Future Esker: Difference between revisions

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Ral (talk | contribs)
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Ral (talk | contribs)
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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 47: Line 47:
Mega Dex 8 (Enhanced Movement, Fast Tasks, Rapid Strike, Flexibility)<br>
Mega Dex 8 (Enhanced Movement, Fast Tasks, Rapid Strike, Flexibility)<br>
Mega Str 5 (Lifter, Quantum Leap, Precision)<br>
Mega Str 5 (Lifter, Quantum Leap, Precision)<br>
Mega Sta 3 (Regeneration, Hardbody, Adaptation) <br>
Mega Sta 3 (Regeneration II, Adaptation) <br>
Mega Wit 4 (Quicknessx3, Enhanced Initiative, Multitasking)<br>
Mega Wit 4 (Quicknessx3, Enhanced Initiative, Multitasking)<br>
Mega Per 2 (That Creepy Feeling, EM Vision)<br>
Mega Per 2 (That Creepy Feeling, EM Vision, Hyper-Hearing, Deep EM Scan)<br>
Mega App 3 (Seductive Looks)<br>
Mega App 3 (Seductive Looks)<br>
Mega Cha 1 (Soothe)<br>
Mega Cha 1 (Soothe)<br>
Line 56: Line 56:

Bioluminescence 3 (Affects Others, MIRV, Increased Range, Ultraviolet Only)<br>
Bioluminescence 3 (MIRV, Increased Range, Increased Duration, High-Ultraviolet)<br>
Dexterity Mastery 1<br>
Dexterity Mastery 1<br>
Psychic Shield 4 (Protect Others)<br>
Psychic Shield 4 (Protect Others)<br>
Line 167: Line 167:
'''Eye Attack Count:'''<br>
'''Eye Attack Count:'''<br>
[[Category: Aberrant]]

Latest revision as of 12:58, 22 June 2009

Suspiciously Squirrel-Shaped Bipedal Spatial Anomaly

Height: 5'9"

Weight: ? lbs

Appearance: A jet black anthropomorphic squirrel. A section of his back, from the nap of the neck to the tail, is a constant mass of black oil oozing outwards, folding into nothingness. His tail is a memory, but the oil often curls up and down into a looping whirlpool in the vague shape of his old one. Despite the seeming mass of tendrils, he stands straight, as though they mass nothing. He moves with such impossible flowing grace that this doesn't slow him at all.

His body is still rodentine, but more stylized. He is more abstraction than animal, a memory of his shape. He has smooth, sleek lines, radiating speed. His fur grades from dark grey to glinting black, trending strongly towards the latter. He still wears sunglasses, tightly secured to his head. Flickers of light can be seen. Without them, his eye sockets display swirling maelstroms of quantum bearing the same green his eyes used to.

He has six ears, the largest pointing narrowly straight up, others pointed straight out, and othes at a low angle. These twitch unnaturally, independently rotating towards different sounds. His hair is long, and would probably reach to the small of his back if it were allowed to fall, instead of being caught in the slow current of quantum pushing back and around him. His body is sleek, and as attractive as such a monstrosity could be imagined. The slow ripple of tar flows behind him like a loathsome, billowing cape, and tendrils eagerly scurry forwards at items and persons of interest, completing gestures for him, or simply carrying him bodily around.

Eye color: Green vortices.

Nature: Thrillseeker

Motivation: ?

Quantum: 8

WP: 6
Init: 34 (Dex8+Wits6+MDex8+MWits4+Tactics+EInit)
Quantum Pool: 50


Str: 6 (Aggress!)
Dex: 8 (Combat reflexes)
Sta: 5 (Unstoppable)

Per: 5 (Hearing)
Int: 4 (Situations)
Wit: 6 (Firefights)

App: 7 (Beautiful)
Cha: 5 (Charming)
Man: 3


Mega Dex 8 (Enhanced Movement, Fast Tasks, Rapid Strike, Flexibility)
Mega Str 5 (Lifter, Quantum Leap, Precision)
Mega Sta 3 (Regeneration II, Adaptation)
Mega Wit 4 (Quicknessx3, Enhanced Initiative, Multitasking)
Mega Per 2 (That Creepy Feeling, EM Vision, Hyper-Hearing, Deep EM Scan)
Mega App 3 (Seductive Looks)
Mega Cha 1 (Soothe)
Mega Int 1 (Mental Prodigy: Tactics)


Bioluminescence 3 (MIRV, Increased Range, Increased Duration, High-Ultraviolet)
Dexterity Mastery 1
Psychic Shield 4 (Protect Others)
Force Field 4 (Wall, Impervious, Half Cost)
Spatial Manipulation 6 (Nonstandard Techs: Warp, Blink, Pocket Dimension)
Spatial Manipulation Mastery 1
Boost [Dexterity, Wits, Appearance] 5 (Extended Effect, Extra Attribute, Extra Attribute)
Armor 3 (Impervious)
Claws 3 (Aggravated Damage, Armor Piercing, Stunning Damage)
Disrupt 3 (Extra Power)
Hyper Movement 5 (Always On, No Sonic Boom)
Luck 6
Invulnerability to Psionics 1
Invulnerability to Disruptive Metapowers 2 (Broad Applicability)
Body Modification: Dispersed Organs II
Body Modification: Extra Arms (-1 to multiple action penalties)
Body Modification: 8xTendril (Str + 4B/Str + 2L damage, 26 meter length)
Body Modification: 26x Extra Maimed Health Levels
Body Modification: Chromatophores
Body Modification: Patagia


Might: 4

Athletics; 7 (+3 Dodging)
Firearms: 5 (+3 Called Shots)
Martial Arts: 8 (+2 Called Shots, +1 Nonlethal)
Melee: 6 (+1 Swords, +1 Swords!, +1 SWORDS!)
Stealth: 5 (+1 While Moving)
Legerdemain: 2

Endurance: 5
Resistance: 5

Awareness: 5 (+2 Detect Ambush, +1 vs Guy In A Crowd)
Investigation: 2

Tactics: 7 (+3 OODA)
Rapport: 4 (+1 Emotional State, +1 Discern Motivation)

Medicine: 2
Survival: 1
Intrusion: 3
Computer: 1
Science (Quantum Theory): 3 (+1 Own Powers)
Linguistics: 2 (Future languages!)

Style: 6 (+1 Fur, +1 Naked, +1 Should Not Want)
Intimidation: 2

Streetwise: 6 (+1 Fitting In)
Ettiquite: 2
Command: 1
Perform: 4 (+1 Dancing)

Subterfutge: 1 (+1 Detect Lies)

Lv3 Quantum Recovery (+3 per cycle) (3bp)

Aberration: Digitigrade
Aberration: Inhuman Facial Structure
Aberration: Fur
Aberration: Billowing tentacles
Aberration: Color (glinting jet black)
Aberration: Extra Sensory Organs (ears)
Aberration: Lusty
Aberration: Unnatural Beauty

Mild Hedonism (+?)

Node 9
Attunement 5

Taint: 9

Base: 9B/2L
Armor: +9B/9L
FF: +16B/16L
Ripple Shield: Succuesses x 4 Soak vs Ranged Attacks

Health levels:
• [ ] Bruised x3: -0
• [ ] Hurt: -0
• [ ] Injured: -0
• [ ] Wounded: -1
• [ ] Maimed x27: -2
• [ ] Crippled: -3
• [ ] Incapacitated
• [ ] Dead

None. Cannot access personal pocket dimension because it doesn't exist yet.

Eye Attack Count: