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[[Ship Construction Test Builds]]<br>
[[Ship Construction Test Builds]]<br>

==Hull Types==
==Ship Hulls==
===Main Combatants===
:Mobility:  2
:Hull coefficient:  1
:Evasion:  6
:Armor:  2
:Structure:  1
:Hits:  5
:Space:  25
:Engineering Coefficient:  1
:Engineering Coefficient:  1
:Hull Coefficient:  1
:Weapon Coefficient:  1
:Craft Bay Size:  2
'''Hull Expansion'''
:PIP cost:
:+3 Spaces
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:+3 Hangar Space

:Hull coefficient:  2
:Mobility:  1
:Evasion:  4
:Armor:  2
:Structure:  3
:Hits:  10
:Space:  50
:Engineering Coefficient:  2
:Engineering Coefficient:  2
:Hull Coefficient:  2
:Weapon Coefficient:  2
:Craft Bay Size:  4
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:

'''Hull Expansion'''
:+5 Spaces
:Hull coefficient:  4
:Engineering Coefficient:  4
:Weapon Coefficient:  4
:Craft Bay Size:  8
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:

:+5 Hangar Space
:Hull coefficient:  8
:Engineering Coefficient:  10
:Weapon Coefficient:  8
:Craft Bay Size:  16
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:

:Mobility:  0
====Light Carrier====
:Evasion:  2
:Hull coefficient:  5
:Armor:  4
:Structure:  5
:Hits:  20
:Space:  100
:Engineering Coefficient:  4
:Engineering Coefficient:  4
:Hull Coefficient:  4
:Weapon Coefficient:  2
:Craft Bay Size:  10
'''Hull Expansion'''
:PIP cost:
:+10 Spaces
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:+10 Hangar Space
:Starts with 40 Craft Space

====Fleet Carrier====
:Hull coefficient10
:Evasion:  0
:Armor:  8
:Structure:  8
:Hits:  40
:Space:  200
:Engineering Coefficient:  10
:Engineering Coefficient:  10
:Hull Coefficient:  8
:Weapon Coefficient:  4
:Craft Bay Size:  20
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:Starts with 100 Craft Space

'''Hull Expansion'''
===Aviation Combatants===
:+20 Spaces
====Aviation Escort====
:Hull coefficient:  2
:Engineering Coefficient:  2
:Weapon Coefficient:  2
:Craft Bay Size:  4
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:Each expansion also adds +4 automatic craft space.

====Aviation Cruiser====
:+20 Hangar Space
:Hull coefficient5
'''Light Carrier'''
:Mobility:  0
:Evasion:  2
:Armor:  3
:Structure:  3
:Hits:  16
:Space:  40
:Hangar Space60
:Engineering Coefficient:  4
:Engineering Coefficient:  4
:Hull Coefficient:  4
:Weapon Coefficient:  4
:Craft Bay Size:  8
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:Each expansion also adds +8 automatic craft space.

'''Hull Expansion'''
====Aviation Battleship====
:+8 Spaces
:Hull coefficient10
'''Carrier Expansion'''
:+20 Hangar Space
'''Fleet Carrier'''
:Mobility:  0
:Evasion:  0
:Armor:  6
:Structure:  6
:Hits:  40
:Space:  80
:Hangar Space120
:Engineering Coefficient:  10
:Engineering Coefficient:  10
:Hull Coefficient:  8
:Weapon Coefficient:  8
:Craft Bay Size:  16
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:Each expansion also adds +16 automatic craft space.

'''Hull Expansion'''
:+16 Spaces
:Hull coefficient:  1
:Engineering Coefficient:  2
:Weapon Coefficient:  2
:Craft Bay Size:  N/A
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:Takes up 2 external hardpoints

'''Carrier Expansion'''
====Heavy Gunship====
:+40 Hangar Space
:Hull coefficient:  3
:Engineering Coefficient:  4
:Weapon Coefficient:  4
:Craft Bay Size:  N/A
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Expansion PIP cost:
:Expansion CIP cost:
:Takes up 4 external hardpoints

Any equipment with the notation "Size: Medium" requires a minimum coefficient of 2, and if fitted on a ship with coefficient 1 takes up 2 spaces and costs double.
Any equipment with the notation "Size: Large" requires a minimum coefficient of 4, and if fitted on a ship with coefficient 2 takes up 2 spaces and costs double.
Any equipment with the notation "Size: Super" requires a minimum coefficient of 8, and if fitted on a ship with coefficient 4 takes up 2 spaces and costs double.
===General Equipment===
'''Hangar Bays'''
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:
:Cost coefficient is equal to the number of deck points each bay provides.

====Point Defence====
'''External Latches''' (cost is per)
'''Vulcan Point Defence'''
:PIP cost:
:Spaces: 2
:CIP cost:
:Power: 0
:May buy one latch point for every 2 points of Hull Coefficient without requiring a construction slot.

'''Scattering Beam Point Defence'''
===Hull Equipment===
:Spaces: 2
:Power: 4
:PIP cost:
:CIP cost:

====Electrochemical Weapons====
'''Flak Cannon'''
:PIP cost:
:Spaces: 2
:CIP cost:
:Power: 0
:Range 12, accuracy +5, penetration +0, Strength +0, Burst Bonus +6

'''Small Naval Rifle'''
:Spaces: 5
:PIP cost:
:Power: 0
:CIP cost:
:Range 12, accuracy -1, penetration +7, Strength +7, Damage 2

'''Medium Naval Rifle'''
:Spaces: 10
:PIP cost:
:Power: 0
:CIP cost:
:Range 20, accuracy -1, penetration +10, Strength +10, Damage 3, Burst -2

'''Large Naval Rifle'''
'''Additional External Latches'''
:Spaces: 20
:PIP cost:
:Power: 0
:CIP cost:
:Range 26, accuracy -1, penetration +15, Strength +15, Damage 4, Burst -4
:1 Latch point per point of Hull Coefficient; may buy at a lower coefficient.

===Engineering Equipment===
'''DP Cannon'''
:Spaces: 4
:PIP cost:
:Power: 2
:CIP cost:
:Range 16, accuracy +2, penetration +3, Strength +3, Burst Bonus +3

'''Small Railcannon'''
:Spaces: 5
:PIP cost:
:Power: 4
:CIP cost:
:Range 16, accuracy -1, penetration +7, Strength +7, Damage 2
'''Medium Railcannon'''
:Spaces: 10
:Power: 8
:Range 24, accuracy -1, penetration +10, Strength +10, Damage 3, Burst -2
'''Large Railcannon'''
:Spaces: 20
:Power: 16
:Range 32, accuracy -2, penetration +15, Strength +15, Damage 4, Burst -2
'''Linear Cannon'''
:Spaces: 5
:Power: 10
:Range 40, accuracy +0, penetration +6, Strength +6, AP Bonus +8
'''Siege Railcannon'''
:Spaces: 50
:Power: 20
:Range 60, accuracy -10, penetration +?, Strength +?, Damage:d10+10, Warm-up:1, Cool-down:1
====Energy Weapons====
'''Small Pulse Cannon'''
:Spaces: 4
:Power: 8
:Range 12, accuracy +2, penetration +2, Strength +6, Burst Bonus +3, Damage 2
'''Medium Pulse Cannon'''
:Spaces: 8
:Power: 16
:Range 20, accuracy +0, penetration +5, Strength +9, Burst Bonus +1, Damage 3
'''Large Pulse Cannon'''
:Spaces: 16
:Power: 32
:Range 26, accuracy -2, penetration +10, Strength +11, Burst Bonus -1, Damage 4
'''Small Beam Cannon'''
:Spaces: 4
:Power: 8
:Range 20, accuracy -1, penetration +5, Strength +7, Damage 2
'''Medium Beam Cannon'''
:Spaces: 8
:Power: 16
:Range 30, accuracy -3, penetration +8, Strength +10, Damage 3, Burst -2
'''Large Beam Cannon'''
:Spaces: 16
:Power: 32
:Range 40, accuracy -5, penetration +13, Strength +12, Damage 4, Burst -4
====Mega Particle Weapons====
'''Small Mega Particle Cannon'''
:Spaces: 3
:Power: 16
:Range 16, accuracy -4, penetration +8, Strength +8, AP Bonus +6, Damage 3, Burst -1
'''Medium Mega Particle Cannon'''
:Spaces: 6
:Power: 32
:Range 24, accuracy -6, penetration +11, Strength +11, AP Bonus +8, Damage 4, Burst -3
'''Large Mega Particle Cannon'''
:Spaces: 12
:Power: 64
:Range 32, accuracy -8, penetration +16, Strength +13, AP Bonus +10, Damage 5, Burst -5
====Special Energy Weapons====
'''Burst Cannon'''
:Spaces: 2
:Power: 4
:Range 12, accuracy +0, penetration +1, Strength +0, Burst Bonus +8
'''Beam Sweeper'''
:Spaces: 2
:Power: 4
:Range 20, accuracy +0, penetration +0, Strength -3, Burst Bonus +9
'''Plasma Cannon'''
:Spaces: 5
:Power: 10
:Range 8, accuracy -3, penetration +8, Strength +12, AP Bonus +10, Damage 4
:Spaces: 100
:Power: 30
:Range 70, accuracy -12, penetration +?, Strength +?, Megabeam, Damage:d10x6, Warm-up:2, Cool-down:2
'''Positron Cannon'''
:Spaces: 20
:Power: 50
:Range 50, accuracy -10, penetration +?, Strength +?, Damage:d10+10, Warm-up:1, Cool-down:1
'''Cluster Missile Launcher'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range 8, accuracy +10, penetration +2, Strength +0, Guided +8, ROF 3
'''Anti-Air Missile Launcher'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range 25, accuracy +10, penetration +3, Strength +0, Guided +13
'''Strike Missile Launcher'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range 25, accuracy +7, penetration +7, Strength +5, Guided +5
'''Anti-Ship Missile Launcher'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range 80, accuracy -2, penetration +12, Strength +12, Guided +5, Damage 4
'''Heavy Anti-Ship Missile Launcher'''
:Spaces: 10
:Range 80, accuracy -5, penetration +15, Strength +15, Guided +5, Damage 8
'''Leap Missile Launcher'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range SPECIAL, accuracy -2, penetration +12, Strength +12, Guided +5, Damage 4
'''USASF Mk 16 Remote Drones'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range 12, accuracy +18, penetration +0, Strength +0, Remote, ROF 2
'''Transbaal Type-Four Funnels'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range 12, accuracy +16, penetration +2, Strength +0, Remote, ROF 2
'''ACLS Wardens'''
:Spaces: 5
:Range 4, accuracy +20, penetration +2, Strength +0, Remote, ROF 3
'''Burst-Modal Variant Fire'''
:Spaces:  0
:Increases cost
:For Railguns and Mega Particle Guns
:Range x0.67, accuracy +0, penetration -3, Strength -3, Burst Bonus +5
:Spaces:  0
:Increases cost
:For Beams and Pulse weapons
:Allows weapons to change between Beam and Pulse mode.
'''Alpha Capacitor'''
:Spaces:  0
:Increases cost
:Provides +1 Shot w/ +1 ROF, rechargeable
'''Fusion Thrusters'''
:Spaces: 2 x Engineering Coefficient
:Power: 4 x Engineering Coefficient
:+1 Mobility, +0.5 Evasion

'''Jump Drive'''
'''Jump Drive'''
:Spaces: 0.25 x Engineering Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 1 x Engineering Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Does not require a construction slot

'''Fission Reactor'''
'''Flak Guns'''
:Spaces: 1
:PIP cost:
:Power Output: 8
:CIP cost:

'''Fusion Reactor'''
:Spaces: 1
:PIP cost:
:Power Output: 15
:CIP cost:

'''Forced Fusion Reactor'''
'''Burst Guns'''
:Spaces: 1
:PIP cost:
:Power Output: 20
:CIP cost:

'''Cluster Missiles'''
'''Belted Armor'''
:PIP cost:
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +2, Structure +0.5, Hits +1 x Hull Coefficient

'''Depleted Uranium Armor'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Armor +2, Structure +1, Hits +1.5 x Hull Coefficient, -0.33 Mobility
:CIP cost:

'''Belted Iridium Armor'''
'''Electrothermal Cannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Armor +2.33, Structure +1, Hits +2 x Hull Coefficient, -0.33 Mobility
:CIP cost:
:Size:  Medium

'''Double-Bonded Lunar Titanium Armor'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Armor +2.25, Structure +1.5, Hits +2 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Size:  Medium

'''Laminate Armor'''
'''Pulse Cannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Armor +2.5, Structure +0.5, Hits +0.5 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Size:  Medium

'''Anti-Beam Laminate'''
'''Beam Cannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Armor +2, Structure +0.5, Hits +0.5 x Hull Coefficient, +0.5 AP (energy) Protection
:CIP cost:
:Size:  Medium

'''Polarized Laminate'''
'''Mega Particle Cannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 2 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +2.5, Structure +0.5, Hits +0.5 x Hull Coefficient, +0.5 AP (energy) Protection
:Size:  Medium

'''Bistate Polarized Laminate'''
'''Anti-Ship Electrothermal Cannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 2 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +2.5, Structure +0.75, Hits +1 x Hull Coefficient, +0.5 AP (energy) Protection
:Size:  Large

'''Phase Shift Laminate'''
'''Anti-Ship Railcannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 2 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +2.5, Structure +0.5, Hits +0.5 x Hull Coefficient, +0.5 AP (kinetic) Protection
:Size:  Large

'''Trans-Phase Laminate'''
'''Anti-Ship Beam Cannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +2.5, Structure +0.75, Hits +1 x Hull Coefficient, +0.5 AP (kinetic) Protection
:Size:  Large

'''Variable Phase Polarization Laminate'''
'''Anti-Ship Mega Particle Cannons'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +2.75, Structure +1, Hits +1 x Hull Coefficient, +0.5 AP Protection
:Size:  Large

'''Structural Reinforcement'''
'''Multistage Cannon'''
:Spaces: 2 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Structure +3, Hits +2 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Size:  Super

'''Siege Driver'''
'''Scattering Field'''
:PIP cost:
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Power: 8 x Hull Coefficient
:Size:  Super
:Armor +4, Evasion -1, -1 Sensors/ECM, +4 AP Protection

'''Flash Field'''
'''Converging Beam Cannon'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 8 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +3, Evasion +0.5, +3 AP Protection
:Size:  Super

'''Static Field'''
'''Positron Cannon'''
:Spaces: 1 x Hull Coefficient
:PIP cost:
:Power: 8 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
:Armor +3, Structure +1, +3 AP Protection
:Size:  Super

'''Passive Stealth'''
:PIP cost:
:Spaces: 3 x Hull Coefficient
:CIP cost:
'''Charge Launcher'''
:Spaces: 1 + 0.5 x Hull Coefficient
::Smoke Charge:  +3 Evasion, -5 Sensors, +1 Stealth
::Anti-Beam Charge+5 Armor (energy only), -3 Sensors, -2 Stealth

'''Antishipping Missile Bay'''
:PIP cost:
:Spaces: 1
:CIP cost:
::A typical mobile suit takes 4 spaces
:Shots equal to weapon coefficient

'''External Latch'''
'''Leap Missile Bay'''
:Spaces: 2
:PIP cost:
:For every 50% of Hull Coefficient, required space doubles
:CIP cost:
:Shots equal to weapon coefficient

Revision as of 01:21, 19 January 2011


Ship Construction Test Builds

Ship Hulls

Main Combatants


Hull coefficient: 1
Engineering Coefficient: 1
Weapon Coefficient: 1
Craft Bay Size: 2
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:


Hull coefficient: 2
Engineering Coefficient: 2
Weapon Coefficient: 2
Craft Bay Size: 4
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:


Hull coefficient: 4
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Weapon Coefficient: 4
Craft Bay Size: 8
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:


Hull coefficient: 8
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Weapon Coefficient: 8
Craft Bay Size: 16
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:


Light Carrier

Hull coefficient: 5
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Weapon Coefficient: 2
Craft Bay Size: 10
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:
Starts with 40 Craft Space

Fleet Carrier

Hull coefficient: 10
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Weapon Coefficient: 4
Craft Bay Size: 20
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:
Starts with 100 Craft Space

Aviation Combatants

Aviation Escort

Hull coefficient: 2
Engineering Coefficient: 2
Weapon Coefficient: 2
Craft Bay Size: 4
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:
Each expansion also adds +4 automatic craft space.

Aviation Cruiser

Hull coefficient: 5
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Weapon Coefficient: 4
Craft Bay Size: 8
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:
Each expansion also adds +8 automatic craft space.

Aviation Battleship

Hull coefficient: 10
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Weapon Coefficient: 8
Craft Bay Size: 16
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:
Each expansion also adds +16 automatic craft space.



Hull coefficient: 1
Engineering Coefficient: 2
Weapon Coefficient: 2
Craft Bay Size: N/A
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:
Takes up 2 external hardpoints

Heavy Gunship

Hull coefficient: 3
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Weapon Coefficient: 4
Craft Bay Size: N/A
PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Expansion PIP cost:
Expansion CIP cost:
Takes up 4 external hardpoints


Any equipment with the notation "Size: Medium" requires a minimum coefficient of 2, and if fitted on a ship with coefficient 1 takes up 2 spaces and costs double. Any equipment with the notation "Size: Large" requires a minimum coefficient of 4, and if fitted on a ship with coefficient 2 takes up 2 spaces and costs double. Any equipment with the notation "Size: Super" requires a minimum coefficient of 8, and if fitted on a ship with coefficient 4 takes up 2 spaces and costs double.

General Equipment

Hangar Bays

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Cost coefficient is equal to the number of deck points each bay provides.

External Latches (cost is per)

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
May buy one latch point for every 2 points of Hull Coefficient without requiring a construction slot.

Hull Equipment


PIP cost:
CIP cost:


PIP cost:
CIP cost:


PIP cost:
CIP cost:


PIP cost:
CIP cost:

Additional External Latches

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
1 Latch point per point of Hull Coefficient; may buy at a lower coefficient.

Engineering Equipment


PIP cost:
CIP cost:


PIP cost:
CIP cost:

Jump Drive

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Does not require a construction slot


Flak Guns

PIP cost:
CIP cost:


PIP cost:
CIP cost:

Burst Guns

PIP cost:
CIP cost:

Cluster Missiles

PIP cost:
CIP cost:


PIP cost:
CIP cost:

Electrothermal Cannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Medium


PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Medium

Pulse Cannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Medium

Beam Cannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Medium

Mega Particle Cannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Medium

Anti-Ship Electrothermal Cannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Large

Anti-Ship Railcannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Large

Anti-Ship Beam Cannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Large

Anti-Ship Mega Particle Cannons

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Large

Multistage Cannon

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Super

Siege Driver

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Super

Converging Beam Cannon

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Super

Positron Cannon

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Super


PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Size: Super

Antishipping Missile Bay

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Shots equal to weapon coefficient

Leap Missile Bay

PIP cost:
CIP cost:
Shots equal to weapon coefficient