Glory Goat: Difference between revisions

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Peel (talk | contribs)
Line 64: Line 64:
:Striking Smackdown: 1 wp cost, 1 turn charge time, d10, +2 difficulty, 11B+[5], target must roll athletics at +3 diff or be knocked down/back
:Striking Smackdown: 1 wp cost, 1 turn charge time, d10, +2 difficulty, 11B+[5], target must roll athletics at +3 diff or be knocked down/back
:Grappling Smackdown: 1 wp cost, hold on turn 1, d10, 11B+[5] plus autoknockdown, half damage if roll failed and target can resist knockdown with athletics
:Grappling Smackdown: 1 wp cost, hold on turn 1, d10, 11B+[5] plus autoknockdown, half damage if roll failed and target can resist knockdown with athletics
:Block: d10
:Dodge: d10+[1]
====Health Levels====
====Health Levels====
:[ ][ ][ ][ ]: Bruised, -0
:[ ][ ][ ][ ]: Bruised, -0

Revision as of 16:35, 1 March 2010

Secret Origin!

Nature: Child



Strength: ●●●●● (Brutish) ● (Crush)

Brawl: 5
Throw: 5
Might: 5

Dexterity: ●●●●● (Nimble) ● (Perfect Balance)

Athletics: 5
Drive: 0
Firearms: 0
Legerdemain: 0
Martial Arts: 0
Melee: 0
Pilot: 0
Stealth: 3

Stamina: ●●●●● (Metabolism) ●●●●● (Resiliency)

Endurance: 5 [free]
Resistance: 5 [free]

Perception: ●●●●● (Peripheral Vision)

Awareness: 5
Investigation: 0

Intelligence: ●

Academics: 0
Bureaucracy: 0
Computer: 0
Engineering: 0
Intrusion: 0
Linguistics: 0 (English)
Science: 0
Medicine: 0
Survival: 0

Wits: ●●●

Arts: 0
Biz: 0
Rapport: 0

Appearance: ●●●●● (intimidating)

Intimidation: 5
Style: 0

Manipulation: ●●

Interrogation: 0
Streetwise: 0
Subterfuge: 2

Charisma: ●●

Animal Training: 0
Command: 0
Etiquette: 0
Perform: 0


Initiative: +9 Movement: walk 7m, run 18m, sprint 38m Willpower: 6/6 [3 np]
Quantum Energy: 28/28
Quantum: ●●●● [14 bp, 5 np]
Taint: ●●●●●
Soak: 15+1B/8+1L


Strike: d10, +0 difficulty, 7B+[5]
Kick: d10, +1 difficulty, 8B+[5]
Tackle: d10, +1 difficulty, 8B+[5], both roll athletics at +2 diff or suffer knockdown, target destabilised (+1 diff for next turn) on success
Striking Smackdown: 1 wp cost, 1 turn charge time, d10, +2 difficulty, 11B+[5], target must roll athletics at +3 diff or be knocked down/back
Grappling Smackdown: 1 wp cost, hold on turn 1, d10, 11B+[5] plus autoknockdown, half damage if roll failed and target can resist knockdown with athletics
Block: d10
Dodge: d10+[1]

Health Levels

[ ][ ][ ][ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Hurt, -0
[ ]: Injured, -0
[ ]: Wounded, -0
[ ]: Maimed, -0
[ ]: Crippled, -0
[ ]: Incapacitated


Ten Million Goatpower!

Mega-Strength 1 (Crush)
+5 automatic successes to close combat damage and relevant strength/might rolls
Can carry 100kg unencumbered
Deadlift 1000kg + 20% per sux on a might roll (without autosux)
Crush: May focus for a round and spend quantum (minimum 1) to convert unarmed damage to lethal damage and add one level per Q spent. The enhancement lasts for one strike.
Mega-Dexterity 1 (Perfect Balance)
Can dodge bullets without seeking cover or going prone.
Perfect Balance: Never loose footing, even when running along tightropes or fighting on a log sailing down rapids or the like.
Mega-Stamina 5 (Resiliency I)
Base value 5 for Endurance and Resistance.
x7 healing rate
Soak +5B +3L
-5 dice pool penalties from injury
+3 Maimed health levels.
Resiliency I: Double soak bonus from Mega-Stamina to +10B +6L


Cipher: ●●
Eufibre: ● [free]
Node: ●●●●●
Secret Origin!


(+6) Iron Will
(-5) Uneducated


Horizontal-Slit Eyes
Big Curly Horns

XP Track

Called 'Glory Goat': +3 (3)

XP Planning

Core objectives
Mstr 5 (5 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 50 XP)
Mdex 5 (5 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 50 XP)
Side dishes
Quantum Leap Mstr enhancement (5 XP)
Resiliency II Msta enhancement (5 XP)
Hardbody Msta enhancement (5 XP)
Regeneration Msta enhancement (5 XP)
Armour 5 (6 + 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 56 XP)
Mper 1 + Ultraperipheral Vision enhancement (6 XP)
WP 10 (6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 30 XP)
