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'''Admiral Lee Dorington '''<br>
One of the few classroom-trained ZOCU officers, Dorington had served as an officer in the EU fleet in the two decades before the Breakdown, eventually being the CO of a local monitor assigned to Londenium.  Consequently he became the nucleus of the Londenium star fleet and was tapped to be the commander of the Nidaros relief force of 2165.

[[Category:The Magnate War]]
'''Rakesh Zhang '''<br>
'''Navid Mirza '''<br>
Commander of the Azadistan Aerospace Force's 12th Tactical Fighter Wing during the start of Azadi campaign, and served as the CAG of the Azadi Naval Vessel ''Taharid'' for the remainder of the campaign. Was transferred to the ASV ''Khatami'', and served as its captain during the battle of Finnegan's Folly.
'''Exarch Antonia Savina'''<br>
An Eternal Dawn Templar who was promoted out of infantry command, Savina made a name for herself early in the war with an excellent record of force preservation and an above-average record of mission successes. Her 15 minutes of fame came in the battle for Bilad, where her compassion for her own troops quite possibly prevented her from achieving the objectives (the events are hotly debated). Even so her popularity with the soldiers under her command and the questionable ability of the mission to succeed at that point prevented any disciplinary action besides transfer out of ECHELON and back into the Templars proper. Currently still serving in the Eternal Dawn military. One of the more merciful Magnate commanders in the war, although still fairly ruthless by Core standards. Definitely not the kind of girl you'd want to bring home to your parents.
'''Deacon Dravid Khan'''<br>
Deacon Dravid Khan served under Savina as a member of the Lux Dei in the battle for Bilad, commanding four platoons of direct action operatives for fast-strike and sabotage missions. Towards the end of the campaign, Khan as well as one of his platoons of Lux Dei were surrounded and attacked by a combined force of Peltast-Ls, infantry, and a prototype Minkowskan catalytic weapon which attacked critical compounds in the artificial musculature then used in Dawn cybernetics. With his armor breached and his musculature combusting from the catalytic weapon, Khan still nevertheless managed to scale the body of the Peltast flight leader, crack open its cockpit and kill the Biladi commander inside, and use its weapons to damage another one before expiring. Khan's heroism did not, however, prevent him and his squad from being wiped out to a man, but however earned him a place in history-Khan is one of the seven soldiers in the human Sphere who have managed to destroy an active Combat Frame without the use of heavy weaponry.
'''Admiral Daedalus Canaan'''<br>
Magnate Admiral renowned for his politcal and strategic acumen, he led several successful raids on the League logistics train during the Magnate War. Later, while League forces were still regrouping during the aftermath of Finnigan's Folley, Canaan led a splinter fleet past the League blockade to invade the League world of Nefer, a battle which secured his immortality in history, but also resulted in his death and the destruction of his task force. Met by the secret armada of PYRAMID, the military corportation that governs Nefer, Canaan's forces were out matched and outwitted. While the space battle was over quickly, Canaan's last ditch effort managed to land a significant contingent of forces on Nefertan soil, including several fabbers. The ground war that was his legacy continued for several years past the official end of the war.
'''Fleet Arbitrator Sauer''' <br>
Fleet Arbitrator Sauer was the much annoyed leader of the Finnigans Folly contingent of the Continuum Expeditionary Forces and the highest ranking Syntha in ECHELON at the time. Though Syntha's were known for a lack of base aggression, it was known as a ruthless commander as it struggled to gain respect from its taller subordinates. It willing placed Fleet assets into a suicidal situation, on the calculation it would buy victory despite the great 'human' cost.
The Arbitrator was considered relatively peculiar by it's peers, as it was raising a human child it found on Finnigans Folly as a curiosity, a child who would later become a Magnate ace and a testament to the Syntha 'doves' belief that humanity was not designed to self destruction, with a little help.
Unlike in the ZOCU war, where ZOCU held a monopoly on Mobile suit technology until the closing days of the war, the Magnate War saw the use of Peltasts and Peltast variants on all sides of the conflict.
'''Eskandar Babak '''<br>
Recorded as the #1 homegrown Mobile Suit ace of the Azadestani Air Force, and the top scoring ace of the entire League. Served as a Peltast-L pilot for the entirety of the Eid Al-Adha War, and served to train new MS pilots following the stalemate. Was given command of a MS squadron during The Battle of Finnegan's Folly, and was instrumental in developing homegrown Mobile Suits during the 80's
'''Asher Dovid''' <br>
Piloted an LF/A-01 Lanner throughout the Azadi Campaign.
'''Thom Samson'''<br>
A Nefertan Mobile Armour pilot, White flew with distinction throughout the war, serving primarily in a first strike role. Towards the end of the war he piloted the incredibly expensive and still classified 'Super Mobile Armour', <i>Testament Dawn.</i> Unfortunately, the <i>Testament Dawn</i> was destroyed in the battle of Canaan's Breach, a major engagement between PYRAMID's 56th Layer, and the Magnate Forces under Admiral Daedalus Canaan.<br>
Heinously expensive prototype (therefore better). A cute girl because that's the rule.
'''Acolyte Morgan Levant'''<br>
Acolyte Levant served as a member of the Magnate combined military unit, ECHELON, fighting in the war as a member of Psychological Warfare as one of its "Headhunter" squadrons. Using Aleph technology, Dawn biotech, and Syntha aerospace assets, the Curate and his squadron killed many a Bilad aerospace ace in their time. Although by raw kill count he does not rank anywhere near the top, his "trademark" of putting craft-scale weaponry into and through the cockpit of the enemy (as well as the pilot) made him one of the more infamous aces of the war. Aleph instabilities gave him a split personality when in normal and combat reflex response modes, ironically making him far calmer, more likable, and controlled in combat rather than not. Despite his prodigious skill and veterancy he has continually been passed up for any recognition or promotion, and is still an Acolyte attached to ECHELON, quite possibly to keep him as far away as possible from the rest of the Eternal Dawn military, where he has few friends.
'''Replica 0625'''<br>
One of the prototype Series VI Combat Replicas, 0625's career is distinguished by participation in having fought in both significant ground campaigns, on Sarreva and Finnegan's Folly, in both cases primarily in sabotage and psychological warfare missions with the rest of his team of VIs. When the VI program was cancelled, 0625 was reassigned, with the other Series VIs, to the Lux Dei, with which he served in until the end of the war. Heavily wounded several times in the combat and preferring to replace missing components rather than regrow them to hasten his arrival back into the field, 0625 ended the war almost entirely machine, with the only remaining biological components being the portion of his brain that was modified from human tissue and 15% of his spinal cord. 0625's post-war career was unusual, as he became an artist and painter under the alias "Arnold Harmon", creating works representing the Magnate War that caused extensive displeasure in the League, the Magnate Continuum, and ZOCU. 0625 sought political asylum and fled to China, where he now resides.

Latest revision as of 09:02, 22 September 2011