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Mopeyennui (talk | contribs)
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Mopeyennui (talk | contribs)
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Int - Characters from the colony station and it's system are all Geniuses. If not specifically mliltary characters, they have a 80% chance of looking like G:tT characters. (Infact they may be both!) They also have one of the more sympathetic villain tropes applied. (If they are nto sympatnetic then.. they die in whatever story they are in. Just keep in mind the colony has only 30 million yet, and is rather 'small'.)
Int - Characters from the colony station and it's system are all Geniuses. If not specifically mliltary characters, they have a 80% chance of looking like G:tT characters. (Infact they may be both!) They also have one of the more sympathetic villain tropes applied. (If they are nto sympatnetic then.. they die in whatever story they are in. Just keep in mind the colony has only 30 million yet, and is rather 'small'.)

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To note, there is no 'norms' for personal interaction other than you should not have many people (and even then only those you trust) there while interacting in a relationship.
To note, there is no 'norms' for personal interaction other than you should not have many people (and even then only those you trust) there while interacting in a relationship.
(to be fluffed later...)
Apperance 5
Reflexes 2
Stamina 2

Revision as of 16:14, 12 October 2010

(Anything inside carrots is a placeholder until I think up a better name.)


Precolony History

History of the colony

A1) Seperatists (+1250 military) They escaped <world a>, and so built military equipment to defend themselves in the wasteland they ran to. (Also to check if they were followed there.)

A2)Transhuman (+25 transgene) They were already modified somewhat when they left their origin world.

A3) No World (+shipbuilding) The system they fled to was known as a hellish place with little of the way of aides to a colony's survival. They went there anyways, partly to avoid pirates who would be busy with lesser targets.

B1) The New Men (+60 population, +25 transgene) Ironically, this is known as a time when when a ship of Baselines entered the system from the origin system. A freak chance happening woke them up late after their ship had arrived. They were easy pickings for the boarders trained as part of the space navy. The colony was in the middle of a preplanned 'fascist' phase of the local economy to help set up in the hellish system.

They were enslaved. (Even if it didn't make economic sense at first.) They were forced to work to help protect and set up the station the Overmensch live in.

Experments were made to increase the transgenic state of the main population using some of the new slave population. (Which was woken as needed from their ship.)

B2) Military Action (+1250 military, +doctrines) The military side of the Enslavement.

C1) Ideological Purity (++morale, +100 PIP, -relations) Sieg Heil! Fascism survives thanks to having something to oppress!

C2) Social Management (+morale, +25 transgene) Social controls increased. (And cultural norms tightened.) More experments means more transgene.

C3) Supermen (+25 transgene, +doctrines) More Transgene tweaks (conventional science finally paying off), military formalizes doctrines.

Chaotic Event) Freaks (+25 transgene, -60 pop) Continued research on slaves helps more modificatiolns be applied to the ruling class.

Totals 150 population 100 fabricators 400 PIP 200 CIP 200 Wealth 150 Delta Dust 12,500 military+1,250+1,250 15 SP (All TG) 162.5 Transgene (w/SP) +Shipbuilding +++Morale ++doctrines -relations



Int - Characters from the colony station and it's system are all Geniuses. If not specifically mliltary characters, they have a 80% chance of looking like G:tT characters. (Infact they may be both!) They also have one of the more sympathetic villain tropes applied. (If they are nto sympatnetic then.. they die in whatever story they are in. Just keep in mind the colony has only 30 million yet, and is rather 'small'.)

Soc - Society is strongly structured around work areas and 'outside conduct', IE: Conduct of persons outside 'personal settings/relationships'. When meeting a personal relation of any emotional merit, the customs are 'restrained', yet it is easy to 'change gears' and switching to personal interaction.

To note, there is no 'norms' for personal interaction other than you should not have many people (and even then only those you trust) there while interacting in a relationship.

(to be fluffed later...)

Apperance 5 Reflexes 2 Stamina 2
