EX Starlance: Difference between revisions

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Exhack (talk | contribs)
Line 82: Line 82:
'''Charisma:''' 5<br>
'''Charisma:''' 5<br>
:Command 4
:Command 4
:'''Mega Charisma 1''' (Soothe)
:'''Mega Charisma [1]''' (Soothe)
'''Manipulation:''' 2<br>
'''Manipulation:''' 2<br>
'''Appearance:''' 5<br>
'''Appearance:''' 5<br>

Revision as of 09:32, 2 December 2011

Vital Statistics

Alias: Celeste Percival
Player: Exhack
Allegiance: UN Peacekeeper
Concept: The Spear that Violates the Heavens
Eruption: Dangerous Situation
Nature Survivor/Paragon
Virtue: Regain WP when you survive a dangerous situation via your own cunning and perseverance.
Vice: Spend WP to resist your self-righteousness and accept a compromise. Regain WP if compromise would be a far better idea than self-righteous one-true-way moralizing.
Quantum: 6

  • Quantum Pool: 50 (10Q /turn)

Willpower: 10


Health Levels: Willpower (10) + Quantum (6) + Stamina * 2 (10) + Mega-Stamina * 6 (30) + Mega-Strength (7) + Mega-Dexterity (5) + Extra HLs * 2 (30) = 98

Wound Penalties: Per (Stamina [5] + Resistance [5] + Mega-Stamina * 2 [10]/2 + 1) = 11 HLs
HL Track: -0 x 11/-1 x 11/-2 x 11/-3 x 11/-4 x 11/-5 x 11/-6 x 11/-7 x 11/-8 x 11/-9 x 10/Incap x 15/Dying x 39




  • Lance Attack (Dormant), Attack: d18, Damage: d15L, AP 6
  • Lance Attack, Attack: d18 +[7], Damage: d55L +[14]L, AP 13
  • Lance Attack (Quantum Boost): d18 +[7], Damage: d91 +[14]L, AP 13
  • Shockwave: Damage: d24B, Area: 70m, Strength + Ath roll at Dif 3 or fall prone.

Quantum Attacks

Claws 2Q /12 Rounds

  • Melee, Damage: +d30L
  • Burning, Damage: d15L, Duration: 6 Rounds

Bodymorph 2Q /12 Rounds

  • +1 dif to hit, +d2 for Brawl and Martial arts attacks.
  • Armor, 27B/27L soak.
  • Flight, 64 tactical flight, 600 strategic flight.
  • Hypermovement, +6 dif to hit, +d6 damage, multiplies movement rate by 36.
  • Quantum Bolt, Attack: d15 +7, Damage: d36 + [18]L, AP 6, Range: 180m

Biomanipulation: 4Q /Action (3Q for Exsanguinate)

  • Body Manipulation, Activation: d15 +7, Range: 55m
  • Cure: Activation, d15 +7, Range: 55m
  • Form Manipulation, Activation: d15 +7, Range: Touch
  • Exsanguinate, Attack: d15 +7, Range: 110m
  • Growth, Activation: d15 +7, Range: 110m/55m


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 13A/49L/55B

w/13A/22L/28B (Natural Soak)
w/27L/27B (Quantum Powers)
w/0L/0B (Equipment and Body Modifications)

Defense: +5


Physical (7)

Strength: 10

Brawl 5
Melee 5 (Spears +3)
Might 5
Mega Strength [6 ->7] (Ferocity, Fist of God, Demolitions, Heroic, Incomparable, Precision, Shockwave, Transcendent)

Dexterity: 5

Athletics 5
Drive 2
Heavy Weapons 5
Firearms 5
Helmsman 5
Microgravity Ops 4
Stealth 4
Mega Dexterity [5] (Rapid Strike)

Stamina: 5

Endurance 3
Resistance 5
Mega Stamina [5] (Adaptation, Hardbody, Painkiller, Regeneration, Resilience [2])

Social (5)

Charisma: 5

Command 4
Mega Charisma [1] (Soothe)

Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 5

Intimidation 4 (At Spearpoint +3)
Dangerous Mega Appearance [4] (Face of Terror, Blind Bewitchment [Taste])

Mental (3)

Wits: 5

Tactics 4
Rapport 4
Mega Wits [3] (Multitasking)

Intelligence: 2

Science (Geology) 1
Engineering (Armaments) 1 (Spacesuit Maintenance +1)

Perception: 2

Awareness 4


7 +5 Backgrounds

Cipher 4
Node 2
Attunement 5
Dormancy 5


Bodymorph [6] - (Grows organic, crystaline armor adorned with massive wings of light and beam-emitting nodules in the shoulders.)

Adds +1 Dif to hit the character and adds d2 with Brawl and Martial Arts attacks.
Armor [6]
Flight [6]
Hypermovement [6]
Quantum Bolt [6]

Claws [6] - (Encase hands or handheld weapons in tendrils of iridescent crystal that enhance their function. Bladed implements often grow to massive proportions.)

Extras: Burning, Kinetic Transfer
Strengths: Damage [12] (+d12)

Biomanipulation [5] - (Extends tendrils of crystal through the air that refine and rebuild living things.)

Extras: Alternate Attribute (Strength)
Body Manipulation
Form Manipulation



Permanent Points: 5
Temporary Points: 0

+2 Social difficulty from Taint.


Aberrant Eyes (Trivial: Eyes are blue shutter structures apparently woven from semi-opaque slices of crystal.)
Skin Color - (Moderate: Soft tissues are made of flexible liquid crystal material, with a frosted blue color and texture similar to beach glass. Organs and bones are visible from inside, but resemble modern art sculpture rather than horrific viscera. -2 Dif to all called shot rolls due to visibility of internals.)
Hair Color (Trivial: Hair is light blue.)
Ichor (Trivial: Blood is dark yellow and slowly hardens into crystal when exposed to air.)

Body Modifications

Dispersed Organs [2]

No extra damage from called shots.

Hyperdense Skeleton [2]

3B/2L soak add +2 damage with unarmed attacks, and unarmed is Lethal. Triple safe fall damage and interval. Bones are essentially unbreakable. Nova weighs nearly double of normal.

Ultralight Body [2]

If bought twice, the character masses 1/4th as much, using tissues comparable to carbon nanotube or aircraft composites in strength/weight ratio. This eliminates the soak penalty, adds +4 to dexterity for movement purposes, quarters falling damage, and quadruples jump distances.

High Tissue Density

A character with this body modification is roughly twice as dense as the norm, which is inconvenient if you want to swim but otherwise useful for survival. High tissue density grants +2B/1L soak from tougher internal tissues. Unlike most other body modifications, this is natural soak.


The character can bend and dislocate her limbs in disconcerting ways, which add +3d to any roll which may benefit from this superhuman flexibility.

Retractable Blades [5]

Str + 5L damage blades the length and mass of longswords. Retractable blades are difficulty +2 to detect when retracted and have AP:1.

Armor Piercing [5]

The character's natural weapons are equipped with superior armor penetrating characteristics, adding 1 point of Armor Piercing per point of AP.

Transhuman Strength

A character with Transhuman (Attribute) can raise one physical, mental, or social attribute (chosen during the purchase of this body modification) to any level, ignoring normal caps, as long as the character has sufficient experience.

Extra Health Levels [15]

Gives +30 HLs, which are spread between wound penalties.


Bonus Points

15 BP

Willpower 10 [14]
Body Modifications [1]

Nova Points

51 NP

  • Attributes [6]
  • Abilities [6]
  • Tainted Quantum 4 [6]
  • Bodymorph 5 [15]
  • Claws 5 [10]
  • Claws: Kinetic Transfer [2]
  • Body Modifications [5]
  • Backgrounds [1]

Body Modifications

3 from BP, 40 from NP, 4 from Taint, 6 from Bugfixes, 14 from XP

  • Dispersed Organs 2 [8]
  • Hyperdense Skeleton 2 [12]
  • Ultralight Body 2 [12]
  • High Tissue Density [3]
  • Hyperflexible [4]
  • Retractable Blades [5]
  • Armor Piercing [5]
  • Transhuman Strength [0]
  • Extra Health Levels 15 [15]



666 XP


666 XP (0 Unspent)

  • Mega Strength 5 (Ferocity) [56]
  • Mega Dexterity 5 (Rapid Strike) [56]
  • Mega Stamina 5 (Adaptation) [56]
  • Dangerous Mega Appearance 4 (Face of Terror) [36]
  • Mega Wits 3 (Multitasking) [21]
  • Mega Charisma 1 (Commanding Presence) [11]
  • Quantum 6 [85]
  • Bodymorph 6 [35]
  • Bodymorph: Mastered [30]
  • Claws 6 [25]
  • Claws: Burning [10]
  • Claws: Mastered [20]
  • Claws: Strengths [36]
  • Biomanipulation 5 [79]
  • Biomanipulation: Alternate Attribute (Strength) [10]
  • Strength Paragon [5]
  • Gifted Strength [5]
  • Strength 10 [22]
  • Fist of God [5]
  • Precision [5]
  • Demolition [5]
  • Transcendant Strength [5]
  • Incomparable Strength [5]
  • Heroic Strength [5]
  • Regeneration [5]
  • Hardbody [5]
  • Resiliency 2 [10]
  • Painkiller [5]
  • Shockwave [5]
  • Extra Health Levels 11 [11]


  • Blind Bewitchment (Taste) [5]