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A study of the Great Church's teachings, scriptures and historic texts as well as their interpretations and denominations.
A study of the Great Church's teachings, scriptures and historic texts as well as their interpretations and denominations.

==Unlockable Skills==

Revision as of 03:15, 28 June 2014

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Current Mood (Week 0)

Each week, after classes, the queen will engage in some sort of weekend activity. This usually affects mood. Moods in turn affect how well she learns skills the following week during her classes. Note that unlike the visual novel, if the highest mood rating is tied between two or more moods, they will additively (or subtractively) stack. The Queen could additionally be injured, which acts more or less like a negative mood.

Lonely·····[ ][ ][ ][ ][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Pressured
Cheerful···[ ][ ][ ][ ][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Depressed
Willful·····[ ][ ][ ][ ][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Yielding
Angry······[ ][ ][ ][ ][x][ ][ ][ ][ ]···Afraid

Skills (Week 0)

These are the numbers that get checked during each phase for events.


Composure (0)

Bonus: Lonely, Yielding
Penalty: Afraid, Angry, Cheerful, Pressured

Retaining calm and clarity of mind when confronted with surprise, danger or adversity.

Diplomacy (0)

Bonus: Cheerful, Yielding
Penalty: Angry, Depressed, Lonely

The ability to placate multiple sides in an argument and reconcile different points of view on common ground.

Etiquette (0)

Bonus: Cheerful, Yielding
Penalty: Angry, Depressed, Lonely

Knowledge and practice in the rules, spoken and unspoken, of polite and honourable conduct in noble society.

Presence (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Depressed

The ability to impress and awe others with one's strength of personality.

Refinement (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Cheerful
Penalty: Angry, Depressed

Coming across as cultured and educated during social occasions, including fashion sense, language fluency and being conversant in likely topics of cultured discussion.

Rhetoric (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Yielding

Skill at persuasion through writing or oratory to any audience.

The Arts

Art (0)

Bonus: Depressed
Penalty: none

Skill in the visual arts.

Music (0)

Bonus: none
Penalty: Yielding

Skill in playing or even composing music.

Stories (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Depressed, Pressured
Penalty: Yielding

One's ability to tell a good story.


Athletics (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Cheerful
Penalty: Depressed

Your foundation of physical conditioning and overall health, strength and stamina. Corset stamina!

Dexterity (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Depressed

Deftness, precision and flexibility. Corset piloting!

Parkour (0)

Bonus: Cheerful, Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Depressed

Ability to move about whether you are or are not supposed to be there.

Reflexes (0)

Bonus: Afraid
Penalty: Pressured

Reacting quickly and effectively to immediate danger and surprise.


Fencing (0)

Bonus: Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Angry, Depressed

Skill with the sword.

Firearms (0)

Bonus: Angry, Willful
Penalty: Afraid, Depressed

Accuracy with a gun.

Military Science (0)

Bonus: Yielding
Penalty: Cheerful, Lonely, Willful

Studies in the acquisition and sustainment of military force.

Tactics: Army (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Cheerful, Willful, Yielding

The conduct of armies in a ground campaign and the placement of units on the battlefield.

Tactics: Naval (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Cheerful, Willful, Yielding

The conduct of navies in a naval campaign and winning battles at sea.


Foreign Affairs (0)

Bonus: Pressured
Penalty: Cheerful

Knowledge of the public discourse and political scene of other countries.

Foreign Intelligence (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Afraid, Cheerful, Yielding

Knowledge of ongoing secrets and activities that rival countries try to keep from you.

Internal Affairs (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Afraid, Cheerful, Yielding

Knowledge of the goings on beneath the surface of your own dominion.

Spycraft (0)

Bonus: Angry, Pressured
Penalty: Afraid, Cheerful, Yielding

Your skills in the practical areas of spymastery and the maintenance of an intelligence network.

National History (0)

Bonus: Depressed
Penalty: Lonely, Pressured, Willful

Familiarity of past events in your country and how they have lead to the present day situation.

World History (0)

Bonus: Depressed
Penalty: Cheerful, Lonely

Familiarity with the globe and the general histories of other countries - especially those nearby.


Economics (0)

Bonus: Pressured
Penalty: Depressed, Willful

Education in practical mathematics and the matters of trade, finance and industry.

Law (0)

Bonus: Pressured
Penalty: Depressed, Lonely, Willful

Education in the current legal codes of Nafréce, its ancestors and even the law of other realms.

Natural Science (0)

Bonus: Yielding
Penalty: Lonely, Pressured, Willful

Education in the forces, matter and living things that compose the world.

Mechanics (0)

Bonus: Lonely
Penalty: Pressured, Yielding

Education in the structures, engines and gadgets now being invented to make people more prosperous.

Medicine (0)

Bonus: Yielding
Penalty: Depressed, Lonely, Pressured

Education in modern medical science.

Theology (0)

Bonus: Afraid, Depressed, Lonely, Yielding
Penalty: Angry, Pressured, Willful

A study of the Great Church's teachings, scriptures and historic texts as well as their interpretations and denominations.

Unlockable Skills







Boarding School Uniform