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===Heaven's Shore===
===Heaven's Shore===
In Core media Heaven's Shore is a post apocalyptic wasteland filled with starving masses kept in conditions that would have been thought shocking in the 20th century, ruled by a corrupt and oppressive transgenic elite who's evil varies between Crime Boss and Magnate super villain. The poor oppressed are falling over themselves to help any Core infiltrators they might run across. Priests, clerics and young widows or widowers to the regimes horrible oppression are the most likely to help. Robot patrols and military police with faceless sinister helmets are everywhere.  
In Core media Heaven's Shore is a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with starving masses kept in conditions that would have been thought shocking in the 20th century, ruled by a corrupt and oppressive transgenic elite who's evil varies between Crime Boss and Magnate super villain. The poor oppressed are falling over themselves to help any Core infiltrators they might run across. Priests, clerics and young widows or widowers to the regimes horrible oppression are the most likely to help. Robot patrols and military police with faceless sinister helmets are everywhere.  
Meantime in ZOCU media Heaven's Shore is happy if rather poor, with any excesses of its regime being passed off, as the Londeners say, as high spirits. Heavenites tend to be scrappy, can do and without the chip on their shoulder they tend to have in real life, while servants of the government are stern but ultimately fair and wanting what's best for the people, with only a few bad apples who the main character can route out.  
Meantime in ZOCU media Heaven's Shore is happy if rather poor, with any excesses of its regime being passed off, as the Londeners say, as high spirits. Heavenites tend to be scrappy, can do and without the chip on their shoulder they tend to have in real life, while servants of the government are stern but ultimately fair and wanting what's best for the people, with only a few bad apples who the main character can route out.

Revision as of 12:49, 2 August 2010


ZOCU is a big feature of the media these days. We seem to have replaced the Magnates as the enemy from space in Core media (I wonder why :)) and obviously ZOCU the organisation features in a lot of our own media. Even the League talks about us pretty often.

In Core media ZOCU, especially ZCM tend to be generic badguys in cool uniform, with a some colour provided by the more foreign (to the Core) members. ZOCU military forces are structured like those old side scrolling space shooters, tons of crappy low tech fluff and then giant wacky posthuman super weapons that the plucky core pilots must destroy by hitting its one weak spot.

ZOCU people are always transgenes (except for oppressed masses) even on worlds where there's large numbers of prosperous baselines. These Transgenes are physically strong, but not actually better fighters. They're fast, but like a robot. They can think like computers, but lack wit and cunning. They're beautiful, but not charismatic.

In ZOCU media, ZOCU organisations are on the side of good if sometimes a bit misguided. ZCM are the elite and you don't mess with them. There seems to be a trope in political drama that you have to solve The Crisis before the rest of ZOCU steps in. I'm not sure where this comes from, probably Heaven's Shore.

Most ZOCU media tends to play up the similarities between different ZOCU states, and present them as good in as much as they fit in with one another's system, even if they're a bit weird. For instance Harawayan media tends to regard Kanon as great except for its funny aristocracy. This can get very contradictory and sometimes actively offensive, especially when ZOCU writers attempt to represent one another's social issues (Londenium Writers I'm looking at you about the caste system) or aristocracies (For some reason all aristocrats in Harawayan media are funny incompetents unless they're hot princess love interests.)


Nobody really talks about Atlantis. It's more of a setting than anything, a place of friendly people where ZOCU spacers rest, or Core spies go to have amazing adventurers in casino with scantily clad Kanonian princesses.

For some reason in ZOCU media Atlantians have been pigeonholed as the comic relief sidekick.


Choson varies. In US and Corregidor Media Chosonese tend to be slant eyed pop up targets, capable of stopping good guy mooks but unable to hold for even a minute against any heroes that may turn up.

Interestingly, in Korean Media, Chosonese forces are all insane ubermenchan who train all day, murder prisoners as part of this training and spend the rest of their time wrestling drones while naked, and capable of gunning down dozens of SWAT troopers in running battles through the core cities they're almost always terrorising.

The ZOCU portrayal is pretty close to the Korean one, Chosonese are all ridiculously badasses who are unable to show an emotion and (depending on the genre) eventually learn to respect their other ZOCU buddy, eventually end up in bed with their other ZOCU buddy, or die heroically resisting impossible odds.


There's an underlying resentment about Hampshire in ZOCU media. They tend to be a bit similar to European stereotypes of people from the United States. Loud, rich, brash and sometimes witless, if ultimately perhaps well meaning. Rich Hampshirite tourists are a common Trope. Often the Hampshirite will act like a jerk, though perhaps a useful one that can acquire all manner of stuff, then have them come through for the team in the end, or sometimes not as in ESA.

In the Core, betrayal dominates the themes around Hampshire. The USA especially simply does not get why Hampshire wanted to be independent. Hampshirites tend to be portrayed as dupes of their own transhuman elite and the rest of ZOCU, sometimes honourable, and often shot dead by the Harawayan or Chosonese political officer after realising the error of their ways.


Core Media tends to portray Harawayans as crazy and evil. PACT seems to be more into the whole "Seduce a Harawayan (usually a poor oppressed red) into the wonders of mansex (or occasionally bisexuality)" than the EU. Indeed there's actually a pretty solid distinction between EU and PACT Media about Haraway. In PACT Harawayans tend to be exotic eye candy on ZOCU teams, often acting as henchwoman to a Kanonese princess or duchess if they have speaking parts, and elite mooks if they don't. Meantime European media tends to portray Harawayans as facelessly, silently evil, usually only appearing in the climax of a movie that isn't set on Haraway, almost invisible when they want to be and utterly immune to loss. This high morale of course means lots of almost suicidal attacks and human waves. In general there's something of an insect motif in EU portrayals of the World. They do terrible things to prisoners but you rarely see them doing it, just the remains of the unfortunates who got captured, usually impaled on something phallic.

ZOCU Media is more positive, especially New Mercian Media, where Harawayans tend to be slightly weird but competent and well meaning, as well as being overpaid and skirt chasing. Londenium media tends to frown a lot about Harawayan castes, and portray us as rather aggressive and possibly unhinged but incredibly brave. The rest of ZOCU tends to follow along, though Kanon seems to have a real problem with our political system.

Heaven's Shore

In Core media Heaven's Shore is a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with starving masses kept in conditions that would have been thought shocking in the 20th century, ruled by a corrupt and oppressive transgenic elite who's evil varies between Crime Boss and Magnate super villain. The poor oppressed are falling over themselves to help any Core infiltrators they might run across. Priests, clerics and young widows or widowers to the regimes horrible oppression are the most likely to help. Robot patrols and military police with faceless sinister helmets are everywhere.

Meantime in ZOCU media Heaven's Shore is happy if rather poor, with any excesses of its regime being passed off, as the Londeners say, as high spirits. Heavenites tend to be scrappy, can do and without the chip on their shoulder they tend to have in real life, while servants of the government are stern but ultimately fair and wanting what's best for the people, with only a few bad apples who the main character can route out.


In the Core, Ithacians are basically Magnates except aristocratic. There's not really much more to be said than that.

In ZOCU Media Ithacians have a complicated, noblesse oblige relationship with their bioroids where both sides treat one another with singular kindness and curtsey. Depending on the media the nobles maybe competent gentlewomen leaders fiercely loyal to their manufactured troops or chinless wonders, kept safe by the fact their bioroids (who wield the actual power) are significantly smarter than they are.


Whether Core or ZOCU, nobody seems to be able to escape how damn sexy Kanonians are. The unattainable Kanonite noblewoman or nobleman seems to be universally popular as an image. In Core media this tends to have a dark side, with cruel, haughty but undeniably attractive Kanonian nobles with peculiar senses of honour but also a ridiculous amount of sadism being a staple of Core films, both action and even other genres (There seems to be a subgenre of romances developing Kanonian villains or villainous love interests in Japan).

ZOCU portrayal is more positive, though Haraway and Hampshire have an underlying dislike of aristocracy which shines through in their portrayals of Kanon. The Kanonian in ZOCU media is wise, though perhaps rather stern, even cruel, or the warmly heroic prince or princess of myth. Very little is said about the Kanonian lower class, even in the Core, and watching the media one can get the impression that Kanon is 100% made up of dukes and princesses.


New Mercia










New Silesia





Canadians are British.

United States of America


Daedalus Republic


Sao Galvao


Van Lang



Still Evil. Still Nazis.






