Talk:Neo-Space Princess

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18th awakening of the Cibo twig of the Nivium branch family of Nestmile.
Icy New Life of the Neosiran Taiga on her first solo mission shepherding a self-piloting ship to Krill carrying 23,000 tons of raw gene-silk and unwittingly accepted an offer to be an approximately local guide to none other than the newly installed Margrave.
Hilarity almost certainly ensues.

  • Virtue: Probably immune to poison
  • Vice: Confusion and naivety
  • Rank: Not even a peasant but a foreigner!
  • Allies: None
  • Enemies/Rivals: None (?)
  • Aspirations and Goals: It seemed like fun and a good source of experiences, now just survive this pit of snakes (thankfully I'm probably immune to poison)
  • The Empire has good customers for things Nestmile produces.
    • It's all so very inefficient. Analogue controls, really?
    • The formatting of the Monadist faith demonstrates poor compatibility with the Salvation Code despite kernel-level equivalencies
  • Poison Resistance: Made of hyperplastics and composites
  • Feats of Strength: Cinematically absurd
  • Computer Hacking: Making it look easy
  • Melee Fighting: Electromagnetic Bajiquan
  • Sensorium: Did you know I can see through walls?
  • Drive Kernel Tuning: I can literally see Ahab Waves
  • Imperial Technology: Not her passion
  • Range Weaponry: A decent shot
  • Merchant: Mostly still book skill
  • Bureaucracy: Imperial functionaries are infuriating
  • Politicking: Naif
  • Protocol: Rapidly out of her depth
  • Streetwise: Rapidly out of her depth
  • Incorrect Assumptions: Top Marks

Colonel William Victor de Brightstar

Player: lokar

  • Virtue: Excellent Staff Officer
  • Vice: Alcohol, trouble, women
  • Minor Nobel Family (Baron)
  • Third in line for the title (So unlikely)
  • Allies: Colonel Eric de Brightstar (brother), Cadet Victoria Philippa de Brightstar (sister), Major General Hector Bermudez-Wu (mentor)
  • Enemies/Rivals: Colonel Henry Humphries de Brightstar (brother), Grand Duke al-Gramont, Major Katherine Marie Melio
  • A strong Empire is a healthy Empire
  • Aspirations and Goals: Ensure the smooth transition of Margrave's forces to a proper Imperial force, find a way back into the Core and obtain position in Grand Imperial General Staff and rise to top.
  • Mixed Economy (the Empire must ensure a steady flow of resources to the military to ensure its safety)
  • Space Easter/Space Christmas Space Catholic
  • Bureaucracy: Expert
  • Imperial Officer: Professional
  • Politicking: Professional
  • Protocol: Professional
  • Range Weaponry: Professional
  • Strategy/Tactics: Professional
  • Streetwise: Layman
  • Intelligence Gathering: Layman
  • Culture/History: Layman
  • Stay out of trouble: GOD AWFUL


  • Trial by fire in the final campaigns of the Federation Wars
  • Rising star (pun not intended) of the Imperial General Staff
  • L'affaire torride
  • Stuck nose where it didn't belong investigating corruption and illegal arms sales
  • Killed the son of Grand Duke al-Gramont, may be related to point #3 or #4 or both...