Mirland Quest: Difference between revisions

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:*Owns pieces of iron disc of evil
:*Owns pieces of iron disc of evil
:*Owns platinum elven discs of magical & magical lore (untranslated)
:*Owns platinum elven discs of magical & magical lore (untranslated)
:*Owns witch hat

Revision as of 14:59, 19 July 2010


For eight hundred years the small kingdom of Mirland has known relative tranquillity and peace There have been a few rebellions and small wars between rival noble houses, a few battles with the marauding creatures of the hinter, the uncivilised area at the edge of the valley, but in general nothing has disturbed the inhabitants since they were driven here so long ago.

Now however trouble is in the air however. The young Queen Isendra has experienced several terrible nightmares about a dark cloud coming over the Savannah that surrounds the kingdom and devouring all. Several other seers have experienced similar nightmares, and it is clear something awful is afoot. In order to investigate this and also to scout the Savannah and allow the royal army to operate there should the need arrive, Queen Isendra has dispatched a small band of scouts and adventurers to the Savannah to map and explore the land and perhaps find and stop the evil which she fees is fast approaching.


Much pre-Mirland history is lost, as many books and much lore was left behind in what must have been the panicked flight from the dark. It is known that the folk who formed the kingdom of Mirland once lived far across the Savannah to the north, but some great darkness came upon their kingdom and the people fled, using what magic they could muster to speed their flight, and managed to outdistance any pursuit, coming eventually to the valley which is now Mirland. The valley was found to be fertile and its climate pleasant, with natural water gushing up from a set of great underground springs to form the great crystal clear lake next to what is now the capital.

Many felt the valley was a blessing from the goddess, and it was decided to settle there. The sorceresses and priestesses set about using all their remaining art and many of the objects of power they had bought to create a massive set of wards around the valley, hiding it from any prying eyes that might have followed them and warding against various evils. At each of the three corners of the valley they set a statue of the goddess, anchoring the wards and keeping eternal vigil across the seemingly endless grasslands.

The people settled into Mirland, grew and prospered. Mostly the queens who ruled them were wise and good, though as always there were a few exceptions. In general, things went on as things will as the land grew and prospered. The wild creatures that lived in the hinter were driven back or tamed, great cathedrals and castles were elected, and new feats of art and science were discovered.

The ascension of Queen Isendra

Queen Isendra is the second daughter of Queen Kasonia, and follows her older sister, Esmara to the throne. Esmara was an unwise queen, and dominated by her husband Duke Rolthan (some say he slipped her will weakening poison). Esmara seemed oblivious as a coalition of barons and lords formed with the intent to overthrow her, deaf to the pleas of her advisers and her younger sister.

The plotters moved against the capital after it was clear they'd been discovered, bringing an army to Lakeshore 'for the queen's protection' and seeking to take Isendra and the remaining scions of the royal house hostage. Isendra set about raising an army of her own to oppose them, and was able to win the support of both the Church and Arcane College. The Church excommunicated most of the barons and much of their army deserted, then Isendra's forces stormed the capital with the help of the mages of the Arcane College. Isendra's champion, Ser Alanna slew Rolthan in single combat in the great hall of the castle and those few barons who weren't slain were driven into the hinter, without men or support to be hunted down as outlaws over the next few years.

Esmara, heart broken by these events abdicated and went into seclusion with one of the many orders of priestesses serving the goddess, leaving Isendra to take the crown. Isendra cemented her position by creating the Royal Army, a force of foot and knights loyal only to the crown rather than any of the barons.

So far the young queen is unmarried, and it is thought that the crown may pass to her younger sister Irewen after she's gone.


Mirland is a large valley around containing a land area of about thirty thousand square miles. Its terrain is relatively gentle, mostly rolling hills and large forests of cypress, ash and oak trees. Large areas of cultivation extend around most towns and villages, which are often built around the natural springs and wells which provide the valley with water.

Mirland has a pleasant climate with hot summers and mild winters. It is ruled by the queen, whom all, eventually owe fealty, and by numerous landholding nobles, though many of these were weakened by the events of the baron's war and the formation of the royal army. They stay quiet however, as Queen Isendra has proven an excellent ruler: charming, fair, and stern when the need arises.

The merchants and peasants also love the young queen for the prosperity she has bought to the land, and few grumble at the taxes which go to pay for the Royal Army.

The Church is another major force in Mirland, owning much land and forming a spiritual centre of people's lives, healing the sick and providing help in times of need. The main cathedral of the goddess is the largest building in Lake Shore, the capital, and is built above the great blessed healing spring which is known (and has been repeatedly proven) to cure the disease of any who bath there. Bathing is something of a national past time in Mirland, and even the poorest visit the temple operated public baths at least once a week.

The state of learning in Mirland is slightly lower than one might expect given the little kingdom's prosperity. Much knowledge was lost in the flight, and while magic is legal, mages are often watched closely by the church, and certain types (such as necromancy) are banned completely on pain of death. Many lament the loss of knowledge, though others are simply working to recover it.


  • Liya the elementalist
  • Aptitudes: Magic, arcane learnings
  • Deficiencies: Physical, charisma
  • Can control but not create or transmute elements (yet)
  • Owns pieces of iron disc of evil
  • Owns platinum elven discs of magical & magical lore (untranslated)
  • Owns witch hat