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End of Q1 Stockpiles: 1 claria, 7 sakuradite, 3 adamant, 3 sildron<br>
End of Q1 Stockpiles: 1 claria, 7 sakuradite, 3 adamant, 3 sildron<br>
(not finalized)<br>
(not finalized)<br>
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(+0) Honestly for defence and patrol only.
(+0) Honestly for defence and patrol only.

End of Q2 Stockpiles: 10+10 Claria, 19+1 Sakuradite, 6+4 Adamant, 6+1 Sildron<br>
End of Q2 Stockpiles: 3 Claria, 3 Sakuradite, 5 Adamant, 7 Sildron<br>

Latest revision as of 05:36, 23 May 2013

The United Sonic Principalities is a confederation of twelve small, meteographically linked states located predominantly in the lower orbits of Ardjet. Faced with sustained climate cooling in much of its territory and foreign invasion, the people of the Sonic dominions have united and rapidly industrialized both to defend what is already theirs and to acquire resources and living space for future generations.

Initial Points
Zones/Infrastructure: 134
Military: 96



The constituent states of the United Sonic Principalities have been politically separate dominions for most of their history. Up to little more than a century ago, they spent most of their resources competing with one another as completely independent countries. From the second half of the 47th century, long-standing cooling of the climate became an increasingly significant impediment to the economies of several of these dominions. Following the Kanycan War (4684-4691) which saw widespread destruction and losses on the main Sonikan archipelago, the Twelve Dominions Treaty of 4692 brought peace and led to heightened agreements of unity, trade and cooperation.

Faced with Imperial aggression under the dictatorship of Desslok, the Belkan War tested and intensified solidarity among the Sonikans, culminating with the extension of the Treaty with the Ven Ciel Convention of 4754 and the foundation of the United Sonic Principalities. The wisdom of the decision seemed confirmed on religious grounds when, shortly thereafter, the 11th Invasion Fleet was wiped out in a storm hailed as the intervention of the Divine Wind. With the time and space won by this upset victory and the collapse of the Belkar Empire, the Sonikans consolidated their military and financial resources for a series of fierce defensive battles and a program of rapid armament and industrialization that continues to this day.

In the quarter century since the end of the General War, the USP has continued along a decidedly martial path and actively developed the military infrastructure and technology to support one of the most powerful armed forces in the region. Extended plans of imperial conquest are only now approaching fruition. One of the latest expansions has been the annexation of the former regional base of the Belkan Navy. Renamed Sol Ciel, the isolated island has become a densely populated city with heavy emmigration from the Home Islands. Sonikans have also occupied several outlying territories composing the territory of Orbs-Ivlis-Dilete and is poised for further expansionism into the surrounding region.


Sonikans are culturally linked via spoken language, religion and race (being Apoions) but are divided by nation. Wing structure is the definitive identifier of nationality, affecting citizenship, inheritance of property and a host of other matters under traditional law. Each of the twelve nations speaks a different dialect of Sonico (though all are largely mutually intelligible) and share a pantheon of celestial and meteological deities. Chief among these are Sonica – the Mother of Song, Eponym of Language and Koruga – the Cloud of Death. More recently, Dilete – the Divine Wind has become a strong figure in the wake of the Belkan War. Sonikans tend to be fairly devout compared to the people of similarly technologically advanced states. Religion and superstition remain strong cultural and political forces.

Although commonly referred to as Sonikans abroad, most prefer to be referred to by their nationality, especially while in their homelands. Many are firm that their state is not one country but a collection of countries and while not formally correct, the usual Sonikan parlance for the USP is still the more traditional 'Twelve Dominions'. While the idea of solidarity has had almost a century to establish itself, Sonikans maintain a lively rivalry in every field they can think of. Even military units, though having long abandoned membership restrictions on ethnic grounds, maintain cultural traditions that date back to when they were forces under a specific dominion.

Sonikans can come across as snobby as they are proud of their history of solidarity against hardship and their successful military defence of their independence during the Belkan War and the General War. They are usually somewhat dismissive of everybody else's national historical experiences though they obviously feel the most compatriotism with fellow winged humans. They associate themselves to a lesser extent with Lepirons and Bolirons who are seen as "fringe" races that have had to defend themselves against Terion and Gamiron domination, though they are still "held down by gravity". Terions are seen as a less deserving, less qualified race intent on pushing out everybody else with their numbers while Gamirons are seen as the tyrants and oppressors.


The archprincesses of each of the Twelve Dominions are collectively Head of State of the United Sonic Principalities. Each member nation runs its own local affairs, its own monarchy and the majority of Sonikans wouldn't have it any other way. The power of the princesses derives from their role as leaders and priestesses of the Sonikan polytheistic religion. While their authority is sometimes moderated by other members of their royal family, each is an absolute monarch within their dominion and generally only submits to their peers in the context of the Sonic Council, itself a formalization of ancient tradition of fundamental equality between the twelve monarchies.

Each session of the Sonic Council lasts two years with each member hosting in turn. While there are provisions for the extraordinary case of all twelve monarchs gathered in one meeting, this has never happened since the formation of the union. Under the constitution, if even a single one of the monarchs is unable or indisposed to attend, then none may do so. Hence, all meetings are conducted behind closed doors by specially appointed civilian Presidents. It is currently the 18th Session of the Sonic Council under the presidency of the Principality of Sankt. Having officially moved their royal court to the new city of Sol Ciel in the last few years, this is the first time the capital of the USP has been outside the Home Islands. Because of the delicacy of dealings between monarchs, the council is very careful in its selection of subjects for discussion, generally limiting itself to military and foreign affairs.

While each principality has only a single archprincess - the highest ranking hereditary cleric and overall head of state - the number of princesses ranking beneath them varies greatly due to differing traditions of heredity and counting. The role in society they play also differs. For example, the princesses of Meiru traditionally do not deal in politics at all while the royalty of Karino are now almost exclusively dedicated to it. Ikasa trims every generation, counting only archprincess and direct daughters while Floria has enough that many fill perfectly ordinary roles in society as a day job.

The Twelve Dominions

Midchis is the most powerful of the twelve, controlling most of the Kanycan cluster after beating all of their opponents in the Kanycan War a hundred years ago. They are the most prominent member of the hawk faction and invariably presses for military solutions. The Midchis Principality has a national population of 15 million, most of whom still reside on Kanyca, and registers 495 princesses.

Karino is one of the territorially small clans, their lands having been reduced to a single isle during the Kanycan War. As the architects of the Twelve Dominions Treaty as well as the USP itself, Karino developed a reputation as diplomats and negotiators. In reality, their success then and in the subsequent century is far more a result of spycraft and shrewd economic policy which saw the development of Ven Ciel, economic capital Orbs-Sonica, upon their small territory. Karino has a national population of 5 million and registers just 26 princesses, among whom is 115 year old Archprincess Carla Fanel Karino who could be described as the ultimate iron matriarch of not only Karino but the USP in its current form.

Azel is the only dominion that originates rimward of the Robe, having migrated to their current homeland some seven centuries ago. Their subtropical isles of Azel-Ivlis have been a breadbasket to the region for hundreds of years since. Their proportion of the total Sonikan population grew considerably over the past century and a half and as such they became the second most powerful nation overall. Azel has 1818 princesses and a population of 12 million. With the least to gain, they are as close as one gets to a dove faction in the USP.

The Principality of Floria occupies the rimwardmost of the Home Islands besides Azel-Ivlis. Their country and people are considered the most beautiful of the Twelve Dominions. As a result of differing inheritance laws, extended Royal Family of Floria consists of 11613 princesses - almost 0.1% of the population of the population of 12 million. Having little interest in the outside world, Floria lacks firm conviction towards military matters but also has a bit of a distorted romantic view of the USP's imperial expansion.

The Nanasy dominion is infamously rainy. Its karst isles are characteristic for their jagged outcroppings, deep canyons and large cave networks. As a result of favourable terrain, the Principality of Nanasy hosted the first truly modern military base in the Twelve Dominions. Their royal house registered 356 princesses in 4790 and a population of 9 million.

The current host of the Sonic Council. The Sankt dominion was sharply reduced by the Kanycan War but the nation's fortunes turned recently when a they orchestrated the takeover of Sol Ciel won the right to manage and resettle in the new city. Their population is some 2 million and they register 23 princesses. While they recognize the need for military power, they are also among the most casualty conscious.

A mostly depopulated nation, Pucelle survives almost entirely as a proud military tradition. Despite this, they are treated equally to the other principalities in status. Their population is about 1 million overall. They register 130 princesses with a large proportion of military royalty.

Ikasa has a population of 7.5 million but only 4 princesses. One of the most devout principalities, the warriors of Ikasa is known for zealotry as well as occasional excess on the battlefield.

Meiru has a population of 7.5 million but only 11 princesses. They are considered the most religious, traditional and conservative of the principalities and usually has little to say about foreign affairs.

Like Pucelle, the Reizei is a greatly reduced nation and exists almost entirely as a diaspora among the others. Their main claim to fame is their control of Reizei Integrated-Force Laboratories, by far the largest armaments, production and research concern in the USP. Their population is about 1 million with 91 princesses. Like Sankt, they are casualty conscious and see a solution in technological superiority and superweapons.

Vezendy has a population of 6 million and 416 princesses. Having gotten through the Kanycan War by the skin of their teeth, they do tend to be a bit wary of Midchis and Karino which manifests as a preference to inaction over action.

The bitterly cold Viede homeland lies in the innermost of the orbits and now sees snow almost year round. Almost 80% of the population of 2 million has emigrated to more hospitable territory in Orbs-Ivlis-Dilete. They register 60 princesses.

Infrastructure and Military

Unique Trait

Sky Knights
Apoions are natural fliers with compact bodies and, as a result, a high average G tolerance. To take advantage of this, the Sonic Guard employs high performance aircraft in support of all military operations. By customizing aircraft and payload for individual missions, Sonikan aircraft-carrying warships and ground units operating with air cover have unparalleled operational flexibility.

Zones (Q2 End)

Industry: 99+45
Upkeep: 180
Materials Production

Claria: 15+10
Sakuradite: 12+1
Adamant: 3+4
Sildron: 3+1


Orbs-Sonica is the original motherland of the Twelve Dominions, occupying an isolated quadrant in the innermost orbit of Ardjet. Kanyca is by far the largest archipelago among the Sonikan Home Islands with approximately the landmass of all the others combined. Until about a century ago, it was divided more or less evenly between the dominions of Midchis, Karino, Vezendy, Reizei, Sankt and Pucelle. Desperation stemming from climate and economic crisis drove the cluster into the Kanycan War during which Midchis more or less defeated all its opponents. Presently, Midchis controls about 85% of the territory, Karino controls the metropolis of Ven Ciel and Vezendy controls most of the rest.

1 x Cluster (3 sakuradite)
5 x Reef (5 claria, 5 sakuradite)
6 x Empty
1 x Military Base
1 x Metropolis

The Robe

The Robe is a Tyrus-Lorenz type Claria condensation cloud that forms the natural rimward border to Orbs-Sonica. Its most notable locale is the research headquarters of Reizei Integrated Force Laboratories. The installation lies somewhere in the clouds and was instrumental in developing weaponry that ultimatedly repelled foreign incursions during the General War.

2 x Gas Cloud
1 x Military Base

Sol Ciel

Sol Ciel was a Belkan regional naval base occupied by the Sonikans some seven years ago. Owing to a fantastically pleasant tropical climate, the once isolated rock became a major destination for emigration from Orbs-Sonica and civilian settlement has now largely dwarfed the original military purpose. The cosmopolitan city was officially awarded to the Archprincess of Sankt, who made it her capital. Each of the other dominions has at least a small settlement area with larger sections given to the nations with the least territory.

1 x Empty
1 x Military Base
1 x Metropolis


Literally "lands brought by Dilete - the Divine Wind", Orbs-Ivlis-Dilete is a region of island-hopped military conquests taken over the past fifteen years. The sole exception is the archipelago of Azel-Ivlis, which is considered among the Home Islands. Pucella Citadel is a massive military stronghold that is also the capital of Pucelle.

1 x Reef (free; 1 claria, 1 sakuradite)
3 x Ring
1 x Military Base

Third Strategic Push - Front 4

The first prong of the Third Strategic Push, denoting advance along the 4th orbit of Ardjet spinward from Sol Ciel. After conquering Hinata and the leeward end of the Azra corridor, most of the forces rejoined Front 5.

1 x Cluster (colony; 3 claria)
1 x Ring (colony)

Third Strategic Push - Front 5

The second prong of the Third Strategic Push, denoting rimward advance along the Semias-Talinn line, conquering those locations and (eventually) advancing through Vilna-Kuyaivan territory to the Principality of Mystra.

1 x Cluster (colony; 3 claria)
1 x Cluster (colony; 3 adamant)

Third Strategic Push - Front 6

The third, smallest prong of attack is concentrated around the Black Cloud gas formation and the shoal zones spinward of it.

1 x Gas Cloud (colony)

Military (Q2 End)

Points: 96 (1440 IP)
Upkeep: 264+31/180

12 Song class dreadnought
(+1) Klein Field (Sildron)
(+1) Gravity Turbines (Claria)
(+1) Aircraft (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Hexagons
Designed a decade after the end of the General War, the Song class dreadnoughts are the first capital ships built entirely within the Sonikan Home Islands. Initially intended to replace the motley collection of second hand vessels that made up the heavy naval elements of the Sonic Guards, both they and the Sonikan economic recovery turned out so well that the fleet eventually tripled in size. They have since been at the leading edge of the USP's outward expansion, developing a reputation for being fast and tough. The Song class is armed with nine hadron shock cannons in triple turrets, gravity turbines and an exceptionally powerful Klein field. Its most recognizeable feature however, is doubtless the extensive aviation facilities that occupy the forward hull. The ship normally operates 16 RIFL combat fighters and 6-8 larger support aircraft.
(Symphony of Death by the Sound of Transmigrating Souls, Materia Rise – Dance of the Princess Star...)

12 Sword class heavy cruiser
(+1) Hadron Shock Cannons (Sakuradite)
(+1) Aircraft (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Ominous Avian Profile
Constructed in the shadows of much more visible dreadnought battleships, Sonikan Sword class heavy cruisers were built as a cheaper alternative to more dreadnoughts on the line of battle and as a powerful, far-ranging patrol to threaten enemy shipping and defend the USP's extensive shoal and ring zones. To this end, it is fitted with six hadron shock cannons in twin turrets to give it firepower more in line with a capital ship and, of course, an aviation deck. Just how effective the resultant ship for its cost in any of its prescribed roles has not yet been tested. Its regular flight complement consists of 8 combat aircraft and 4 support aircraft.
(Lambent Light, Sky of Scarlet Perception...)

60 Demon class light cruiser
(+1) Aircraft (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Variable Geometry
Destroyers are too small to launch and rearm aircraft so the Sonikans look towards aircraft-carrying light cruisers as a workhorse unit. Their sleek, variable geometry design belies a fundamental simplicity that has allowed the Sonikans to turn out a fair number of these ships in the past several years. Each carries a single flight of 2-4 combat fighters and 1-2 support aircraft.
(Gremory, Dantalion, Bel Zephyr...)

8 Art class monitor
(+1) Twin Gravity Blast (Claria)
With new heavy cruisers coming online, the fleet arm took several of its last generation armoured cruiser hulls and heavily rebuilt them, mounting a pair of reverse-engineered graviton induction cannons as a siege weapon.
(Starburst Stream...)

117 Reinforce class destroyers
This new standard multi-role destroyer is a middling hull design with view towards potential mission-specific expansions but no particular field of excellence out of the box. As in many armed forces, they are assigned little glory but few doubt their necessity on the battlefield, if only to make up the numbers.

3 Lady class marauder
(+1) Thanatonium Shockwave Torpedoes
(+1) Superheavy Claria-Induction Graviton Cannon
(+1) Spy Sensors
(+0) Mental Model
The USP's only cloaking warships purchased under heavy secrecy several years ago followed later by both her sisters. Rumors are that the mysterious vessels are equipped with an AI capable of controlling all onboard functions and can more than adequately fight with a bare handful of officers onboard. They are equipped with an array of unusual weapons.

30 Assault Ship
(+1) Fast (Claria)

100 Military Transport

30 Sonic Valkyries brigade
(+1) Combat Engineering (Adamant)
(+1) Armour (Adamant)
(+1) Air Support (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Quirky Traditions
Valkyr units trace their traditions to the personal household retainers of royalty and widely maintain those traditions despite recruitment on a qualifications-only basis being mandated for most of them. They form the elite of the Sonic Guards infantry forces and are trained and equipped for a vast array of difficult missions.

10 Valkr Pucella brigade
(+1) Stealth (Sildron)
(+1) Electronics (Claria)
(+1) Aerospace Unit (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Catsuits
The Valkyr Pucella holds a special position among even the Valkr for their legendary actions during the Kanycan War and are traditionally first in the military order of precedence. Among several traditional privileges is to recruit only from Pucelle. Once as general in purpose as any household guard, they have evolved into covert ops specialists. Although best known as the state and capital security force, that role is neither exclusive to them nor their exclusive duty.

150 Guards Infantry brigade
(+1) Air Support (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Braggable Uniforms
Aside from being stylishly (if not always weather appropriately) attired for parades, Guards Infantry are well known for operating with extensive, well coordinated air support for everything from reconnaissance to precision strike

24 Tactical Armour brigade
(+1) Air Support (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Mecha
An offensive military unit centered around various infantry fighting vehicles and the eponymous 4.5m tall "tactical armour" unit. Rarely referred to as the Sonic Dragoons.

10 Main Battle Armour brigade
(+1) Air Support (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Mecha
In contrast to tactical armours, a main battle armour is, as the classification suggests, more like a proper tank in size. Like the tactical armour, it is an offensive unit built almost explicitly to invade foreign soil as the Sonikans have never had a precedent armoured tradition.

30 Prefabricated Bunkers
(+0) Honestly civilian installations.

36 PMC Contracts
(+0) Honestly civilian security contractors.



StK 59
A selective fire, selective output pulsed particle rifle with a short, submachinegun-like profile. The flash and projectile are blue and accompanied by a distinct tinny-metallic report sometimes described as a popcan being pierced by a needle. While not particularly stealthy or precise out of the factory, the StK 59 hits particularly hard and is ruggedly reliable, resulting in its continued status as the standard smallarm of the Sonic Guards since the defense of Azel-Ivlis over 30 years ago. The sakuradite capacitor pack looks like a long, forward canted magazine and fits forward of the trigger in the traditional manner.

ZtK 3
As fun as particle guns are, Sonikan infantry are liable to launch a rocket at anything with the least sign of cover or resistance. The ZtK 3 is re-useable, modular infantry rocket launcher system with a surfeit of funtionality. In theory, units can switch warhead types, rocket chassis, guidance mechanism and setting, or many other functions on the fly as required during any mission. In practice, most troops prefer to strip everything down to the bare minimum before deploying, essentially making it a very lightweight Space-RPG-7 that they can carry more of and fire indiscriminately while calling down airstrikes for anything that requires more tacticool complexity than a rocket to the face.

StK 290

Ground Vehicles

BTP stands for Belkan Tank Police, a civilian police force that used tanks on many of the empire's more troubled or at-risk holdings. While the former Zieg Zamk II medium tank is clearly no longer suitable as a front line armour unit, the Sonic Guard captured large numbers intact at Sol Ciel and stripped them down to use as infantry fighting vehicles instead. The resulting machine is a very blocky, roomy and heavily protected vehicle for its redesignated class. They usually mount a gauss machinecannon, mortar, and/or a vehicle version of the ZtK 3 missile system and carry nine soldiers along with copious equipment and ammunition. The drive mechanism uses caterpillar tracks or armoured wheels in combat giving decreased raw speed for superior terrain management. For a full crew, yanking everything out and putting in transit repulsorlifts takes 15-30 minutes.

MHI Kirisame
A low slung, subtly shaped tank weighing some 35 tons, the Kirisame is based on the Belkan Nupitetz Zamk border patrol tank. It is a reasonably common armoured vehicle in Sonikan units still awaiting replacement units of some kind. It is reputable for its legendary operating endurance and the uncanny ability to appear in unexpected quarters. Its main armament is a capacitor impulse spitfire cannon with a bank of 27 capacitors and a full recharge time of 95 minutes.

MHI Kagura
The Kagura tank is a 17 ton armoured fighting vehicle capable of being air deployed and usually employed to scout or support infantry, having been replaced in front line combat by tactical armours. It is equipped with a gauss mortar/cannon as standard as well as missiles or rockets and a co-axial airstrike designator. The chassis has variants, at least one of which does away with the main gun entirely and replaces it with an expanded ZtK 3 system.

MHI Zarnnfayra
Not all cutting edge weapons wind up deployed from 3 trillion bith experimental giant robots and aircraft. The Midchis Heavy Industries Zarnnfayra packs miniaturized claria shock warheads in racks of unguided rockets. What this MRL lacks in precision it makes up for in sheer payload, being able to handily deliver more firepower than any practical airstrike. The system can be towed or mounted on another vehicle chassis to make a self-propelled artillery piece. A few examples have begun appearing at the front lines.

VA Triforce
The Triforce tank was originally meant to be a stopgap unit produced in the days before the maturation of the main battle armour concept but the project mission crept into a last hurrah for the main battle tank. The vehicle's full combat weight is a classified figure. Its main armament is an absurdly overengineered micronized hadron shock cannon.

RIFL Marida
The Marida is a "tactical armour", an agile humanoid-robotic armoured fighting vehicle standing about 4.5m in height and driven by a single pilot. Its main weapons are actually missiles and rockets equipped in shoulder-mounted CASE pods but it also has cable-guided rocket anchors and handheld weapon options - often a gauss machinecannon or particle rifle. While its armaments are in the same weight range as that of an IFV, the Marida is a more agile dedicated fighting vehicle though it is probably not as physically tough overall.

An enlarged tactical armour known as a "main battle armour", the HiME stands twice as tall as a Marida at around 9m and is much more heavily armed and armoured. It has partially replaced the main battle tank and all terrain battle tank in front line service, having a crew requirement of only one and being much more capable of avoiding enemy threat. Nevertheless, as a new and somewhat experimental weapon, RIFL has had difficulty supplying them to ground force units on time.


RIFL Valkyria
The Valkyria is a distinctly shaped single-seat multirole combat aircraft with a primary air-to-air combat role and a secondary search-and-strike role. It has forward-swept inverted gull wings and canards, making it highly recognizeable - and feared - in most situations. It is in use as both a land and ship-based aircraft. As of the USP's Third Strategic Push, they remained comparatively rare compared to the much more frequently encountered Virago.

RIFL Virago
The Virago is a rugged single-seat multirole fighter with inverted gull wings. While the newer Valkyria is the Sonic Guards' aerospace poster darling, the Virago is a better summary of Sonikan doctrine; it is capable firstly of strike, but can be outfitted with mission or operational packages for effective air-to-air and anti-ship combat, ordnance launch, reconaissance, electronic warfare, cloak busting or any other task a commander may expect she requires. Its age and lower price tag means it is more common in service as well (in fact, the most common Sonic Guards aircraft), though its effectiveness is probably more a product of superior tactics than the hardware itself.

RIFL Venatrix
A larger twin engine aircraft with a crew of two. With superior endurance and payload to single-seat fighters, the Venatrix is frequently employed for strike or reconaissance roles and can even be used as a heavy fighter in some cases. Attached to terrestrial formations, the Venatrix makes a fine plane for level bombing, interdiction and aerial photography.

MHI Knightress
The twin-engine flying tank, with a crew of up to 5. This is the heaviest common aircraft possible to operate from a battleship. Naturally, the majority are deployed from proper airstrips and bases. Its usual roles are related to reconaissance, detection, electronic warfare and logistics but it can also be effectively employed for some heavy strike missions. Its ability to carry a wave detection module and immediately respond with lethal force on any prowler it ferrets out is highly valued.




United Sonic Principalities
60 Reinforce class destroyers (36 IP; 6 claria)
30 Military Transports (18 IP; 3 claria)
50 Guards Infantry brigades (45 IP; 5 claria, 5 sakuradite)

Amaranth Subsidies
30 New Territory Bunkers (18 IP)
(+0) Civilian Installation. Honest!
36 PMC Contracts (12 IP)
(+0) Civilian Security. Honest!

End of Q1 Stockpiles: 1 claria, 7 sakuradite, 3 adamant, 3 sildron


(not finalized)
United Sonic Principalities
12 Spirit class light cruiser (48 IP; 8 claria, 8 sakuradite)
(+1) Hadron Shock Cannons (Sakuradite)
(+1) Aircraft (Sakuradite/Claria)
(+0) Variable Geometry
The Spirit class is a new class of aviation light cruiser with upgraded main battery.

20 Reinforce II class destroyer (18 IP; 2 claria, 2 sakuradite)
(+1) Multiple-Launch Radiobaric Torpedoes (Sakuradite)

20 Fashion class cloaking destroyer (18 IP; 2 claria, 2 sakuradite)
(+1) Multiple-Launch Radiobaric Torpedoes (Sakuradite)
(+0) Mental Model

50 Guards Heavy Infantry brigade (60 IP; 5 claria, 5 sakuradite, 5 adamant)
(+1) Air Support (Sakuradite/Claria) (+1) High Mobility Armour (Adamant) (+0) Sexy Armour

Amaranth Subsidies
20 New Territory Bunkers (12 IP)
(+0) Civilian Installation. Honest!
36 PMC Contracts (12 IP)
(+0) Civilian Security. Honest!
36 PMC Contract Upkeeps (6 IP)

Anvers-Charleroi Subsidies
30 Reinforce class destroyers (18 IP; 3 claria)
(+0) Honestly for defence and patrol only.

End of Q2 Stockpiles: 3 Claria, 3 Sakuradite, 5 Adamant, 7 Sildron