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==Mage Stuff==
==Mage Stuff==

===Maria (Now Bit Less Panic Button Mode Character Sheet)===
===Maria Gierek (Actually Reasonably Serious Character Sheet)===

'''Player:''' Holle <br>
'''Player:''' Holle <br>
Line 352: Line 352:

'''Arete:''' 3 (0 XP) <br>
'''Arete:''' 3 (0 XP) <br>
'''Paradox:''' 1 permanent point (6 Intelligence) <br>
'''Background info:''' Maria was born as the last - and, as far as she knows, only - scion of a Progenitor project from the time of the Cold War, when the Technocratic accelerationists backing the Soviet Union and the more conservative elements operating from the organisation's cradle in the West butted heads, and the Soviet Union itself was a place where Technocratic and Etherite interests conflicted, as both attempted to increase their influence on the new great power.
However, in the end, the Soviet Union fell - and with it, the accelerationists fell out of favour, the wounds caused by the Cold War never quite mending. The project originally started to create a new kind of human for the Soviet future - one with highly adaptable and durable body, great intellect and gifted with biological immortality - was eventually shut down during the years after the fall, largely due to Syndicate influence. However, as Maria was already grown by that point, she was adopted by a pair of powerful PRL Progenitors who were deeply involved in the project, and used their influence to salvage at least a small part of their work.
Maria was brought up immersed deeply within the Technocratic paradigm - the older project of her adopted parents, Nadia, helping her along the way. Having a former World War 2 Soviet sniper turned into a bleeding-edge Progenitor combat unit designed for umbral operations as her only friend was a rather odd state of affairs, to say the least, but everything turned out okay in the end. Or so Maria says, at least. At least she isn't afraid of tentacles anymore.
Her current status as a renegade and an Etherite comes as something of a surprise - as does Nadia following her during her escape to London, United Kingdom, Earth, for that matter. Those in the know tend to blame a certain unfortunate encounter in outer space, where Maria was captured by the infamous Etherite gentleman-pirate Captain Crimson and spent some time on his ship. (before Nadia broke her out)
The time spent on the ethership - and Maria's meeting with a variety of Etherites aboard it - only solidified her doubts about the Technocracy that she started having as she observed the effects of the lingering rift between the Western and Post-Soviet parts of the organisation. Ultimately, what made her turn was a certain fascination with what the Sons of Ether represented - those who are willing to dream big, to push the edges of imagination, instead of constraining scientific thought within a small box and dosing it to the starving masses - while still not being able to properly deal with threats to the Sleepers such as vampires, despite the sacrifices made. (and also having tight budgets; Maria's upbrinding certainly did not leave her with a positive opinion of the Syndicate for rather base reasons)
Ultimately, Maria is still naive - spending her youth as half sheltered princess, half scientific experiment, and still a child, her image of Etherites is somewhat exaggerated, with more emphasis on pushing the edges of science with quantum mechanics rather than Professor Pizarro's inflatable ape men. (although, certainly, she found the Professor's article in Paradigma on tissue expansion to be rather fascinating) A lot of her paradigm is still rooted in that of the Progenitors - some ideas rooted so deeply that they're practically unconscious by now. However, she dreams of wider horizons - ones where science always seeks more questions to ask, instead of fossilising into dogma and a tool to control others. (a bit touchy spot for what is, ultimately, a purpose-built construct)
Currently, she lives in London, using a Sanctum that the Tradition helped her to arrange, quietly performing her research. Many of her funds come from her services as a doctor - with no questions asked. As a result, the short, albino doctor in a glowlines labcoat is somewhat known in London's underground as eccentric, but surprisingly reliable medical aid. Given how much she and Nadia - who lives with her in the Sanctum and acts as the housekeeper - eat, she needs that income, too. Other members of the Traditions, Etherites included, view her with some suspicion - both as a recent convert and as a recent convert with a high-end combat construct hanging around her, which is a rather unusual state of affairs, given Technocracy's use of conditioning and mind control technology. This is also why she usually goes by simple "Maria" - the surname of her adopted parents is somewhat recognisable, both amongst Mages and among Sleepers - if for different reasons and because of different people - which can get somewhat awkward.
Her parents seem to be taking the entire situation oddly lightly, as far as the two of them can say - why, exactly, is different to say. (those in the know, which is to say Nadia, suspect that this has more to do with the feeling of mild satisfaction and schadenfreude as Maria gives the Western parts of the Technocracy headaches, a continuation of the long-lasting dislike between the Western and the Post-Soviet parts of the organisation) However, the incredibly sophisticated and adaptable nanotechnology involved in Maria's creation is enough of a prize to attract attention from unwelcome interlopers by itself.
Owns a Shiba dog. (not a biological horror in secret) Also a practicing Catholic.

====Attributes: (112 XP)====
====Attributes: (112 XP)====
'''Physical:''' (32 XP )
'''Physical:''' (32 XP )
*Strength: 2 (4)
*Strength: 2 (4)
*Dexterity: 4 (24)
*Dexterity: 4 (24) (Precise)
*Stamina: 2 (+1) (4)
*Stamina: 5 (2+3) (4) (Durable)
'''Mental:'''  (56 XP)
'''Mental:'''  (56 XP)
*Perception: 2 (4)
*Perception: 2 (4)
*Intelligence: 5 (+1) (40)
*Intelligence: 6 (5+1) (40) (Creative)
*Wits: 3 (+1) (12)
*Wits: 3 (12)
'''Social:''' (24 XP)
'''Social:''' (24 XP)
*Charisma: 2 (4)
*Charisma: 2 (4)
Line 379: Line 399:
*'''Athletics:''' 2 (5)
*'''Athletics:''' 2 (5)
*'''Awareness:''' 3 (9)
*'''Awareness:''' 3 (9)
*'''Dodge:''' 3 (9)
*'''Dodge:''' 2 (5)
*'''Meditation:''' 1 (3)
*'''Firearms:''' 3 (9)
*'''Firearms:''' 3 (9)
*'''Melee:''' 1 (3)
*'''Performance (Violin):''' 2  (3)
*'''Performance (Violin):''' 2  (3)
*'''Stealth:''' 1 (3)
*'''Stealth:''' 1 (3)
Line 394: Line 412:
*'''Science (Biology):''' 2 (3)
*'''Science (Biology):''' 2 (3)
*'''Science (Cybernetics):''' 2 (3)
*'''Science (Cybernetics):''' 2 (3)
*'''Hypertech:''' 2 (5)
*'''Biotech:''' 2 (5)
Total cost: 95 right now (80 + 15 freebie points) <br>
Total cost: 95 right now (80 + 15 freebie points) <br>

====Backgrounds:  (21 XP)====
====Backgrounds:  (21 XP)====
*'''Allies:''' 3 (9 XP)
*'''Allies:''' 3 (9 XP) ([[Gauna-Chan|Nadia]])
*'''Avatar:''' 3 (9 XP)
*'''Avatar:''' 3 (9 XP)
*'''Library:''' 3 (9 XP)
*'''Library:''' 3 (9 XP)
Line 403: Line 423:
*'''Sanctum:''' 3 (9 XP)
*'''Sanctum:''' 3 (9 XP)
*'''Black Market Connections:''' 1 (3 XP)
*'''Black Market Connections:''' 1 (3 XP)
*'''Enhancement:''' 3 (9 XP) (+1 Intelligence, +1 Wits, +1 Stamina; Flaws: Enemy 2, Albino)  
*'''Enhancement:''' 5 (15 XP) (+1 Intelligence, Nanotech Integration [+3 Stamina, doesn't age, immune to all nonmagical disease/poison, regenerates 1 HL/round], +1 -0 HL; soaks lethal and aggravated damage with full stamina); Flaws: Enemy 3, Albino, Hyperactive Metabolism)  
Cost: 57 XP (21 + 36 freebie) <br>
Cost: 57 XP (21 + 36 freebie) <br>
Line 421: Line 441:
*6 used for merits
*6 used for merits
*12 more used for backgrounds
*12 more used for backgrounds
*81 used for now, 0 free
*+6 for excellent Kazakhing, spent on backgrounds
*87 used for now, 0 free

Revision as of 12:01, 2 February 2014

The Strongest of Tanks

The Tankmaker

Major: Your destiny is one in a billion. Your wikipedia page will suffer edit wars. +2 to all stats.
Idoru: Your genofixing has given you improved ability to deal with people and awesome hair. +2 Per, +1 Kno, +1 Psy, +2 Cha
Plate Worlder: You grew up on and around the various megastructures that litter the Fomalhaut system. You get +1 to all rolls when fighting around megastructures or the like (cities count).
Important: Your family is a known name, perhaps royalty or heirs to a vast fortune. This is a Defining Event if you are a (near) direct heir, not if you are distantly related. +2 Per, +1 Kno, +3 Cha. The defining effect is Clout.
Otaku: Giant robots are so cool! +2 Kno, +15 MBP
Mechanic's Apprentice: +45 MBP
Socialite: +3 Cha, +2 Per, +1 Kno
Mechanical Genius: This is a Defining Event. +90 MBP. Go to Super Prototypes for the mecha.
  • Body: 2
  • Reaction: 2
  • Perception: 2+2+2+2 = 8
  • Knowledge: 2+1+1+2+1 = 7
  • Psyche: 2+1 = 3 (+3 = 6)
  • Charisma: 2+2+3+3 = 10

MBP: 90+90+45+15 = 240 (+3x15; 45 = 285) Strain: 12

The Tank Royal

  • Overall Cost: 232 MBP (no tax)
With tax: 285 MBP
  • Strain: 20 (-10 = 10)

Avatar Enhancements

Buffered VDNI: Instead of the standard vehicular neural interface system, your Avatar uses a buffered neural interface that interprets its inhuman form into a more palatable one via extremely powerful computational systems. Most normal buffered VDNIs create significant latency, but your advanced one has no noticeable latency at all!

Effect: -50% Avatar Strain (round down)
Cost: 2 MBP per Strain reduction.
Total Cost: 20 MBP (10 Strain)

Monobonded Armor: Instead of standard armor material, your Avatar uses top of the line (and expensive) monobonded armor, which provides superior dispersive capability.

Effect: +1 Durability
Cost: 1.5 MBP (for the core) + 1.5 MBP per external component (round up fractions)
Total Cost: 11 MBP


Hyperdense: Super-high-density armor plating. Heavy, huge, and exceedingly bulky, hyperdense armor restricts a machine's agility.

+5 Durability to all components, -3 Agility.
Cost: 2 MBP + 2 per external component (limbs + turrets)
Total Cost: 14 MBP

The Core

Supertank Core: Holy shit it's a giant flying space tank. The difficulties in synching with a supertank core are only equalled by the raw lethality they can put out.

Connectors: 4 (2 large turrets, 2 small turrets)
Base Durability: 8
Component Space: 55
Base Criticals: Cockpit (7), Internal Structure (10)
Superank cores have their cockpits placed extremely deep behind even more meters of armor and shielding, and thus ignore the first three cockpit hits. They also penalize agility inordinately, inflicting a penalty of -8.
  • 1 x Spin Generator: Used only by super robots and supertanks, spin generators are massive, multikiloton affairs that provide incredible amounts of power (more than most machines can use, in fact!). In theory one could fit one in a standard frame but the space premium would make it far too vulnerable to carry a valuable system such as this.
Size: 20
Durability: Infinite (functionally indestructible)
Power: +250 (no this is not a typo)
Cost: 0 MBP
When allocating damage, no damage can be allocated to the spin generator.
  • 18 x Applique Armor: Applique Armor represents additional armoring of a component above and beyond "standard" protection. Applique Armor can be mounted either internally or externally. External applique armor is generally termed modular armor.
Size: 1
Durability: N/A
Cost: 1 MBP
+1 Durability to component (max 1 applique armor per 3 space for any component, round up)
  • 1 x Heavy Deflector: Heavy deflector system intended for super robots and other wonderful things.
Size: 8
Durability: 1
Power: -10
Cost: 5 MBP
+4 Shield Bonus
  • 1 x Advanced Barrier Shield: A more advanced model. Pays for higher durability and greater efficiency with greater power consumption.
Size: 5
Durability: 1
Power: -16
Cost: 20 MBP
+5 Durability to all components.
  • 2 x Active Probe: A standard sensor suite combining a half-dozen various active sensor systems.
Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: -1
Cost: 2 MBP
+3 Electronics, -2 Stealth
  • 1 x Targeting Computer (Sniper): Optimized for long range engagements, the sniper TC improves long range targeting but has poor short range characteristics.
Size: 1
Durability: 1
Power: 0
Cost: 1 MBP + 1 MBP per connected weapon
+2 accuracy at long range, +1 accuracy at medium range.
  • Total Cost: 18 + 5 + 20 + 2 + 2 + 7 = 54 MBP

The Turret

Large Turret: Large turrets are the small turret on steroids, typically mounting very large weapons (quite often multiples of them)

Connectors: None (uses large turret)
Base Durability: 6
Component Space: 24
Large Turrets consider all weapons they mount to be half size (round up). Large turrets cost +2 Psyche.
  • 2 x Beam Cannon: A very large long-range beam rifle.
Size: 16
Durability: 2
Power: -16
Accuracy: +2
Penetration: 14 (Devastating: 3)
Range: Long
Cost: 20 MBP (Pen 14 * 3 * 0.5) + 1 Accuracy + 1 Long Range - 2 CB - 1 2h)
  • 2 x Large Hardpoint: Large hardpoints allow carrying weapons and shields up to Size 6. They are in all other ways identical to small hardpoints.
Size: 3 (or 5 for 2 large hardpoints).
Durability: 1
Power: 0
Cost: 0 MBP
Hardpoints are more vulnerable to damage-any form of actual damage to a component with hardpoints also strips away a hardpoint-carried item if it exists (the exception being applique armor).
  • 3 x Applique Armor: Applique Armor represents additional armoring of a component above and beyond "standard" protection. Applique Armor can be mounted either internally or externally. External applique armor is generally termed modular armor.
Size: 1
Durability: N/A
Cost: 1 MBP
+1 Durability to component (max 1 applique armor per 3 space for any component, round up)
  • Total Cost: 40 + 3 = 43 MBP

The Hardpoints

  • 2 x Plasma Swarmer: Plasma swarmers use dozens of miniature plasma torpedoes to engage targets. Nearly impossible to evade, they (fortunately) lack hitting power.
Size: 6
Durability: 1
Power: -6
Accuracy: +10 (Guided)
Penetration: 4 (Scatter:3)
Range: Short
Cost: 7 MBP (Pen 4 * Scatter 3 * 0.5) + 5 (Accuracy) - 1 (Guided) - 2 CB -1 2h
  • Total Cost: 14 MBP

The Turret The Second

Large Turret: Large turrets are the small turret on steroids, typically mounting very large weapons (quite often multiples of them)

Connectors: None (uses large turret)
Base Durability: 6
Component Space: 24
Large Turrets consider all weapons they mount to be half size (round up). Large turrets cost +2 Psyche.
  • 2 x Expansion Connector (Standard): Used to attach more systems to the Core (or even to a limb!) expansion connectors allow frankenbots with multiple heads, five limbs, and other grotesque mockeries of the human body plan. Or you can use them to add arms to a tank.
Size: 3/8
Durability: N/A
Power: 0
Cost: 0 MBP
There is no actual limit to the number of expansion connectors you can mount, except for the fact that they take up space. They take up spaces equal to the number before the slash on a Core, and equal to the number after the slash on a limb. Standard Limbs may not mount more than 1 connector, while Large limbs may mount 2 (so yes, you can put two arms on a tank turret). Large turrets may mount these expansions as if they were Cores, as an exception to the above rule (they also use the smaller size).
  • 4 x Vectored Beam Rifle: An extended-range beam rifle that curves its beam towards a target painted by integrated designators. The beam's (relatively) slow velocity and the necessity for continuous guidance make vectored beam rifles use similar targeting mechanics to other guided weapons.
Size: 8
Durability: 2
Power: -10
Accuracy: +6 (Guided)
Penetration: 10 (Devastating: 2)
Range: Medium
Cost: 10 MBP ([Pen 10 * Dev 2 * 0.5] + 3 Accuracy - 2 CB -1 2h + 1 LR - 1 Guided)
  • 2 x Applique Armor: Applique Armor represents additional armoring of a component above and beyond "standard" protection. Applique Armor can be mounted either internally or externally. External applique armor is generally termed modular armor.
Size: 1
Durability: N/A
Cost: 1 MBP
+1 Durability to component (max 1 applique armor per 3 space for any component, round up)
  • Total Cost: 40 + 2 = 42 MBP

Expansion Connectors

2 x Thruster Assembly: Thruster assemblies sacrifice musculature for additional space to mount drives. With additional heavy-duty power couplings they give excellent maneuverability (but no real speed) advantages to their users, at the cost of additional psyche strain.

Connectors: None (uses standard limb)
Base Durability: 4
Component Space: 8
Base Criticals: Internal Structure (4)
Cost: 1 MBP
Thruster Assemblies consider thrusters as half size when mounting. Thruster Assemblies cost +1 Psyche (they have no hip joints).
  • 14 (7 each) x Reactionless Thruster: Your basic reactionless thruster, used by any mecha.
Size: 2
Durability: 1
Power: -3
Cost: 1 MBP
+1 Agility.
  • 2 (1 each) x Applique Armor: Applique Armor represents additional armoring of a component above and beyond "standard" protection. Applique Armor can be mounted either internally or externally. External applique armor is generally termed modular armor.
Size: 1
Durability: N/A
Cost: 1 MBP
+1 Durability to component (max 1 applique armor per 3 space for any component, round up)
  • Total Cost: 2 + 14 + 2 = 18 MBP

Turrets, The Small

2 x Small Turret: Mount a single gun (sometimes a Dual Weapon), and generally little more than that. Gunships, tanks, and the like often use these to mount lighter weapons to harass and destroy lightly armored targets.

Connectors: None (uses small turret)
Base Durability: 3
Component Space: 6
Base Criticals: Internal Structure (3)
Small Turrets consider the largest weapon they mount to be half size (round up). Small turrets cost +2 Psyche.
  • 2 (1 each) x Plasma Swarmer: Plasma swarmers use dozens of miniature plasma torpedoes to engage targets. Nearly impossible to evade, they (fortunately) lack hitting power.
Size: 6
Durability: 1
Power: -6
Accuracy: +10 (Guided)
Penetration: 4 (Scatter:3)
Range: Short
Cost: 7 MBP (Pen 4 * Scatter 3 * 0.5) + 5 (Accuracy) - 1 (Guided) - 2 CB -1 2h
  • 2 (1 each) x Applique Armor: Applique Armor represents additional armoring of a component above and beyond "standard" protection. Applique Armor can be mounted either internally or externally. External applique armor is generally termed modular armor.
Size: 1
Durability: N/A
Cost: 1 MBP
+1 Durability to component (max 1 applique armor per 3 space for any component, round up)
  • Total Cost: 14 + 2 + 2 = 16 MBP

Armour Tax

  • Core Durability: 37 (12,5 + 21 = 34)
  • Turret 1 Durability: 20 (4 + 4 = 8)
  • Turret 2 Durability: 19 (3,5 + 3 = 7)
  • Turret 3 & 4 Durability: 15 (2)
  • Thruster Assembly 1 & 2 Durability: 16 (2)
  • Total: 53 MBP

The Operative

Operational Operator Operating Operationally
Operates using the 38 XP that the players have gained so far on account of TIER ALEPH

Version 1: Iteration 82

Species: Android
Hit Points: 10 + Power x 3 = 28 HP



Power: 3+3 (6)
Grace: 3+4 (10)


Smarts: 1 (1)
Knowledge: 0 (1)


Charisma: 0 (0)
Rhetoric: 0 (0)


Perception: 2 (3)
Integrity: 4 (10)


Conspiracy (ALEPH) (2) (3)
Unusual Equipment


Operating (8) (36CP)


Hacking Link (2)
Expert System Link (ALEPH)(25)
A-Type Reflex Link (5)
B-Type Reflex Link (5)
Additional Spectrum (4)
Armour: +14 (7)

Version 2: Iteration 83

Species: Android
Hit Points: 10 + Power x 3 = 28 HP



Power: 3+3 (6)
Grace: 3+4 (10)


Smarts: 1 (1)
Knowledge: 1 (1)


Charisma: 0 (0)
Rhetoric: 0 (0)


Perception: 2 (3)
Integrity: 4 (10)


PRAYER 3 (12)
Unusual Equipment


Operating (8) (36CP)


Hacking Link (2)
A-Type Reflex Link (5)
B-Type Reflex Link (5)
Additional Spectrum (2)
Armour: +8 (4)


Facet L2: Create: Information Reconstruction (9)
Facet L2: Transmute: Digital Ghost (9)
Facet L1: Create: Void Storage (3)

What Does It Actually Mean?


This information is classified as security level Cardinal. Unauthorised access attempt to the archives has been detected. Silencer teams have been dispatched.


Aleph-Null Iteration 83 was granted connection to the Void, or, as referred to in some texts, Umbra. It is a realm of utter physical nothingness, but also a repository of information in its purest form, untainted and uncontaminated. ALEPH information suggests that the Void might be the final result of a deployment of an information weapon within an inhabited universe by Code:OVERLORD. Further information is classified as security level Cardinal.

Although Iteration 83 is still not fully synchronised with its grafts, it retains the ability to dive into the Void, the process, when combined with the interface suit, permitting it to put second tier of Cherenkov protocols into effect and partially actualise as an information entity. In practice, it allows the Iteration:

  • The ability to regenerate even fatal wounds within combat-relevant timeframes via injection of replacement information into its vessel-structure and physical actualisation to facilitate continued interaction with the environment. (Information Reconstruction)
  • Use information drawn out from the Void to actualise physical objects within this reality. Currently, Iteration 83's control over this allows the generation of small objects, such as grenades, ammunition or small firearms, although ALEPH data suggests much higher ultimate potential.
  • Momentarily suspend physicality and permit the activation of the third tier of Cherenkov protocols, allowing it free interaction with information, just as the vessel-structure is capable of interacting with the physical world. This allows 83 to both evade final death in case of the destruction of the vessel-structure and interact with entities lacking conventional form. [ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE: all personnel is to refrain from referring to this as Iteration 83 having the ability to "shoot ghosts". This kind of superstition risks causing a long-term negative impact on graft integration]

The Suit

The interface suit forms an essential component of Aleph-Null Iteration 82/83 Autonomous Silencer Units. It facilitates interaction between ALEPH and the Iteration itself, allowing direct connection to the system in case of Iteration 82 and permitting both consistent and effortless access to the archived data as well as serving as a vessel for intrusions into hostile systems.

With Iteration 83, it facilitates deeper connection with the Void, permitting the creation of the partially-actualised information entity and its continued interaction with physical objects, along with sustaining permanent low-level connection to continue to process of alteration of Iteration 83 to its mature state; the current effects of it include third tier of departure from conventional physicality on Godot scale and 19% more efficient access to the Void. The information that composes the interface suit is an integral part of total composite information of Iteration 83 and can be reformed along with the rest of its body in case of an unplanned termination.

In addition to the above, the interface suit offers significant protective abilities and minor innate self-repair capability via quicksilver nano-infusion.

Sphere Stories


Mage Stuff

Maria Gierek (Actually Reasonably Serious Character Sheet)

Player: Holle
Faction: Sons of Ether
Nature: Architect
Demeanor: Visionary
Essence: Questing

Willpower: 5 (0 XP)

Arete: 3 (0 XP)

Paradox: 1 permanent point (6 Intelligence)

Background info: Maria was born as the last - and, as far as she knows, only - scion of a Progenitor project from the time of the Cold War, when the Technocratic accelerationists backing the Soviet Union and the more conservative elements operating from the organisation's cradle in the West butted heads, and the Soviet Union itself was a place where Technocratic and Etherite interests conflicted, as both attempted to increase their influence on the new great power.

However, in the end, the Soviet Union fell - and with it, the accelerationists fell out of favour, the wounds caused by the Cold War never quite mending. The project originally started to create a new kind of human for the Soviet future - one with highly adaptable and durable body, great intellect and gifted with biological immortality - was eventually shut down during the years after the fall, largely due to Syndicate influence. However, as Maria was already grown by that point, she was adopted by a pair of powerful PRL Progenitors who were deeply involved in the project, and used their influence to salvage at least a small part of their work.

Maria was brought up immersed deeply within the Technocratic paradigm - the older project of her adopted parents, Nadia, helping her along the way. Having a former World War 2 Soviet sniper turned into a bleeding-edge Progenitor combat unit designed for umbral operations as her only friend was a rather odd state of affairs, to say the least, but everything turned out okay in the end. Or so Maria says, at least. At least she isn't afraid of tentacles anymore.

Her current status as a renegade and an Etherite comes as something of a surprise - as does Nadia following her during her escape to London, United Kingdom, Earth, for that matter. Those in the know tend to blame a certain unfortunate encounter in outer space, where Maria was captured by the infamous Etherite gentleman-pirate Captain Crimson and spent some time on his ship. (before Nadia broke her out)

The time spent on the ethership - and Maria's meeting with a variety of Etherites aboard it - only solidified her doubts about the Technocracy that she started having as she observed the effects of the lingering rift between the Western and Post-Soviet parts of the organisation. Ultimately, what made her turn was a certain fascination with what the Sons of Ether represented - those who are willing to dream big, to push the edges of imagination, instead of constraining scientific thought within a small box and dosing it to the starving masses - while still not being able to properly deal with threats to the Sleepers such as vampires, despite the sacrifices made. (and also having tight budgets; Maria's upbrinding certainly did not leave her with a positive opinion of the Syndicate for rather base reasons)

Ultimately, Maria is still naive - spending her youth as half sheltered princess, half scientific experiment, and still a child, her image of Etherites is somewhat exaggerated, with more emphasis on pushing the edges of science with quantum mechanics rather than Professor Pizarro's inflatable ape men. (although, certainly, she found the Professor's article in Paradigma on tissue expansion to be rather fascinating) A lot of her paradigm is still rooted in that of the Progenitors - some ideas rooted so deeply that they're practically unconscious by now. However, she dreams of wider horizons - ones where science always seeks more questions to ask, instead of fossilising into dogma and a tool to control others. (a bit touchy spot for what is, ultimately, a purpose-built construct)

Currently, she lives in London, using a Sanctum that the Tradition helped her to arrange, quietly performing her research. Many of her funds come from her services as a doctor - with no questions asked. As a result, the short, albino doctor in a glowlines labcoat is somewhat known in London's underground as eccentric, but surprisingly reliable medical aid. Given how much she and Nadia - who lives with her in the Sanctum and acts as the housekeeper - eat, she needs that income, too. Other members of the Traditions, Etherites included, view her with some suspicion - both as a recent convert and as a recent convert with a high-end combat construct hanging around her, which is a rather unusual state of affairs, given Technocracy's use of conditioning and mind control technology. This is also why she usually goes by simple "Maria" - the surname of her adopted parents is somewhat recognisable, both amongst Mages and among Sleepers - if for different reasons and because of different people - which can get somewhat awkward.

Her parents seem to be taking the entire situation oddly lightly, as far as the two of them can say - why, exactly, is different to say. (those in the know, which is to say Nadia, suspect that this has more to do with the feeling of mild satisfaction and schadenfreude as Maria gives the Western parts of the Technocracy headaches, a continuation of the long-lasting dislike between the Western and the Post-Soviet parts of the organisation) However, the incredibly sophisticated and adaptable nanotechnology involved in Maria's creation is enough of a prize to attract attention from unwelcome interlopers by itself.

Owns a Shiba dog. (not a biological horror in secret) Also a practicing Catholic.

Attributes: (112 XP)

Physical: (32 XP )

  • Strength: 2 (4)
  • Dexterity: 4 (24) (Precise)
  • Stamina: 5 (2+3) (4) (Durable)

Mental: (56 XP)

  • Perception: 2 (4)
  • Intelligence: 6 (5+1) (40) (Creative)
  • Wits: 3 (12)

Social: (24 XP)

  • Charisma: 2 (4)
  • Manipulation: 3 (12)
  • Appearance: 3 (12)

Total cost: 112 XP + 4 XP

Spheres: (65 XP)

  • Matter: 3 (31 XP)
  • Life: 3 (34 XP)
  • Forces: 1 (10 XP)
  • Prime: 1 (10 XP)

Total Cost: 65 XP + 20 XP

Abilities: (80 XP)

  • Alertness: 2 (5)
  • Athletics: 2 (5)
  • Awareness: 3 (9)
  • Dodge: 2 (5)
  • Firearms: 3 (9)
  • Performance (Violin): 2 (3)
  • Stealth: 1 (3)
  • Technology: 3 (9)
  • Computers: 2 (5)
  • Academics: 1 (2)
  • Cosmology: 2 (5)
  • Lore (Technocracy): 3 (5)
  • Linguistics: 2 (5) (Polish, English, Russian)
  • Medicine: 3 (9)
  • Science (Biology): 2 (3)
  • Science (Cybernetics): 2 (3)
  • Hypertech: 2 (5)
  • Biotech: 2 (5)

Total cost: 95 right now (80 + 15 freebie points)

Backgrounds: (21 XP)

  • Allies: 3 (9 XP) (Nadia)
  • Avatar: 3 (9 XP)
  • Library: 3 (9 XP)
  • Resources: 3 (9 XP)
  • Sanctum: 3 (9 XP)
  • Black Market Connections: 1 (3 XP)
  • Enhancement: 5 (15 XP) (+1 Intelligence, Nanotech Integration [+3 Stamina, doesn't age, immune to all nonmagical disease/poison, regenerates 1 HL/round], +1 -0 HL; soaks lethal and aggravated damage with full stamina); Flaws: Enemy 3, Albino, Hyperactive Metabolism)

Cost: 57 XP (21 + 36 freebie)


  • Prodigy (6 XP)


  • Short: 1 point (3 XP)
  • Child: 1 point (3 XP)
  • Probationary Member: 4 points (12 XP)
  • Echoes: 1 point (3 XP)

Total: 6 XP for merits, +21XP for flaws

Total freebie points: 60 + 21 flaw XP = 81

  • 20 used for Spheres
  • 4 used for attributes
  • 15 used for abilities
  • 24 used for backgrounds
  • 6 used for merits
  • 12 more used for backgrounds
  • +6 for excellent Kazakhing, spent on backgrounds
  • 87 used for now, 0 free