a massive need for artillery in the First Space War. The Shanghai Gun Production Plan used industry distributed across the Sino-Russian sector to mass-produce these artillery guns. They could lay down heavy gunfire while at a safe distance. The guns were built on modified construction vehicles, which led to more cost savings - though with a serious flaw: ZOCU special operations forces attacking the Shanghai Guns called them "firecrackers" for their tendency to explode with a good shot.

Type: Armored Cavalry
Tech: 3
Cost: 40 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 Particle Cannons and Missiles
+1 Low Profile
+1 Hover Mobility
Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Limited
The superior design of the T-88 was found in its mass-producible effectiveness. It is a mobile tank with a low profile and enough weapons to threaten larger vehicles. This made for a much more cost-effective unit than the MBTs of other nations.

Type: Mobile Gun Fort
Tech: 4
Cost: 40 IP, 8 Hepatizon, 8 Rhenium
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3
+1 Hepatizon Defense System
+1 Rhenium 30 cm Gauss Cannons
+1 Armor
+1 Hover Mobility
-1 High Profile Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
A joint venture produced by the Chinese and Russian arms conglomerates, this monster tank possesses weaponry and shielding that would not be out of place on destroyer or cruiser. The Emperor was quite simply a smaller land battleship, and was used to break through fortified lines and lead spearheads. The only way ZOCU units found to deal with these units in battle was to exploit the small number of these leviathans present and focus their all attacks on one at a time. That, and the occasional use of nuclear landmines

ZOCU Ground Vehicles

Neorabian Strike Armor[9]
Type: Skimmer Mobilzation
Tech: 4
Cost: 14 IP, 2 β-Titanium
Upkeep: 2 Supply
+1 β-Titanium Armor
+1 Weapons
+2 All-Terrain Mobility
Base Purchase price: 16 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
Special: Cannot be used with Shock Infantry
The idea of combining rapid personal mobility with light power armor is not a new one. The initial design came from the EU shock infantry design, which was highly mobile, yet very durable against anti-infantry weapons. The strike armor utilizes this on a less expensive scale for rapid personal mobility of all infantry units. The Neorabian armor saw use in battles near the end of the war, and was renowned for its ease of use.
The engineers of Neorabia utilized a transformable design, with the capability to shift from one form to another at will making up for the limitations of the two forms. The combat armor form works by providing protection and a hover pack. The cycle form approximates the design of a high powered motorcycle, with the capability for impressive speeds over long distances. The transforming armor requires the use of exotic alloys it its construction to achieve the required light weight.

Khemetian Assault Tanks [10]
Type: Tank
Tech: 3
Cost: 100 IP, 20 Sakuradite
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3
DP: 4
+1 Sakuradite Particle Cannons
+1 Mobility
+1 Armor
Base Purchase price: 140 Wealth
Availability: Limited
Khemet saw a considerable amount of ground combat in the ZOCU war. They produced a superior-quality tank, utilizing a double-barrel gun system for maximum firepower. The conventional treads still gave excellent speed, and the armor was quite respectable. It was only the development of superior Pac-Am tanks and strike aircraft that removed the assault tanks from dominance of the battlefield.

Hasseldorf Löwenherz Wanzer [11]
Type: Strider
Tech: 3
Cost: 180 IP, 30 Sakuradite, 30 β-Titanium
Upkeep: 15 Supply
+1 Sakuradite Particle Cannons
+1 Fast-tracking Missiles
+1 β-Titanium Armor
Base Purchase price: 240 Wealth
Availability: Exclusive
The Wanderungpanzer, or Wanzer program came from utility striders used for specialized load handling and construction tasks. This technology proved just as useful in warfare. Hasseldorf build a long line of wanzers, many of which remain in production to this day. The last wartime design, the Löwenherz (Lionheart) came into play during the last days of the War. It drove off an occupying force before the Treaty was signed, even recording a few mobile suit kills. This victory proved the worth of the new design, despite its expense, and mass production continues.
Like all Wanzers, the Lionheart uses crushing firepower. The Sakuradite particle cannons in the arms are renowned for their capacity to destroy armor with ease. The missile launche system were designed for AA purposes, but have also seen use against heavy infantry. Finally, the thick β-Titanium armor on the wanzer is designed to give them a staying power equivalent to tanks.

Rim Ground Vehicles

Type: Infantry
Tech: 2
Cost: 2 IP
Upkeep: 1 Supply
Base Purchase price: 1 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Requires only one month to train
Quite literally the most successful design of the century. The OC56 rifle and a basic combat rig were built for reliability, and it shows. The railgun is so easy to maintain that someone with a few weeks training can master it, and the rig can be cleaned with plain water. This weapon became so famous that Kalashnikov licensed its name to the brand. It is now found it the hands of militias and revolutionaries everywhere

Private Military Company
Type: Elite Infantry
Tech: 3
Cost: 25 IP,
Upkeep: 2 W
DP: 4
+1 Black market Pulse guns
+1 Combat armor
+1 Security Training
Base Purchase price: 25 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Requires no training time, Upkeep paid in wealth
On the Rim, it is often easier to buy skilled help than to recruit it. Mercenary forces are a fact of life, and they provide hardened soldiers with good equipment for special roles. The basic gear of the average PMC is equivalent to that of a decent Core state, thanks to the ample cash flows these units bring in. They are especially useful for providing security in hostile areas, with advanced force protection training.

Type: APC Mobilization
Tech: 2
Cost: 12 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3
+1 All-terrain mobility
Base Purchase price: 10 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Rim States pay 1/2 Supply for unmodified WZ-473s
The previous generation of APC used by the PLA, the WZ-473 is a straightforward APC, using off-the-shelf components. It has seen some work the police sector, and is a common sight on the Rim. Sometimes the basic mobility advantage of the WZ-473 could turn the tide of the infantry-centric warfare seen on the rim

Type: Armored Cavalry
Tech: 2
+1 Weaponry
Cost: 24 IP
Upkeep: 4 Supply
Base Purchase price: 50 Wealth
Availability: Open
Special: Rim States pay 1/2 Supply for unmodified T-75s
One the Rim, true tanks are rare. The T-75 is two generations behind modern Russian equipment. It has the firepower of a true tank, with a gatling cannon and heavy multi-purpose gun. Unfortunately, its design lacks the armor of a true tank, with numerous shot traps and poor sloping. This armored cavalry unit was built purely for export, and built on a massive scale There are even a number of re-engineered plants making this out on the Rim. While the armored cavalry is not comparable to modern weapons, a battalion off these can be the difference between victory and defeat.

SkyShield silo
Type: Orbital Defense
Tech: 3
+1 Long Range missiles +1 Directed Thermonuclear warheads +1 Armored Bunker -2 Immobile
Cost: 60 IP
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 2 He3
Base Purchase price: 60 Wealth
Availability: Limited
With a small navy, often nations desire orbital defense that can controlled from the ground. The SkyShield company responded with a line of hardened bunker-based orbital strike missles. The design was simple, and the company offered installation on site. The system grew to tremendous popularity The SkyShield name has become a generic term for any orbital defense system, but the company remains in business with the devices for sale.