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*Elizabeth is the '''Queen of Games''', a harlequin in black and blue with a crown for a jester's hat (or vice-versa). With a sweep of her fingers, she can create new games, define their rules, reward heroic victors and punish debtors and cheats.
*'''Rochambeau''' is the Queen's Vizier, a dour aging man in dark suit who administers that which needs administration and arranges that which needs arranging.
*'''Joe''' is always present behind the bar to salve sorrows and encourage the despairing to try their luck once more.
*'''Lan Meizhu''' - ZR x Qipao wearing hot chick, she is the Token Female Guard and as such is also the captain of the guard. She knows martial arts (all of it) and her ability to physically kick ass within Liz's dreams is undisputed. Yet she can be remarkably helpless if accidentally drawn into actual games.
*'''Lady Isabel''' is an elfin femme fatale who rates among the Palace's most successful regulars.
*'''Tanto''' the clown is a disreputable ruffian and cheat, always ready with a cunning plan to make his fortune... or dispose of a ''real'' troublemaker.
*The calculating '''Rostina''' is adept at games of strategy and mathematics, the winnings from which she uses to further ornament her robotic body.
*'''Halozy''' - A beautiful, statuesque woman who exudes a motherly aura and always tries to be helpful to new players. Of course, the real veterans know it's all a ruse covering her absolute ruthlessness. The moment her victims show their throat, she will tear it out. A rival of Isabel's.
*Androgynous, spiderlike '''Tictac''' is rarely seen, and more rarely understood, but sometimes visits at just the right moment to dispense a hint, an idea, or even the plan for a whole new game.

Revision as of 09:53, 30 May 2012


Decor keywords: Checkerboard, green baize, marble, gold, casino, palace

The Entrance Hall

The Main Floor


North Storeroom

The storeroom of games currently in play. Large and bustling. Contains rats.

West Storeroom

The storeroom of games Liz has grown past or forgotten. Does not contain rats, due to the snakes.

South Storeroom

The storeroom of games Liz has come to dislike, or even (in the deeper depths) hate. A lot of school sports equipment can be found here. Contains rats.

East Storeroom

The storeroom of games that do not exist yet. When a new game is introduced, its equipment is found in some of the boxes in this room. Opening the other boxes is strictly forbidden. Contains rats.
