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(Anything inside carrots is a placeholder until I think up a better name.) Fmr [[TALongshots]]
(Anything inside carrots is a placeholder until I think up a better name.) Fmr [[TALongshots]]

Revision as of 08:45, 21 October 2010

(Anything inside carrots is a placeholder until I think up a better name.) Fmr TALongshots


--Beta. History in Reverse.

387AC (After colonization) - Present Day. (See: #Society)

0 Colony Arrives at Liamaguese 857. They rename the system pronto, but do not announce the rename for fear of attacks from pirates.

Protagonist's History


Preflight History

In -34 (as measured agins't the colony ship's departure,) the protagonist wrote a memoir, but called it fiction to hide it's true nature. Despite this, her lover of several years already knew the truth, but did not wish to bring undue attention to her or the protagonist. Despite this, she did reveal the truth to a fellow transhuman she knew on the planet's internet. When her friend suggested a colony ship much like one written about in the memoir (of the sublight variety) in a section of the pirate's memoirs detailing a attack of a sublight ship to get resources needed by her own ship. (And dealing with various technological items.)

Several others were brought in on secret because the protagonist's lover requested them to be brought in on it. Both her lover, and her associated began speculation almost immediatly about forming a colony away from the hatred and the lies of the world they lived on. Despite this, the Protagonist was still skeptical until her lover was attacked by a random Heteronormative Crusader who kidnaps her.

The Crusader sends the Protagonist a video of him violating her lover, calling her specifically various names while claiming repeadiatly that he is trying to 'restore' her normalative traits. She watches the scene in a dark room, not wanting others to see the video. The Protagonist finds herself suffering a Heroic BSOD when watching these. While she does not lsiten to those awful video's, she begins to enter a Tranquil Fury, and breaks her vow not to revisit her ship. Combat Aesthetic is recognized and Misty takes great pleasure in revisiting old rituals of preperation for combat. She has her portable rocket launcher, her combat rifle, as well as a very wicked dagger she has instead of a knife. During this preperation, she finds herself in a Tranquil Fury, and hunts down the Crusader. After quietly dealing with him, she takes her lover back home and realizes that leaving her adopted homeworld ) is perhaps the best option available. She spends several weeks alone in her home while taking care of her wife. She finally comes out and tells her friends (whop were holding a olnine virgil) that she has made a decision. [Idea: I get the image of her holding A cellphone up and texting that she has made a decision to one of her friends. -haha] After making her decision she leaves her adopted world and travels to a neighboring system using some loot she had hidden in the outsystem when she had been on the journey to her adopted homeworld. While in the neighboring system she purchased a high radiation (resistant) armored colonization ship, and was told the delivery time would be two years. She also picks up several items of great value (gems and diamonds) and plans on using them to accquire wealth locally so she can set up a program to train the colonists she is sending to another world.

History of the colony

A Period

A1) Separatists (+1250 military) They escaped <world a>, and so built military equipment to defend themselves in the wasteland they ran to. (Also to check if they were followed there and defend agins't piracy.)

A2)Transhuman (+25 transgene) They were already modified somewhat when they left their origin world.

A3) No World (+shipbuilding) The system they fled to was known as a hellish place with little of the way of aids to a colony's survival. They went there anyways, partly to avoid pirates who would be busy with lesser targets. Partly to discourage followers from following them. The followers came anyways. (See next entry.)

B Period

B1) The New Men (+60 population, +25 transgene) Ironically, this is known as the event when when a ship of Baselines entered the system from the origin system. A freak chance happening woke them up late after their ship had arrived. They were easy pickings for the boarders trained as part of the space navy. The colony was 'fascist' (considered necessary to control the entire economy to help set up in the hellish system) and easily latched on to 'hatred of baselines' and using them as 'assistance to setting up a colony'.

They were enslaved. (Even if it didn't make economic sense at first.) They were forced to work to help protect and set up the station the Overmensch live in. Then their own station was worked on, litte more than a quickly dug series of tunnels in a large astroid their ship provided the shielding for.

Experments were made to increase the transgenic state of the main Overmensch population using some of the new slave population. (Which was woken as needed from their ship.)

B2) Military Action (+1250 military, +doctrines) The military side of the Enslavement. It grew in leaps and bounds to keep a tight collar on the newly made slaves.

C Period

C1) Ideological Purity (++morale, +100 PIP, -relations) Sieg Heil! Fascism survives thanks to having something to oppress! Now it continues forever.

C2) Social Management (+morale, +25 transgene) Social controls increased. (And cultural norms tightened.) More experments means more transgene.

C3) Supermen (+25 transgene, +doctrines) More Transgene tweaks (conventional science finally paying off), military formalizes doctrines.

Chaotic Event) Freaks (+25 transgene, -60 pop) Continued research on slaves helps more modificatiolns be applied to the ruling class.


(Needs to be translated from Sphere-stats.)

150 population

100 fabricators

400 PIP

200 CIP

200 Wealth

150 Delta Dust

12,500 military+1,250+1,250

15 SP (All TG)

162.5 Transgene (w/SP)







The colonists who came to Y

Int - Characters from the colony station and it's system are all Geniuses. If not specifically mliltary characters, they have a 80% chance of looking like G:tT characters. (Infact they may be both!) They also have one of the more sympathetic villain tropes applied. (If they are nto sympatnetic then.. they die in whatever story they are in. Just keep in mind the colony has only 30 million yet, and is rather 'small'.)

Soc - Society is strongly structured around work areas and 'outside conduct', IE: Conduct of persons outside 'personal settings/relationships'. When meeting a personal relation of any emotional merit, the customs are 'restrained', yet it is easy to 'change gears' and switching to personal interaction.

To note, there is no 'norms' for personal interaction other than you should not have many people (and even then only those you trust) there while interacting in a relationship.

(to be fluffed later...)

Apperance 5 Reflexes 2 Stamina 2


After five years of setting up a colony (the colonists were still not done) another ship approached their system. (Known because of the engine flare of the slowing ship.) Before they left, the origin world had played host to a very... negative group of people who fulfilled the trope of heteronormalative crusaders. These counter revolutionaries and baseline supremacists damanded to various degrees that all who were not 'baseline' (normal human as seen locally - a great divergance from H. S. Sapiens in reality.)

These people made a plan to follow the colonists and awaken before entering the system and 'alpha strike' the colony in it's formative stages. This did not work due to the 'alarm' meant to awaken the crew being set to awaken them ten years after entering the system. Taking advantage of this, the fascists laughed at the broken alarm when they finally boarded the craft after it had arrived in the system, and with the hatred for the heteronormals that the first generation of colonists had (those who had been frozen for the journey), mixed with a proto-fascist movement meant to control production until survival was assured, and they selectively woke up the baselines using them as slaves in protective gear while various activities were performed in the Ubermensch's own formative station. Their existence, and various militaristic and crusader literature on the craft cemented the desire to enslave the baselines and have them do the most dangerous work.

In the 'Present', 381 AC, the slaves are baseline humans with control collars which also monitor everything the people do and say but this is not acted upon until a excuse is given via other more noticeable means. They were allowed to build a asteroid colony for themselves to live in and their efforts in the various 'roids of the system have given them radiation resistance to a insane degree. Adults are taken from this colony for long periods and worked in the roids mining various materials for the Ubermensch. Some roids are taken back to be stripmined by teenagers to train them for later astroid mining in life, as well as letting them remain with some schooling during the mornings. Popular for smaller roids is mining gems and jewels.

When alone, they mostly are quiet, and sedimentary. (The collars inject personalized hormone suppressive treatments tailored to the amount of natural hormones in each person.) They cannot breed, with slaves who are thusly suppressed being the ones to be forced to work. In some deep tunnels, non-supressed baselines live, without needing to be taken as slaves. They live their lives there, and can raid the slaves' compounds in the larger caverns in their asteroid colony.