Shu Izanagi: Difference between revisions

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Kerrus (talk | contribs)
Kerrus (talk | contribs)
Line 30: Line 30:
:<b>Willpower:</b> 4/6
:<b>Willpower:</b> 4/6
:<b>Quintessence:</b> 3/3
:<b>Quintessence:</b> 3/3
:<b>Experience:</b> 13/28
:<b>Experience:</b> 3/28
:<b>Languages:</b> Japanese, English
:<b>Languages:</b> Japanese, English

Revision as of 22:35, 11 March 2010

Shu Inazagi is Ninja- an assassin from the Meji Restoration period whom was thrown into the future en route to his target by unknown forces. Arriving nearly a hundred and fifty years later, his target had since died of old age, and almost everyone he knew was lost to the sands of time.

Trained in the Euthanatos Tradition, Shu plays the architypical noble assassin, although he is not without his share of secrets and shames. Out of time, he struggles to adapt to the modern world- but has also discovered that while a change in times has brought many changes to the world at large, his particular skillset is still extremely relevant. Rejoining the modern traditions, Shu seeks to identify the reason- and the cause- for his trip forward in time. He can never go back, but if there is any way to atone for his failures, he will seek it out.

A survivor by nature, he was raised by a famous assassin after the death of his family by slavers. Unused to the company of others, Shu knows that he can only truly rely on himself. It was during a mission under his master that Shu awoke, and became more than a simple assassin. A betrayal by an unknown party brought then young sleeper a hair's breadth away from death. Making contact with his avatar, the spirit of a powerful Shogunate warlord, Shu discovered a purpose that had previously been missing from his life. Duty forged him into a powerful weapon, and honour guided that weapon to strike he final blow.

Cast into the modern world, Shu struggles to reaffirm his sense of duty and justice with the realities of his current existence, and his now ancient failure. vowing not to fail again, Shu works to survive each day and advance his interests. He seeks the identity of his betrayer, and too follows his Avatar's shadowy goals- goals which are yet unknown to him.

Shu has successfully made his first step into the new world. Escaping the Technocracy with the aid of a like minded group (Kana, Team Japan), he has suffered a significant shock to his system, which has put him off his game. While still suffering from anachronism, Shu has taken the night to meditate on the current succession of events, and derive his next course of action from them. He has remembered that just because he's been zapped into the future does not negate the meaning of the old traditions, particularly his study of the ninja arts. Renewed in his conviction, Shu's current goals are to continue the work of the Euthanatos, advance his understanding of the martial arts (particularly Ki [magic]), and gather the materials needed to survive in this new world, as he is currently, in effect, penniless.

Shu has discovered that everything goes faster in the future, and decided that his largest priority is to train his ability to get out of the way until he is no longer as at risk from CRAZY FLYING ONI DOOMCHARIOTS. Unfortunately, this means he'll have to put off the advanced training in the Ki arts he had been planning on.

Luckily, he has been shopping with the party, and now has modern clothing, including the means to conceal his swords in public. He is also looking into procuring less visible armament, but still won't be enticed by firearms.

Basic Stats

Name: Shu Izanagi
Player: Kerrus
Nature: Survivor
Essence: Pattern
Demeanor: Judge (Regain Willpower when you solve a problem or mystery either through clues or debate or discourse)
Tradition: Euthanatos
Concept: Assassin from the Past (Meji Restoration/1860s)
HP: Full
Arete: 3
Willpower: 4/6
Quintessence: 3/3
Experience: 3/28
Languages: Japanese, English

Incognito: Silver Pocket Watch, Jade Dice.

NinjaMcNinja: Katana and Wakizashi.

Active Effects:



Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4 (Spec: Lightning Reflexes)
Stamina: 4 (Spec: Unkillable)


Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2


Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3


Alertness: 3
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 2
Dodge: 4 (Specialty: Sidestep)
Subterfuge: 3


Meditation: 2
Melee: 5 (Daisho)
Stealth: 3
Survival: 1


Investigation: 3
Medicine: 2
Linguistics: 1 (English)


Avatar: 3
Mentor: 1 (Nakazawa Takumi)
Arcane: 3


Entropy: 3
Time: 3


"Pocket Change": Enough money to get around Tokyo for a 1 month period.
Izanagi Clan Daisho (Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto)
Concealable Focii
Assorted clothing



Gear: Two swords, clothes on his back, foci, bag of two hundred year old ninja holstic medicines?

Merits & Flaws

Ambidextrous (1 point Merit)
You can perform tasks with your offhand at no penalty- such as wielding two weapons :D
Anachronism (2 Point Flaw) (2 point penalty when dealing with stuff outside his cultural knowledge. Lightbulbs? fine. Computers? less so)
Distorted Image (1 point flaw) (Images of your character do not appear... as your character. This manifests, for example, by images of your character depicting its shadow making rude gestures, or even your character appearing as a dragon or a shapeless horror. This is not so much of a problem to people who know what your character is as it is that the mall security cameras are showing Shiva the Destroyer in Housewares, Aisle 6.) [Manifests as Shu's shadow always holding a pair of drawn swords and swinging them around, regardless of what Shu is actually doing in the image]

XP Record

12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST) 3 XP (Linguistics: English) Mon, March 3rd, 10:00 (EST)